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Everything posted by KptKrunch

  1. No, no you don't. The Bombers wouldn't have the rights to Mulumba or Bilukidi if that were the case. I think this is the 2nd time in the last couple weeks that Kpt Krunch has made this assertion. So I will confirm your post above. CFL TEAMS HOLD THE RIGHTS OF ALL DRAFT PICKS INDEFINITELY THAT DON'T SIGN WITH THEM. He was corrected last time as well. He never lets little things like facts get in the way of his ranting. Yeah, like I'm the only 'ranter' here - give me a break
  2. No, no you don't. The Bombers wouldn't have the rights to Mulumba or Bilukidi if that were the case. I think this is the 2nd time in the last couple weeks that Kpt Krunch has made this assertion. So I will confirm your post above. CFL TEAMS HOLD THE RIGHTS OF ALL DRAFT PICKS INDEFINITELY THAT DON'T SIGN WITH THEM. He was corrected last time as well. ohhhh I was 'corrected' lol. Good one (use the waiters voice in 'The Shining' for that one). Yes you are correct - as Anthony Mulumba will be patrolling the Blue bomber dline any day now, won't he? Well, I guess he could. I do get a bit mixed up sometime. What I meant was - you draft a player (Muamba) and he plays well, so well he gets an NFL shot after his two year contract runs out (and before it was in his option year he could do that) well, if/when he fails..... unless his option year was still running - U F A . He can go anywhere. So we drafted Henoc first overall, guess what? He's a UFA if he comes back to the CFL - we don't have his rights. This is what I meant. Still a joke
  3. Brohm is done. I bet he craps the bed in Regina - and NIchols comes in and wins the game (or gets us close to a win and then wins in the Banjo Bowl). At that point - Brohm will be gone - and will never be seen in pro football again. Good riddance. OF course, a much more likely scenario is Brohm stinks, Nichols goes in, and gets pulverized by Chick, his bad leg is wrecked again and he's out for the year, and we're back stuck with Brohm.
  4. Yes - you guys need to check with a Edmontonian who has been an esks season ticket holder for the past 14 years. I know a lot about Nichols. JBR told you the deal. See guys, Nichols was a mobile quarterback who used his speed to scramble around and buy time for receivers to open up. Unlike Brohm Nichols is an accurate passer. He does have a weak arm though, never his strong suit. As I said, it was his legs that carried him. So now, lets go back to JBR's observations which are bang one. When the Eskies got Reilly he was NOT the #1 defacto QB, he was going to battle it out with Nichols. In fact, many here believed that Nichols had the inside track for the job. Up the first exhibition game he was actually performing better - but on his first series in the first exhibition game, after smartly driving the ball downfield, he scrambled into the end zone for a TD and on the play got hit on the knee. The knee was ripped up (and he was coming off a broken leg from the previous season on the same leg) and well, the rest is history. He is no longer a 'mobile' QB and his weak arm has been exposed here. Also, he has become very disillusioned here due to the fact he was so close to being a starter. Nichols is in the last year of his contract and was most definitely not re-signing here. He and his agent made no bones about it - he wanted a legit shot at being a #1 QB and he wasn't getting that here. So there's the goods on Nichols. It's why the Esks traded him and got (potentially) so little. My take on him - I don't think he's starter material - but I do think he is a capable backup who can fill in when needed. He won't win a team a Grey Cup but he is good enough to not lose a game for a team as he proved here with a 5 - 2 record. And as noted here, he is far far better than any QB in Wpg is excluding of course the injured Willy so this move is a no brainer for both teams. The Esks dump a QB they don't need, and if he re-signs in Wpg in the off season that pick could be a lot higher. As for the pick - it's moot. As I've said here many time, the CFL draft is a joke. You take the BPA and he's most likely going to the NFL and if he stays there more than a year you lose his rights anyway. If you take a Jade Etienne you take your chances. He could could turn into a player or a waterboy. Most likely a water boy. IDC what the pick is - we got a legit and viable backup QB. Won't get one of those in the draft. Nichols needs to prove something - great trade for the Bombers!!!!!
  5. Wade Miller couldn't play at all - except on special teams. I hope Brohm starts. I want to see what he can do with a full week of reps. It looks like Willy is done for the season now so lets see what Brohm can do. Worse case is if he fails we know we got to get a capable backup for next year as we have our starter in Willy. If he does well we know we have a capable veteran backup. Personally, I don't like Brohm's game and I think he's a bigger clown than my avatar - but I hope I'm wrong if he gets the start. I've already alluded to the OP in other threads - Bombers are already the joke of the league though - even though SK is 0 - 9 this year, it's only one year of futility, decades of futility takes a while to overcome. Even if we win both games, it doesn't prove anything if those are the only games we can win. Lose both - get blown out in both - and IMO Walters and O'Shea would be the next two fired... and the merry-go-round starts again
  6. I gave us zero chance to win this game (LDC) and now with the coaching change the odds are even worse. After the Sk sweep season will be done but as I've said the Jets training camp will be opening starting with the rookie tournament in B.C. (Penticton) plus the NFL will now be on. Bombers will be an afterthought and the walk up ticket gate should only be fans of the opposition buying them. They gotta change their name to the 'bumblers' don't ya think... after the next two games.
