GCn20 Posted March 8, 2021 Report Posted March 8, 2021 18 minutes ago, JCon said: You must be forgetting Airbus and the bags full of money In the Mulroney years. Not forgetting anything, I just don't feel the need to dredge up political decisions from 30 years ago by a party that no longer exists as it holds pretty much no value to do so. However, since I stated that the Liberals are the most corrupt government of the last 100 years I suppose some comparisons are apt. The current Liberals are by far more corrupt than any government of the past 100 years and it isn't even close. I stand by my original statement. Were there other governments that had corruption....absolutely...I think you'd be hard pressed to find one that didn't. Nothing like this though....this is a new level of disrespect of the public trust. kelownabomberfan 1
Mark H. Posted March 8, 2021 Report Posted March 8, 2021 38 minutes ago, GCn20 said: Not forgetting anything, I just don't feel the need to dredge up political decisions from 30 years ago by a party that no longer exists as it holds pretty much no value to do so. However, since I stated that the Liberals are the most corrupt government of the last 100 years I suppose some comparisons are apt. The current Liberals are by far more corrupt than any government of the past 100 years and it isn't even close. I stand by my original statement. Were there other governments that had corruption....absolutely...I think you'd be hard pressed to find one that didn't. Nothing like this though....this is a new level of disrespect of the public trust. I will also add - there is an almost deafening silence from people who used to fill their social media streams with criticisms of the Harper Conservatives.
Wanna-B-Fanboy Posted March 8, 2021 Report Posted March 8, 2021 I haven't been really plugged into Canadian politics the last little while. Can someone point me to where this current government is corrupt AF? Tracker and Noeller 2
Noeller Posted March 8, 2021 Report Posted March 8, 2021 Hilarious to compare any of the "corruption" from the LPC to stuff done by Harper and Mulroney Cons.... JPTs Grits are far from perfect but they're by far the best option federally right now... Tracker and Bigblue204 1 1
Mark H. Posted March 8, 2021 Report Posted March 8, 2021 1 minute ago, Noeller said: Hilarious to compare any of the "corruption" from the LPC to stuff done by Harper and Mulroney Cons.... JPTs Grits are far from perfect but they're by far the best option federally right now... The best option RIGHT NOW...sure. But if you don't think there's more corruption than previous governments had, then I don't know what to tell you. They just don't have an opposition leader who is able to do anything about it. Bigblue204 and rebusrankin 1 1
TrueBlue4ever Posted March 8, 2021 Report Posted March 8, 2021 I will lean to the left, so my bias could show. I have no doubt there is some corruption with the Libs but I would like an itemized list to make a comparison to the former PC or other Liberal governments before declaring them the all-time champs. But I will surmise that when one talks about the disrespect of the public trust, how much is really corruption and how much is a simple expansion of the public distrust of government? Given how much our lives have been flooded with tales (true and false) of government corruption on both sides by the media machine, especially with our downstairs meth lab neighbours in the Obama/Trump/Biden era, it seems John Q(anon) Public is more predisposed to distrust politicians than ever before, so that may skew our perception of just how deep the corruption really is. blue_gold_84, Bigblue204 and Mark F 3
Wanna-B-Fanboy Posted March 8, 2021 Report Posted March 8, 2021 I mean the SNC lavalin stuff was corrupt AF, but I think Harper did a lot more and didn't get caught due to his iron grip on his party... the F35 fiasco that ended in a proroguing of parliament. Noeller 1
Mark F Posted March 8, 2021 Report Posted March 8, 2021 (edited) so the NDP are communists? they want the state to own everything? boy is that silly. Edited March 8, 2021 by Mark F blue_gold_84, Tracker and Wanna-B-Fanboy 1 2
Rich Posted March 8, 2021 Report Posted March 8, 2021 I'm not claiming I'm immune to this either, but to say one party is more corrupt then the other will often follow whatever party line you subscribe to. People will tend to excuse and put less scrutiny on the things the party they support does, and will even see many of the things they do as somewhat justified as it supports an ideology they subscribe to anyway, where as the things "the other party" does will be magnified much worse because not only are they corrupt, but they are corrupt in doing things that one generally opposes from the very start. The stink the liberals left after the Chretien and Paul Martin era is what led to Harper being in power for as long as he was. The stink that Harper left in his time in power has now paved the way for Trudeau to do what he is doing. Give it another term or two, and / or a viable leader in the opposition, and the winds will change again. The wheels of corruption will continue to turn.... Thank god no one party is in power in perpetuity as the longer they are, the things they do seem to get worse and worse. (not jaded at all) Bigblue204, blue_gold_84, WildPath and 2 others 2 3
