the watcher Posted December 14, 2021 Report Posted December 14, 2021 This is not exactly politics but as I read / watched I just kept thinking of Trump in command. blue_gold_84 1
bustamente Posted December 17, 2021 Report Posted December 17, 2021 Roger Stone one of Trump biggest boot lickers pleads the 5th and we all know what Trump thinks about people that plead the 5th.
Tracker Posted December 17, 2021 Report Posted December 17, 2021 1 hour ago, bustamente said: Roger Stone one of Trump biggest boot lickers pleads the 5th and we all know what Trump thinks about people that plead the 5th. Roger Stone is one of the people that I hope gets sent to jail for 20 years- arrogant, stupid and narcissistic. Sard, bustamente and blue_gold_84 3
bustamente Posted December 17, 2021 Report Posted December 17, 2021 1 minute ago, Tracker said: Roger Stone is one of the people that I hope gets sent to jail for 20 years- arrogant, stupid and narcissistic. Yup definitely thinks he is the smartest person in the room
Tracker Posted December 18, 2021 Report Posted December 18, 2021 Generals Warn Of Divided Military And Possible Civil War In Next U.S. Coup Attempt "Some might follow orders from the rightful commander in chief, while others might follow the Trumpian loser," which could trigger civil war, the generals wrote. Three retired U.S. generals warned in a chilling column Friday that another coup attempt in America in 2024 could divide the military and plunge an unprepared nation into civil war. “With the country still as divided as ever, we must take steps to prepare for the worst,” wrote former Army Major Gen. Paul Eaton, former Brigadier Gen. Steven Anderson and former Army Major Gen. Antonio Taguba. As the nation nears the first anniversary of the Capitol riot, the generals are “increasingly concerned about the aftermath of the 2024 presidential election and the potential for lethal chaos inside our military, which would put all Americans at severe risk,” they wrote in The Washington Post. “In short: We are chilled to our bones at the thought of a coup succeeding next time,” they added. The next time could be far more cataclysmic if members of the military throw in with those who want to overthrow the government, the generals warned. “Without constant maintenance, the potential for a military breakdown mirroring societal or political breakdown is very real,” the trio noted. A “disturbing number” of veterans and even active-duty military members took part in the attack on the Capitol. The “potential for a total breakdown of the chain of command along partisan lines ... is significant should another insurrection occur,” they added. In a “contested election, with loyalties split,” some might “follow orders from the rightful commander in chief,” while other “rogue units” might “follow the Trumpian loser ... it is not outlandish to say a military breakdown could lead to civil war,” the generals warned. The “lack of military preparedness for the aftermath of the 2020 election was striking and worrying. Trump’s acting defense secretary, Christopher Miller, testified that he deliberately withheld military protection of the Capitol before Jan. 6,” the generals noted. That can’t happen again, they emphasized. Military leaders can’t wait for elected officials to take adequate action to prepare for the next time. “Not a single leader who inspired” the last attempt has even been “held to account,” the generals noted. The Pentagon must act now to reenforce “unity of command,” and order an immediate “civics review” for all members — uniformed and civilian — on the Constitution and electoral integrity, the generals urged. And in a particularly dark scenario, the generals recommended that the Defense Department “war-game the next potential post-election insurrection or coup attempt to identify weak spots.” Everyone, they urged, must “show more urgency.” Generals Warn Of Divided Military And Possible Civil War In Next U.S. Coup Attempt | HuffPost Latest News
HardCoreBlue Posted December 18, 2021 Report Posted December 18, 2021 14 hours ago, Tracker said: 'Look at me I'm important, I like to be centre of attention, look how good I can talk and seem sincere when in fact I'm robbing you blind' GRIFTERS bustamente and JCon 2
Tracker Posted December 20, 2021 Report Posted December 20, 2021 Steve Bannon Threatens to Take Over Entire U.S. ‘Election Apparatus’ Former Trump official turned right-wing provocateur Steve Bannon took things a step further Monday morning, pledging to one day soon take over the entire “election apparatus” in the United States. “We are going to get it decertified,” Bannon said, referring to the 2020 presidential election, which the hotly contested MAGA character erroneously insists Trump won. “And hey, all they want to talk about all day long is Omicron and 6 January. And we love it,” he continued. “Cuz nobody cares. We care because we care about the legitimacy of our process. We are a constitutional republic. And guess what, we are going to take over the election apparatus.” Bannon further noted that “American citizens” will aid him in the proposed election system takeover. “I understand you don’t think that’s democracy because the globalists have done the misdirection plays and had everyone looking the other way,” he added, speaking to MSNBC producers he thinks breathlessly watch his daily War Room: Pandemic podcast. Steve Bannon Threatens to Take Over Entire U.S. ‘Election Apparatus’ (
bustamente Posted December 21, 2021 Report Posted December 21, 2021 The criminals are now not complying, pleading the 5th and suing the government, what a country Tracker 1
TrueBlue4ever Posted December 21, 2021 Report Posted December 21, 2021 2 hours ago, bustamente said: The criminals are now not complying, pleading the 5th and suing the government, what a country Sometimes I really don’t get the IS legal system. I thought when Roger Stone got pardoned that he was unable to then please the 5th. Or maybe that was for his other crime. If no consequences for pleading the 5th, then why wouldn’t every single person ever compelled to testify before Congress just do it?