  7. I didn't know Cotton was in Hamilton. Interesting. So it's not just QB's being released from other teams we're bringing in, it's cuts from other teams. No wonder we are what we are lol. Though I don't mind Walker as much as others as he has proven he can play in this league (prior to his injuries anyway) so lets see what he does here. One thing for sure, he won't be worse that what we already have, including one Paris Cotton who wasn't doing much prior to breaking arm save one good game.
  8. For sure it's a team effort. The QBing has been terrible since Willy went down, the oline hasn't opened up many holes for the running game and hasn't been consistent in pass blocking, and our receivers seem incapable of making any big plays or great catches. I recall a few years back and how our receivers couldn't get open if their lives depended on it. Now, with all the zone defense being played, there's TONS of holes. Eskimo's exploit them all the time - with their backups! Watch a game live and you can see it. Why can't the bombers exploit the same holes. I'm really starting to hate the 'I gotta watch the game film' answers too. What a crock. We'll never win another game, or even be in one, if we can't make adjustments on the fly and figure out what the other team is doing DURING the game. Watching the film AFTER the game is USELESS. After all, they had TWO WEEKS to watch game film and study and they only mustered 130 odd yards of total offense.
  9. I don't get it. I mean - in Marve's post game comments he said they didnt' have many two and outs and was surprised they only garnered 130 odd yards in total offense. I watch the games here all the time. Here's an easy pass - your SB goes on an up and out (to the near side line) and as he's breaking you huck the ball up and he gets it. Nichols and the Eskimos do that play - well 'routinely' would be the wrong word but they do it. Why can't we run plays like that. I don't understand. Other teams do that too. During the press conference I was so disappointed in the bomber media - are they paid by the bombers? No really tough questions ( I would have cut Marve some slack but I would have been all over O'Shea and I'd challenge him on the game film - does he not have eyes upstairs relaying info to him - I would have asked him that too). Like ISO - I'm getting sick of this. And it's deja vu - as I had the same attitude in March - I had pretty much 'officially' dropped the Oilers and decided I was going to go back to cheering for the Jets. However, the draft Lottery and subsequent house cleaning that happened in the Oiler front office has me back on their side (remember folks - the Jets LEFT and even then it took me to the '06 run before I could start investing emotionally in the Oilers and you just don't turn these things 'off'' - at least I don't). Eskimos are slowly growing on me - and the bombers are slowly dying in me. Another year or two of this (and especially if the Eskimos go to another Grey Cup) and I may become a complete sell out and the Eskimos may become my team. As for the QB thing - I agree Brohm has to go but I would want to make sure. He starts next week on Labour Day, and he starts again in the Banjo Bowl. I'd tell him flat out too if I were MOS, MB, or Buck - this is it Mr.Brohm. If we lose both of these games - the QB we bring in will be the 3rd stringer, Dominique moves to #2 and Marve #1 - you (Brohm) are unemployed and hopefully your university degree is real because you're going to need it. We really don't have a choice and all we can do as fans is hope Brohm can prove us wrong.
  10. The next two games are easily our season. If we lose both games to Saskatchewan we are done, put a fork in her. MOS and Walters will have to start worrying about their jobs too If we win both, and B.C. goes 1 - 1 (almost a given as they go into the Al's den on Friday - not sure who they play next but Mtrl looks like a new team now) or 0 - 2 we have a pretty good lock on 3rd place. Of course, we had a pretty good lock on a playoff spot last year going 5 - 1 to start the season so we know those 'locks' are cheap Walmart combo locks the kids get for their lockers, but hey.....
  11. I agree with Do or Die and others about the two week bye, and two weeks to come up with a game plan and practice it (though I know there is a mandatory break in there for the players). How can a team coming off a two week bye look so terrible? I never expected a win but I did post that I expected to see a competitive game. Again, who I really feel sorry for are those die hard bomber fans that pay real money and go to IGF every (other) week to watch this team with efforts like that. Look at the Eskimos, they got blown out last week by Hamilton and had only one week to prepare for Toronto - they came out mad as hell for what happened at home and gave their fans something to watch and then some. And don't look now - Justin Sorensen, Adarius Bowman, Cory Watson - reads like a bomber roster doesn't it? Those guys are doing alright here. Haven't watched the post game yet but I will right away. O'Shea and the entire football club - you should be embarrassed. Now you go into the teeth of a sleeping giant in Sask. Not sure if O'Shea and his staff can survive to next year if it's two more blow outs to a team who are winning (possibly) their first two games of the year (though they may win today).