Tracker Posted March 9, 2021 Report Posted March 9, 2021 There is no one currently in the Conservative party who has the credentials to step forward as a credible candidate for PM. The influx of Reform Party people have skewed the party so far to the right that it is in danger of being mistaken for the GOP. Singh is both credible and articulate but I do not think Canada is ready for a practicing, observant Sikh as prime minister. Trudeau has made some politically bad decisions, and this is on him and his advisors, but none of them are criminal, so far as I know. When the Conservatives were able to have credible leaders like Joe Clark and Bob Stanfield, they were a legitimate alternative, but all that changed with Mulroney. His administration new lows for corrupt behaviours and all but destroyed the PC party, forcing them into a shotgun marriage. There are good people in all three parties but, but sad to say, our expectations of our politicians has been lowered. blue_gold_84, JCon, WildPath and 3 others 2 4
Noeller Posted March 9, 2021 Report Posted March 9, 2021 18 minutes ago, Tracker said: There is no one currently in the Conservative party who has the credentials to step forward as a credible candidate for PM. The influx of Reform Party people have skewed the party so far to the right that it is in danger of being mistaken for the GOP. Singh is both credible and articulate but I do not think Canada is ready for a practicing, observant Sikh as prime minister. Trudeau has made some politically bad decisions, and this is on him and his advisors, but none of them are criminal, so far as I know. When the Conservatives were able to have credible leaders like Joe Clark and Bob Stanfield, they were a legitimate alternative, but all that changed with Mulroney. His administration new lows for corrupt behaviours and all but destroyed the PC party, forcing them into a shotgun marriage. There are good people in all three parties but, but sad to say, our expectations of our politicians has been lowered. This is just a fabulous post that I quoted so people would read it again. I don't believe in the federal NDP as a viable alternative, regardless of their leader, and think they're too far left for this country. Other than that, your post is perfect.
SpeedFlex27 Posted March 9, 2021 Report Posted March 9, 2021 On 2021-03-02 at 10:39 AM, Mark F said: LONDON (Reuters) - Volvo’s entire car lineup will be fully electric by 2030, the Chinese-owned company said on Tuesday, joining a growing number of automakers planning to phase out fossil-fuel engines by the end of this decade. Volvo is Chinese owned? I'll never buy one. FrostyWinnipeg, Bigblue204 and Mark F 2 1
blue_gold_84 Posted March 9, 2021 Report Posted March 9, 2021 https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/mps-fine-yasmin-ratansi-breaking-bylaws-employing-sister-1.5933529 Quote Members of Parliament are ordering former Liberal MP Yasmin Ratansi to reimburse the House of Commons more than $9,000 after determining she breached parliamentary rules by employing her sister in her constituency office for more than three years using public funds. The secretive Board of Internal Economy, the governing body for the House of Commons that controls Parliament's spending, made the decision during an in-camera meeting on Feb. 25. The chair of the board, Speaker of the House of Commons Anthony Rota, confirmed in a statement a three-month-long review of the matter has concluded. The board decided Ratansi must pay back "termination and severance pay amounts, totalling $9,391.27, that were paid to her sister when her employment was terminated," according to the statement. "The Board also noted Ms. Ratansi's lack of cooperation during its review of the matter," adds the statement. Ratansi left the Liberal caucus in November 2020 and currently represents her Toronto area riding of Don Valley East as an Independent. Last fall, after CBC News asked for comment on its story, Ratansi posted a statement on Facebook saying she "made an error in judgment" by employing her sister and had "remedied the situation" by leaving caucus. Several former employees told CBC News Ratansi tried to "cover up" the relationship at the office by having her sister go by a "fake" first name and making up official business cards with that name. Former staffers also said they saw Ratansi's sister hide in an office or under her desk when people came into the office who might recognize her, and alleged they were instructed not to take photos of her at work events. Several former staffers told CBC News Ratansi employed her sister at least from 2005 to 2011, then hired her again in 2017 — when Parliament's rules changed to formally ban MPs from employing their siblings. MPs have their own operating budgets and are allowed to pay constituency assistants a maximum salary of $89,700 a year, according to the House of Commons. That means Ratansi could have paid her sister up to $269,100 over three years. ******* scumbucket.
