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Everything posted by BomberFan

  1. OK, we lost. Don't panic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_TfBbR6L0M
  2. Um late hit? The play never even started but you can't throw a flag when no one hears the whistle and all the players are continuing to play. That play never happened.
  3. The refs are **** 17. I don't blame them for the loss today. it doesn't make them any less ****. If you think the refs in the CFL are competent, then you're not as smart as you think you are. and where did I say that? All I said was blaming the refs for a loss is what people who don't know football do. The refs are ****, but they're **** for everyone. Winning teams still make more plays than their opponents and the Bombers didn't do that today. No argument, as long as you're not giving the refs a pass.
  4. I disagree with Arsh. The Bombers D played great today with 16 points given up. Kuale on the hand is getting worse and worse every game. There's no way he deserves to stay in the lineup over Kromah when Wild is back. He stays, MOS likes him, and NEVER admits a mistake.
  5. The refs are **** 17. I don't blame them for the loss today. it doesn't make them any less ****. If you think the refs in the CFL are competent, then you're not as smart as you think you are.
  6. Why are you here? You're not a Bomber Fan. You're either Nates sockpuppet or a idiot all on you own.
  7. Do you have a brain injury? This team is 100x better than last year. Let me tell you something, we are going to win the crossover battle and be in the GC. Sask wont, so get that watermelon off your empty head.
  8. Wow, so many missed tackles on that return I thought they were playing a team from the CNIB.
  9. Really? 4 hrs before game time and all ready with the officiating? The officiating in the CFL has been crap all season. I'm surprised you're surprised. Yes, that is true. But every game the Riders have won it's always because of the officiating according to the oppositions fans. Which is total b.s.. Unless the zebras up their incompetence It'll be a non-factor. We got this.
  10. Turning out to be a pretty interesting game actually. Bit of a flag-fest though...
  11. I'm sure you can explain this, as it makes no sense. Both previous games were close and no quit shown by The Blue. So go ahead...
  12. Really? 4 hrs before game time and all ready with the officiating? The officiating in the CFL has been crap all season. I'm surprised you're surprised.
  13. You know what the worst part is? It means we're probably going to get Black and Forde tomorrow for the Banjo Bowl. Blech. I think it will be Cuthbert and Suitor for the BB. With 2 games tomorrow and the early game in the east? Unless they have Gord Miller and Matt Dunigan do one of the games all signs point to Black and Forde taking the quick flight to Winnipeg to do the 2nd game tomorrow. Dunnigan is not on the panel tonight. well that's encouraging. Anyone but Rod Black. Jesus suffering Christ, Rod Bla Bla Bla is the WORST play by play guy in the history of sports. "Bo Mitchell has the ball, he was named after Bo Jackson after his parents met Bo at the Taco Bell, then when Bo was born, touchdown Calgary" I could just smash that useless ****...
  14. Those Edmonton uni's should have came with clown shoes.
  15. Because he can't hit the basket over his office trashcan from his chair.
  16. Nice helmets though.
  17. What a drag that injury is, hope he's gonna be ok. Shutz says no, so I have hope...
  18. http://youtu.be/exu4HOZiXFs?t=41s/
  19. Is two catches in one game two more than he ever did here? LOL!
  20. Killin it? He's talking a lot of crap if you ask me. An 80-0 loss is the same as a 13-12 loss. Give that crap a rest.
  21. Their defence is ballin. OK, credit where credit is due, but BCs O isn't exactly playing lights out either.
  22. Wow, somebody towel Milts head,
  23. Theb only team looking scary in this game is Ottawa. Scary bad.
  24. I was 14 once.
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