  12. Who's the name of our third stringer?
  13. Wow. I didn't even think of that. So what you are saying is that the last time a WBB HC named Mike who had some type of connection to the number 7 (Mike Riley hired by the WBB in 1987...WTF) and who was successful was in fact none other than Mike Riley himself? So you think perhaps he is the reason for the curse on the team? That actually makes sense. In a world where the name Mike and the number 7 have been proven to be the fundamental lynchpins of the WBB's overall inherent Suckiness, then it makes sense that Mike Riley in fact started the curse so as to never ever be overshadowed by anyone. Especially anyone else in the world named Mike. Buddy, you nailed it. Cheers LMAO - I was going to say the same thing good one Stickem. Pitthead - you know what we are referring to right?
  14. You're 100% right - Henry Burris was brought into the league by the Sk Riders. He then went to either the Bears or the Packers in the NFL (can't recall which). When he busted down there, he signed with Calgary (might have been traded there again can't recall but that's how it worked). BTW - since McManus - you guys all but forgot about Allen and Ham. James Franklin now. We won with Burgess (from Ottawa) and Salisbury (From the NFL but really our D and overall team /coaching won that Grey Cup). And given our 'success' at developing our own QB's, I'm sure the same will continue. We'll be doormats year in and year out for the most part, occassionally catching lightning in a bottle and going to and possibly winning a Grey Cup once every 12 to 17 years or so. In between we'll have a couple of + .500 seasons, a couple of seasons around .500, and the rest made of being the joke of the league. Seems like a few here are more than comfortable with that arrangement. Well, and again I've mentioned this a few times - don't worry sports fans. Happy times will be here soon. Training camp opens in a few weeks - and the rookies the Jets have that can add to the playoff team they had last year, and the Oilers with McDavid and their changes (for me) - come Oct 1 I doubt any one of us will care who the starting QB is Wpg. If this continues I won't even be watching the games. I may glance at the score, but I won't really care.
  15. Yep - not sure what happened tonight/today. Marve looked ok early but as the game wore on he got worse and worse. It could be because he hasn't started/completed a game prior to last week in since 2013 I believe due to all his injuries. I still have no idea why Brian Brohm collects a paycheck as a pro QB. He is most definitely not a pro QB. The problem though is the Winnipeg Blue Bombers have no idea what a pro QB is. They have to wait for another team to sign one and release him, because that's the only way we get any QB's with any kind of talent - though that doesn't always work as we got Brohm through Hamilton who were smart enough to dump his ass as soon as they could. 8 to 3 at half time, Calgary obviously made a few adjustments and, as usual, the bombers (regardless of who is coaching them) were unable to. I hope one of the reporters asks MOS the question of the topic brought up here. I know I would. I would ask MOS point blank to explain to me how other teams can start raw, rookie, QB's and not only be competitive, but win games. And I would demand an answer from him - it's either his team can't recruit proper Qb's or his coaching staff can't develop them and put in a good game plan. I wouldn't buy the 'gotta watch the game film' either - again if I were a reporter and he said that I'd just comment to him he won't win another game if he can't make a decision on anything until 'after' he watches game film.
  16. Couldn't agree more. We don't need to win the game, lets just compete and make some adjustments (if needed). Lets see the 'growth' of this team.
  17. Yep, the best we have done since the Cal Murphy era is Taman bringing in already developed Qbs in Jones and Glenn. Bombers haven't developed a good QB since McManus. Haven't developed even an average Qb in that time frame either Exactly what I've been saying - some yahoo on here 'critized' my comment by saying McManus never did anything for us? - Still don't get his point. MY POINT was we hadn't RECRUITED a QB who had a decent career in this league since him (some people can't follow the dots when making a comment lol). This is the SOLE reason why we have been an irrelevant team in the CFL for the past 25 years. I don't care what arguments are brought forth (whether it be Hamm, Dunnigan, Cavillo, etc) - yes other teams have brought in QB's from other organisations and thrived, but they still have developed their own regardless. This is why I'm in Marve's corner, and if it isn't Marve, then whomever we bring in next. I've been waiting 25 years for the Bombers to recruit and develop their OWN QB - sooner or later, even by pure 'dumb' luck, it has to happen. Until it does - we'll always be a bottom feeder who may, once in a blue moon, fluke a year where we get to the Grey Cup (or even win the odd one) but will never maintain a level of consistency like all the other teams who bring in their own QB's do.
