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Everything posted by KptKrunch

  1. I noticed that in Edmonton v. Sask. Several big plays by Edmonton, taken back by calls, one a hold half the width of the field away from the actual run. It does ruin the fun of watching the game. These referees don't understand, we aren't watching the game to see them throw flags, and have meetings on national TV. Unless Sk is playing Winnipeg and Sk is doing the Holding. They can do it (hold) right in open field, twice resulting in TD's (Ian Wild in the labour day game, and Pointbriand on Dressler's punt return for a TD in the Banjo Bowl) with no call. I've said it many times and I keep getting flack for it, but facts are facts. The CFL is a minor league league, 2nd tier - the AHL (or even ECHL) of football. And it's not just the players, coaching or size of crowds (in some stadiums - or lack thereof eh Hamilton?) but because of the officiating. Too much 'biased' officiating. The worst was Murray Clarke - whom I hope was fired. A few years back Buck Pierce was hit late (a good 1 second after he threw the ball) and was hit in the head, Clarke was looking right at it (one replay actually showed it) no flag. But the bombers, in the same game, hit the QB just as he released the ball, it was a high hit but not as high as the two Pierce hits, and certainly not late, and Clarke's hand was a blur getting that flag out of his pocket. Double standard proven time and time again. BUSH league
  2. See my tough love (on Willy) thread - exactly what I've been saying. 9 td passes in 12 games. Not good enough
  3. I'd love for them to get Burris and for Burris to be Burris and blow it in the west Semi final
  4. With Grigbsy and no timeout, I'm not. The only run play I would have tried there is QB Draw. Hamilton wasn't going to let Grigsby beat them around the edge, and he can't make a cut to save his life between the tackles. A good idea in theory, but you may recall that the Bombers tried a QB draw a bit earlier and not only did it fail, it looked like a Keystone Kops routine. All it needed to complete the picture was the comedic sounds effects. I remember that and to me the issue on that play was ...... Willy. When you run a QB draw you have to disguise it. He didn't. He took the snap and immediately ran down field. If you look at successful QB draws, the QB almost always either takes a step or two back first, then goes forward (provided there is a hole for him to exploit) or he does a pump fake to get the Dlineman's heads to turn. Willy did neither, he took the ball and took off as fast as he got it. The dlinemen for Hamilton was just playing regular and was there waiting for him. Poor execution on that play, and that was all Willy, not MB, not the Olines, not Grigsby, and nothing to do with special teams.
  5. My biggest issue with the oline is we're starting THREE internationals. I'd rather have those international's elsewhere on the field. IMO one international is the max that should be starting. Given that we have three, our oline should be the best in the country, but it's not. As for Goosen, from what I've seen he's not ready to be an every day olineman yet. He's our future center (at least that's what I read when we drafted him) and he's learning so this season is good for him to be where he is, on the sidelines subbing in only when he has to. But yes, this offseason we better (over) spend for some solid national veteran oline talent if any are available in free agency
  6. Hey, I think you're getting it my fellow Captain. Tell me then, why was he? When we were 5 - 1 it was Willypeg - like I said he won a couple games with late drives but otherwise, it was a team effort. I agree a QB can get too much credit for a win and too much for a loss as well. But he's not been playing well for weeks now, but it seems to be ignored. And I agree, he's not surrounded by stars, especially on the oline, but that doesn't excuse his less than stellar play of late. No one here seems to be acknowledging it though, they tend to blame our running game, our oline, and our play calling. It's a combination and Willy is just as responsible. Funny though - the QB is the highest paid player on the team. And no one here will argue that you can win without a QB (don't believe me, put Justin Goltz in Sask or Calgary as a starter, see how many wins those teams get) and I think Willy is definitely our QB of the future. But I'm not above giving him equal blame for a loss and tonight we had a chance early to score, Grigsby was running well, and Willy failed on his side. He didn't pick up until late. That's a fact. Watch the game again and see how many overthrows and underthrows he made. That's not on the oline, play calling, or the running game. That's on Willy.
  7. Well, that contacting the kicker penalty was a bit suspect but I can't blame the official for throwing the flag. If it was Lirim getting hit like that, in the exact same way and circumstance, I'd have wanted a flag for it, so I'd be hypocritical to go against the call. But we have been screwed over royally by the Officials yet again this year. It's a real momentum killer when other teams get a call and we don't. Especially when we play the Riders.
