Brandon Blue&Gold Posted February 23, 2018 Report Posted February 23, 2018 Google is my friend... Going by this and numbers from a Wikipedia page coal usage and production is steadily trending downwards with a slight upward trend a few years ago but back to going down now. Going by these numbers and what a country like Germany normally imports it does appear that the Europeans are using some American coal to makeup their own production shortfalls (intentional or not) as I and TUP speculated. They're letting the Americans take the environmental hit (which they don't care about) and let Trump feel good about himself. Everyone wins! The Unknown Poster and Mark F 1 1
basslicker Posted February 23, 2018 Report Posted February 23, 2018 On 2018-02-22 at 10:52 AM, Jacquie said: I imagine nothing would have been different. Even those trained (ie police, military) for active shooters have a much greater miss vs hit ratio compared to when using a shooting range. The range of an AR-15 is much greater than a handgun. The person with a hand gun would need to be within 25 feet of the shooter and have to shoot for the head (have to assume the shooter is wearing body armour). The chances of shooting another student would be much too great if he had even had a chance to get in range for a shot. Good guns with a guy is a myth spread by the NRA. Study after study has proven that. It only takes a quick google search to find stories of people with guns saving lives and stopping criminals. What do you think stops criminal and evil? Hugs and Kisses from princess Justine?
Mark F Posted February 23, 2018 Report Posted February 23, 2018 (edited) If coal exports went up, it's definitely temporary. Existing coal generators can't compete in price with new renewable. Coal is finished. don't ask me ask well known environmental left wing wack job outfit Nasdaq. who January 2018 wrote Quote However, per the EIA, gains in the U.S. coal industry are expected to be short lived, and the coal production in 2018 is expected to drop 1.9% year over year and further decline 2.4% in 2019. The primary reasons behind for this are drop in U.S. coal exports and decline in usage of coal in electricity generation in the United States.All major U.S. coal producers have been affected by the drastic fall in demand, and consequently prices have dipped. The coal companies have tried different ways - like cutting production, idling coal mines, lowering expenses, selling off coal mines and producing coal from low cost mines - to remain commercially viable.Due to the continuation of difficult times resulting in a drop in coal demand and prices, some major coal companies were forced to file for bankruptcy protection. (EIA is US energy information administration.) Can't believe people still think burning coal is a good idea. It doesn't even produce jobs worth speaking about anymore. dwarfed by renewable jobs in North America. Edited February 23, 2018 by Mark F
basslicker Posted February 23, 2018 Report Posted February 23, 2018 On 2018-02-22 at 10:18 AM, johnzo said: The Florida shooter was a citizen, and did not have a criminal record before he gunned up his school. But if law enforcement had acted on the warnings they received and confiscated his armory, they could have prevented this massacre. So it sure looks like you are pretty directly contradicting yourself here. Besides, do you really think cops should be free to confiscate guns from non-criminals simply because they've received warnings about that person's behavior? Don't you think that's ripe for abuse? They failed to do even write a report about the 39 times Police were called to his home in the last 8 years. Family members also called in and asked for his guns to be removed. I said 'law-abiding' citizens. If you commit a crime, you can have your guns seized. It seems to me like if the police/FBI actually did their job, they would have investigated these allegations....but like I said they did nothing, not even a report.
basslicker Posted February 23, 2018 Report Posted February 23, 2018 18 hours ago, bustamente said: If a trained professional did not want to confront the shooter what chance does a Geography teacher have , with a piddly hand gun against someone with murder in their eyes and a automatic weapon. Clearly this man was a coward and failed in his duty. There were students protecting each other with NO weapons and this tool sits around while people are murdered. Lest we forget the coach who gave his life by stepping in front of the bullets. It seems most people are more than to virtue signal and sit around while Rome burns instead of picking up a weapon and fighting back against the barbarian hordes.
basslicker Posted February 23, 2018 Report Posted February 23, 2018 On 2018-02-22 at 10:17 AM, wanna-b-fanboy said: well, he won't have a machine gun, but yeah he'll be here. yogi and MOBomberFan 1 1
The Unknown Poster Posted February 23, 2018 Report Posted February 23, 2018 3 minutes ago, basslicker said: It only takes a quick google search to find stories of people with guns saving lives and stopping criminals. What do you think stops criminal and evil? Hugs and Kisses from princess Justine? Its not evidence of arming teachers or that more guns is the answer. Of course guns can stop criminals. Thats why we arm police, military, etc. We have a body of people that are trained and entrusted with the use of guns to use for law enforcement. That some people with guns are in the right place at the right time and act heroically is great...but certainly not evidence that more people should be armed. In fact, its really the opposite. We already know there was an armed officer at the Parkland shooting and he was not able (or willing) to stop the shooter. The fact we're discussing this is ludicrous. Its an idea floated to distract from the real discussion of banning assault weapons. If people want to talk about increased security in schools, thats great. But the easiest way to stop someone from shooting people with an assault weapon us to ban the assault weapon. Period. Case closed.
