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Blue Bombers - 2024 Regular Season - Discussion Thread

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Lapo didn't get the rope Osh did...and had misfortune of working under piss poor management who didn't know how to create yet alone build a sustained winner and organization

Osh got that luxury and was damn lucky as his tenure in about the same amount of time was horrible...and had multiple bone headed moments

Any coach with half a brain...and given the time can create a winner if given the tools and the upper management 

Our success and sustained ability to maintain comes from above...facts...it's up to the HC whoever he is here to foster it

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10 hours ago, 17to85 said:

Yeah lapos bug weakness as a coach is his offensive playcalling. Dude knows football, he just doesn't know when to go for it and when to play it safe. Down by 2 scores with little time left is the best lapo.  Up by 2 scores with half a game left is worst lapo. 

Can't disagree with any of that.

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54 minutes ago, TrueBlue4ever said:

LaPo 16-28

Osh 23-31 (but he was also 16-28 through the same number of games)

Glenn was not the QB in 2011. He got hurt in 2007 when Doug Berry was the head coach. 

Yea...wbbfan is still in shock from the 07 loss to the Criders and skipped Buck Pierce being our start in 11. Mike Kelly, in all his wisdom, gave Glenn an apple and a roadmap in '09 at the request of some fans he had been talking to at 7/11.

Edited by GCn20
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11 hours ago, 17to85 said:

Yeah lapos bug weakness as a coach is his offensive playcalling. Dude knows football, he just doesn't know when to go for it and when to play it safe. Down by 2 scores with little time left is the best lapo.  Up by 2 scores with half a game left is worst lapo. 

Agreed, I’ve never seen a play caller consistently fritter away leads like that.

As a play caller, he always struck me as sitting on his secrets, not wanting to give anything away on film ever and calling the passing game super conservatively until he didn’t have a choice. 

Edited by JohnnyAbonny
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1 hour ago, Booch said:

Lapo didn't get the rope Osh did...and had misfortune of working under piss poor management who didn't know how to create yet alone build a sustained winner and organization




Yeah, I was never a huge fan of Lapo but you’ve gotta be fair, he never had the support from up top when he was HC.
The timing of his firing was bullshit.

The team had to go on the road for a month to start the season. Lousy QB room and not much other offensive talent to make up for it. Garbage drafting. I’d say he got a raw deal from that management group. 

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41 minutes ago, JohnnyAbonny said:

Yeah, I was never a huge fan of Lapo but you’ve gotta be fair, he never had the support from up top when he was HC.
The timing of his firing was bullshit.

The team had to go on the road for a month to start the season. Lousy QB room and not much other offensive talent to make up for it. Garbage drafting. I’d say he got a raw deal from that management group. 

100 percent.....if the timing was switched, and Osh had Lapo's tenure...Lapo had Osh....be a different story...That being said lapo would have had to put in place quality co-ordinators to make things work and let go of the micro managing...Osh had next to no success when he had to hire crap co-ordinators....wasn't until quality ones were in place that the ball started rolling...I will always say a HC is only as good as the staff around him, as they are the guys who create the system the team plays within...HC obvioulsy can have some say and over rule things, but then thats the slippery slope you get on...and trouble brews

In all honesty if a HC has the right support...they will be succesful unless they are just a complete moron and dictator who wants to control everything...

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2 hours ago, GCn20 said:

Yea...wbbfan is still in shock from the 07 loss to the Criders and skipped Buck Pierce being our start in 11. Mike Kelly, in all his wisdom, gave Glenn an apple and a roadmap in '09 at the request of some fans he had been talking to at 7/11.

Yup. Brain damage from too many GC loses! lol need some more wins. 