  18. Yep great game and proves a good team can come back after a terrible one - even with a rookie QB. A well coached team with proper player development can do that.
  19. I honestly can't tell if you're being serious here. The runs I saw had him tackled by his foot a few times, and stopped while trying to push for more yards. Also don't forget about his last carry where he tried to go outside (when nothing was there) and ended losing yards that took them out of field goal range. I think it was the 'bottle of rum' ISO drank. lol
  20. You're thinking Marshall as lead back and Cotton as the change of pace? Yes. Or cotton gone completely. Not sure what he's making but if it's starters money and he ain't playing... who knows I don't know Goalie - Cotton hasn't been getting the rock much lately on hand offs. Mostly in the air. I like him for some reason - he has that 'something' I believe. Marshall is a good complement to him as well. I like it the way it is I just wish, as others have said, they give Cotton the ball more on running plays - and disguise them a bit. Many times the plays are too obvious (and slow in developing) for them to be affective. I've changed my stance on Cotton btw - that 'something' has disappeared for me.
  21. Yep - great point. As terrible (and I mean the worst in the league) the bombers have been at recruiting quarterbacks, up until recently it has been the opposite at Running back. One position, until recently, I never worried about. We always seemed to find a stud. Fred Reid had looked like the latest one but for whatever reason (most likely an injury) lost his consistency. Paris Cotton is NOT the answer here, for every good game he has, he has four very non-descript games. Right now it's Marshall or bust and I thought slowly he was taking over the #1 spot anyway. That being said, he's still not even close to some 'Canadian' backs in this league like Harris. Cornish, or Messam. I agree with the RB carousel - lets keep bringing them in until we find someone who can be consistent.
  22. Time count violations, poor in-game decisions, not preparing the team properly, not making proper adjustments, not being creative, not properly addressing problem areas, playing guys that should sit, sitting guys that should play, sticking with poor personnel as coaches and players because they are your pals and/or you're too stubborn, etc, is going to cost you wins whether you have a group of talented players or not. A good coach can produce wins for a team by out-coaching the other team and preparing his team properly which includes things like discipline and focus. Then there are the intangibles like imparting heart, a never-say-die attitude and a strong will to win. I'm not seeing any of this from Mike O'Shea and his coaching staff. I do see it in varying degrees from other coaches in the league however. Well, I for one could not understand O'Shea's love affair with the MLB from Toronto who, though he hit hard, was slow, out of position on a lot of plays, and tried to make up for all that by hitting late. I remember that one game he had not one, not two, but THREE unnecessary roughing penalties. All were legit too, not one of those calls were borderline. And MOS still kept playing him and defended it after the game. Kuale was a joke but all coaches have those players. I guess the problem I have with people wanting O'Shea gone is that you may get the next Tim Burke or Jeff Reindolt in his place. O'Shea isn't perfect but he's learning and I'm sure he'll get better. Like it or not, we get a coach that's too good, then like the players, they won't be around long anyway. See Mike Riley and Mark Trestman. Dave Dickenson would be the only guy I'd consider but he's not leaving Calgary. He's going to be the next HC in Calgary.
  23. Why is it a "so called" Canadian Draft? It's a "draft" for "Canadians". Seems appropriately titled. I guess I should say 'draft' moreso then Canadian. Cause a draft you usually pick the 'best'player, here you can't
  24. Mulumba never should have been drafted. Why would any CFL team draft a 'good' Canadian is beyond me lol. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but if Mulumba does, say next year or the year after, ends up here, he's a UFA right? Bombers, for drafting him, only hold his rights for 1 or 2 years (if he's unsigned) then he's free is he not? What a joke our so called "Canadian Draft" is.
  25. Sask is 0 - 8. B.C. is in turmoil and has the same record as us. Ottawa reminds me a LOT of us last year, great start but the real team is starting to emerge and IMO will not win more than two more games the rest of the way. Montreal is also in turmoil now that they have dumped Higgins and Popp has taken over, yet again. I wouldn't go so far to say we are 'out of the playoffs' and I really don't think a 'Ricky Ray' would help us at all. Lets just take a collective breath. Drew Willy is developing just fine. Look at what Collaros did after getting a concussion last year? Those six weeks off did him good and he's now the best QB in the league. Robert Marve is/will be fine as a temporary starter. If anything we should bring someone in to replace Brohm. And btw - when injuries like this (to your starting QB) happen, it will make a decent team stronger and accelerate the growth of the team. a year from now we might be saying Willy's injury was the best thing to ever happen to the Bombers in recent years. I really don't like these 'doom and gloom' threads. If you gave up the ghost every time your starter got hurt - the bombers of two years ago under Burke and Mack will start to look like a good team.
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