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brett_c_b last won the day on December 20 2024

brett_c_b had the most liked content!

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  1. Some of his public comments last year indicated he's more of a me guy than a team guy. But that's probably just O'Shea's fault
  2. That's just budgeting though. I have a breakdown of where I expect my entire budget to go at work, but I still underspend in column B because I overspent in A all the time. If I hit the total budget nobody cares, but that doesn't mean I didn't start with an idea where the money was going. I'd say he's a terrible GM if he was black and white staying only within his positional budget. They job is field the best team for X dollars, not allocate x dollars perfectly. Not saying you're wrong, but I think it's crazy if he's that black and white about it.
  3. You sound like a Montreal Canadiens can who says every French player is going to sign in Montreal in free agency, and then they never do
  4. Once you're old and crotchety, you only focus on the negatives. Whether it be the D or three head coach or something else. So the D was bad because we ignore the secondary because we can't complain about it.
  5. I like his rule about the bombers playing in every grey cup game
  6. Mike Kelly might be available
  7. You feel we win in spite of O'Shea, I feel we won in spite of lapo. We all have our opinions
  8. I personally didn't like him as a coordinator either. Am I necessarily correct that he's bad at it, not at all. Just saying if he were to come back as a coach I'm about as happy as booch is when Jake Thomas is in the starting lineup
  9. The only way I'd ever be ok with lapo back is if he was breaking down tape and helping scheme and gameplan, but within the system of whoever the OC is. Don't want his system, don't want him being the guy to call the game, but I can't deny he understands the game, but I think his strength is more breaking it down after the fact than reacting to it in the moment
  10. We're kingmakers. We knighted sir Cody Fajardo, now it's time for sir Nick Arbuckle
  11. Loose ball interference, first down Argos
  12. Well that's something.....
  13. I know we're busy complaining about Buck but I'm more bothered by how many underneath crossing routes we're giving away.
  14. They were giving me time to get my grey cup chili on the stove and still make kickoff
  15. Once year contract extension per sack
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