FrostyWinnipeg Posted March 11, 2018 Author Report Posted March 11, 2018 Okay downloaded and saw it tonight. Long movie. Felt longer then it was. Liked it Started out badly but got better as it went along. If people not like it I get it. On 12/16/2017 at 7:12 AM, tacklewasher said: I want them to send Leia off properly in the last movie. Use CGI if you have to but don't just drop her. The character and the actress deserve better. But I do like how they are not scared to kill off both old characters (Luke) and new (the Admiral and the mechanic girl). Yeah I thought when they blew up the bridge that would have been a good time to kill her off. The mechanic girl(Rose) lived. She was with Finn at the end. Knocked out but still kicking. And now a list of people who spelt Ren's name wrong. On 12/16/2017 at 7:41 PM, Logan007 said: It it also seems like they’re trying to kill off the Skywalker lineage. Would have been nice if there was more then just Ben. Like if Luke had a kid or something. I still really like Rey though. On 12/22/2017 at 12:39 PM, The Unknown Poster said: I can buy Luke snuck into Ben's hut to read his mind. But the idea Luke had a momentary lapse where he considered killing him? Not a chance. Not ever. The entire point of the OT was that the biggest, baddest, most evil dude in the Universe was vader and the good guys had only ONE chance to kill him, Luke, but Luke refused. On 12/22/2017 at 2:36 PM, JCon said: It made no sense. And clearly, Ben was conflicted, just like Grandpa, so ,why couldn't he be saved like Anakin was?? On 12/25/2017 at 1:27 PM, Taynted_Fayth said: Always wondered why/how Luke just put it upon himself to somehow spy on Bens dreams as he notices he's struggling with some internal conflict. WTF people! Blame the spell checker i guess. On 12/19/2017 at 9:25 AM, bluto said: What a terrible freaking movie. It's as if the directors of the last two films hated each other and set out to make stories that didn't even link to each other. More like a Rian problem. On 12/19/2017 at 10:43 AM, Atomic said: My biggest beef is still the poor attempt at comedy. It's like there were no funny writers hired on the movie and then the studio came in and said "can you make this funny like Deadpool?" Except the writers have no idea how to be funny so it ends up being awful. "I've got an important message for Hux... about his mother." Come on. That's just plain bad. Deadpool was funny? Regardless yeah this was worse humour then Justice League. From the moment Luke tossed the sabre over his back. On 12/20/2017 at 8:38 AM, bluto said: 2/3 the way there. On 12/20/2017 at 10:47 PM, johnzo said: Why is it so important that Rey has some big secret origin? We see all kinds of Force kids in the prequel movies and given how Jedi aren't allowed to mate or love, those younglings must have come from plain old non Force parents... I don't believe anyone mentioned it but the kid at the very end who wears the Resistance ring...he didn't pick up that broom, he used Force pull to get it. On 12/25/2017 at 5:02 PM, The Unknown Poster said: As it is, we had the happy ending of Return and how on earth did Snoke and the first order rise? Get rid of the whole casino sub plot Maz admits she could do the job but is too busy with a union despite? Okay we get it funny funny but what’s more important? Pointless cameo or have describe someone they need and when they go on the mission to find him (maybe he’s in prison), it’s Lando. Del Toro is awesome minus the stuttering but that whole subplot was terrible Yeah, after ROTJ how did the First Order rise? Granted there were leftover baddies but peeps just let them start up again? But if you think about that for half a second you would not have 7,8,9. Maz, okay but silly cameo. Again not needed. For the kids i guess. On 12/29/2017 at 10:10 AM, 17to85 said: I also hated the bullshit forced tension of a space chase. The resistance ships are faster than the first order ships and that's how they get away, OK I can buy that, but you're telling me that they can't pull away after that much time and actually get out of range? That's soooooo lame and symptomatic of the poor writing in this movie. When you think about it that space chase was the heart of the movie. Also why not just jump some ships ahead of them? On 12/31/2017 at 1:13 PM, MOBomberFan said: It was a fun movie. Benicio was great but I'd have