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1 hour ago, JCon said:

Muricans are more afraid of brown people than picking up their dead kids from school. 

Americans are much more Catholic in their hatred- they hate blacks, browns, Asians, progressives, gays, transgendereds, environmentalists, uppity women and civil servants to name but a few.

Posted (edited)

NRA is having a conference in Houston in a couple of days where the usually suspects will show up, also no guns allowed as they have been banned from the event. Protection for me but not for thee

Edited by bustamente

I was waiting for the old dude to throw the walker, as for Abbott people have the right to be angry but we aren't going to do anything, see you all at the next shooting



Interesting article


Japan has one of the lowest rates of gun crime in the world. In 2014 there were just six gun deaths, compared to 33,599 in the US. What is the secret? 

If you want to buy a gun in Japan you need patience and determination. You have to attend an all-day class, take a written exam and pass a shooting-range test with a mark of at least 95%.

There are also mental health and drugs tests. Your criminal record is checked and police look for links to extremist groups. Then they check your relatives too - and even your work colleagues. And as well as having the power to deny gun licences, police also have sweeping powers to search and seize weapons.

That's not all. Handguns are banned outright. Only shotguns and air rifles are allowed.

The law restricts the number of gun shops. In most of Japan's 40 or so prefectures there can be no more than three, and you can only buy fresh cartridges by returning the spent cartridges you bought on your last visit.


The result is a very low level of gun ownership - 0.6 guns per 100 people in 2007, according to the Small Arms Survey, compared to 6.2 in England and Wales and 88.8 in the US.

"The moment you have guns in society, you will have gun violence but I think it's about the quantity," says Overton. "If you have very few guns in society, you will almost inevitably have low levels of violence."

Japanese police officers rarely use guns and put much greater emphasis on martial arts - all are expected to become a black belt in judo. They spend more time practising kendo (fighting with bamboo swords) than learning how to use firearms.

"The response to violence is never violence, it's always to de-escalate it. Only six shots were fired by Japanese police nationwide [in 2015]," 


4 hours ago, bustamente said:

I was waiting for the old dude to throw the walker, as for Abbott people have the right to be angry but we aren't going to do anything, see you all at the next shooting


If members of the house or senate were shot dead does it change? No. 

Guns are more American now than Apple pie. It's happened so many times now that it's just ridiculous.  Like honestly,  go Beto, fight the good fight. Surprised some ass didn't shoot him tho. Texass


Cruz saying there should only be one way in and out of schools. And armed guards should be posted at said door. You see it's not that there are too many guns. There are too many doors.

Schools that look and act like prison is the future! That's what the kids of America need! Ted Cruz is a brilliant brilliant man. 


Posted (edited)
29 minutes ago, bustamente said:

So apparently there was a "good guy" with a gun at the school who did absolutely nothing. 

Below from the Buffalo shooting. More guns and guards is not the answer. This guy was armed, and well trained to use it (assuming being a retired cop) and acted, and it changed nothing.  Then you've got guys like this that carry the gun for appearances, or maybe he was waiting for a real crisis. There was one way in and one way out of the store, and there was an armed guard there, and it didn't deter or slow the Buffalo shooter. Pieces of **** like Cruz can eat a bag of dicks.

Aaron Salter Jr., 55.
The "hero" security guard who engaged the suspect but was fatally shot was Aaron Salter, a former Buffalo police lieutenant, said the mayor.
Salter was well respected throughout the police department, Brown told CNN's "New Day Weekend," and had worked at the supermarket for several years after retiring.
He was a loving son who "had a caring spirit and a desire to take care of other people," Brown said.
Salter "is a hero who tried to protect people in the store, tried to save lives and in the process, lost his own life," Brown added.
The supermarket's security guard "fired multiple shots at the suspect" when he entered the store, Buffalo Police Commissioner Joseph Gramaglia said, but the suspect was wearing tactical gear that protected him from the guard's gunfire.


Edited by itchy

Senators are way to busy trying to decide red or white with lunch to care about everyday Americans. They could stop this craziness is they wanted to but it obvious over the years that this has happened they don't

Posted (edited)

Golden State Warriors head coach Steve Kerr made an impassioned speech saying how the majority  of Americans were being held hostage by 50 senators on gun control, and it frustrated me because they are not being held hostage so long as they exercise their vote. But an article from The Atlantic offers a perspective on why it is so difficult to make a majority vote mean anything. Good read. 


Edited by TrueBlue4ever
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