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Everything posted by mbrg

  1. He was ranked in the top 15 prospects by central scouting and was considered a decent steal in the 4th round. HEY NO FACTS! Every other GM in the history of sports has perfect draft picks except dirty mack! Sorry, sorry. Won't happen again.
  2. He was ranked in the top 15 prospects by central scouting and was considered a decent steal in the 4th round.
  3. They're wearing the royal blues in the pics from today's walk-thru.
  4. Yeah, not often a player gets knocked unconscious these days. He was out cold. Hope he doesn't have any lingering effects from that one.
  5. What I liked best about him is he did more than go around from PR event to PR event talking about about the easy and obvious things - potholes and crime. You're taking the tough stance of being opposed to those things? Shocking. Him and Oullette were the candidates who were talking about the future of Winnipeg, what it can be at the end of this decade and 2 decades from now. As someone who is always incredibly frustrated at how quickly heels get dug in at any notion of progress in this city, I was thrilled to finally have a candidate (or two) who agrees that we can be more than what we are, rather than just throwing their hands up in the air and crying why aren't we more?
  6. TEETH! Sorry, I don't do the cheap Rider jokes very often; every once in a while I have to give in to those urges. Hard to say. The question isn't really why, he's never risen up to be more than a PR guy, the question is why now? With 2 games left. The PR used to shrink back down at some point before the season ended in past years. I don't know if it still does under the new CBA. If so, maybe he's just the lowest on the totem of all our PR guys. If one of our reporters is smart enough to ask I'd imagine OShea will give an answer.
  7. And isn't that an interesting statement in and of itself. I don't have a horse in this race; Winnipeg is not the constituency I vote in, but it's silly to pretend that whomever wins will not impact my life. The goings on of Winnipeg affect all Manitoban's lives. That's the nature of being the capitol city of the province and home to roughly 75% of the population. There is tremendous sway. People serve in politics for a variety of reasons. Some have a vision. Some want change. Some want to feel powerful. Some want to serve for the public good. In the past I would have put Judy in the latter category. Regardless of how I feel about any person's stance on the political spectrum I normally will always respect them for serving to improve the lives of their constituents. This time around the only feeling I get from Judy is that she's now what I'd classify as a career politician. She's doing this because this is all she knows. She used to make a lot of money doing it, now she doesn't, and she'd like to go back to making that taxpayer money. I don't think she'd make a bad mayor because her intentions are generally good, more like a nothing mayor, happy to go thru the motions and take home a 6 figure salary. She'll probably win. The anti-Katz people feel like that should translate to being pro-Judy, and her Dr Seuss-ian name recognition is off the charts. To me nothing about her campaign has felt like she has a vision for this city, more like she should get the job because she wants the job. I hope I'm wrong about that feeling, cause I suspect she'll win by about 7 percent.
  8. Then he has an opportunity to continue supporting his family by playing football. So, good for him. How does that change him not being a good fit here? Hope he fails? No, I choose to not be a horrible human being.
  9. I hope everyone who was injured survives if that's still a possibility. These comments are very strange. I'll bravely take the anti-shooting people side.
  10. This is my PoV as well, but I can't really vote for him if it means a Bowman win. Bowman's business connections have me leery of a second coming of Katz. I'm a bit overwhelmed by the bizarreness of such a statement. What kind of person finds having a job, being good at it and progressing upwards in life objectionable? You'd prefer the city was run by someone chronically unemployable? It makes as much sense as dismissing Judy because she's a mom, and you once met a mother who hit her kids. I realize some people in Winnipeg had no real awareness of Katz before he was elected mayor. They will have heard of his name before because of his links to important things, and not much else. He was always a smooth talking bundle of smarm playing fast and loose with business deals that could be described as shady. He won on his affable personality. He was exactly the same man as mayor as he was before he was mayor. Dismissing Bowman and associating him with Katz because both have had careers? That kind of narrow-minded thinking, well I hope most of the voters are capable of thinking at a level a lot higher than that, whatever decision they come to.
  11. I've been waiting for them to bring in an Oregon guy forever ... I'd be beyond excited. Exciting players in that program. I guess for now, I'll settle for a relative. 5 years ago we were an Oregon State alumni team. That should be good enough.
  12. Half of this video was people cheering or highfiving. He seems a little slow as far as his speed. That being said, he's looks like a good "smash through walls" type of back, and he slips away from the D pretty good too. He looks like he either finds the holes, or makes his own. I'd take him for his smashing ability regardless of him not being that fast. That video doesn't even have shitty rap music accompanying it, so he can't be that good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvzXqRVh6Ys Here. Ooh, this guy's way better.
  13. The Riders have made a lot of really puzzling and stupid roster moves this year. By far the stupidest one. Absolutely infuriating to see this kind of mushheaded crap taking place. Seriously, does any team in the CFL have respect for fantasy football?
  14. Not opposed to Ford doing returns for us again, he was pretty good at it, but I'm not sure who I'd want to take off the roster to fit him on. Partially because I've lost track of who's on the roster these days.
  15. I have no ill will towards him. It didn't seem to be a great fit. And now he's gone. You know what they say - if you can complete a pass in the Rider locker room you can complete a pass anywhere...
  16. Under the right circumstances, milk would have shot out of my nose for this.
  17. Last month I pulled in the Bomber lot in the morning to go to the store and thought I could get used to doing this every day.
  18. I'll be waiting outside the store with my gold pellet paint ball gun. Hey, might improve it lol.. So note to self, wear hockey equipment and welders mask on day of purchase.. And a cup. Really, always wear a cup. It's just smart. When hockey equipment is on... So is a cup.. Catching a 80 kph wrister to the nether regions sans cup is not a fun time in my books.. Once you have kids it's best you just wear the thing all the time.
  19. I'll be waiting outside the store with my gold pellet paint ball gun. Hey, might improve it lol.. So note to self, wear hockey equipment and welders mask on day of purchase.. And a cup. Really, always wear a cup. It's just smart.
  20. It looked good even blown up tho... But yes, you are right.. Picard really pops when it's smaller lol I highly doubt the internet has anything left after this. This is it's Everest.
  21. Is that seriously what it says? Oh good grief. On the bright side this thread is bound to be locked by the end of the day tomorrow. There was a poll on the CFL site last week - who should win the MOP this year? Well out in front: John Chick. This is why Rider fans suck so much. They can't even help themselves anymore. They truly believe the world revolves around them. And they probably honestly believe John Chick should be the MOP too. Soon they'll be lining up to argue why John Chick is the MOP in this very thread. On the bright side, by page 6 or 7 it will be locked.
  22. So the thing we suspected Ross Hodgkinson used to do under a slightly fancier title?
  23. His biggest strike against him was his total unfamiliarity with the CFL. If he'd been around for more than 3 weeks he might have landed the backup job coming out of camp. His physical tools are pretty remarkable, and he's a really fast smooth runner despite resembling a smallish standup freezer.
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