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Everything posted by peggars

  1. lions are just tearing through that montreal D, game will be over by half
  2. how was that even a need to be reviewed call? bush league officiating on that play
  3. Manny is a damn good receiver
  4. i think its more that there is a silver lining to finishing 4th in the west, if that happens to be the case.
  5. When i envision a "entitled spoiled brat child of a superstar athlete" Duron is like the poster child. What a waste of god given talents. I read of few of his tweets and am now convinced his sure handed receiver father had one big drop and dumped Duron on his head as a child, leaving him with the IQ of a potato. His only chance to play next year is Chris Jones or arena football. But he can at least enjoy the heel role he keeps bragging about, must be a defence mechanism for not being able to live up to anything remotely close to his dad.
  6. i would be happy taking a crossover playoff spot and competing with the east to get to the grey cup, might be tough getting past bc or calgary opposed to ottawa or hamilton
  7. My "I cheer for the result that is best for the league" hat cant decide which team i want to win. Both fanbases are down, albeit BCs has taken a huge hit the last 4 years and Montreal will recoup once they get a qb, and we are also in tough competition with BC right now for second in the west........TIME FOR A TIE!
  8. There is a sushi place there to so you know its legit.
  9. Please for the love of god run the ball at senior mens league DT Henry, 6-9 yards all every play all day
  10. They need Duffman to return punts. Fogg is a great returner but i remember when he had a big return and came back on the field quickly and gave up a long td pass, maybe its to much to put on a young player. Legget is a great FG returner but every time he returns one I hold my breath thinking he might get hurt (paranoia about losing our best defender). Denny is the best insurance policy and a consummate pro and will always be ready to be called in action if need be.
  11. never said that loss was his fault, i said he played poorly but was the benefactor of a sagging/lazy calgary defence in 4th quarter that enabled him to greatly inflate his stats from what was otherwise a terrible game from him
  12. First game against calgary, down 29 going into the forth. Defence was clearly sagging off allowed willy to throw for over150 yards and 2 tds in the 4th quarter in what ended up being his best statistical game of the season. Garbage time stats that greatly inflated what was a brutal Willy performance.
  13. stats are close between the two but Willy earned most of his passing yard in garbage time when down by 30. I get Nichols has a better line, more ToP from a better defence, yadda yadda yadda. Reality is that i have seen Nichols make countless tough throws both deep and short, including many crucial second and long converting tosses, that I never saw Willy throw this year or have any remote confidence he would make. Lapo needs to find a strategy in the red zone but once that is ironed out Nichols will be producing us a lot of TD drives.
  14. lol when we suck we want pitchforks pointed at our board of directors, coaches and players, when riders suck the pitchforks get pointed at the league, officials, other fans and underpants gnomes who are clearly fixing these games
  15. Jones threw the league under the bus today, he is clearly more important and above this measly football league that is the oldest in north america
  16. leaving a game up to chance is called "losing" in my books. Winning means not allowing any possibility for luck or a bad call to factor into the result. I still dont like Osh as a head coach (although he appears to be a complete stand up human being) but am so thankful we have him over a megalomaniac with no personal accountability. Osh is the first to say its his fault, that gets my respect.
  17. my old college coach used to say "blaming a loss on a bad call or one play against you means you clearly didnt do enough to win in the other 59 minutes (or in my sports case, 39 minutes) of the game and deserve the loss". Riders didnt do enough to clearly win and Jones's whining and rivers of rider fan tears need to stop.
  18. Masoli technically has a 0.1 higher QB rating than Durant with same amounts of games and similar pass attempt numbers so make that 7
  19. Bo-Levi, Collaros, Reilly, Harris, maybe Jennings, maybe Burris, so 4 for sure and possibly 2 more
  20. i think finally being competitive and getting playoff games helps the free agency situation as well from a cash perspective. Winning the cup gets you an extra $23,000 between grey cup game, division final and semi final. Thats a good bonus and a significant portion of salary for all positions aside from QB. Even making it to the division final gets you an extra $7000. Plus extra per diem, which equals close to another grand for playoff games and the week at the grey cup host city. It all adds up and potential free agents who feel we can get there may opt to stay. A nice little bonus, aside from winning a championship of course.
