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Everything posted by BomberFan

  1. September 3rd is "International Bacon Day" Baconnaise is Vegetarian! Bacon is addictive; it contains six types of umami. Umami produces an addictive neurochemical response Each year in the US more than 1.7 billion lbs. of bacon are consumed in food service, which is equivalent to the weight of 8.5 Nimitz class aircraft carriers. Bacon cures hangovers 69% of all food service operators serve bacon There is a bust of Kevin Bacon made of bacon The price of pork bellies is the highest it has been since 1988 Bacon is one of the oldest processed meats in history. The Chinese began salting pork bellies as early as 1500 B.C. Canadian Bacon is not really bacon, it is fully-cooked smoked pork loin Pregnant women should eat bacon. Choline, which is found in bacon, helps fetal brain development Bacon and eggs are eatten together 71% of the time Bacon appeals to males slightly more than females Bacon is consumed at breakfast an average of 12 times per person per year A 250 lb pig yields about 23 lbs of bacon Bacon accounts for 19% of all pork eaten in the home Bacon consumption occurs 59% during weekdays and 41% on the weekends People over the age of 34 make up most bacon consumption Bacon accounted for nearly half of breakfast meat serving volume More than half of all homes (53%) keep bacon on hand at all times
  2. It really should be neat. My trick when I started was to breath in before I took a sip and breath out after but I'm at the point where I am so used it I'll really savour it. MacCallums 18, one icecube. That is all.
  3. See how it plays out tonight Morency? Really? That fool couldn't predict the sun coming up. And his 'guy' in Montreal shines shoes on St. Catherines.
  4. Gentlemen, it is better to have died as small boy, than to fumble this football. --- John Heisman
  5. I'M NOT WRONG! Starbucks is wrong. No bacon latte!
  6. Sorry to ruin your day, but if you're a lions fan and you'd watched the game it would have been ruined anyway.
  7. As a lover of bacon I approve of this sandwich. And whoever said they didn't like bacon, harrumph. Go ahead take away the salt and the fat, What have you got? Jerky! Everyone knows jerky is good!
  8. Yeah I know 24 -9 but that TD was gift from the refs. Good news is BC is a gift from the league for anyone who plays them. http://www.tsn.ca/VideoHub/?collection=72&show=393004
  9. Yeah he definitely had a hold to him...both hands
  10. I saw his tweets. He's a dope.
  11. Well I guess I'm not getting those 3 seconds back.
  12. In Mack we trust!
  13. Well he probably won't fail for lack of strength of character. And, now I know how to pronounce his name. LOL
  14. Wow. Now I actually know something about this guy. Here's a short quote: "Because the story of Hajrullahu's rise to become the Bombers placekicker heir apparent begins before that. Before the fateful trip on the last refugee flight to Canada. Before the Macedonia refugee camp where a young Lirim would line up for canned food and fish for his family. And before the tanks and burning houses threatened to tear his homeland apart. It actually begins with soccer." Enjoy. http://www.winnipegfreepress.com/sports/football/bombers/life-precious-life-263591991.html
  15. Sure have your priorities right. LOL. Family is the most important thing in your life, so you can blow the above back up your ass, where it came from.
  16. Thanks for your efforts man, and paying attention to the CFL. best wishes to you.
  17. You Sir, are a King among Men. Thanks.
  18. Dude, please.
  19. Is she a goer? KnowWhatImean? Say no more, Say no more. Nudge nudge..
  20. I've had many good steaks at the Keg. If they serve me one that's over done, does that immediately make them a bad restaurant? If the meat has been sitting there too long and they still serve it, I'd say yes, it does make them a bad restaurant. Don't forget your steak is being cooked by a 20 year old who holds BBQ's in his moms back yard. LOL
  21. You still feel that way today? LOL!
  22. I agree, all on O'Shea. Discipline and buy-in. I think the guys BELIEVE. And that's what builds teams.
  23. I forgot to PVR the game. DOH! Anyone have a free source so I can re-watch. No, I'm not paying for TSN GO. I already pay for both standard and HD TSN 1 and 2. Bloody thieves. Thanks for your help if there is any.
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