3 hours ago, Booch said:

Lapo didn't get the rope Osh did...and had misfortune of working under piss poor management who didn't know how to create yet alone build a sustained winner and organization

Osh got that luxury and was damn lucky as his tenure in about the same amount of time was horrible...and had multiple bone headed moments

Any coach with half a brain...and given the time can create a winner if given the tools and the upper management 

Our success and sustained ability to maintain comes from above...facts...it's up to the HC whoever he is here to foster it

Yep. Mos was realistically on the ropes twice. I'm glad it worked out, but I don't think he's progressed since those early days. He used to add soo much to our teams, and then our D play call. I miss the days of having the best Teams calls and execution. Not to mention the 200 iq plays they'd fool every one with. 

The sheer volume of players we've populated the league and NFL camps with is a testament to the strength of the front office. 

Coaches don't have the same power that they used to back in the day. When a guy like cal or dave would get mad and throw the team back into full padded full contact 2 a days mid season after a bad loss. Or revoke going home on bye weeks and make guys practice. It's not a bad change, it improves players quality of life and longevity a good bit. You just cant lead people they way they used to either. Especially pro athletes. Mos is soo far in the opposite direction he's more like a steward of the team. 

1 hour ago, Booch said:

100 percent.....if the timing was switched, and Osh had Lapo's tenure...Lapo had Osh....be a different story...That being said lapo would have had to put in place quality co-ordinators to make things work and let go of the micro managing...Osh had next to no success when he had to hire crap co-ordinators....wasn't until quality ones were in place that the ball started rolling...I will always say a HC is only as good as the staff around him, as they are the guys who create the system the team plays within...HC obvioulsy can have some say and over rule things, but then thats the slippery slope you get on...and trouble brews

In all honesty if a HC has the right support...they will be succesful unless they are just a complete moron and dictator who wants to control everything...

Soo any one but Kelly, LOL. Accurate though. Coaches in all pro sports have had power reduced by leaps and bounds. Football, especially the NFL has the most, but up here and especially with mos, It's more like the NBA for coaches. 

2 hours ago, JohnnyAbonny said:

Agreed, I’ve never seen a play caller consistently fritter away leads like that.

As a play caller, he always struck me as sitting on his secrets, not wanting to give anything away on film ever and calling the passing game super conservatively until he didn’t have a choice. 

we've got the lead, we've got the momentum, we've got the ball! Time for some 3 yard screen passes that are soo slow it's a tip toe catch on the sidelines! Or lest hope Harris can catch and run for 12 yards on 2nd down again. The guy could build a brilliant playbook, but was by far the worst play caller of any OC. 

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48 minutes ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

Lapo is in the mix with people like Jim Daley as a head coach.

His play not to lose decision making style results in a lot of 4-14 type seasons.

And he's never developed a QB.

He needs an O'Shea or Ken Miller to make sure he is aggressive.

I think he had better knowledge and game planning than Daley. But I think Daley was more amenable. Daley might've been the least talented HC we've had in recent memory. Other guys who are worse like kelly did atleast have some talent. Daley always seemed like a guy who lied on his resume and got the job any way, but was too nice to fire. 

14 minutes ago, Noeller said:

We have really gone through the looking glass here with some borderline "Fire O'Shea!" posts... Jesus.

Fire the off season. No more breaks, once the GC ends, we have a week of free agency the draft then go right back into another season! 

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3 hours ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

Lapo is in the mix with people like Jim Daley as a head coach.

His play not to lose decision making style results in a lot of 4-14 type seasons.

And he's never developed a QB.

He needs an O'Shea or Ken Miller to make sure he is aggressive.

Perfect comparison. The 1997 Riders and the 2011 Bombers had a lot of similarities. 

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7 hours ago, JohnnyAbonny said:

Agreed, I’ve never seen a play caller consistently fritter away leads like that.

As a play caller, he always struck me as sitting on his secrets, not wanting to give anything away on film ever and calling the passing game super conservatively until he didn’t have a choice. 

And that would make me crazy when the Bombers would be up by 20 points at half time and as soon as the second half started, the Bombers would be tossing the 4 yard outs. I could see the whole tenor of the game change as the Bomber offence withered. 

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Remember Jeff Reinbold? Everybody was a warrior when he spoke about them on the post game. 

