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  1. I am just happy football is back!
  2. Pass on Jennings because he can't pass ...
  3. Would have been so good if the league had had the guts to fine the Riders a 1st round selection in the draft and couple that with the Riders missing the playoffs.
  4. We actually don't need Muamba, especially at that price. Let him come crawling to us after he's released and we'll see if there's any openings. #wally'sway
  5. I want the team to tank and get a good draft pick and all, but man do I want them to win tonight, just to dagger Roy, what an ass that guy is.
  6. I like Buck, I think he'll make a good coach.
  7. It's all or nothing this year it seems. If the team fails to improve much MOS and probably Walters are gone.
  8. Nice late Christmas present for Bomber fans ... I like it!
  9. MOS starts to win (PLEASE LET'S HOPE!!!!) and the media thing won't be as big of an issue. Seems the Winnipeg media (not only them) are like sharks and they only come around when they smell the blood in the water when we're losing. I think Friesen would blow a gasket if the team becam a powerhouse once again. His negative shtick is all he knows how to do LOL.
  10. Drew Willy looks so sad
  11. MOS > Media > Mike Kelly > Girlfriends
  12. MB in BC is OK with ME.
  13. I want to be realistic but I'm a fan so I'm also open to some sunshine and lollypops as well. My problem is that there has been far more stormy weather than sunshiny days with the current regime. Hope some of that is just the mess that needed to be cleaned up. Year 3 is the last chance in my books. No more excuses, get your act together Bombers, or get out of the way and let someone who knows what they are doing fix it.
  14. Now that you mention it, I totally forgot about the Dalai Lama thing LOL.
  15. Hey this past season we were better than Regina! Never mind ...
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