  8. Dude, you and Kpt and everyone else blaming Willy are letting your emotions cloud your judgement. You're just looking for someone to blame for the loss and you're putting it on Willy. Had he scored the TD at the end you'd have forgotten any other mistakes he made today and be heralding him as the savior. But instead you're taking the last plays of the game, which were butchered by the refs constant stopping of the game while they had momentum, and feeding off of that. I have not once seen you complain that it was Lirim's, or Wild's fault for losing the game because of that botched punt attempt. Have you not noticed that we're not the only team in the league that is low scoring for the last few weeks? Something is going wonky or the defenses are just overpowering the offenses. You're blaming Willy as if he should be throwing for 400 yards and going 30 for 30 in attempts. He's a rookie QB and he's barely getting time to throw. Wanna know why he's throwing for over 300 yards? Cause he's a pretty damn good rookie QB! Go eat your Collaros or Burris cornflakes...cause it's too bad we didn't get them right? Well, I'm not laying all the blame on Willy - I'm simply pointing out that when we went 5 and 1 Willy was getting all the credit - Willypeg and getting free dinners, etc. I'm no longer in love with the guy, that's all. He will get better he's still youngish and has he definitely has the talent and the leadership. No way I'm going to run him out of town. I'll also agree our oline is terrible (not Grigsby, I'm getting sick of that actually, put Grigsby in Sk or Calgary he'll do just fine) and our receivers are ok - not the best in the league but a lot better than we give them credit for. I started this thread because I think it's time Willy gets brought down to earth. We won some games early because of defense and special teams. Willy brought us back in a few games too with game winning drives (in Mtrl and Hamilton in particular) but he's done pretty much squat in the past 7 games. Even tonight - a 300 yard game he had yes, and put up a whopping 9 points with those 300 yards. That's the point I'm trying to make. I don't want to throw him under the bus, but he's far from the QB in the league, he's not the best QB in the West. BLM, Durant are miles ahead of him (and BLM is younger), Tate is just showing his lack of playing time over the past two and half years. He's at least as good as Willy. Reilly has much better legs than Willy, and I truly believe is issue is he added too much bulk. Just like when Buck Pierce did - and Buck had his worst year throwing when he did it. It messes with your mechanics. IT's time Willy share his responsibility for these losses - 9TD passes since the first game of the year. I stand by what said earlier, if Willy's name was Glenn, or Burris, or maybe even Collaros, he'd be getting lynched by now with those kinds of stats. And again, not trying to run him out of town, not trying to make a 'hate' thread on him. Just trying to get people's heads out of the sand. And for all the stats, the only one I see is one and six now in the last seven. The playoffs are gone now - no way we can compete with the way all our offense is playing. That includes Mr. Willy.
  9. And Mr P - take some reading lessons ON that Renaud thread I never said he could do anything other than punt. WTF are you reading. Why don't you quote me where I said he did. I said he should punt because if someone breaks through and kills Lirim on a PUNT then WHO do we have to kick that 45 yard field goal? Where did I mention Renaud there? He can't place kick hence why I didn't say that. English must not be your first language
  10. and he got the win, didn't he? What point are you trying to make? Me - ONE and SIX What did Collaros do to actually contribute to that win? Pretty sure their only touchdown came off of a blocked punt followed by a blown assignment in the run defence that was a 20+ yard TD from Madu. We gave up 5 sacks and had 15 penalties for 130 yards. The fact that we even had a chance to win this game shows the QB Willy is. If we were to get six wins all season, back in June people would have taken that easily considering our roster and record from last year. The team we see now is the team we are. We exceeded expectations at the start. There are holes on this roster in terms of Canadians, receiver depth, and the offensive and defensive line. We'll get there. Quarterback is not in any way, shape, or form the issue on this team. My point - You need to get a clue, because you have none. Remember the thread about keeping Renaud? You proved your knowledge of this football team in that thread considering he can't kick off or kick field goals, nevermind the creation of this thread which quite frankly goes beyond stupidity. Really Mr. P. 9 Td's in 12 games, and 11 int's, if you want to talk stats. Only stat I care about are wins and loses. You are so smart you dissed me about Crompton remember. Don't look now but Crompton is only TWO wins behind Willy. I could care less about stats though - it's wins. And Willy is 5 and 1, now 1 and 6. I have the clue you don't. And don't call me stupid it's an opinion mr arrogant
  11. no you don't understand, Grigsby is fine. Willy has been god here since his 5 and 1 start. Well, with Willy we're 1 and 6 (and no way we beat B.C. last week even with Willy). It's time to start pointing fingers elsewhere. his TD pass now he has 13 in 13 games. And btw - he had four in the season opener against Toronto. Like I said, I like Willy but he's to blame now. He can't finish drives.
  12. and he got the win, didn't he? What point are you trying to make? Me - ONE and SIX
  13. Drew Willy Sorry boys not good enough. It took nearly TWO full games to get one stinking TD. And yes, Drew missed the second half against B.C., cause we would have won that game if he stayed healthy wouldn't we - as Willy and the juggernaut offense under Willy in that first half put up THREE points. First half tonight -THREE points. That's not good enough. Period. I like Willy, he's a keeper, but enough of Grigsby, our run defense, and special teams. Willy got all the glory on the 5 -1 start, he deserves the horns for being 1 - 6 since.