Mark F Posted February 23, 2018 Report Posted February 23, 2018 16 minutes ago, Brandon Blue&Gold said: Going by this and numbers from a Wikipedia page coal usage and production is steadily trending downwards with a slight upward trend a few years ago but back to going down now. Citing the brief upward trend, and ignoring the rest of the information, is the same technique (cherry picking) as the climate science is a hoax crowd which poster pigeye is a member, of use. confusion and misinformation. Wanna-B-Fanboy 1
The Unknown Poster Posted February 23, 2018 Report Posted February 23, 2018 2 minutes ago, basslicker said: Clearly this man was a coward and failed in his duty. There were students protecting each other with NO weapons and this tool sits around while people are murdered. Lest we forget the coach who gave his life by stepping in front of the bullets. It seems most people are more than to virtue signal and sit around while Rome burns instead of picking up a weapon and fighting back against the barbarian hordes. So if your child was at school when a mass shooting incident happens and 10 teachers return fire and your child is killed inadvertently by a teacher, you will be okay with that right? Firstly, you need people that instinctively react in an heroic way. Calling a cop a coward is one thing (because it's his obligations). But to assume handing a teacher a gun will empower that teacher to get into a shoot out with someone with an assault rifle is certainly premature. I mean, we could debate this forever. But the fact not one single rational explanation for how this would work has been suggested proves its NRA bullshit designed to distract from the real issue. Of course the NRA wants a solution that involves BUYING MORE GUNS. That is the NRA's job! This is the goldmine they have been waiting for - a government sponsored program to arm teachers. The gun manufacturers will be lining up to supply that contract.
basslicker Posted February 23, 2018 Report Posted February 23, 2018 22 hours ago, kelownabomberfan said: The US at that time expected another war with England (they were right as it happened in 1812) and so wanted to make sure everyone had a gun. Those days are long over. The only thing tyrannical governments fear is an armed populace. It's why you see them pop up after they strip their people of weapons. Pre-Nazi Germany confiscated guns and proceed to try and eradicate the Jews, Slavs and Gyspsies. Post-revolution Russia banned all guns and bladed weapons and murdered tens of millions. China under Mao disarmed his populace and murdered 20 million. Yes, the American can not be considered tyrannical, but why do they remain free? It can be argued that they remain free because the government wouldn't dare take their guns, there would be a civil war.
kelownabomberfan Posted February 23, 2018 Report Posted February 23, 2018 7 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said: So if your child was at school when a mass shooting incident happens and 10 teachers return fire and your child is killed inadvertently by a teacher, you will be okay with that right? I was thinking back to my high school days (getting harder to that as the years go by) and what my teachers were like. Other than my Grade 9 home room teacher, who was a big hunter and outdoorsman guy, I wouldn't want any of those teachers to be carrying guns. They would have been a complete disaster. It was actually laughable to even think about. Wanna-B-Fanboy and The Unknown Poster 2
The Unknown Poster Posted February 23, 2018 Report Posted February 23, 2018 5 minutes ago, basslicker said: The only thing tyrannical governments fear is an armed populace. It's why you see them pop up after they strip their people of weapons. Pre-Nazi Germany confiscated guns and proceed to try and eradicate the Jews, Slavs and Gyspsies. Post-revolution Russia banned all guns and bladed weapons and murdered tens of millions. China under Mao disarmed his populace and murdered 20 million. Yes, the American can not be considered tyrannical, but why do they remain free? It can be argued that they remain free because the government wouldn't dare take their guns, there would be a civil war. Wrong. Its a great argument for the 2nd Amendment in the 1700's. Its a ridiculous argument on its face in 2018. This bubble argument of the US as if its the only nation on earth is hilarious. yogi, MOBomberFan and Wanna-B-Fanboy 3
johnzo Posted February 23, 2018 Report Posted February 23, 2018 (edited) 6 minutes ago, kelownabomberfan said: I was thinking back to my high school days (getting harder to that as the years go by) and what my teachers were like. Other than my Grade 9 home room teacher, who was a big hunter and outdoorsman guy, I wouldn't want any of those teachers to be carrying guns. They would have been a complete disaster. It was actually laughable to even think about. My Grade 1 teacher, Mrs. Travolo, was terrifying and could kill with a stare. She didn't need any guns. My Grade 8 teacher, on the other hand, had massive temper and anger issues -- he had some epic classroom meltdowns. That guy should never be armed with anything more deadly than a popsicle stick under any circumstances. Edited February 23, 2018 by johnzo kelownabomberfan 1
pigseye Posted February 23, 2018 Report Posted February 23, 2018 24 minutes ago, Mark F said: If coal exports went up, it's definitely temporary. Existing coal generators can't compete in price with new renewable. Coal is finished. don't ask me ask well known environmental left wing wack job outfit Nasdaq. who January 2018 wrote Can't believe people still think burning coal is a good idea. It doesn't even produce jobs worth speaking about anymore. dwarfed by renewable jobs in North America. Can you cite sources for your first three comments, I am genuinely interested to know where you got this information from? A quick wiki search shows that coal is still the number 1 source for energy production in the world.