JCon Posted December 21, 2021 Report Posted December 21, 2021 Pleading the 5th is one power that individual citizens have against the government. I have no problems with it. They left enough of a trail that there is plenty of evidence of their crimes.
Tracker Posted December 21, 2021 Report Posted December 21, 2021 2 hours ago, JCon said: Pleading the 5th is one power that individual citizens have against the government. I have no problems with it. They left enough of a trail that there is plenty of evidence of their crimes. The biggest problem in the US currently is the timidity of the Biden administration and the way the GOP has gamed the judicial system. This has led people like Trump, Stone, Miller and Flynn to believe that they are untouchable. JCon and HardCoreBlue 2
blue_gold_84 Posted December 21, 2021 Report Posted December 21, 2021 Quote Former President Trump announced he would hold a news conference from Mar-a-Lago on Jan. 6, the one-year anniversary of the riot at the U.S. Capitol that the former president himself was accused of inciting. "Why isn’t the Unselect Committee of highly partisan political hacks investigating the CAUSE of the January 6th protest, which was the rigged Presidential Election of 2020?" Trump said in his statement Tuesday announcing the news conference. The former president went on to cite several states where he claimed "the numbers don’t work for them, or even come close." He also sought to reframe the November 2020 election as "the insurrection," instead of the day his supporters overran the Capitol in an attempt to block certification of the electoral results. "I will be having a news conference on January 6th at Mar-a-Lago to discuss all of these points, and more," Trump said. "Until then, remember, the insurrection took place on November 3rd, it was the completely unarmed protest of the rigged election that took place on January 6th." What. An. Idiot. Tracker 1
HardCoreBlue Posted December 21, 2021 Report Posted December 21, 2021 1 minute ago, blue_gold_84 said: What. An. Idiot. Just to make things really fun, a new coordinated strategy should be to go full court press using a variety of different angles by flooding social media and cable news with fake made up stories, conspiracy theories etc about how the 2016 election was rigged and that Trump and his gang actually lost by a landslide. What's that saying, fight fire with fire?
bustamente Posted December 21, 2021 Report Posted December 21, 2021 Let see if Trump takes any questions and what kind of softball ones he answers, remember the media at his lie a thons that he had when he was President let him say whatever he wanted to without any pushback. Not one media member stood up when he wanted people to inject bleach and shove uv light up peoples arses and say Mr. President you are fall out crazy, or when he had his daily Covid updates where he barely said anything about Covid and spent most of the time pumping himself up and airing grievances.
