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Everything posted by BomberFan

  1. Ehlers could be a Patrick Kane kinda guy. There is nothing left for him to learn in Halifax. He's going to be a superstar in the NHL, better sooner than later ;-). I hope they all get a very good look. Because he looked good in a rookie tournament? Come on now. I don't disagree that Ehlers has a lot of potential, but to suggest there's nothing left to learn in the CHL is just crazy. Staying in juniors has never ruined a prospect. Especially one who is on the smaller side. Nothing wrong with letting him bulk up and work on some things against his peers. Eberle isn't the best comparable since I think Ehlers is a better skater, but Eberle was certainly not hurt by finishing his junior career even if he probably could have played in the NHL right away. No because of his body of work last year in Halifax And staying juniors too long can hamper development, that's a fact. I'd like to see him here if he can make the cut. Like I said every player is different. Size never hurt Kane, Giroux or St Louis and they haven't exactly bulked up have they? Name just one player who hampered their development staying in junior. Just one. I don't think the first half of Shiefles season was helped by staying in junior, he was light on his feet and thought he could play the junior game in a mans league. I'm not saying it's bad overall, I just think the players I mentioned aren't going to benefit much by staying there.
  2. It's time for Chevy to start implementing his "build from the draft" plan. We have enough deadwood at the bottom to create the opportunities for prospects to step up. Have only seen lodge in the tournament, he looked good. Nice hands.
  3. Ehlers could be a Patrick Kane kinda guy. There is nothing left for him to learn in Halifax. He's going to be a superstar in the NHL, better sooner than later ;-). I hope they all get a very good look. Because he looked good in a rookie tournament? Come on now. I don't disagree that Ehlers has a lot of potential, but to suggest there's nothing left to learn in the CHL is just crazy. Staying in juniors has never ruined a prospect. Especially one who is on the smaller side. Nothing wrong with letting him bulk up and work on some things against his peers. Eberle isn't the best comparable since I think Ehlers is a better skater, but Eberle was certainly not hurt by finishing his junior career even if he probably could have played in the NHL right away. No because of his body of work last year in Halifax And staying juniors too long can hamper development, that's a fact. I'd like to see him here if he can make the cut. Like I said every player is different. Size never hurt Kane, Giroux or St Louis and they haven't exactly bulked up have they?
  4. Burmi has burnt his bridges in Winnipeg, not sure anyone else would want him. Maybe in a package deal, but that's another conversation altogether.
  5. Ehlers could be a Patrick Kane kinda guy. There is nothing left for him to learn in Halifax. He's going to be a superstar in the NHL, better sooner than later ;-). I hope they all get a very good look.
  6. While I really want the Jets to get rid of the dead weight on their roster, I don't know how much I like the idea of throwing some of these kids right into the NHL and letting them develop in the bigs. Seems like that's the exact mentality that Atlanta used to stunt the growth of many of their picks Well every case is different, I don't think Ehlers, Morrissey and Petan have anything left to learn in junior, except maybe bad habits. Shief had a real crap start to his season last year, and faced a ton of criticism. I credit Maurices' patience and encouragement for turning that around. If those guys stand out in training camp and outplay guys like Tangradi, Galiardi, Peluso, Slater, etc, in the preseason, I wouldn't be surprised at all to see them get some polish on the roster. Chevy and Maurice will figure it out, I'm sure.
  7. You driven around The 'Peg lately?
  8. Actually it's in reference to Reverend Jim Jones and his cult followers. The analogy goes like this: People are so fanatic in their belief that they drank poisoned Kool-aid, even knowing what it was. It's a common analogy to describe fanatics. Do you understand now? That would make everyone on here a kool-aid drinker then because the word fan is short for fanatics. Thanks for the explanation though kool-aid drinker. It still doesn't really apply to a football forum though, I mean really, the bombers are now a cult? o'shea is some cult leader? You do realize how stupid that sounds right? Please go read the sharp edges sign again. You missed the point by a lightyear. If you don't understand why suggesting someone has "drank the kool-aid" is entirely appropriate in a sports forum, then YOU shouldn't be calling anyone stupid. fa·nat·ic fəˈnatik/ noun 1. a person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal, especially for an extreme religious or political cause.
  9. No idea, but Rider fans who come onto Bomber forums acting like clowns shouldn't go throwing stones at Bomber fans who post on the Rider home forum. We all read what you have to say over at Riderfans about the Bombers. Don't come looking for sympathy and crying crocodile tears over here if a Bomber fan makes you look bad on your home forum. You come here all trying to give the impression that you're a nice guy but everything you say to Bomber fans and about the Bombers on your home forum is real douchebaggery. Own it. Perhaps what we write on our home forum isn't meant for your eyes. Your logic button is broken. Well, I suppose I did have your account activated now, didn't we ? Indeed and thanks, makes your comment even more WTF?