Bob: Jeff, so the DB #25 he got burned pretty bad on that 87 yard TD.

Jeff: I need to stop you. #20 is a warrior, they way he got beat badly and hustled to only be 30 yards behind the receiver as the receiver reached the endzone screams warrior.

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2 hours ago, rebusrankin said:

Remember Jeff Reinbold? Everybody was a warrior when he spoke about them on the post game. 

Bob: Jeff, so the DB #25 he got burned pretty bad on that 87 yard TD.

Jeff: I need to stop you. #20 is a warrior, they way he got beat badly and hustled to only be 30 yards behind the receiver as the receiver reached the endzone screams warrior.

It’s true. But his guys loved him and did fight for him. Problem is he had the worst gm, him self. 

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Reinbold riding the motorcycle out when they introduced him was a memory. Might be one of the first. Honestly not sure when it was but definitely rode a motorcycle 1 time. Everybody thought it was cool. 

Edited by Goalie
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2 hours ago, rebusrankin said:

Remember Jeff Reinbold? Everybody was a warrior when he spoke about them on the post game. 

Bob: Jeff, so the DB #25 he got burned pretty bad on that 87 yard TD.

Jeff: I need to stop you. #20 is a warrior, they way he got beat badly and hustled to only be 30 yards behind the receiver as the receiver reached the endzone screams warrior.

Until one day, Bob decides to play his game: "you know Jeff, your guys played pretty well, but they were up against Doug Flutie."

"That was unacceptable, Bob...there were 56 missed assignments!" 

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9 hours ago, Booch said:

100 percent.....if the timing was switched, and Osh had Lapo's tenure...Lapo had Osh....be a different story...That being said lapo would have had to put in place quality co-ordinators to make things work and let go of the micro managing...Osh had next to no success when he had to hire crap co-ordinators....wasn't until quality ones were in place that the ball started rolling...I will always say a HC is only as good as the staff around him, as they are the guys who create the system the team plays within...HC obvioulsy can have some say and over rule things, but then thats the slippery slope you get on...and trouble brews

In all honesty if a HC has the right support...they will be succesful unless they are just a complete moron and dictator who wants to control everything...

Hell, I was willing to wait.  MOS inherited Bellefeuille and Etch.........Vince Lombardi couldn't win with that. 
Between ranting about the poor results........did notice the way the players were talking about Mike....not the usual canned stuff - but something else......
Culture change.

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2 hours ago, do or die said:

Hell, I was willing to wait.  MOS inherited Bellefeuille and Etch.........Vince Lombardi couldn't win with that. 
Between ranting about the poor results........did notice the way the players were talking about Mike....not the usual canned stuff - but something else......
Culture change.

I mean he didn’t enter with those guys. He didn’t take over mid season. Neither of those guys should’ve been cos. Just awful. 

2 hours ago, Goalie said:

Reinbold riding the motorcycle out when they introduced him was a memory. Might be one of the first. Honestly not sure when it was but definitely rode a motorcycle 1 time. Everybody thought it was cool. 

Yep came into town like a lion went out like a lamb. Great dude, good teams co. I’m happy he beat cancer had a turn around up here and I’m happy for him to be coaching in hawaii that’s the perfect place for him. 

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On 2024-06-04 at 2:50 PM, johnzo said:

of course, a call-in show is a terrible place to do education what with all the wastoids calling in to say "hey why don't you try to score more touchdowns?"

I haven't listened to the Coach's Show in years as I no longer live in Winnipeg but when Bob Irving did The Football Hotline with Jack Matheson. Jack would pull no punches with the problems the team was having. After a loss & the fandom bitching about lost opportunities to score on the field or the secondary being lit up... even questioning coaches calls, they'd get (usually a random middle aged woman) call in & say, "Don't be so hard on the boys. They tried their best so Jack you stop talking badly about them, now. They're our Bombers & we love them!!" I couldn't stand those calls as Irving would just let them rant for a minute then politely say goodnight...

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