  14. You can say that again. I don't care what anyone here thinks, or MOS for that matter, we are one and five in our last six, the one being a weak win over Mtrl that started Alex Brink. Furthermore, that's with our all star QB Drew Willy at the helm. I'm not dumping on him, he's far better than anything we've had here since Khari Jones (even Buck sorry Buck but it's true) but he hasn't been very good this last few weeks and if you're honest with yourself you'll (generally here not you bannatyne) would see it too. WIth Willy starting, at home, against Hamilton, a team you 'should beat' is a MUST WIN game. We lose tonight, we're done. That's it. And that is not a defeatist attitude, it's a fact.
  15. Generally speaking, the year after a team goes to a GC their season ticket and single game ticket sales go up. The question is how many of the tickets sold were actually used and how many were empty for the game. Unless you're in Toronto (they don't even know what the Grey Cup is never mind who wins it)
  16. So what happens when Collaros kicks our ass and Hamilton wins in our barn in a walk with Drew at QB? I say , season is over. I know a lot of people will be saying no and all that stuff, but bottom line boys is WITH Willy we are ONE and FIVE in the last six. We lose this game with Willy, stick a fork in the bombers, they are DONE
  17. The difference between the two is marginal. Not enough to win or lose a game IMO - but if Lirim gets hurt - who kicks that 45 yard field goal to win a game, hmmmm? Hardly marginal. Renaud shanks way more punts than Lirim, it's not even close. Furthermore, regarding your 45 yard field goal point, Renaud can't kick field goals, or kick off to save his life. If you recall back to the game we were suppose to dress Louie Sakoda in 2010, and he couldn't go because he hid is injury from coaches, Renaud was forced to do kickoffs and field goals. It was an embarrassment. I remember - I didn't say "renaud' to kick field goals. I said Renaud to PUNT so that way if someone breaks through it's not Lirim's leg that gets broken. My question still stands, leave Lirim in to punt - WHO kicks that 45 yard field goal to win the game if he gets hurt? My point is we don't have anyone and I'm sorry but if the bombers lose a game to ONE or even TWO shanked punts, they don't deserve to win that game. That's my what I'm saying - the difference between the two in a punting game is 'marginal'.
  18. Great game - bombers couldn't do it but the next best team could (in my books). Shoulda lost to Ottawa last week too - Riders are looking good for fourth unless we can catch them. Team will implode
  19. The difference between the two is marginal. Not enough to win or lose a game IMO - but if Lirim gets hurt - who kicks that 45 yard field goal to win a game, hmmmm?
  20. I think it's a great ad - and no rain tonight (cool but no rain). Should be 45k + and my bet is the 50/50 will be somewhere north of 145k. Eskies have to win with SK's backup in - if they lose it's a battle for fourth place and Reilly hasn't been good this year - as I said before - too much weight/muscle. It's not good to do bulk yourself up if you are a finesse player IF your body type doesn't warrant it.
  21. Well, I say let Renaud back in. As one poster put it, though not as consistent as he should be - Renaud is a better directional kicker. He is a punting 'specialist' - which is why he should be better than Lirim but he's not. I say Renaud though cause I'd like to see Lirim not get hurt - and I have visions of someone breaking thru again, missing the ball, and taking Lirum out at the knee ending his season. I'd rather have Renaud back there to take that hit.
  22. Of course it is. Good job Iso!!!!
  23. Yes James Murphy and who was the other wideout? The one that replace Goodlow? Man, I can see him but can't quite remember his name. I remember Eugene Goodlow (spelling?) as a standout receiver that Brock threw to in the early 80's. If I remember correctly he broke his neck in a game against Calgary, and it was the last game he played for Winnipeg as he went to the NFL in the off-season. Goodlow became the first player in CFL history to reach 100 receptions in a season during the 1981 season. Then unfortunately, he broke his neck in Montreal. Missed nearly the entire 82 season. Nope - you missed it. bb king got it right. I forgot all about Eugene. Check it now as again going by memory but it was early in the second quarter - Goodlow already had 7 catches for over 100 yards and three (yes three) Touchdowns. But then on the 8th - he was sandwiched - but his head down when the Calgary safety (game was in Calgary) hit him head to head and compressed his vertebrae. He went to the NFL and the New Orleans Saints the next year where he spent two or three seasons as a third receiver. I'm sure he came back here though to finish his career and it might of been in Montreal as a player but he never reached that level again. That season he caught everything Brock threw him. How could I forget Goodlow He played 6 seasons in the NFL with the Saints & then came back briefly to the CFL in 1989 where he just played a couple of games. I think with the Ti Cats. 6 was it - wow. And yes, I believe it was Hamilton he came back to but why I don't know, he did nothing there and should have stayed retired at that point.
  24. And speaking of Montreal and Walby - does anyone know here how we got Chris? We traded for him, he was a dlineman in Montreal (backup obviously) and we got him and converted him to tackle. Pretty good move I'd say
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