traded him for an 80 year old Billy Dee Williams in a heart beat. Space Leia was goofy but whatever, it's still better than Ewoks pwning storm troopers Home Alone style or Anakin losing his epic final duel because "higher ground" Billy Dee as the bad guy would have been a nice one-off. Space Leia....horrible. On 1/1/2018 at 1:36 AM, kelownabomberfan said: one thing that bugged me (yes I sweat the small stuff) during that entire extraneous plot line where Rose (a character that didn't need to be created in the first place) and Finn were letting the horse things go from the stable, Finn said "we have to hurry before the cops get here" of something like that. "Cops"? They have that word in Star Wars? And how would Finn know it, being an ex Storm Trooper. Are we ever going to find out where Finn came from? Does anyone care? Kinda was expect Daniel Craig as the one wearing the rose gambling. On 1/2/2018 at 8:24 AM, The Unknown Poster said: The Last Jedi wasnt very good as a film. I liked it more the second time. I can watch it. Its watchable, which is different than, say, Attack of the Clones (I have a friend who's favorite Star Wars film is actually AOTC). But it doesnt change the very rational points people have made about the movie. AOTC is my fave of the prequels. Been a while. I know that ROTS had that great battle in the lava. On 1/2/2018 at 9:21 AM, Brandon said: Also for myself... I remember when The Phantom Menace came out and the negativity that surrounded that movie was off the charts... and still yet more then 10% of the people I spoke with came away enjoying that movie. 10% of people will like anything. Hitler, 11/9, Saskatechwan Roughriders. On 1/9/2018 at 1:24 PM, The Unknown Poster said: In the Sequel Trilogy, it all springs from Snoke. Sidelining him was lazy and irresponsible and one of the reasons the narrative doesnt work. Have to do it now else 9 is just 6 upside down. On 1/10/2018 at 9:12 AM, Brandon said: Unless they try to outsmart everyone by doing the swerve? They have alluded to it a bit? Would have happened in this movie making Rey bad. JCon 1
Atomic Posted March 11, 2018 Report Posted March 11, 2018 @FrostyWinnipeg Kylo Ren = Ben Solo. That's why people keep saying Ben. Logan007 and JCon 2
FrostyWinnipeg Posted March 11, 2018 Author Report Posted March 11, 2018 (edited) 3 hours ago, Atomic said: @FrostyWinnipeg Kylo Ren = Ben Solo. That's why people keep saying Ben. Not sure if i FrostyWinnipeg or iHeart. I blame the writers. Can't have 2 Ben's! Edited March 11, 2018 by FrostyWinnipeg
Wanna-B-Fanboy Posted March 11, 2018 Report Posted March 11, 2018 Saw it a second time... liked it a lot more- its actually quite a good movie if you take your nostalgia goggles off.
johnzo Posted March 11, 2018 Report Posted March 11, 2018 (edited) yeah, re-watched it last night. still think it's a mixed bag with some great stuff and some pacing problems, I was leaning on the fast-forward during the casino bits (tho I did pause to take a look at some of the costumes, which were bananas) Still the #4 Star Wars film for me and I think that ep. IX is set up pretty nicely at the end, which is what a middle chapter really needs to do. Bring on the next one. Edited March 11, 2018 by johnzo
Atomic Posted March 12, 2018 Report Posted March 12, 2018 39 minutes ago, johnzo said: Still the #4 Star Wars film for me and I think that ep. IX is set up pretty nicely at the end Is it? I don't really know what's coming at all. Logan007 and FrostyWinnipeg 1 1
johnzo Posted March 12, 2018 Report Posted March 12, 2018 I don't really know either exactly where it's going, but the table is set -- Kylo Ren owns all the core worlds, Skywalker is dead and Rey is his heir. The entire resistance now fits in the Falcon and they're running for the sanctuary in the boondocks, and the porgs are going to be the cane toads of the Outer Rim. It's more clear than things were at the end of TFA, when we're not really sure if the New Republic is finished off by the Starkiller attack, or if it's more of a Pearl Harbor type situation that they can come back from.
johnzo Posted March 12, 2018 Report Posted March 12, 2018 Another thing that comes through on the rewatch is that for all Leia and Holdo grind his gears, Poe was right to attack the dreadnought -- presumably its big cannons would have made short work of the escaping fleet after the first hyperspace jump.
