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Everything posted by BomberFan

  1. Hope you like it! LOL!
  2. I hope you like it. LOL! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijr4rwb2WbE
  3. LOL omg...was that even for real or was that some joke thing that was made up? That was hilarious...and if real, the crappiest thing I've ever seen made for a city. But, but the LYRICS!
  4. That'll be according to RiderFans, but hey they also agree, we've only beaten garbage teams so far, so I wonder how the win will be perceived? LOL
  5. 5:44 left, if the RBs can execute the way they just did on that last drive for 7, they may have a chance...
  6. Love this quote from him "Mike O'Shea is in charge. He's our absolute leader," said Randle. "It's what you need and what you want. One voice determining the course of the team. Players want structure. They want to be shown the way. O'Shea does that."
  7. Thanks for all your mentions of the 'Peg and The Bombers on your blog man. Great job. And tell your readers, they should come here at least for game-day threads and chat! Thanks again bud!
  8. Turning into a bit of a laugher 24-0 first quarter! I'm almost afraid to go to riderfans.com and observe the chest-thumping and yodeling.
  9. I watch it when it's on TSN. Fun game to watch.
  10. Good. Bring him here.
  11. Cut Matty some slack, at least he comes by his brain damage honestly.
  12. Partridge is a beast on short yardage!
  13. Wow, that Mallett is a baller, out for 5 years and cutting runs like that? Wow.
  14. Be really nice to see BC win this, but I have my doubts...
  15. They'll have to keep Smith, obviously they have NO-ONE else. Well they could trade us Cox for one of our backups...LOL!
  16. Ricky Ray not looking like 'the best player in the league' either.
  17. Battle of the has-beens. Snore.
  18. Montreals D is for real. Too bad about the O though...
  19. Looks like he wont' be cut by the Jags
  20. And I cannot argue with logic like this. I disagree. I think KBF was way off base here. Bloody Hell, I was stupid enough to watch that video and now I can't get that damn song out of my head! Pay back will be coming! Payback
  21. Thanks excellent quality for you tube. Great Job!
  22. Haha - glad I'm not the only one. In fact I think my attitude on here (ourbombers) when Swaggerville was in full swing was what, for some reason, caused a lot of members there (now here) to for some reason hate me for MY opinion on the matter. I hated Swaggerville - couldn't stand it. The team was acting like a bunch of jerks and after that 7 - 1 start boy did it ever bite them in the ass big time. I like this team much better. I don't mind celebrations when you make a big play, but be humble about it - which for the most part they are (as humble as the next team anyway). It's nice to be a 'proud' bomber fan again. Folks didn't understand how embarrassing that Swaggerville crap was outside of Wpg. Once the wheels fell off though, I think some got it. One of the biggest differences I've noticed, is all the "me me me" guys are gone. And yeah swaggervillve was at best cringeworthy.
  23. Coming back against BC after the the thumping we took in Edmonton gives me some real hope and speaks to the character of this team. something that has been sorely lacking for a few seasons. I put this all on MOS, the coaches and the fact that the TEAM has bought into the philosophy and the system. This is no small feat IMHO, no prima-donnas, no Swaggerville nonsense or individual chest-thumping. Just genuine team effort where everyone holds themselves accountable. Yeah we have some issues, every team does, I'm confident they will be handled as best as can be. I'm not planning The Parade yet, but so far so good, I think.
  24. Well that comedy of errors is over.
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