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Everything posted by KptKrunch

  1. I picked Benevides as Montreal's owner just hired Higgins so he isn't going anywhere. But I agree that I don't think anyone will get canned this year. But wouldn't it be something if Milanovich got canned and Burke took over in Toronto. Oh would this board have fun then
  2. Love the adjusments made. You gotta believe they'll be more prepared against Troy Smith and the hapless Al's next week
  3. I"d say if you're not in the South end yes, walkups will kill you. Though it wasn't an easy jaunt from transcona to Polo Park either, so there was that. But, bus service to polo was a lot better than to the south. Yeah, walkups will never be big. Stadium should have been build closer to downtown - forks area would have been perfect if there was a spot for it (don't think there is though). But at least they were smart enough to put the MTS centre downtown
  4. I'm torn on this one too. I like Grigsby, he's shown well. But I was really impressed with Cotton and he was the best back in camp. He deserves a shot IMO. He'll get one as backs get hurt, it's that simple. My only worry is the longer Grigsby plays, the staler Cotton might get and he might not have that same spark when he does get in. Will Ford .. yeah, he's ok but he my issue with him is he levelled off last year. He went from promising to 'is that it' for me. Granted, he never played with a real QB before either, so I'm not ready to write him off yet. However, we can only keep two, we keep Cotton and Grigsby.
  5. Wow...after reading that. Good riddance Korey Banks. hmmmm, I don't know. Hey, don't get me wrong, never liked the trade, as watching him last year in B.C., usually in a trailing position, showed me he was done. But that being said, as a pro athlete, he didn't ask to be traded that I'm aware of, he may have opened up negotiation who knows but I don't blame him for siging that contract and getting the 60k signing bonus. From what I saw, he came to camp in shape, and he worked hard. The bombers saw what I saw last year though, he's lost a step. Now, do I blame him for not wanting to back up? I do and I don't. What loyalty does he have here? For all we know, he was told he'd start, and given his contract and signing bonus, why would he believe different. I believe him that he didn't have a lot of contact with the defensive coaches. and I think the Tim Hortons thing is pretty low class, as well as the letting go of Jovon via voice mail (almost as bad and MacT canning Kruger via Skype last summer) so I do agree with Banks' side here. That being said, I agree of the bombers releasing both him and Jovon, and really that's my only complaint and to me it's minor. I'm sure the bombers had their reasons for doing it the way they did and they don't have to explain themselves, certainly to me anyway. I'm just saying, I see Banks' side to this too, and I don't blame him
  6. Great win for the big blue - Ottawa's start did not surprise, nor did the TSN pumping - of course they would. I'd have been mad if they didn't. Who cares. We win, and Ottawa saved face with a competitive game. I think we're in Montreal next week - we'll be 3 - 0
  7. Yep - very interesting actually. I use a similar mathematical calculation when I do mine, It kinda looks like this: (W - L Record) / (Points for - Points against) * (W - L record for team in previous game played) / (QB efficiency rating for the team in question - Ave of QB Efficiency rating of the rest of the league) * (# of yards gained - # of yards allowed) / (Total # of sacks + total # of QB hurries) / Red Zone offence efficiency.......... then I say "screw it" and draw teams randomly from a hat........ like the CFL did for week one
  8. Nice some funny posts here - love it. KBF - don't drive sir I agree that this game will be tougher than the Toronto game, Ottawa has had an extra week to prepare for the Bombers and have seen them play. If Hank is on he can win a game by himself. I think we'll frustrate him just enough, not with Defense though. I think Willy and Grigsby will keep the ball away from him like they did to Ray.................. 36 to 15 Wpg
  9. One word: venue If you'd ever been to a game in Toronto, you would understand. It's grid-locked and most people live nowhere near Skydome. For most it's two hours on the subway to get there, then two hours back home after the game. When you're trying to attract casual fans, that's a recipe for disaster. Oh and you can't even get an Argos beer cup...had to drink beer out of a Blue Jays cup. The Argos are literally second class citizens in that city. That's very true - the only thing that will save the Argo's in the long run is a new stadium. The one they were talking about looked promising but last I hear that fell apart. Add to that the rumors of Buffalo moving there permanently and if that happens, with no new Stadium, the Argo's will need to relocate to survive. Not sure where they'd go though - Kitchener maybe? 3500 tickets is a joke.