Tracker Posted December 22, 2021 Report Posted December 22, 2021 3 hours ago, blue_gold_84 said: What. An. Idiot. Would love to see him arrested in the middle of this farce. the watcher 1
bustamente Posted December 29, 2021 Report Posted December 29, 2021 All of Trumps cronies are admitting to the parts they played on 1/6, they have no fear of the current DOJ
Tracker Posted December 29, 2021 Report Posted December 29, 2021 'Madness': Oklahoma bill would empower parents to remove books from school libraries A bill proposed by a Republican state senator in Oklahoma would empower parents to have books that discuss gender identity removed from public school libraries—a measure that rights advocates warned could have life-threatening consequences for LGBTQ+ children across the state. Under Senate Bill 1142, introduced earlier this month by state Sen. Rob Standridge, just one parent would have to object to a book that includes discussion of "sexual perversion, sex-based classifications, sexual identity, or gender identity" and other related themes in order to begin the process of removal. Upon receiving a written request to remove a book, a school district would have 30 days to eliminate all copies of the material from circulation. In a provision that appeared inspired by S.B. 8 in Texas—the law that deputizes any citizen and entitles them to a financial reward if they successfully sue someone for aiding a pregnant person in obtaining abortion care—parents will be able to collect $10,000 per day for as long as the book in question remains in library. 'Madness': Oklahoma bill would empower parents to remove books from school libraries -
JCon Posted December 29, 2021 Report Posted December 29, 2021 (edited) 2 minutes ago, Tracker said: 'Madness': Oklahoma bill would empower parents to remove books from school libraries A bill proposed by a Republican state senator in Oklahoma would empower parents to have books that discuss gender identity removed from public school libraries—a measure that rights advocates warned could have life-threatening consequences for LGBTQ+ children across the state. Under Senate Bill 1142, introduced earlier this month by state Sen. Rob Standridge, just one parent would have to object to a book that includes discussion of "sexual perversion, sex-based classifications, sexual identity, or gender identity" and other related themes in order to begin the process of removal. Upon receiving a written request to remove a book, a school district would have 30 days to eliminate all copies of the material from circulation. In a provision that appeared inspired by S.B. 8 in Texas—the law that deputizes any citizen and entitles them to a financial reward if they successfully sue someone for aiding a pregnant person in obtaining abortion care—parents will be able to collect $10,000 per day for as long as the book in question remains in library. 'Madness': Oklahoma bill would empower parents to remove books from school libraries - They're not technically burning books but that's some really fascist stuff going on down south. What a horrid place. Too bad we have so many alt-right losers up here too. Edited December 29, 2021 by JCon the watcher, blue_gold_84 and Tracker 2 1
HardCoreBlue Posted December 30, 2021 Report Posted December 30, 2021 16 hours ago, JCon said: They're not technically burning books but that's some really fascist stuff going on down south. What a horrid place. Too bad we have so many alt-right losers up here too. We currently live in an era where people rightfully being getting called out for saying and doing really stupid dumb hurtful things think by this reaction they are 'owning the libs'. Thanks to social media and technology we are all guilty in varying degrees in promoting this by giving them platforms to giving credence to being really really dumb. My trusty goto sarcasm is no longer a match to thwarting this insanity. It's a virus that needs a different strategy to defend and shove back under the rock it came from. wpgallday1960 and JCon 2
Mark F Posted December 30, 2021 Report Posted December 30, 2021 Deutsche bank should be wound up and closed. how do these people get to carry on? "The settlement comes after former U.S. Senator Carl Levin in 2014 detailed a practice in which Deutsche Bank AG (DBKGn.DE) and Barclays Plc (BARC.L) helped several hedge funds, including Renaissance, treat some capital gains as longer-term profits, attracting a lower tax rate, than gains made from trades on assets held for less than a year. The banks sold the funds options to help them achieve that outcome, the report said." seven billion dollar scam. Tracker 1