  10. No idea, but Rider fans who come onto Bomber forums acting like clowns shouldn't go throwing stones at Bomber fans who post on the Rider home forum. We all read what you have to say over at Riderfans about the Bombers. Don't come looking for sympathy and crying crocodile tears over here if a Bomber fan makes you look bad on your home forum. You come here all trying to give the impression that you're a nice guy but everything you say to Bomber fans and about the Bombers on your home forum is real douchebaggery. Own it. Perhaps what we write on our home forum isn't meant for your eyes. Your logic button is broken.
  11. Geez and I thought I was a pessimistic person. How are we even close to the 2013 season? Are you mentally irregular or something? It was a joke, sorry you missed it. It's obvious he wakes up in the morning pissed off and angry, compared the jets goalie in the young stars tourney to pavelec 2.0 after one game, what's that tell you really.. It tells me you're probably an angsty teenager who thinks he knows every goddam thing.
  12. Actually it's in reference to Reverend Jim Jones and his cult followers. The analogy goes like this: People are so fanatic in their belief that they drank poisoned Kool-aid, even knowing what it was. It's a common analogy to describe fanatics. Do you understand now?
  13. Wont' happen, we'll stand pat because all we have to do is "watch the film and fix mistakes." That's what all teams do but regardless, what's your point? you want some quick fixes to come in? I see people say yeah we need a MLB who just got cut from the NFL, a bighill type, in other words, we need one of the best if not the best MLB in the league.. yeah that seems likely to find in one week. Sure. That's totally realistic. So you can't find the point? This might help, but I doubt it.
  14. Wont' happen, we'll stand pat because all we have to do is "watch the film and fix mistakes."
  15. Wow. Riders looking pretty ordinary without Durian. Probably how we'll look without Willy.
  16. Well I guess we're back to 2013 where we live on hope and alcohol. I for one welcome our Liquor and Lottery overlords...
  17. So, as long as they stayed in their gaps, and made their tackles, the run defence would work….sounds about right. So, what does that tell you? That it isn't working. I'll leave that for you to figure out. No, it's you that figured it out, maybe, Not once did i say it was working, nor did I say I agree with the concept. All I said …….was not to put words in O'Shea's mouth that he didn't say. I didn't say he said anything. I just alluded to the "everything is ok" attitude shown by some posters during the Joe Mack era. We don't need a repeat of that. What I'm seeing is buck-passing: "We'd be fine, if everybody just does their jobs". Sounds like typical corporate ass-covering to me. I'll take a lot of heat for not being on the MOS bandwagon, but I don't hate the guy. And I'm sure given time, he'll be a very good coach. But I must say, he's almost Kelly-esque in his denial of failure. Let the flames begin! And we have no idea what happens behind closed doors, which is where 99% of coaching is happening. Do you think MOS says, "no problems, good job boys" when they are reviewing film? Highly doubt it. Can almost guarantee guys are getting chewed out and coached up by MOS and their position coaches. Don't put too much stock into what the media gets or doesn't get. I guess there 2 ways to evaluate a team: Results on the field and what the coach tells the fans is happening. He seems to have a blase attitude in speaking with the press. I find that off-putting.
  18. I hope we don't see another collapse like we saw in the TO game yesterday.
  19. So, as long as they stayed in their gaps, and made their tackles, the run defence would work….sounds about right. So, what does that tell you? That it isn't working. I'll leave that for you to figure out. No, it's you that figured it out, maybe, Not once did i say it was working, nor did I say I agree with the concept. All I said …….was not to put words in O'Shea's mouth that he didn't say. I didn't say he said anything. I just alluded to the "everything is ok" attitude shown by some posters during the Joe Mack era. We don't need a repeat of that. What I'm seeing is buck-passing: "We'd be fine, if everybody just does their jobs". Sounds like typical corporate ass-covering to me. I'll take a lot of heat for not being on the MOS bandwagon, but I don't hate the guy. And I'm sure given time, he'll be a very good coach. But I must say, he's almost Kelly-esque in his denial of failure. Let the flames begin!
  20. Don't know what you mean even though you put it so eloquently. Well then you should think harder and try and figure out what it means. Pretty sure MOS also said that he didnt think the run game WOULD be a problem as long as guys made their tackles and stayed in their lanes, something to that effect. This was at least a month ago. Since then we've given up over 6 yards a carry easily for a month.
  21. So, as long as they stayed in their gaps, and made their tackles, the run defence would work….sounds about right. So, what does that tell you? That it isn't working. I'll leave that for you to figure out.
  22. When the run game falls in the toilet, like the fourth quarter tonight, people start bringing out stuff O'Shea never said. He didn't say the running game isn't a problem, and he never insisted we are OK at handling the run. Listen to what he actually says and you'll understand. O'Shea has said, in the past, that he wasn't worried about the yards gained in those games he was asked about. IMWT. Jesus not again...
  23. Whatever. Well, what do you expect when you make a ridiculous statement like comparing helle to pav after one friggin game. This is exactly what I expect from you, snarky bullshit when you don't like someones opinion. And personally I don't care about yours.
  24. Epic 2nd half collapse by TO. Wow.
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