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Blue Bombers - 2024 Regular Season - Discussion Thread

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I suspect we finish somewhere in the range of 8-10 to 11-7, then lose some bodies to retirement in the offseason which will be easily replaced through the massive CFL free agent market. It's a transitional year, not a year of falling off a cliff. In my opinion, of course...

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Rough. No Brady (which is the right choice, even if he could have played banged up)

Only 6 DL. 9 “Linebackers”

O. Wilson, Mitchell and Wheatfall all on. 

This one really bugs me actually. The one unit that’s been performing consistently well in preseason and last week is the DL. Why handicap them? It’s clearly the strength of the team right now. 

Edited by JohnnyAbonny
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7 minutes ago, JohnnyAbonny said:

Only 6 DL. 9 “Linebackers”

O. Wilson, Mitchell and Wheatfall all on

So the same **** that cost them last season. 

Mos buddy... it's oknto not have a million linebackers and it's ok to not need 7 OL and it's ok to not dress a receiver who won't take any snaps. Stop doing this on hard mode.

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2 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

So the same **** that cost them last season. 

Mos buddy... it's oknto not have a million linebackers and it's ok to not need 7 OL and it's ok to not dress a receiver who won't take any snaps. Stop doing this on hard mode.

He won’t ever change.

Same moronic decision making with the roster that cooked us last year. Ayers barely played all game last week and now we add Biggie and he suddenly becomes more essential than keeping the one unit that DID succeed last week fresh?

I’m over it, man. Just such flawed decision making. 

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45 minutes ago, JohnnyAbonny said:

I get the way MOS operates with the media. I know he wants to protect his players and not tell anything. 

Still “..those answers involve the word urgency. I don’t think that exists” 

Well **** man, maybe it should. 

The bit on Rose was interesting.. Dude was clearly pissed about being left off for the GC. 

Hated soo much of that interview. 

1 hour ago, rebusrankin said:

I like MOS but he's now in season ten which is an incredibly long tenure for any coach. We might just be hitting the point where things stop working.

Every coach and style has a shelf life. Some times you can shake it up with management changing the tone, mark frequently you have to make a painful change. I don’t see us missing the play offs unless some thing crazy happens at qb, and I don’t see us making a change like that this year or maybe next too. 

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22 minutes ago, JohnnyAbonny said:

Rough. No Brady (which is the right choice, even if he could have played banged up)

Only 6 DL. 9 “Linebackers”

O. Wilson, Mitchell and Wheatfall all on. 

This one really bugs me actually. The one unit that’s been performing consistently well in preseason and last week is the DL. Why handicap them? It’s clearly the strength of the team right now. 

Boy we better not leave Augustine on the field a lot in pass pro or zachs gonna have a worse game than last week. Augustine gets hurt our run game is done for too. 
 why keep on ayers who gets no snaps over woods?
Why carry soo many Imp wrs that won’t see the field or the ball? 
I have a sickly sinking feeling about this game 


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A couple of thoughts:

  • Unless they are worried about Wallace being poached off the PR or Eli is still too hurt to play more than a handful of snaps a game, then Wallace being the 7th lineman on the active roster makes absolutely zero sense. 
  • I'm not thrilled about the deletion of Woods from what was a largely effective unit last week.
  • I'd feel more comfortable with a guy like Rosery backing up (hell starting over) Augustine vs. Chris-Ike.  In an ideal world, we have a much more well rounded back step in to that role and Augustine simply rides the pine.
  • I'm not too upset over Bighill's insertion. We have the horses there to make a change in game if he's labouring.  The question is will we make the change?  (the answer is likely no).
  • Can I say I don't like Mitchell being on the roster, period?  That opinion won't change until he does anything remotely productive offensively or on special teams.
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Dru Brown is going to be tearing it up by the end of the 3rd against that gassed out DL. 

Aside from the awful roster building, I think it’s time to talk about how Collaros contract was the beginning of the end of our dominance.
You can’t keep a dynasty going paying half a mil to one player, especially one in their mid-30s. That’s why you develop the next one and move forward. 

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Just now, JohnnyAbonny said:

Dru Brown is going to be tearing it up by the end of the 3rd against that gassed out DL. 

Aside from the awful roster building, I think it’s time to talk about how Collaros contract was the beginning of the end of our dominance.
You can’t keep a dynasty going paying half a mil to one player, especially one in their mid-30s. That’s why you develop the next one and move forward. 

The RedBlacks offensive line isn't particularly good and Dru is a known commodity.   I fully expect the trio of WJ, Haba and Adams to be disruptive and make things hard for him.   My big concern is the secondary - will we see improved chemistry / communication over last week because the Holm / Ford side struggled - Ford in particular (and don't get me wrong, I really like the kid).

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3 minutes ago, voodoochylde said:

The RedBlacks offensive line isn't particularly good and Dru is a known commodity.   I fully expect the trio of WJ, Haba and Adams to be disruptive and make things hard for him.   My big concern is the secondary - will we see improved chemistry / communication over last week because the Holm / Ford side struggled - Ford in particular (and don't get me wrong, I really like the kid).

