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Everything posted by Tehedra

  1. We are please to announce that...... buck pierce is the new DEFENSIVE COORDINATOR! ..... lol
  2. Merry Christmas everyone! My wonderful gf got me a winnipeg sweater from the blue bomber store which is pretty awesome so excited
  3. They have confirmed already that Marcel will be with the Blue Bombers next year; which I believe is a good idea lets make one change at a time not a whole re-build again. Change the defensive side this year, maybe give the offensive side some room to grow. Next year if it still doesn't work than change the offensive coordinator and hopefully the defensive side improved with the change.
  4. There was always more talent on this team than people were willing to admit. Burke was a terrible coach that made guys look bad and there's a few key positions that are lacking, but Joe Mack could find players who can play the game. 17to85 you really comfuse me; just the other day you are saying I don't think it's the coaching but the talent, but today you are saying we have much more talent than most realize but the coach was just bad, but we have the similar talent with different coaches and now the talent is bad but the coaching is not the issue I just don't know where you stand can you clarify? Is our talent on our team, terrible, needs improvement, satisfactory, above average or exceeding? Is our coaching on our team terrible, needs improvement, satisfactory, above average or exceeding? That would definitely help us better understand where the team stands on talent and coaching at least from your perspective.
  5. Hopefully we can lock down Wild and Sears I am not entirely sold on Washington, I was scared every time he attempted to take a punt or kick off and than the other times yes he can be a good blocker or special teams but man he did take a lot of unnecessary majors last year that often I would consider were game changers. Well lets face it any major is a game changer; its 15 yards it hurts the team no matter if we are on first down; third down; or just getting the ball. If we resign him I hope that he is taught to not take those penalties next year as I will cringe if they continue. Wild and Sears on the other hand are must signs in my eyes unfortunately they are testing the NFL waters.
  6. These are the guys I would like us to sign from our own team Brian Brohm, Matt Bucknor, Aaron Kelly, Johnny Sears, Ian Wild
  7. I am all for changing up the coordinators, but it also should be with improvement I just don't know if Ritchie Hall would be an improvement over Etch like we do know the defensive players currently like Etch and if he can switch up his schemes to something more conventional when needed that may be a large bonus.
  8. Maurice Leggett signed for three years; that's been some good news nice to see some signings happening. Hopefully we can lock up a couple other players before the end of the year and feel like a sense of accomplishment has happened.
  9. Again it doesn't have to be coaches; I'd love to hear more news about signing on our FA's that we want to keep. Getting a hold of other possible players, hearing about those on our neg lists that we've been dealing with. If we haven't decided on the coaches I am sure they are doing other work. I too agree it's not an 8 hour job Monday to Friday dealing with agents for FA's or I would hope it isn't. I just want movement, hearing of possible signings is great but I would much see these come to fruition it doesn't matter to me. Am I maybe being impatient? Sure call me impatient but then again Calgary has announced Huf and Dickenson plan, BC has already said what is happening with their coaches, Ottawa has already made a decision on their OC. Saskatchewan has already determined that hey we are not keeping Cortez. We have even heard grumblings from the East but here in Bomberville we haven't heard anything. Perhaps I do have a sense of entitlement that hey I'm a fan of the Bombers all year round, and thus like the other teams getting relevant news to talk about around the water cooler at work I am getting nothing. Go a head and call it that but I just look around and a lot of other teams where we expected changes to happen the changes are happening, maybe some other teams like Edmonton ect might have something that will come out down the road but lets be honest here. Some of those teams we also don't expect changes in the coaching staff so those teams really should also be announcing their FA signings ect.
  10. Great news I hope it comes to fruition;
  11. Although I do not feel that we are in a melt down and it is the end of the world; I also do agree that I would like to know what is happening with the coaches? Are we keeping them or not, are we looking at new coaches but the current ones still have a chance. I do not want to hear the "We are still assessing the coaching situation" as I expect that we should have had it assessed already if they feel we are keeping them then great. I want to see movement in this area so that we can see movement in forming our offensive and defensive playbook and as well get our roster together. I do not want to see like last year where it took so long to get our coaches lined up that our roster took a hit because we missed out on opportunities since we did not have the coaching in place to say yes I could yes that person or no I can not. If we are sticking with Marcel and Etch another year although I would be disappointed at the very least it means that we can get moving on signing our guys that we want to keep, finding new ones and getting the holes that we have fixed. My concern is I don't want to be the last one off the bus, picking up the scraps from the rest of their teams because they are already making announcements and making decisions and knowing what they need to do to move forward. In reality if they were getting more players signed right now and locking up a roster and did nothing with the coaches that would be fine too but right now we are hearing almost nothing which means to a fan even if there is stuff going on it starts to feel like we are moving slowly, and nothing is being done. It doesn't mean its true but it is what can be felt.
