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  1. Impressive game! Look out we are for real! PS. Anyone know where to buy those Diversity Tee's? I'd like to pick one up but I'm not willing to pay for the $18 shipping from CFL.ca on a $20 Tee.
  2. Indeed. I tethered my laptop to my phone and it works now. Guess I'll be troubleshooting my firewall...
  3. I'm getting disconnected within seconds of being connected to the chat. It says "Babble is not connected to the node server, please contact the administrator!" I have tried Chrome, Firefox and Safari with no noticeable difference. I have also tried disabling all plug ins. Am I missing anything?
  4. The claims on the labels and the actual ingredients for supplements are often two separate realities. In my online travels I stumbled upon this independent website that tests common supplements in a lab to confirm their claims. https://labdoor.com/rankings/protein
  5. LOL but they are, well at least some are. Best quote from RF in regards to the holding call on Rider's last return. "Hardly dragged him down. Terrible call." How exactly does one hardly drag someone down? You either drag them down or you don't.
  6. Loved Willy's game ... but I cringed every time he did one of those Buck Pierce headfirst dives at the end of a run. We gotta get Pete Rose in here to teach Drew how to slide. While Pete Rose is in town he can teach Hajrullahu how to gamble.
  7. This is no longer the case since Rogers and MTS got into bed together a few years back. They share towers in Manitoba so wherever you get an MTS signal you'll get a Roger's signal now.
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