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Everything posted by KptKrunch

  1. Awesome - glad I'm not on here to earn you respect. Nice to know you read my posts though And yes, I post on the eskfans site too. I loved the 13th man and hung out there all the time but for some reason folks stopped going there.
  2. It's still early. I just hope Weston Dressler comes back sooner than later. I think that really hurt the team with him going out so early. looked early like the had some quick throws planned to both him and Smith but getting hurt really put a crimp in the game plan. Any news? PVR'd the game and thanks to all the delays missed the last 8 minutes.
  3. Nah, rather talk here. Like getting you mad. It's sooo easy. I can post "hey Iso, hows it' going today" and you'll get all mad. Tell me, ever post anything positive? Reading the Ham/Tor thread - well you should read it. Negative negative negative. Life's too short to such a neg nanny. Can't you just enjoy a good play instead of finding the negativity in things? I feel sorry for you
  4. So not quite so hard core. I've been an Esks season ticket holder for 10 years. Why? Cause I support the CFL. Guess I should be shot eh? Excuse me for being a CFL fan. I didn't realize this was a club. My mistake. Still won't leave though.
  5. Still don't get it? How many Eskie games you go to?
  6. Ohhhhhhh last season. What's your point? I'm looking at this season, I don't live in the past like you obviously do
  7. Why would you say that? Season hasn't even started yet. They made a lot of (I think) positive changes in the off season. They still have a long way to go, especially Drew Willy. But bottom line is Drew give the Bombers the best chance to win. I'd like to see him stay healthy this year to see what he can do. He's got to come of his first read though. He must get better at that. He's got arguably the worst secondary in the CFL for his first game so I hope he can light them up, we'll see. Looking forward to seeing how the #1 player in the CFL can do against Ottawa this weekend too. First week of the season is almost always the hardest to predict.
  8. ? I already am didn't you know?
  9. I'm hoping Wpg can get off to a fast start. Eskies look like they're picking up from where they left off - but it's only preseason so I take it all with a grain of salt. I agree that this is probably as tough as ever to predict what will happen. I'm really looking forward to the season as I think it's wide open. My biggest question marks in the west though are Sask and B.C. I think Sk will struggle early - they might not win a game until Labour Day (sorry boys they almost always win on Labour Day), but once they start winning I could see them winning 5 or 6 in a row. B.C. I think will be inconsistent. As KBF said and myself earlier - this is Willy's make or break year, and perhaps O'Shea. Willy for sure though. He's making big dough and really hasn't done a whole lot to earn it. Though he does represent still the Bombers best chance to win. The key is can he stay healthy? Ok so I think it will be: West: Calgary - 12 - 6 Edmonton - 12 -6 (lose tie break to Calgary B.C. 9 - 9 Wpg - 8 - 10 Sask 6 - 12 East: Hamilton - 11 - 7 (will take Collaros a while to get in the swing of things) Toronto - 11 - 7 (Hamilton wins the tie break but Ricky Ray will have a resurgence and stay healthy Ottawa - 7 - 11 (that means Wpg makes it in the east in the cross over - Henry Burris will struggle this season) Montreal - 3 - 15 (that team is a mess) Not sure if the math works, but that's what the order anyway.
  10. Should be a good game. Anxious to see how Willy and Co do with the new offense. I'm 99.9% sure they were keeping it as 'vanilla' as possible in the preseason so as to keep the defense's off balance to start the year. As for the other half - I was pissed we lost Laine (he would have fit like a glove with McDavid) but so happy when it was Wpg that got him. I think he'll be better than Matthews. Should be a great night in the 'Peg - Laine, then a bomber win
  11. I dunno - I thought it was pretty funny myself. I've read a lot (and I mean a LOT) worse on the Rider's forums about the Bombers and their fans. But to set the record straight, the 'half' games are so there is no 'grey' area here. 6.5 means if they 7 games, you win your bet, if they win 6 games (or less) you lose. Same with scores. if it was '7' the argument would be 'well, if they win '7' do I win my bet or not'. Well, at 6.5 its pretty black and white how many wins (or losses) a team needs or how many points (that's why over/unders are always '##.5'). But I liked Khari's spin on it, quite clever. Its' all in jest so don't worry about it too much
  12. Yes that happened but you'd think that in of itself wouldn't cause someone to lose his job. But when you get a new guy running things, he'll want his own players
  13. Agreed I'd much rather they release DeMarco - but Maas had DeMarco in Ottawa so I have a feeling he's comfortable with him. Haven't heard much here yet about it. I know the guys here on the post game show were concerned with DeMarco's 'lack of finish' in the game. Franklin seems like a star in the making but one of them will most likely go. Can't see Lynch going due to his versatility.