  12. The only time I read the blog is when odds and sods are posted; but those could just as easily be done in a forum post and I would read it there actually typically its a forum post that gives me the link to the blog location anyways. I'd say both can go away as it isn't used enough to warrant the extra expense even if it only is a minimal amount.
  13. Does this mean that BC Lions are in trouble for announcing about Benevides than?
  14. @Nic_Grigsby5 good luck this weekend. And I'm happy for you. Glad you're somewhere you can be happy. Cause I'm gonna sound off soon. Does this mean he is announcing that he has signed an extension? Or that he is heading elsewhere?
  15. I'd rather have Etch over Marcel
  16. I think that plays into it, if there's an oline who could be worked into plays this year and next year be a starter you go with him. Otherwise you go with Demski, can Demski get open quick enough to make our oline look better than it actually is? Is he a multidemsnional threat where he can do receiving and returning? Thank makes a difference as well
  17. In an age where everyone wants 1 year contracts now; this is great news for a star returner like Stoudimiere hope he keeps up the excellent return work next year!
  18. Honestly I hope they start Glenn the entire time and BC takes the cup this year; would be nice for Glenn to finally get a ring.
  19. Yeah to not think that Reilly makes a huge difference would be a huge mistake; his ability to extend drives because of the use of his feet is huge. Now with his injury though it wouldn't matter which one played if he isn't mobile. This will be a closer game now due to Reilly's injury but either one will have difficulties beating Calgary next week. They have been on fire this year and I'm sure are ready to pull out all of the stops in their final play off game.
  20. Yea I think they started with a great core of players; some can argue better than the core we started with going into the off season ourselves after the expansion draft. Desjardins just didn't handle things correctly; and putting Hank in the QB position who really doesn't come off as a team player sort of guy. Yes many of you will be how do you know, you can see him get angry and yell at receivers who don't run the route or drop the ball even if it is his fault. I think had they not over paid for Hank and stuck with Glenn they might have actually faired better than they did. They also didn't do a great job on their receivers; but their defense and oline seemed decent this year.
  21. Yea Blue Urns he is actually a bomber fan
  22. You're right -- taking the contrarian point of view toward every decision the club makes is a real fan. Fans come in all types from Kool aid chuggers who can't ever see anything bad to those who can't see anything good and everywhere in between. From those who can't afford season tickets to those who can afford to go to games even in other cities. From those who vote with their wallets to those to show their displeasure to those who buy anything Bombers including pigeon poop jersey's. From the sunshine, lollipops, rainbows and unicorn set who 'feel sorry for people who can't see just how good we will someday be' to the pessimistic Eyeore's who can't understand how we will ever win another game. All are fans. In a perfect world, they'd all be treated with the same respect. ^ THIS ^
  23. Great thing about opinions are they are just that, an opinion. No opinion can be smart, dumb, correct or incorrect it's a personal belief something someone feels. Their opinion regarding a topic of matter. Facts on the other hand are either correct or incorrect, and Analysis based on these facts can be either correct or incorrect. I think that is where a lot of people forget that an opinion in nothing more than how someone views or feels about a topic or an event. Example it is my OPINION that Moore is often injured and not worth 185k/yr it could be someone elses OPINION that Moore does more for the team when he's on field than any other receiver and thus he is worth 185k/yr Neither are right nor wrong because they are both opinions on the topic to which some may agree or disagree. But this is not an analysis. Now if I were to do an analysis on the player, and then on all other receivers that also play. While reviewing the game film to actually provide something measureable and present this than it could be considered either right, based on correct information and facts or wrong based on incorrect information, or missing information and facts required to complete the Analysis. Of course, an Analysis could be argued in both ways so even than the final point is only correct or incorrect based on the analysis and argument that was made. This is a difficult example though as most of us do not really have access to the film to be able to prove either way when it comes down to football. Although it is my opinion that the coaches do perform analysis on a players play. The hard part is most people are not able to read without bias, and it's even harder to post without bias. But then again is this not what a discussion board is about? I do tend to agree with the OP that it is always more constructive to point argue reasons in why I may disagree with someone's opinion vs point out what is incorrect with their opinion or that in my opinion I believe their opinion is stupid
  24. Watching the game to see nic play, I want to see hamilton win hopefully he performs better than he did in winnipeg
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