basslicker Posted February 23, 2018 Report Posted February 23, 2018 On 2018-02-22 at 8:40 AM, The Unknown Poster said: lol I thought you were serious. This is the US politics thread. Protect innocence. With guns! Guns for everyone! Teachers, kids! How about big boxes of guns on street corners that people can help themselves to! lol People can mock when I mention Jesus/Christianity that's their choice but it doesn't hurt me. I know Christianity gets mocked on here, that's fine, mock. Sometimes I get too heated and say too much, but I rein myself in a lot more than I used to. (Haven't been suspended for a long time, maybe not since OurBombers, but I could be wrong) This verse remains true as it ever did, telling us not to hide and wait for someone else. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13 You as a man are called to action. Too bad that our society has destroyed what that means. I don't say this to insult, but to show that action must be taken to protect innocence. Yes, I agree guns shouldn't be on street corners as you jest, but on the other hand, evil men will find ways to do evil, and good men must be there to meet them. As for this thread, I'm done here. I can only waste so many pearls. Hahaha, although I'll wager the negative responses I usually get will add up. Wow, 4 notifications as I write this. Hahaha. yogi 1
The Unknown Poster Posted February 23, 2018 Report Posted February 23, 2018 2 minutes ago, kelownabomberfan said: I was thinking back to my high school days (getting harder to that as the years go by) and what my teachers were like. Other than my Grade 9 home room teacher, who was a big hunter and outdoorsman guy, I wouldn't want any of those teachers to be carrying guns. They would have been a complete disaster. It was actually laughable to even think about. Yup. Let's just imagine this in Parkland: I dont know how many teachers they have but lets say 10 are armed. Lets assume they are armed with hand guns (imagine teachers caring assault rifles all day). Let's also assume they have those guns loaded and ready in a holster on their person at all times (that's a big assumption rather then having the guns locked up). Shooter begins shooting. He has a weapon that shoots through people, walls, doors and windows. Student body is now in chaos. Fire alarm is pulled. Those 10 teachers ALL react heroically to "shoot the hell out of" the shooter (as Trump claims), assuming none of them freeze in the moment (as MANY people do instinctively). Those teachers have to get the shooter in site to return fire (God forbid they also have assault weapons and begin firing indiscriminately through doors, walls, windows etc). So a teacher with a hand gun has to get within X range of a shooter with an assault rifle who doesnt even have to take aim - he's firing indiscriminately. Those teachers have to see him. And let's assume those teachers dont see a kid with a book bag running around a corner and shoot him because they're not sure if its the shooter. Now, let's say it all goes according to plan. Crazed gunman with an assault weapon, 1000+ kids in chaos evacuating and running for safety and 10 TEACHERS (not cops, not military) see him and begin opening fire. Nothing could possibly go wrong right? But it's ok, the cops are en route. They know there is an active shooter. You have regular patrol cops responding and, likely, swat style officers too. They arrive at a scene with 1000+ kids, chaos and 10 additional people with guns who are firing. Nothing could possibly go wrong right? But hey, maybe one of these teachers used to be John McClane and manages to, with his hand gun, pick off the shooter and no one else, its a great story. Now tell me how those 10 teachers stop the Las Vegas shooter (or any number of other shootings involving assault rifles that dont happen at schools)? The NRA will have an answer for that too. Shooting at a 7/11? Arm the slurpee kid. Shooting at a McDonalds? Arm the burger flipper. Shooting at a hotel? Arm the bell hops. Shooting in a public place? ARM EVERY MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC. That's the end game for the NRA and their bought and paid for politicians. johnzo 1
pigseye Posted February 23, 2018 Report Posted February 23, 2018 20 minutes ago, Mark F said: Citing the brief upward trend, and ignoring the rest of the information, is the same technique (cherry picking) as the climate science is a hoax crowd which poster pigeye is a member, of use. confusion and misinformation. The only one spewing misinformation here is you my friend. I have said many times that climate change is real, we can measure it and the proof is in the results. What I have taken issue with is the CAGW crowd how think that all global warming/climate change is man made and only man made. Mark F 1
Mark F Posted February 23, 2018 Report Posted February 23, 2018 just checked washington times two of their "opinion writers" are Ted Nugent, and Oliver North. "North was tried in 1988. He was indicted on 16 felony counts, and on May 4, 1989, he was initially convicted of three: accepting an illegal gratuity, aiding and abetting in the obstruction of a congressional inquiry, and ordering the destruction of documents through his secretary, Fawn Hall. He was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Gerhard Gesell on July 5, 1989 to a three-year suspended prison term, two years probation, $150,000 in fines, and 1,200 hours of community service." Wanna-B-Fanboy 1
Mark F Posted February 23, 2018 Report Posted February 23, 2018 1 minute ago, pigseye said: The only one spewing misinformation here is you my friend. I have said many times that climate change is real, we can measure it and the proof is in the results. What I have taken issue with is the CAGW crowd how think that all global warming/climate change is man made and only man made. not interested in this discussion.