  14. My guess is they'll go after one of the Eskimo QB's - they're making room as Jason Maas said yesterday on the post game show that it's 'highly doubtful' he'll be starting the year with four QB's on the roster. James Franklin was 'sick' yesterday and didn't play (I don't recall seeing Denmark on the field either) so my 'gut' tells me Franklin will be released (or put on the PR) and Jones is going to scoop him up (if he hasn't already)
  15. Well Willy has the tools to be sure, but does he have have the head? Last time I saw him play live, in a whole half, he had I believe two first downs, maybe three. Bombers had 3 points (thanks to the defense turning the ball on the Eskimo side of the ball). What I really remember most of that game is the safety he took late in the half, he had two 'open' receivers and he couldnt' spot either one. He was also hurt on the Safety. Brohm came in for the next series, still in the first half, with the bombers starting around their 20 yard line (give or take). Four or five plays later, Brohm had more yards then Willy had in the entire game thus far. Same defense, same scheme, but Brohm was moving the ball. Now, could be on the sidelines Brohm was able to figure out while speaking with bellfool where the open receivers so when he came in he knew where to look. That would be my guess. So, as mentioned a few pages ago, I hope the Bombers take a few pages out of the Eskie's (and other teams) playbooks. If Willy is struggling a bit - park him on the bench for a few series, put Nichols in. LaPo can go over the plays while the O is on the field with Willy. If the plays are in fact there, and Willy see's it, he should be able to go back in with more confidence and work with that. If Willy can't - Nichols could be the starter by midseason (that's a big IF) and Willy will be traded (not likely given his huge contract) or outright cut for next year. Will be a very interesting year in Wpg with Willy at the helm. Like Whiteout - I hope Willy does well. It's been too long (far too long) since Wpg has had a bonafide #1 QB they can hang their hat on.
  16. Durant looked really rusty yesterday. His 'throws' were ok but often off the mark. 'Riders couldn't get much going really until their backups came in against the Eskie backups, but even then a few well timed turnovers cost the 'riders any momentum they were gaining. Liked how the Eskies looked, there was definitely a 'fire' there from the returning vets against their old coach. But these games don't count regardless, the real bullets start flying next week, and I've always waited until the end of July for all the dust to settle to start watching critically. IMO in the West especially we might see how good (or bad) the teams really are with all the new coaches (and players) until then. Just happy we get to see the football season very soon now!!!
  17. I'm admitting nothing - people here have their opinions, I have mine. I could care less what anyone here thinks about my loyalties. Not my problem (it's their's) so they'll have to deal with it Of course, why they care about me I'll never know lol
  18. Yep deal with it.
  19. Here in Edmonton they've been doing that for the past four seasons. Not necessarily when the QB is doing bad either. They often put Pat Smith, Mike NIchols, Franklin, in even when Reilly was healthy. Just for a few series, or even a few plays, just to keep defences off balance. I do agree, when Willy is struggling he's really struggling. No harm at all in putting someone in. That being said - the Bombers didn't exactly have 'quality' Qb's behind him. Now with Nichols as the backup, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see him (Nichols) run some series during the game as a change up regardless of how Willy and the offense are doing. One of the other things I'm anxious to see. I'm sure I read here that starting this season Willy will be making north of 400k a year - if he's that high in salary - he better be more than a 1TD pass per game QB and he definitely needs to find consistency. I will give him a few games though - it is a new offense and a completely new set of receivers. Though he faced that his first season and his first 6 games of his career here he had 12 (or was it 13?) TD passes and the bombers were 5 - 1. Since? Well in 24 starts he's had 22 TD passes, that means in his last 18 start he has 10 TD passes. 400k for that? I know I wouldn't be happy if I were a bomber fan. Just sayin..........
  20. Yep .... I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack
  21. Well, like I said on another thread - he was 5 and 1 to start his career here, then the wheels fell off. One stat shown last week that IMO speaks volumes is he's played 24 games for the Bombers and he's thrown 22 TD passes. That pretty much says it all right there a lot better than I can say. But this is the year his 'big' contract kicks in. I can't recall the details (oh, maybe it kicked it last year) so I'm curious to see how he does. IMO - the time is now and the pressure is on. Anxious to see how he does this year when the real season starts. Oh, btw 'RUST'. Give me a break. Go ask Drew Willy how 'rusty' he is. No one has played a 'game' since November and they are all training hard in the off season - if he was coming back in mid August when everyone has already played 10 games, then you can play the 'rust' card.
  22. Sure, and tell me who do think would go first, me or you? Did i insult you? Did I break a forum rule? Most forums I know frown severely on members trying to kick other members off. Some will suspend or ban such users. The whole 'purpose' of a forum is to allow folks to express opinions and discuss things. Personally I enjoy coming here and reading everyone's take on things. If i post something inapproriate, like, i don't know, for instance telling another person here leave for NO REASON, then maybe I will be banned.
  23. Oh my bad again. Apologies. Thought this was a FREE COUNTRY. Didn't know you were an 'oppression site' here.
  24. Oops sorry - sometimes I still use 'we'. My bad
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