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Everything posted by Tehedra

  1. With Dressler back I actually think that will allow Lapo to open up the playbook; I mean I still wish we were having poop Johnson in the game as well somehow but we don't. I'm sure we will get burned for a long run as well as burned for a couple big plays but I'm confident that our team can keep this one close. I feel the team with the last possession of the ball is the team that wins this one and I believe that we have the ability to ensure we control that game so that we are the ones who have it. Should be a high scoring, close match-up. I don't expect either time to get blow outs like the last two rough rider games.
  2. My question is; are there other players we have now that could also be coming back from the NFL that would be better suited? I know everyone has seemed to want Mulumba for a long time and he is supposed to help us in our MLB spot I'm assuming but there's been others expressing interest in some other players down south now as well that might be coming back home. I mean 2013 was not that long ago so Mulumba must still be fairly young which would indicate that if he wants to still play football that it might work out well for us to have him here. The question is; would he be a starter here above the other players? He's been playing at the NFL level so I would assume he could be but then we have seen many others who played in the NFL that are not starting Canadian material in the CFL. From Wikipedia he also hasn't played in many games since 2013 and I wonder if that could be due to his ACL injury causing him to have possibly lost a step?
  3. Blue Bomber Talk @BlueBomberTalk Andy Mulumba, the 2nd overall pick of the 2013 #CFL draft, has been released by the L.A. #Rams. #Bombers #CFL #NFL
  4. I tried to convince the wife that we should go to the labour day weekend game for her birthday; she was like drive all the way to regina; for football? in regina... blagh So instead we will be in Calgary partying with friends and I'll probably not even get to see the game!!!!! I told her Banjo Bowl is booked I'll be too busy watching the game to do anything else lol
  5. I believe he was trying to troll me lol; but it wasn't working First time it was shame on me every other time well... that's how it goes haha
  6. The one which I agree with, which is that if we treat their fans the same way they treat us on their forums it makes us no better than they are. I mean honestly, we have been ragging on scaroz or whatever his name is and Ripper quite hard and they often do add to the conversation and I believe are genuine in trying to not be trolls. I'm sure other knowledgeable posters would start also coming here and joining in on the conversation if we were a more welcoming group. I mean some will have to just deal with it because I mean look at how we treat each other haha; but still I know that the discussion board is always more interesting when there are more topics being discussed and its not just reading a bunch of nonsense with a bunch of name calling or trolling going back and fourth
  7. Mike made a good comment in one of the topics and I thought it was worth while to mention it here. We are often down and hard on how other teams (Riderfans.com) fans behave and how they treat everyone poorly but it seems that we have been getting to be very similar in a way with the new fans coming to the forum to discuss football. I honestly understand that yes this is the internet and one needs a thick skin, but I do believe we as a group need to be better at not assuming every Rider, Lions, Hamilton fan is a troll. I mean I find that there is more trolling going on in this forum by our own fans than the other fans (minus Mosaic). We also should stop assuming every newbie fan who may not be super knowledgeable is Migs. We were all very new once, I still consider myself the newbie to be honest. But the forum would definitely be more engaging and fun if we can have more topics talking about football with many different perspectives; even if not all those perspectives are viewed through our blue tinted glasses. Cheers, [Insert Katie Burgess Post Here]
  8. That's the issue I have is putting Thorpe on the PR; I guess if he understands this is a two game thing and they are paying him his normal contract amount then its fine and then they just rotate players in and out of the PR. I know that teams are not obligated to pay only PR minimums; they are able to pay more than the minimum. If that is the case then I doubt Thorpe is willing to go to another team anyways.
  9. We will see how it goes but I agree; for all the talk about Lankfords averages we still seem to always be starting in the same range as if we just took the ball. Maybe it is the blocking for him or maybe other teams aren't concerned about him spotting the whole and getting out on them. Perhaps Lankford proves JBR and myself wrong though this weekend and helps destroy the Riders. I'm not saying I think Lankford is a bad player; after all I would rather not remove any players right now. It's just if I had to choose between Thorpe/Lankford I choose Lankford because Thorpe did make some good hard YAC for first downs in a couple games at times that we really needed those first downs. I also believe we could have Dressler or someone else do those returns that Lankford was doing or we could just take the ball at the 35 most of the time as it seems we were typically only getting to the 30 - 35 anyways.
  10. Agreed even winning one of the two games makes me comfortable that we most likely be nearly guaranteed a play off spot. We also need to keep up to Calgary who also most likely wins one if not both of their games. I want first in the west and not just a play off spot; considering our start this year
  11. They will be either above. 500 or below. 500 by that point in time. I'm hoping for below
  12. Bear Woods hasn't impressed since he went to montreal
  13. Coates did an awesome job filling in; to be honest JFG and Coates both seem to be larger impacts than Kholert was. Not that Kohlert was terrible I just mean we did upgrade that Canadian spot which is awesome
  14. I actually don't mind hanks half time explanation of the different football schemes, strategies and plays. I have learnt quite a bit from him. Perhaps your TVs are just turned down too low? I haven't had concerns with hearing him yet.
  15. I appreciate the seperate topic thanks! Why would we get upset anyone for Starting interesting topics. I think we came out relatively unscathed.
  16. So we expect Hurl will be at WIL? I mean with the switch up do we believe we might be seeing an improvement at possibly both positions. Is hurl maybe better suited to play the wil spot over mlb?
  17. Lankford looks to have speed, we didn't get to see it much the other night but man there was one return where you could see it if he finds a seam he will definitely take on to the house
  18. Yup that td was a gimme to them. Should have been 2nd and four
  19. I think the biggest issue is that video replay officials have a confirmation bias. Ideally it would be better that the video review official doesn't know the call on the field and they are asked to interpret or make their own call which will either confirm or disagree with the field refs call
  20. They should do this mic'd up tc stuff more often! That was an awesome clip for some who don't get the opportunity to be there.
  21. Waggoner won't be a candidate as he announced his retirement.
  22. Yeah it has been down for a bit; I thought maybe on their main website they would mention something or at least redirect the domain to an upgrade in progress page or something to make users aware that it is going to be an extended period of downtime.
  23. Sounds like I need to get a headcoaching and gming job for a year or two. Than I can retire
  24. I failed. Lol Happy with the Clarence signing though!
  25. The fact of the matter is that right now we are accepting Syrian refugees into Canada. Even before the US election many were against rushing the immigration of the refugees without ensuring a good vetting process was in place. The fact that it was a Syrian refugee shows that many were correct in that a better vetting process should have been used. It isn't the same as if it were a white male born in Canada because then he didn't go through a vetting process. The fact is all immigrants should be properly vetted and they typically are, with the Syrian refugees though they were rushed through without a proper vetting process so news like this is going to be important to those who were against the rush in the first place. It also is not about hate, or racism. The fact of the matter is the cultural differences leads them to believe that the molestation of women and children is not wrong, those gentleman need to be identified that their culture is so engrained that they won't understand that it is wrong. Just like im sure many of us would not invite homeless people in off the streets to play with our children without having someone be a reference for how good they are with children and having them go through a proper vetting process.
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