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Everything posted by ddanger

  1. I agree our run D has been soft...at times. Generally early in the game, make some adjustments and we settle in.
  2. I think the issue is more about the capabilities of the other 2 guys playing linebacker. They're getting pushed around.
  3. sure looked like it
  4. 1st star: Buck for the imaginative play-calling. Set the offensive tone early. 13 minutes possession in Q1. 2nd star: The Jeffs....damn are we ever fortunate to have those two men on our team. 3rd star: Bailey and Schoen. Great games from both. ( see how I cleverly snuck in extra stars??) HH: Our truly amazing Sarah Orlesky. She's an absolute treasure and a massive loss to TSN. Every time she interviews a player they are smiling and happy. She has such skill.
  5. I feel pretty good about our chances today. Interested to see the adjustments we will have made to deal with their running back. I think if we can turn the heat up on Cody Fajita we'll be just fine.
  6. Okay maybe I've misinterpreted that tweet. Probably not the first time I've done that!
  7. Saw a post on twitter last night from Malcolm Thompson. Sorta sounded like he'd been released. Anyone else see that?
  8. very excited to see Machino get a chance to play. really liked what I saw from him in pre-season
  9. I thought I heard/read somewhere that Couture was at practice....maybe he'll be ready which would be big boost. I haven't minded Kolankowski, it''s Grey I have trouble with. No offence, but I hope you're wrong! I think he was just really upset after everything he's gone through and made a comment on his socials. That kid is good, and we're a better team with him playing.
  10. A great game tonight, Back and forth, flags firmly in the pockets.
  11. And another Sleeman
  12. The whole stadium knew we were gonna run on 2nd and short. And it's a 2 and out.
  13. Has anyone noticed how poorly Gray is playing?? I've seen 3 brutal plays where he's completely lost his guy.
  14. An amazing athlete. Congratulations are well deserved!!
  15. Gotta agree about Agudosi. Think he's going to be out long term. Who's next on the roster for Canadian receiver??
  16. Neufeld's right arm is so completely wrapped up it makes me think that he must be trying to play through something fairly serious. Our o'line needs some major time on the trainer's table. Someone mentioned Richmond. We also have 2 more American o'line on the PR I think. It sure would be nice if one of them could play tackle for a game or 2.
  17. Big Stan was really limping by the end, and Joshi sporting the knee brace isn't at his best either.
  18. Just reading " Do or Die's" thread. He's talking about Neufeld and Gray on the o'line as being the issue for the running game. And from what I saw last night, Dobson is completely lost out there. Maybe he's better inside at guard, but man he wasn't good as a tight end.
  19. I think/hope you meant Augustine. I believe the issue is with our O'line
  20. The three stars have been said over and over so I don't need a repeat. HH#1 The defence when it really mattered at the end. The D Line kicked it up many notches, and BLM was running for his life. And of course Houston for his interception at the end. That wasn't his only great play, but it was definitely his best of the night. HH#2 The crowd. What an atmosphere in the building tonight!! My ears are still ringing!
  21. Wife and I listened to CJOB with Derek Taylor and Doug Brown. MUCH BETTER than suffering through Suitor. Had the TV synced to the broadcast, and will absolutely be doing that in the future.
  22. 9 minutes left in the football time slot and we go to soccer?? WTF! Apparently TSN isn't that interested in promoting the game
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