  10. Power rankings are fun though. Yeah, especially with the most 'nomadic' league in the world (that I'm aware of) power rankings based on last year is a joke. You gotta look at the here and now with the CFL - I'd rank them as follows: 1. Saskatchewan 2. Calgary 3. Winnipeg 4. Edmonton 5. Toronto 6. B..C. 7. Ottawa 8. Hamilton 9. Montreal
  11. The way I see it, the key as already said is very simple, get under Hanks skin. When he gets frustrated he can make Kevin Glenn look like an all star QB. The Ottawa receivers are weak for sure, and our D confused the heck out of Ray, you can bet Burris will get confused and frustrated too. I think the Bombers will win this game easy. They may even score 50 points, who knows. Though I think Hank will move the ball early against us, I think he'll be limited to field goals. SHould have taken Maher in the fantasy draft maybe. He'll probably have four or five field goals to our 6 TD's - LIam for extra points = a good thing
  12. yeah, what's wrong with the bombers anyway (I read that on my bomber app obviously they forgot too Was that his only one? I can't recall any he had - good one Rebus
  13. FIrst I called it - not you Mr. P - I did lol (that's being said tongue in cheek btw) Secondly, I see that it's our first QB player of the week since Buck Pierce in 2011 at home against the Eskimos (and he did it more with his legs then his arm - in fact Ole Buck never had a 300 yard game for us I don't believe). So for those that believe in the "willy", like me, a very promising start. Well deserved too Drew - you were the star of the week and in my own biased opinion Kelly should have been a runner up, along with BLM in Calgary.
  14. That would be because Austin probably would have to admit he made a mistake signing collaros, would have loved to see it, imagine if lefevour or masoli went in and actually moved the ball? not saying signing collaros is a mistake but if you were austin and stubborn like he appears to be, would you want to pull your prized free agent in the first game and see the guys you decided to not go with as starter do better than he did? Actually, Duane Forde mentioned it too. He said they aren't because he (Collaros) needs to work with the offense more, the game is lost anyway so may as well get more reps in. As we talked about in the TC thread - TC is too short and Collaros (and Smith) need more reps. If it's game 4 or later, for sure they are pulled.
  15. It was typical CFL football for me. It's what I say all the time about it - I still love the game though. Don't forget, the NFL has what, a 2 month training camp. They bring in the wanna be's about two weeks before the regulars and work them out hard - then decide who's good enough to go to the main camp, they they have another two weeks of camp I think before their first pre-season game, then they play four (five if you're in the hall of fame game) so by game one the team is pretty much in mid-season form. But, when your league makes BILLIONS of dollars, you can do that. I'd like to see the CFL in a middle ground. I've always wanted THREE preseason games, with one extra week of TC - that extra game should be held in a non-traditional market. For instance, next year the Eskimos will be playing a pre-season game in a newly built stadium in Fort McMurray. To me, this is a great idea, and should be explored for everyone WPG could play in Brandon, Sask could play one in Saskatoon B.C one in the interior, etc. Switch it out every year in terms of what side of the country it's played in, then maybe for week one of the season we'd see some decent football Winnipeg and Saskatchewan were the two best teams, Edmonton and Calgary were ok, B.C. wasn't bad, the rest stunk.
  16. Brandon, you know they sold over 30k tickets for the game. You know a lot of people come from out of town to attend the game. Can't exactly get to the game if the hwy you're travelling on is closed. Though I'm sure what you're saying in tongue in cheek. At least, I hope it is.
  17. Pretty much what Mr.P said. Collaros will be better for sure, though he's in for another tough one next Friday against the Eskies on the road. I just hope, for his sake, nature doesn't come calling for him or anyone else in the 'Cat's home opener in a few weeks...... that would be kinda embarrassing with no working washrooms at the facility
  18. Love that line by Forde - "Saskatchewan's dline has so many sacks they're too tired to celebrate"
  19. Was just checking, but Calgary beat us by about 2k this week. Wpg's attendance was 2nd best......... probably because of the July long weekend (I"m sure a lot of people are taking tomorrow off)
  20. Yeah I was thinking the same thing. I really hope for Hamilton's sake these guys have the wrong footware or something because if they don't Austin better start airlifting in every available olineman he can find
  21. So at what point does Brandon Stewart look in the mirror and say "is it me?"
  22. And another penalty to start
  23. well he's back out there lets see if he settles down
  24. Thanks ummmmm errrrrrr ya lol Good call Mr.P
  25. I hear ya - but TBH I was fine with it after seeing Willy in pre-season. After game one - I could've cared less what Collaros did. But I am surprised he's this bad - he's not "Troy Smith" bad but he's close I too can see Lefevour coming in in the second half. Zack is not playing well at all right now
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