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3 stars plus hh blow out with some doubt


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22 minutes ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

Yeah that's disingenuous bullshit.  They were never closer than 8 and never had any sustained offensive push.

More like Bombers avoid fumbling game away.  Ticats did jack ****.

They literally could have just put the ball in the hands of the fans and the defense. It would have taken them eons to get to the endzone with how loud everyone was. Way too many ugly turnovers.

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2 hours ago, wbbfan said:

Punting seemed good tnite some real bombs and Castillo was perfect on fgs. But yeah we need the punter doing kick offs. Kick cover was ugly too. You can’t have short kicks and bad cover.  

I'll give Sergio the benefit of the doubt for his kickoffs in the 1st and 3rd quarters. He was going against a noticeable wind.

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38 minutes ago, BBlink said:

They literally could have just put the ball in the hands of the fans and the defense. It would have taken them eons to get to the endzone with how loud everyone was. Way too many ugly turnovers.

I can agree with this. I was at the Western Final when we (the fans in attendance) sent Rourke into spasms trying to communicate with his offense and burned off a ton of clock, and was proud to be there again today causing BLM and his crew all kinds of pain trying to get plays off with how loud it was.  I can't imagine how much teams must hate to come into IGF.  It must just plain suck.  Just like how it used to be coming into BC Place in the 1980's.  When BC had lots of fans.

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11 minutes ago, kelownabomberfan said:

I can agree with this. I was at the Western Final when we (the fans in attendance) sent Rourke into spasms trying to communicate with his offense and burned off a ton of clock, and was proud to be there again today causing BLM and his crew all kinds of pain trying to get plays off with how loud it was.  I can't imagine how much teams must hate to come into IGF.  It must just plain suck.  Just like how it used to be coming into BC Place in the 1980's.  When BC had lots of fans.

And Crazy George.

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4 hours ago, WinnipegGordo said:

I'll give Sergio the benefit of the doubt for his kickoffs in the 1st and 3rd quarters. He was going against a noticeable wind.

There was but even with the wind he was lucky to get it to the 10-15. He’s not been a good ko guy in his career

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31 minutes ago, Geebrr said:

Biggie looked great last night

So did WJ...both looked rejuvenated for some reason...if we can get Jeffcoat healthy...and with what Haha is gonna bring...like dudes been here for what 11 days...we may have some terror off the edge again...now if we can just add Thomas into that mix...and 60 percent of Lawson taking reps...MMM mmm

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1 - Zach Attack. A couple of balls that could have been intercepted, but we were aggressive and I loved it.

2 - Willie. I think a few people have mentioned that he wasn’t the pass rusher that he used to be but yesterday he was the best of both versions of himself. He got to the QB, he batted balls. Everything.

3 - Houston. Can’t check stats (god damnit, CFL), but at least an INT and fumble recovery. Hard to have a favourite DB in this group, but god he’s good.

HH - Evan Holm. What a couple of sweet pass break ups.

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Houston had 2 picks

Not to slag on Holm...as u seem to.tjimk I hate him..but if No had any touch left he would have got burned for 3 TDs...instead of 1...and on the play where Lawrence fell.down...he couldn't even drag lil Tim white down...he carried Holmie for like 10 or more yards of yac...we can do.better...and yeah he made some plays too...but had the hell targeted out of him...

On a diff note ..Darby did as a rock...what a pick up last yr

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1. Houston — two interceptions and a couple other nice plays on the ball.

2. Jefferson — Playing with fire. The knockdowns. The sack / forced fumble. Coaching up his teammates on the field and hyping up the crowd.

3. Demski (as a receiver / after the fumble) — incredible corner route running and ability to find the ball on the TD and that long catch in the first. That last one was right in front of our section and it was a beauty to see.

HH. Jackson — I don't know that using a Designated American spot on him is the best roster management in the longer term but he had a great first pro game on teams and in jumbo / max protect on offense. 

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6 minutes ago, Booch said:

Houston had 2 picks

Not to slag on Holm...as u seem to.tjimk I hate him..but if No had any touch left he would have got burned for 3 TDs...instead of 1...and on the play where Lawrence fell.down...he couldn't even drag lil Tim white down...he carried Holmie for like 10 or more yards of yac...we can do.better...and yeah he made some plays too...but had the hell targeted out of him...

On a diff note ..Darby did as a rock...what a pick up last yr

That's incredible.

I'm choosing to ignore everything else you said.

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7 minutes ago, Jesse said:

That's incredible.

I'm choosing to ignore everything else you said.

**** have at er

If u missed the TD...the under throw where he was beat..and the over throw where he was beat them not sure what u saw

And go.back tomthe Lawrence fall down play...did u not see what I mentioned...Parker offers just as much plus more physicality...when he ready and if he not the HB then so be it...I'm not sold ..