Logan007 Posted March 12, 2018 Report Posted March 12, 2018 14 hours ago, wanna-b-fanboy said: Saw it a second time... liked it a lot more- its actually quite a good movie if you take your nostalgia goggles off. It has nothing to do with nostalgia. It's just a poorly written and directed movie. Cinematography is fantastic and the acting is good. That's where it ends. JCon and rebusrankin 2
The Unknown Poster Posted March 12, 2018 Report Posted March 12, 2018 Its a better movie after you've seen it once because your expectations are zero and you've seen all their terrible creative decisions. I actually liked it even less the second time because I saw more things that aggravated me. Its interesting that even people attached to the franchise speculate about thing like Luke's fate, Rey's parents, a way where they think what we got in TLJ wont hold up in the third. That tells you even people there think it sucked. Logan007 1
FrostyWinnipeg Posted March 12, 2018 Author Report Posted March 12, 2018 Logan007 1
JCon Posted March 12, 2018 Report Posted March 12, 2018 3 minutes ago, FrostyWinnipeg said: There are a lot of things wrong with that. Just one... C-3PO was not "invented" by a slave boy. He was built, using spare parts from other protocol droids.
The Unknown Poster Posted March 12, 2018 Report Posted March 12, 2018 Leia says she had a vague memory of her mother. We assume she was referring to her birth mother because she'd likely have more than a vague memory of her adoptive mother. An easy explanation is simply she retained that vague memory from her birth as a result of the extremely strong Force power she had (If I recall correctly, she touches Luke when he is born but I always thought it would make sense if she had touched Leia and was the cause of this "memory"). As Jcon said, C3PO was created from other protocol droids. im sure Anakin would have preferred a maid droid or butler droid but as a slave, he was limited by what he had access to. About the Force, Yoda was being spiritual. Qui-Gon was being literal. Was Yoda surprised Anakin was Vader? I thought he admitted lying to Luke (the real reason was because when A New Hope came out, Lucas had not decided on the "Father" twist). Meh, Vader was a Sith and used the "Jedi" weapon too. I suppose it would have been more special if only Jedi (and fallen Jedi) used the light saber but then you wouldnt get the cool sword fights in the Prequels. Ben referring to Yoda as his mentor makes sense. He was a padawan when Qui-Gon died. While he was advanced to Jedi Knight as a result of his death, he clearly looked at Yoda as a mentor (going to him for advice). And it was Yoda who assigned him training at the end of Sith (to learn how to return as a Ghost). The Prequels sucked but those complaints are nitpicks. JCon 1
The Unknown Poster Posted March 28, 2018 Report Posted March 28, 2018 From Latino Review: Quote With the home video release of Star Wars: The Last Jedi comes bonus features and deleted scenes. One scene in particular that was cut from the film, a scene where Luke Skywalker takes a minute to process the fate of Han Solo, has led Mark Hamill to again express his displeasure with how his beloved character was treated during the film. Hamill recently spoke with IGN about his feelings on the deleted scene. “Yes, of course because it shows Luke was putting on a facade in front of Rey and even Chewie, that he was embittered and sort of a broken man. And I think the fact that he could let his emotions out when he was by himself would have made an impact on the audience because it allowed them to grieve the loss of Han Solo just the way Luke felt it. But that always happens in films. You say, ‘Oh, what about this scene where this happens or that happens?” because you want to give the fullest experience that you can. And like you say, it was brief enough that I was — [chuckles] They had time for me to milk that big alien but to show any human emotion? Nah, we don’t have time for that. But again it’s not my call.” Of course, Mark Hamill is correct. And it makes me "grieve" how poorly Luke Skywalker was treated in this film. In TFA, the idea of Luke missing and in hiding was so damned intriguing. TLJ was such a let down showing us this bitter, faithless Luke who ran from the fight and abandoned his friends and family to evil. It made his whole arc in the original trilogy mean so little because it just didnt make sense. Im fine with Luke in hiding. But they needed a better reason. Return of the Jedi (or is it Empire) gives us the reason. Luke feels Vader sensing him and says "I shouldn't have come, Im jeopardizing the mission". If Luke felt he was a danger to his friends, family and the universe, that's a good reason to go into hiding (and give him something to do while he's there so its not wasted time...some sort of task or study that is critical to success so it shows Luke's time not only helped but was needed by whatever knowledge he gains). Anyway...broken record. Film sucked. JCon and Logan007 1 1