Mark F Posted March 9, 2021 Report Posted March 9, 2021 (edited) Stockwell not on the list with Joe and Bob? 😂 Edited March 9, 2021 by Mark F Noeller 1
Tracker Posted March 9, 2021 Report Posted March 9, 2021 (edited) 46 minutes ago, Mark F said: Stockwell not on the list with Joe and Bob? 😂 After long and rigorous contemplation........no. Canada has had its Day and it was lacking. Edited March 9, 2021 by Tracker Mark F 1
Tracker Posted March 9, 2021 Report Posted March 9, 2021 15 hours ago, Noeller said: This is just a fabulous post that I quoted so people would read it again. I don't believe in the federal NDP as a viable alternative, regardless of their leader, and think they're too far left for this country. Other than that, your post is perfect. I disagree about the NDP being too far left. If Ed Broadbent or Le Bon Jacques was the leader of the NDP, they would be the governing party next election. I habour a suspicion that the Liberals are being this careless/arrogant/stoopid because it is obvious that the Conservatives are in such disarray that they pose no real alternative.
JCon Posted March 9, 2021 Report Posted March 9, 2021 55 minutes ago, Tracker said: I disagree about the NDP being too far left. If Ed Broadbent or Le Bon Jacques was the leader of the NDP, they would be the governing party next election. I habour a suspicion that the Liberals are being this careless/arrogant/stoopid because it is obvious that the Conservatives are in such disarray that they pose no real alternative. This is always the Liberal party. Every once and a while we get good Liberal leaders, who eventually become bad leaders. Chretien was a good leader until he got badddddd. Martin would have been a good leader, if he had the chance. Trudeau wasn't good from the start. The platform is A+ the execution is D-. They don't get an F because they managed to legalize marijuana and they messed that up. The CPC is dumpster fire. Where are the conservatives? Not in the CPC or not part of any leadership there. NDP have not really defined themselves since losing Layton. I'm not even sure they have a coherent platform. I like Singh but I don't see him becoming PM, unless entire Liberal party crumbles. Greens??? Leader sounds good but they're not capable of winning more than couple fringe seats. rebusrankin, GCJenks and Bigblue204 3
Bigblue204 Posted March 9, 2021 Report Posted March 9, 2021 I have not and likely will never vote for a liberal in a federal election as long as trust fund is in charge. But The Harper government (Remember thats what he called the gov of Canada while he was in power) was far worse. One of the worst, but also smartest things he did was getting Canada into FIPA with China. By forcing this on Canadians, he also forced it upon those in charge. The good and the bad. It's hilarious to me when I see PC ads talking about how Justin "sold Canada to China" lol. It's horrible in a very smart way.
rebusrankin Posted March 9, 2021 Report Posted March 9, 2021 This Liberal government is both corrupt and incompetent. The current Conservative party has not shown themselves to be a good alternative and they seem to be shifting towards the Republicans to the south. Harper seemed to keep the crazies within the party at bay. Basically Canada is in trouble. Bigblue204 1
Eternal optimist Posted March 9, 2021 Report Posted March 9, 2021 5 minutes ago, rebusrankin said: This Liberal government is both corrupt and incompetent. The current Conservative party has not shown themselves to be a good alternative and they seem to be shifting towards the Republicans to the south. Harper seemed to keep the crazies within the party at bay. Basically Canada is in trouble. They are all dogs. The worst thing about the federal election is there is no option to decline your ballot (you can, however, do this provincially, at least in Manitoba)
JCon Posted March 9, 2021 Report Posted March 9, 2021 This is why I refuse to belong to any party. I can fully support the platform but then get disillusioned when they fail to act on it. And, all these parties are run by politicians. They're the worst! rebusrankin and Eternal optimist 2
Eternal optimist Posted March 9, 2021 Report Posted March 9, 2021 2 hours ago, blue_gold_84 said: https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/mps-fine-yasmin-ratansi-breaking-bylaws-employing-sister-1.5933529 ******* scumbucket. So... any word on why only the severance portion that was paid to definitely-not-my-sister is being asked to be repaid? Why not the full amount that was paid out to her during her sisters' employment? I mean, that's like charging a bank robber with the theft of the bank bag they used to steal wads of cash with, and not trying to get the stolen funds back. Wouldn't it be better to get repayment on the employment earnings as well? blue_gold_84 and GCJenks 2
Mark F Posted March 9, 2021 Report Posted March 9, 2021 49 minutes ago, JCon said: NDP have not really defined themselves since losing Layton. losing Layton was a big loss for the country. JCon, WildPath, Tracker and 1 other 4
JCon Posted March 9, 2021 Report Posted March 9, 2021 24 minutes ago, Mark F said: losing Layton was a big loss for the country. It was. Even if you didn't agree with his politics, he was articulate and passionate. He motivated the base and got others engaged. WildPath, GCJenks, Tracker and 1 other 1 3
Tracker Posted March 9, 2021 Report Posted March 9, 2021 You have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find a prince. Eternal optimist and Mark F 2
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