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3 minutes ago, Booch said:

**** have at er

If u missed the TD...the under throw where he was beat..and the over throw where he was beat them not sure what u saw

And go.back tomthe Lawrence fall down play...did u not see what I mentioned...Parker offers just as much plus more physicality...when he ready and if he not the HB then so be it...I'm not sold ..

Parker would definitely be in there if he was healthy. I was really looking forward to seeing him this year.

Just not what we have available to us.

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1. Zach

2. Willie

3. DHouston

HH: Holm - other than the TD he was like glue covering receivers last night.  Appears to be a massive improvement for him.

I have to admit though that if Bo was more accurate it could have been trouble for the D.  I’m curious to see if he can get more in sync with his WRs as the season progresses or if his decline is this apparent.

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44 minutes ago, Booch said:

Houston had 2 picks

Not to slag on Holm...as u seem to.tjimk I hate him..but if No had any touch left he would have got burned for 3 TDs...instead of 1...and on the play where Lawrence fell.down...he couldn't even drag lil Tim white down...he carried Holmie for like 10 or more yards of yac...we can do.better...and yeah he made some plays too...but had the hell targeted out of him...

On a diff note ..Darby did as a rock...what a pick up last yr

Fairly sure a few of those plays were Houston being in the chase position. The only difference is that Holm has that pure athleticism to recover. So yeah you could slag him for not being in the hip pocket of the receiver. But you don't always have blanket coverage on the double moves.

As for the play to Tim White, there was a lot of open field out there and I think he chose to run him out instead of giving White a chance to make a play and go for the TD. I didn't see this as dragging him. But it was on the far side of the field from me so 🤷

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3 minutes ago, BBlink said:

Fairly sure a few of those plays were Houston being in the chase position. The only difference is that Holm has that pure athleticism to recover. So yeah you could slag him for not being in the hip pocket of the receiver. But you don't always have blanket coverage on the double moves.

As for the play to Tim White, there was a lot of open field out there and I think he chose to run him out instead of giving White a chance to make a play and go for the TD. I didn't see this as dragging him. But it was on the far side of the field from me so 🤷

No...totally not at all...Holm was one on one with his guy...Houston too gaffed a few...Houston played stellar as. Corner a lot of times...well.most is all on his own and if gets repeatedly burned u see it...usually for TDs

I don't glom on media "analysis" especially when they don't even pay attention to practice...they here one thing in practice and run with it

Love me some BA as well but he needs to get back to his original 2019 play...let the play come to himand be physical ..and make the big plays...he is searching for it too much now...over commits...ends up with bad angles from it and lot of time is in recovery mode..good thing he a hella baller or this board would be bitching about him like an injured Rose last yr

I cheer for all Bombers...and.will for Holm...but we can do better to compliment the defense

8 minutes ago, BBlink said:

Fairly sure a few of those plays were Houston being in the chase position. The only difference is that Holm has that pure athleticism to recover. So yeah you could slag him for not being in the hip pocket of the receiver. But you don't always have blanket coverage on the double moves.

As for the play to Tim White, there was a lot of open field out there and I think he chose to run him out instead of giving White a chance to make a play and go for the TD. I didn't see this as dragging him. But it was on the far side of the field from me so 🤷

We'll go rewatch then 

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1 hour ago, Booch said:

So did WJ...both looked rejuvenated for some reason...if we can get Jeffcoat healthy...and with what Haha is gonna bring...like dudes been here for what 11 days...we may have some terror off the edge again...now if we can just add Thomas into that mix...and 60 percent of Lawson taking reps...MMM mmm

I’m losing faith JJ can stay healthy -unfortunately 

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31 minutes ago, Booch said:

No...totally not at all...Holm was one on one with his guy...Houston too gaffed a few...Houston played stellar as. Corner a lot of times...well.most is all on his own and if gets repeatedly burned u see it...usually for TDs

I don't glom on media "analysis" especially when they don't even pay attention to practice...they here one thing in practice and run with it

Love me some BA as well but he needs to get back to his original 2019 play...let the play come to himand be physical ..and make the big plays...he is searching for it too much now...over commits...ends up with bad angles from it and lot of time is in recovery mode..good thing he a hella baller or this board would be bitching about him like an injured Rose last yr

I cheer for all Bombers...and.will for Holm...but we can do better to compliment the defense

We'll go rewatch then 

That’s a real good point about BA. I was thinking last night we might be better with him at Sam and Darby at S if ba doesnt stop being soo aggressive. 
 I’m just glad ba seems to be 100% recovered now. 

man some of these old guys just can’t get/stay healthy. 

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