JCon Posted March 28, 2018 Report Posted March 28, 2018 3 minutes ago, The Unknown Poster said: Im fine with Luke in hiding. But they needed a better reason. Return of the Jedi (or is it Empire) gives us the reason. Luke feels Vader sensing him and says "I shouldn't have come, Im jeopardizing the mission". If Luke felt he was a danger to his friends, family and the universe, that's a good reason to go into hiding (and give him something to do while he's there so its not wasted time...some sort of task or study that is critical to success so it shows Luke's time not only helped but was needed by whatever knowledge he gains). I accept the idea that Luke felt out of control and went into self-imposed exile. I like your rationale much more but didn't feel too bad about Luke in hiding. The Unknown Poster 1
The Unknown Poster Posted March 28, 2018 Report Posted March 28, 2018 2 minutes ago, JCon said: I accept the idea that Luke felt out of control and went into self-imposed exile. I like your rationale much more but didn't feel too bad about Luke in hiding. My biggest issue with it is that he felt the power and dark side in Ben, was attacked and left. So he knew Snoke had turned Ben and knew how powerful they were. And he left. The same character that was willing to fight Vader in Empire by himself and face Palps in Jedi. If Luke Skywalker was so broken he didnt care who lived and died, fine, but they didnt give us a good enough reason in my opinion. Hamill was so good, that alone should have made them keep him alive. When Fisher died, it was a no-brainer. Im sure he'll be in the next one but its not the same. It seems like a lame reason, them wanting to focus on the new heroes. Meanwhile Disney makes a marvel film with 59 heroes in it. Rian Johnson sucked. Logan007 and JCon 1 1
The Unknown Poster Posted April 2, 2018 Report Posted April 2, 2018 Rian Johnson: “There were death threats. It’s balanced by a few things — 90 percent of the stuff I got online was not only lovely and encouraging but phenomenally thoughtful. Fans would send me essays on the movie. The other 10 percent is just loud and gets amplified. At first I was freaked out but then I realized the things people were angry about are the things I’m most proud about.” now or I don’t condone death threats but If he really takes pride in the things people were most upset with it only reiterated that he was all wrong for the gig.
johnzo Posted April 3, 2018 Report Posted April 3, 2018 (edited) That fake trailer is freaking great. "Give me the karking keys, you karking nerf herder." <-- always great to hear callbacks to Benicio del Toro's greatest role. Edited April 3, 2018 by johnzo
17to85 Posted April 3, 2018 Report Posted April 3, 2018 2 hours ago, johnzo said: That fake trailer is freaking great. "Give me the karking keys, you karking nerf herder." <-- always great to hear callbacks to Benicio del Toro's greatest role. yeah the honest trailers are usually pretty solid, some of them are just perfect. Brandon Blue&Gold 1
Brandon Posted June 17, 2018 Report Posted June 17, 2018 I'm not sure if this was posted elsewhere but dear lord look at what Lucas had originally wanted to do with his vision for Episode 7 - 9. A small but must read!
SpeedFlex27 Posted June 17, 2018 Report Posted June 17, 2018 Does anyone think the negative reaction to Solo was because Luke was killed off in the Last Jedi? I know I wasn't happy about it with Solo & Carrie Fisher (Leia) now dead.
Brandon Posted June 17, 2018 Report Posted June 17, 2018 I think it's burn out from to much Star Wars Atomic and Logan007 1 1
bigg jay Posted June 17, 2018 Report Posted June 17, 2018 3 minutes ago, Brandon said: I think it's burn out from to much Star Wars I don't know about that... for me personally, my biggest issue with making this movie is that it didn't really add a whole lot. We already essentially knew how it would play out so other than the novelty of seeing a shiny new Falcon and showing how Han and Chewy meet, what else was there?
SpeedFlex27 Posted June 17, 2018 Report Posted June 17, 2018 9 minutes ago, Brandon said: I think it's burn out from to much Star Wars That I agree. But killing off Luke didn't make me want to see another SW movie.
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