  21. Looking back on the unreal progress this defensive squad has made in the past few weeks and youthfulness of not just role players, but impact players, i think we are on the verge of a defensive dynasty similar to the 80s. Looking at our starters (best line up bombers could put out when everyone is healthy imo): S - Loffler: 24 years old, already a ratio breaker, could be an all star for us for next 6-8 seasons easily CB - Adams: 27 years old, all star corner, probably another good 3-5 years left in him CB - Randle: 28 years old, all star corner, probably 2-3 good years left before age and injuries catch him HB- Johnson: 28 years old, solid hb but not all-star, probably the first DB to exit the team in the future, 1-2 good years left HB- Fogg: 25 years old, emerging as a solid if not elite level hb and returner, 4-5 good years expected WLB- Wild: 26 years old, stud, nothing else to say, we need to keep him here at all costs, 4-6 all-star years left MLB- Bass: 26 years old, diamond in the rough find, has been solid and steady, i dont see us upgrading here this position in the near future, 2-4 good years left SLB- Leggett: 29 years old, one of the best players in the league, i have no idea how age will impact his play, would love 2-4 years of solid play from him DE- Westerman: 31 years old, elite DE in the league and ratio breaker, again dont know how age will play out here, could see us signing him for one more year after his current contract is done, 2-3 solid if not all-star years left NT- Shologan: 30 years old, solid DT with the right passport, is getting old and i dont see us keeping him around after current contract is done DT- Cummings: 25 years old, solid DT and anchor in the middle, would love to try and keep him here as long as possible, 4-6 solid years left DE- Green/Cole: Green is younger but they are pretty similar to me in production, probably on cheap contracts and dont hurt us keeping them around Guys to step in to roles: CB- Frederick: 26 years old, good player, could be randles replacement in a year or two, probably has 4 good years in him DE- Corney: 22 years old, potential ratio breaker allstar imo, could anchor that line for 6-8 years, westermans replacement DT- Thomas: 25 years old, has a lot of heart, solid but not a ratio breaker, could see him being a stop gap starter for shologan until we can find a better non-import somewhere and then goes back to current role, will probably be here for another 3-5 years WLB/SLB- Waggoner: 25 years old, has the right passport but im not sure if he will become an impact starter or remain as a backup/ST guy, which is not the worst case scenario either, probably stays here another 2-4 years or could turn into a ratio breaker....who knows DE- Martin: 25 years old, his signing got me pumped up, looks like the perfect CFL DE and could easily replace cole or green this season, still young and has not played a snap here but would not be surprised if he became a starter for the next 3-5 years DB- Roberts: 24 years old, weakest of the new DB recruits but could be a steady player whether in a starters role or as a DI, pretty young but would not be surprised if he is not here in a year or two, but could also stick around Looks like we have 3-5 good years ahead granted that we keep everyone signed here, we stay healthy and are not forced to cut vets for cap reasons. We have a young defensive unit with some young stud players and a DC that has turned them into a force to be reckoned with. Perhaps we become the Baltimore Ravens of the CFL, winning championships with league best defences and a trent dilfer (nichols).
  22. Is the new challenge rule in effect for the game tonight?
  23. http://3downnation.com/2016/05/03/an-exclusive-look-at-canadian-football-17/ sounds like the right people are working on the game.
  24. i would like to know his plan of attack for expanding CFL exposure in the states. I saw ESPN ratings of like 120,000 for a recent game, is that an improvement on last season? Imagine if the league was supplemented by a solid US contract that was even half of TSNs. An extra 2 million per team and extra $750,000 in cap space would be awesome for drawing better talent here.
  25. think he is doing fine, biggest blemish in the league is fan support in BC and Toronto and there is not that much he can do that he hasnt already done. Although im convinced part of BCs issues are the result of loss of discretionary income for many vancouverites from living in the 3rd most expensive city in North America.
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