Tracker Posted December 31, 2021 Report Posted December 31, 2021 Retired army general urges the US military to prepare for a possible ‘coup’ attempt in 2024 In a sobering op-ed published by the Washington Post on December 17, three retired U.S. Army generals — Paul D. Eaton, Antonio M. Taguba and Steven M. Anderson — warned that that if Republicans make another coup attempt following the 2024 presidential election, there could be a “potential for lethal chaos inside our military, which would put all Americans at severe risk.” Eaton discussed his worries with National Public Radio’s Mary Louise Kelly in an interview aired in late December. Kelly reports, “As the anniversary of the insurrection at the U.S. Capitol approaches, three retired U.S. generals have warned that another insurrection could occur after the 2024 presidential election, and the military could instigate it.” The retired generals, in their Post op-ed, wrote, “We are chilled to our bones at the thought of a coup succeeding next time.” And Eaton didn’t sound any less worried when he spoke to Kelly for NPR. Kelly asked Eaton how a “coup” could “play out in 2024,” to which he responded, “The real question is, does everybody understand who the duly elected president is? If that is not a clear-cut understanding, that can infect the rank and file or at any level in the U.S. military. And we saw it when 124 retired generals and admirals signed a letter contesting the 2020 election. We're concerned about that. And we're interested in seeing mitigating measures applied to make sure that our military is better prepared for a contested election, should that happen in 2024.” Eaton went on to say that in the military, there is “a lot of war-gaming” in order to prepare for various “scenarios” and “ferret out what might happen.” One possible scenario to be concerned about in 2024, Eaton told Kelly, is “a U.S. military compromised” — and the U.S., according to Eaton, is in trouble when “39% of the Republican Party” is “refusing to accept President Biden as president.” The retired general told Kelly, “We advocate that that particular scenario needs to be addressed in a future war game held well in advance of 2024…. I just don't want the doubt that has compromised or infected the greater population of the United States to infect our military.” Retired army general urges the US military to prepare for a possible ‘coup’ attempt in 2024 -
Tracker Posted January 2, 2022 Report Posted January 2, 2022 Anti-Vax Leader Traveling Country With Guns, Flamethrower, and Fake Badge in Quest to Arrest Dem Governors Anti-COVID-19 vaccine “Vaccine Police” organization leader Christopher Key, who has proudly claimed he would soon arrest Democrat Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards over vaccine mandates, has set off on a cross-country road trip with a fake badge and high capacity firearms. In a series of Telegram messages posted over the past week, Key has visited countless state offices and harassed officials over vaccines, masks, and mandates. In a phone conversation with The Daily Beast this past week, Key stated that he has been traveling the country “serving” people with packets of information he believes supports his conspiracy theory that COVID-19 vaccines are “bioweapons.” But it’s not only firearms Key has shown off, he also appears to have access to a flamethrower. “All those bioweapons that we have, that are not vaccines, they all need to be lined up, and they need to be exterminated,” Key said in a video posted in mid-December while brandishing a flamethrower. On Saturday night, when asked about the guns and if he intends to bring them along when conducting the planned arrests, Key told The Daily Beast he is “never about violence.” “I will do it [the citizen arrests] lawfully, and the sheriffs will be with me,” he added. Anti-Vax Leader Traveling Country With Guns, Flamethrower, and Fake Badge in Quest to Arrest Dem Governors ( Mark F and bustamente 2
bustamente Posted January 2, 2022 Report Posted January 2, 2022 1 hour ago, Tracker said: Anti-Vax Leader Traveling Country With Guns, Flamethrower, and Fake Badge in Quest to Arrest Dem Governors Anti-COVID-19 vaccine “Vaccine Police” organization leader Christopher Key, who has proudly claimed he would soon arrest Democrat Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards over vaccine mandates, has set off on a cross-country road trip with a fake badge and high capacity firearms. In a series of Telegram messages posted over the past week, Key has visited countless state offices and harassed officials over vaccines, masks, and mandates. In a phone conversation with The Daily Beast this past week, Key stated that he has been traveling the country “serving” people with packets of information he believes supports his conspiracy theory that COVID-19 vaccines are “bioweapons.” But it’s not only firearms Key has shown off, he also appears to have access to a flamethrower. “All those bioweapons that we have, that are not vaccines, they all need to be lined up, and they need to be exterminated,” Key said in a video posted in mid-December while brandishing a flamethrower. On Saturday night, when asked about the guns and if he intends to bring them along when conducting the planned arrests, Key told The Daily Beast he is “never about violence.” “I will do it [the citizen arrests] lawfully, and the sheriffs will be with me,” he added. Anti-Vax Leader Traveling Country With Guns, Flamethrower, and Fake Badge in Quest to Arrest Dem Governors ( These people are flat out nuts Mark F and rebusrankin 1 1
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