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Everything posted by Tehedra

  1. Interestingly; this is contrary to the belief that people want to be in Winnipeg... he took less to leave the fine city of Winnipeg and our team. Is kind of disappointing. Any reason why he wouldn't want to be in Winnipeg? I mean I thought O'Shea was fair to all the players but to take less to live in BC, which is more expensive to live; it's already less even at equal pay cheques.
  2. I agree with Taunted, if the draft is poor it might have been wise for them to make the move they made. It doesn't make it any worse for Winnipeg, because well we got TJ Heath and a Draft pick while giving up a player we honestly no longer wanted. It just means that perhaps Montreal didn't get burnt as hard as people initially thought, nothing wrong with that idea it was still a great trade for Winnipeg. The nice thing is we could pick a future with one of our first rounders because of this trade, and this years draft choices the futures might be the only picks worth choosing.
  3. Most likely significant upfront money; that's usually how you get them to take lower over all
  4. Winnipeg wins by a Rouge, scored in the dieing seconds of the game off the amazing foot of medlock.
  5. Let's focus less on the rider fans and more on our team, their team and the road to the grey cup! I think it's best to take the high road. We are not so far removed from going through similar issues.
  6. Today I become a temporary Riders fan; it hurts but GO RIDERS!
  7. Yeah; I've never had data concerns with CJOB it's always been excellent on data; their stream isn't a very high bitrate and it doesn't need to be since it's just him talking really. I'll be listening to the game while I do my school work this weekend.
  8. I am definitely against having one division and there have been years in which we would have benefited from a single division as well. I'm sure those years when I'm not thinking logically I would too wish it were only one division but when there is no emotional connection to the decision making process I still think the current setup is in the best interests of the CFL.
  9. The issue with this for me is, what happens if year after year the grey cup is always WEST teams or always EAST teams? You will lose even more fans in those provinces where the teams do not often make it. Plus it isn't like it is an uncommon setup; they do the same thing with baseball with the two different leagues. I'm not sure if the NFL does it but I wouldn't be surprised.
  10. I'd agree with Goalie, its not much of a conflict even for Jets fans. Unless you for some reason have to catch every game out of an 82 game schedule. Even then though, it would just mean you aren't much of a CFL fan if those regular season games are more important than play off games. ** Not sure how everything became underlined **
  11. I agree, to be honest those receivers were causing issues. Causing fights on Practices, being unsupportive and unproductive on the field. If they were productive on the field (ie Carter) they were taking poor penalties; or causing other issues. Need to realize this is a game for men and not boys; there is a certain way someone must carry themselves when they become a man. The problem was that even though they should be men, they were still acting like boys.
  12. Mass got hit pretty hard http://www.cfl.ca/2016/10/12/maas-eskimos-fined-following-failure-wear-live-mic/ Deserved it though; probably cost the CFL a bunch of money through contract penalties with TSN
  13. I'm just wondering what happened to our defense; and ST's. At the beginning of the season I thought our defense was so good that no one could pass on us. We had interceptions, knock downs, the likes it seemed like our defense was amazing and our offense was causing us to lose games. Now our offense is putting up points; they are at least average. But our defense seems to be below average. Why haven't we been able to make the same kind of adjustments as the offenses have. It would be nice to see the team beat BC; but I didn't even think we would win one game let alone two. It'll be exciting if we can win both!
  14. I feel sooo sorry for Toronto; they now have our ex kicker and qb combo; the only thing that could make it worse for them is if they ended up with studimier
  15. Willy is just making that oline look terrible
  16. Some bullshit penalty calls going on today; the refs think this game is about them it seems.
  17. Pretty decent game to watch so far though; much more entertaining then our game Friday night
  18. My biggest concern is just that we have so many injuries in our defensive and offensive sides of the ball. I think we are down to mostly second stringers and even third stringers in many of the positions.
  19. I think this makes Addison Richards officially injury prone; he hasn't been able to participate for two years now due to always being injured and of course his development hasn't happened due to injury's as well.... Demski could be on his way out in Sask as it sounds like he isn't fitting well with Chris Jones, hopefully that happens and we can replace Addison with Demski
  20. I believe this is an entirely winnable game, but our guys have to go in there with that goal in mind. They have to realize this is the measuring stick, this is where they earn the respect. They need to be driven right from the first whistle. The penalties need to be cut down like they were in the beginning of the season and we need to cap off those 7 minute dink and dunk drives with touch downs. Mitchell can be dangerous sometimes when he is flushed out of the pocket but I think we almost guarantee an interception or two if we do manage to get him throwing on the run consistently like we did in Toronto. Toronto hurt us when they flushed out of the pocket but I don't believe Mitchell enjoys the broken down plays as often. Lets go Bombers! Show Canada that you are the number 1 team in the league this year. Let's defeat Calgary and take one of the games against BC to show that we can compete.
  21. I think people should put a reason why they made their selections; the OP made an amazing post with lots of points to discuss about. Those that responded put down one liners, but what makes you pick them over the runner up? Is there even a runner up in your mind. It's interesting to hear the reasons behind the picks.
  22. I did haha that was just a terrible challenge! Woot Saskatchewan takes it in over time; not only does that make me more confident against the Eskies in our game in a couple weeks but it also shows that Sask was a tough matchup. Considering they didn't even have two of their major players who played in our game. I like our spot in the standings now
  23. Man I really thought Sask was going to have this win; like it was almost handed to them with that interception and instead they take so many penalties they bring themselves well out of the ability of getting a point >.<
  24. Going to have to boot it for the rogue with the playing that they are doing here.
  25. INTERCEPTION!!!!!!!!!!!!
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