Mark F Posted February 23, 2018 Report Posted February 23, 2018 (edited) Man this thread is going way off track. Edited February 23, 2018 by Mark F
johnzo Posted February 23, 2018 Report Posted February 23, 2018 (edited) 49 minutes ago, basslicker said: Yes, the American can not be considered tyrannical, but why do they remain free? It can be argued that they remain free because the government wouldn't dare take their guns, there would be a civil war. Strange that the Second Amendment didn't save the American veterans camped at Hooverville or the African Americans who were burned out of Tulsa or the college kids at Kent State or the Branch Davidians in Waco or the Indians at Standing Rock -- just to name a few of the dozens of cases where large-scale government firepower has been pointed at U.S. citizens. The only example I can think of where the US government backed down in the face of armed resistance was the Bundy cattle grazing case in Nevada. Besides, the idea that an American could resist a full-on US government assault with an AR-15 is laughable. If the **** has hit the fan and the government really wanted you dead, they would drone you or robot you. At this point, one needs antiaircraft weapons and sensors to credibly defend ones' self against government attack. Look back 150 years to the US Civil War. The Confederacy was an entire nation with a functioning economy, considerable external support, and a pretty freaking legendary fighting spirit. And even they couldn't beat a determined US Government. Edited February 23, 2018 by johnzo The Unknown Poster and Brandon Blue&Gold 1 1
pigseye Posted February 23, 2018 Report Posted February 23, 2018 Just now, Mark F said: not interested in this discussion. Nor am I. The Unknown Poster 1
The Unknown Poster Posted February 23, 2018 Report Posted February 23, 2018 Just now, basslicker said: People can mock when I mention Jesus/Christianity that's their choice but it doesn't hurt me. I know Christianity gets mocked on here, that's fine, mock. Sometimes I get too heated and say too much, but I rein myself in a lot more than I used to. (Haven't been suspended for a long time, maybe not since OurBombers, but I could be wrong) This verse remains true as it ever did, telling us not to hide and wait for someone else. Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. John 15:13 You as a man are called to action. Too bad that our society has destroyed what that means. I don't say this to insult, but to show that action must be taken to protect innocence. Yes, I agree guns shouldn't be on street corners as you jest, but on the other hand, evil men will find ways to do evil, and good men must be there to meet them. As for this thread, I'm done here. I can only waste so many pearls. Hahaha, although I'll wager the negative responses I usually get will add up. Wow, 4 notifications as I write this. Hahaha. If you're directing that at me (which I assume since you quoted me), you're barking up the wrong tree. I come from a Christian family that were regular Church goers for years and years until my dad got too sick. The pastor regular (like weekly) visits my parents at home. I used to go to Church with them. Its not my thing so much. I wear a cross. I pray from time to time. I defend religion (it works whether you believe in God as a reality or believe in the spirit of religion as a guide to good living). That being said, I think there is a religion thread. Ill back you up on Religion. But if you attempt to imply we need to be armed to protect ourselves until such time as Jesus returns to save us all, you've lost me and its a silly point in the discussion. I bet those kids were doing a lot of praying for Jesus to help them when they were being gunned down. God gave us free will and common sense for a reason.
The Unknown Poster Posted February 23, 2018 Report Posted February 23, 2018 3 minutes ago, johnzo said: Strange that the Second Amendment didn't save the American veterans camped at Hooverville, or the African Americans who were burned out of "Black Wall Street" in Tulsa, or the kids who were killed at Kent State or the Branch Davidians in Waco. Besides, the idea that an American could resist a full-on US government assault with an AR-15 is laughable. If the **** has hit the fan and the government really wanted you dead, they would drone you or robot you. At this point, one needs antiaircraft weapons and sensors to credibly defend ones' self against government attack. Ys its the most idiotic discussion point put forth. There is not a person alive making that argument who comprehends what the founding fathers experienced in the 1700's when they debated the 2nd amendment (and there was a debate). The fact that some people stockpile weapons waiting for when they have to over-throw the government for the good of the nation is proof that they shouldn't be considered mentally healthy enough to own those weapons. And again, how do so many other nations WITH gun control, manage to remain free? The NRA is laughing their asses all the way to the bank. MOBomberFan 1
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