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Blue Bombers - 2024 Regular Season - Discussion Thread

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7 hours ago, Super Duper Negatron said:

Was it Dave that used to have the saying that every rookie == one loss?

Yup, cut a returner (OG Antonio Brown) for I think not knowing  the No Yards rule. Guy ended up making the pro bowl for Miami Dolphins. Edit: Completely wrong, disregard 

Edited by JohnnyAbonny
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5 minutes ago, WinnipegGordo said:

I have a feeling that Brady wont be playing.  Even if he is healthy, I can see them sitting him out as he's only practiced a couple of days all camp and season so far.


This camp and start to this year just feels like a giant cluster-**** so far.

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13 minutes ago, JohnnyAbonny said:

Why the hell did I think he was in the Pro Bowl? Lol 

Ritchie did cut him for an early mistake though right? Or am I thinking of somebody else? 

Didn’t Dave cut dudes for refusing to shave their beards also. Dave was wild man. Cut lots of guys on and off the field. I think back in the olden days tho racism was a thing and played a role in everything. 

oh no I just saw that Davis Sanchez thinks we gonna kick Ottawa’s ass. That means. Yet another Winnipeg… loss. 

Edited by Goalie
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3 hours ago, bigg jay said:

That Antonio Brown did not make the pro bowl for any team.



Yep different guy. He did however have a very good career as a kr down there and had couple sick plays up here. His diving grab in the end zone for one. 

he was a guy with nutty speed, ran track with Vinny Sutherland who was here similar time and I think Santana moss. 

46 minutes ago, Super Duper Negatron said:

Lapo doing colour for Derek on Thursday (Doug Brown isn't available ). Might be a good excuse to mute the TV and put 'OB on.

Ohh snap. I do love db but he’s better in pre game post game stuff. 

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5 hours ago, rebusrankin said:

Outside of Biggie starting at MLB and a new WR to replace Lawler, I don't expect much.

Am looking forward to seeing Wheatfall show what he has. Seems to have the athleticism, size and attitude, and if he beat Ontaria out of a starting role, he may surprise a few people. If he get the ball, that is.

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15 minutes ago, Noeller said:

I know you guys aren't necessarily wrong with all the hand wringing and complaining.... But man it's tough reading so much depressing **** about the team. I'm not ready for the good times to end.

They aren't ending, although they almost convinced just by sheer volume of posts. We laid an egg to open the season but I would be shocked if we are not in the mix for another division title. Just a real sloppy effort last week stemming from some poor training camp decisions.

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4 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

They aren't ending, although they almost convinced just by sheer volume of posts. We laid an egg to open the season but I would be shocked if we are not in the mix for another division title. Just a real sloppy effort last week stemming from some poor training camp decisions.

I should clarify what my opinion is … I don’t think we’re about to fall off a cliff immediately. I just truly believe that we’re going to do absolutely nothing to stop it when it does happen.

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We have to go back to basics when rebuilding this team. Draft offensive & defensive linemen. Actually start to seriously develop a qb we intend to keep to take over from Collaros. Build up the linebackers & FFS find a returner.... Unfortunately, that won't start until this next off season. O'Shea may nix the idea & stay with his vets until they no longer can play. I can't see a proper rebuild starting until we get a new head coach. By then, it may be too late.

Edited by SpeedFlex27
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3 minutes ago, Mike said:

I should clarify what my opinion is … I don’t think we’re about to fall off a cliff immediately. I just truly believe that we’re going to do absolutely nothing to stop it when it does happen.

Fair enough. It's bound to happen I suppose. Part of me hopes we finish 2nd in the West so that management knows we are not infallible despite still playing like warriors and squeaking out another Grey Cup win.

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3 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

Fair enough. It's bound to happen I suppose. Part of me hopes we finish 2nd in the West so that management knows we are not infallible despite still playing like warriors and squeaking out another Grey Cup win.

We have one thing going for us, we have a better OL & DL than the Lions. BC just can't go out & replace 5 starters on the OL. They're stuck now with those pylons for the rest of the season.

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3 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

We have to go back to basics when rebuilding this team. Draft offensive & defensive linemen. Actually start to seriously develop a qb we intend to keep to take over from Collaros. Build up the linebackers & FFS find a returner.... Unfortunately, that won't start until this next off season. O'Shea may nix the idea & stay with his vets until they no longer can play. I can't see a proper rebuild starting until we get a new head coach. By then, it may be too late.

I think we are looking good on offence for a while. Yea get some OL but particularly DL in the draft and refresh the LBs. It's not really a big rebuild needed. We are good at receiver, RB, and if Strev shows improvement at QB. We are pretty good at OL, just need a stud OT for Bryant when he goes. Secondary is refreshed with the exception of Alexander who plays a pretty easy position to replace. LBs will need a reboot and possibly depending on Garbutt etc DE.

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5 minutes ago, GCn20 said:

Fair enough. It's bound to happen I suppose. Part of me hopes we finish 2nd in the West so that management knows we are not infallible despite still playing like warriors and squeaking out another Grey Cup win.

Truthfully, and people aren’t going to want to hear this, the only way this turns around is when we move on from MOS.

He is who he is at this point and while I think he’s owed the opportunity to prove this theory false, I don’t think he’s got it in him to make the adjustments required. Too far away from his philosophy and too many tough “human” decisions. He’s not going to cut bait from a Brandon Alexander or an Adam Bighill or a Jake Thomas. That’s such a big part of what made him so great for the time when it worked. But now that it won’t work, it’s going to be an equally big part of his undoing.

Realistically, I think the only way we move on without him stepping away is a failure that can’t be ignored during the host season. And if nothing changes immediately, that’s exactly what we’re going to see. The arrogance, the belief that this is still 2020 … that’s what is going to sink us. It’s not even up for debate anymore that we don’t do everything we can each week to win football games and the belief that our good is good enough needs to stop, but it won’t. It might not be a sudden fall off the cliff but the fall is coming whether we like it or not.

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1 hour ago, Mike said:

I should clarify what my opinion is … I don’t think we’re about to fall off a cliff immediately. I just truly believe that we’re going to do absolutely nothing to stop it when it does happen.

This is where most people are. No one is saying the team is complete ****, just that they need to alter their approach to maintain the competitiveness for as long as they possibly can. Need to be proactive and always be looking to get better. We all want this to continue, we all want to keep sitting on top of the mountain looking down on everyone else. That's why the passion about the topic. 

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I still think he's the best coach in the league, but his faults are absolutely obvious and given where we are as a franchise, his weaknesses are coming to the fore. Building around a group of core vets and establishing a culture can be a good way to build a team out of the basement, but sticking with vets and giving very little consideration to developing players and building to the future will increase the likelihood we need to do a complete rebuild rather than gradually shift out old pieces for new ones to stay on top. They do it in the offseason and I'm hopeful we'll see it throughout this season, but it is so discouraging to see nothing changed as a result of training camp. Again, it might just be that O'Shea didn't want too much change all at once, which I don't think is necessarily bad.

Shake the bad performance from last week, Collaros can find his form again especially having a higher dose of Strev. Find out who is on the roster that can step up during the season and let them take over for the vets that underperform. Still hard to refresh a team with horrible roster/PR management, but there's still hope.

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