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Everything posted by KptKrunch

  1. LOL - great commentary by Austin - that was all about Burris and he's 100% bang on
  2. Collaros is struggling a bit out of the gate, but still a long way to go
  3. Glad I missed it then lol
  4. Just checked the weather network and it's 'hourly' forcast has it raining in Regina right through the night. Good question GBill - guess we'll find out how good the drainage is on the field.
  5. Wow must really be bad there - is it still raining?
  6. I know he has a nice contract, and a 60 grand signing bonus wow thought it was 50 grand (maybe that was mistyped). But for all that, being a 'backup' is a pretty sweet deal. Of course he wants to play, he should. Every player should have that attitude, but a true 'leader' knows his time will come and when it does he'll lead and play by example and do his best to stay in the lineup once he gets an opportunity. This is very selfish of him and I'm sick of 'selfish' bombers (remember "swaggerville' how embarrassing it was to be a bomber fan in Edmonton when that was happening). I say eat the 50/60 k and show him the door.
  7. Bold statement considering we haven't seen Ottawa play yet, what if Ottawa has absolute **** defense? I'll take my chances with a team with a decent D and erratic qb over a better qb and **** D. Fair statement - you forgot that Ottawa has no depth either, so when their 'starters' start getting hurt, things could really get interesting. But lets face it, Calgary wasn't exactly hitting on all cylinders and for two quarters the Al's had a huge wind at their backs. They got one point. One things for sure, regardless of how good, or bad, your defense is, you won't win if you don't score points. Burris can score points - and in the past has overcome and outscored an opponent for want of a 'bad' defense. Do you honestly feel, from what you've seen last year and this, that Troy Smith is capable of 'outscoring' an opponent? I haven't seen it yet, and he's not 'young', he's been around a long time. He'll be 30 years old in a few weeks (July 20th) yet he throws like a 20 year old. By that I mean he's more interested in throwing an 80 yard pass despite the fact his receivers are only 65 yards away. Once or twice that happens, he was doing that the whole game. 30 year old QB who's been around...... he won't be around much longer
  8. Not sure I get your point here. In his prime, Korey was a halfback yes, and Milts' first year on the panel he actually picked him as his first player over a QB in some mock draft they were doing (I believe it was if you were starting a franchise and you could have any one player in the CFL as your first player who would it be). Obviously, Milt felt he was the best DB in the league he had to play against, so high praise indeed. But I remember that, because that season, Banks struggled in the DB position, and after that year, he started transistioning to LINEBACKER. And when the bombers signed him, they signed him as a LINEBACKER. In the preseason games, he played as a LINEBACKER. When he didn't play in game one, his replacement - Johnny Sears I believe it was - played LINEBACKER. So what does the comment of our DB's have anything to do with Banks?
  9. The only redeeming quality - if you could just get Howard Stern and that was it, well, really that's all Satellite is now. Though even Howie gets a bit much after awhile.
  10. Yeah so true - the argument on how the 'free' stations keep playing the same stuff, so does satellite. I never got that one. Now, the difference is, because it's 'genre' related, they play songs you don't hear on regular 'free' radio, but they keep playing those same songs. When I had it, it seemed to be a two week thing, and then every two weeks they'd switch it up, but it seemed to run in 6 - 8 week cycles too. So after a few months (I was on the road a lot) well, that's why I have an iPOD now with over 2000 songs. At least it's all stuff that 'I' like lol, and no DJ's, no commercials, and no 'bad' reception ever
  11. If Montreal goes with Troy Smith all year, Ottawa will finish ahead of them. They won't - and if they do get a QB to play for them this year, they will be third seed in the east.
  12. Actually, the 'Cats would have lost to Montreal for the blatant pass interference call at the end of the game that wasn't called. That was why the rule was changed this year so it could be challenged. If that rule had been in place, it's first down on the one for Montreal, they most likely score, and win the game.
  13. He made the team though (Poblah) and made a couple of catches, one really nice one. But that being said, he's just eating salary (Banks) on the bombers right now. Even in preseason with his limited action he 'missed' a few tackles, or was run through by the ball carrier. Add to that he's lost a step - he's done. Though not sure if making room for Romby for Banks is a great move either.
  14. That's good, was worried they'd bring in Jade - or did he find work elsewhere?
  15. Not taking anything away from anyone, and there's still one more game to play, but so far after three games it's no contest for OPOTW - Willy in a landslide
  16. One thing I will say, just saw him on SportsCenter and he's supporting Glenn. I liked what he had to say (though what's he going to say - he's not Burke he won't throw his QB under the bus) about Glenn in the game. But you're right - Jones Schooled him today.
  17. In a way I kind of feel sorry for him. In a way. You can bet though the happiest fans in the league are Ottawa fans right now
  18. Wow - four INT's for Glenn........ the legend continues
  19. Sweet play there -
  20. agreed - i'm not complaining, never was. Mentioned he was the third choice and good on us, then all of a sudden OTHERS started 'complaining' he was our first choice according to the bombers. It's already proven via timelines Brandon, the order of things, and yes I don't care (as I've said many times) as we got the right one even if, as I said, he was a mistake.
  21. Wow how do you leave Stamps open?
  22. Burris' signing was announced on February 2 and the trade and extension of Willy was announced on February 4. Proved wrong again. Ouch. I love how people skew facts in an effort to make themselves appear that they know what they are talking about. Minor correction though Jacquie, it was February 6. Most definitely not "at least a week, if not longer." http://www.bluebombers.com/article/blue-bomber-aquire-quarterback-drew-willy-from-riders-sign-him-to-extension nice - I thought it was a week, going by memory. 4 days, close but I'm still right either way no sense in arguing it as in where Willy was in the pecking order. To prove me wrong, show me that Willy was traded for BEFORE Collaros/Burris transactions, then we can talk.
  23. You have a very long way way of basically telling me I was right in what I wrote all along. lol - so you agree now he was the third choice
  24. Hey it's a girl
  25. Nice to see Kito doing well, wish it was for use we could use him now with Watson out
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