Me too until Willie gets gassed by the 3rd from taking all the snaps at 34 years old, or Ottawa can double Adams because Jake Thomas is still in the game. 

Mark my words. On an important play in the 4th quarter one of those guys is going to have Brown dead to rights and not be able to catch him. 

Edited by JohnnyAbonny
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Rosery is the prime example of a guy they could have called up when Brady went down.  He played well in preseason.  Knows the offense and *could* have come in in a pinch. 

The other thing that bothers me about our roster is that we are completely unable to pivot away from having a NI at RB.  We've invested so heavily in that position but have NOTHING in the way of an adequate backup if something catastrophic happens.  

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Just now, voodoochylde said:

Rosery is the prime example of a guy they could have called up when Brady went down.  He played well in preseason.  Knows the offense and *could* have come in in a pinch. 

The other thing that bothers me about our roster is that we are completely unable to pivot away from having a NI at RB.  We've invested so heavily in that position but have NOTHING in the way of an adequate backup if something catastrophic happens.  

For a team that starts more than the required NI’s this is inexcusable 

If Rosery came on MOS might have to coach him. 
I think he just wants to let the vets run the team and tell Jeff Keeping stories. 

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Just now, JohnnyAbonny said:

For a team that starts more than the required NI’s this is inexcusable 

For any team to pretend that Johnny Augustine or Jake Thomas are the best options you can put on the field regardless of passport is insulting to its fans, quite frankly.

4 minutes ago, JohnnyAbonny said:

For a team that starts more than the required NI’s this is inexcusable 

If Rosery came on MOS might have to coach him. 
I think he just wants to let the vets run the team and tell Jeff Keeping stories. 

This is exactly why I take pause now when people say O’Shea is still the best coach in the league. I’m not really sure how much evidence there is to point to of him coaching much of anything.

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1 hour ago, JohnnyAbonny said:

I get the way MOS operates with the media. I know he wants to protect his players and not tell anything. 

Still “..those answers involve the word urgency. I don’t think that exists” 

Well **** man, maybe it should. 

The bit on Rose was interesting.. Dude was clearly pissed about being left off for the GC. 

and rightfully so....no re\son at all last yr he should have been parked for daddy's favorite.....a lot of players were not pleased with other stuff....but they keep the close kni theme at fore front

and as @Mike says....this will be ongoing stuff until we move on coachwise....and really if we were to have lost Osh prior to the last contract renewal....or after this term...I wont be botheed in the least.....his poor traits now are negating his good ones...and now that he doesnt have the best top end talent anymore...(2019 to 2021) and clinging to some...and populating his roster with ( "hard worker...good guy...practice hard..which everyone should.hands out water bottles...etc etc) well you see the results now, and the path we headed on....been hating to say I told ya'all so...but.....now I jus curious to see this weeks depth chart...I'm sure it will have some what the friggin hell's on it

1 hour ago, WildPath said:

I still think he's the best coach in the league, but his faults are absolutely obvious and given where we are as a franchise, his weaknesses are coming to the fore. Building around a group of core vets and establishing a culture can be a good way to build a team out of the basement, but sticking with vets and giving very little consideration to developing players and building to the future will increase the likelihood we need to do a complete rebuild rather than gradually shift out old pieces for new ones to stay on top. They do it in the offseason and I'm hopeful we'll see it throughout this season, but it is so discouraging to see nothing changed as a result of training camp. Again, it might just be that O'Shea didn't want too much change all at once, which I don't think is necessarily bad.

Shake the bad performance from last week, Collaros can find his form again especially having a higher dose of Strev. Find out who is on the roster that can step up during the season and let them take over for the vets that underperform. Still hard to refresh a team with horrible roster/PR management, but there's still hope.

i dunno...he not really coaching other than finalizing the roster...and hamstringing his co-ordinators...he rarely ventures into the room to get the real pulse of things...relies on his vets....and to be honest...is a glorified babysitter now with final say....like the comment or not...but is what it is...when is the last time we have even seen anything unique....risky...pushing the envelope....some creative scheme/gamble....i dunno...2021??

13 hours ago, Goalie said:

Didn’t Dave cut dudes for refusing to shave their beards also. Dave was wild man. Cut lots of guys on and off the field. I think back in the olden days tho racism was a thing and played a role in everything. 

oh no I just saw that Davis Sanchez thinks we gonna kick Ottawa’s ass. That means. Yet another Winnipeg… loss. 

that was more Murphy....i remember him basically cutting a guy at halftime

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O'Shea has earned a chance to lead whatever team he wants on the field.

If we do poorly again (which is likely given the roster for this week), hopefully he will make adjustments.

Perhaps there is something going on behind the scenes that we are unaware. I agree with the previous post, which suggested a decline with the huge contract to Collaros. Tying up that much cap has partially hand-cuffed the team this year.

I can accept a re-set season, we were not going to be top of the league forever. I just want to see positive changes, and a willingness to do so.

I will just take a breath, and cheer for the guys, and hope to see a transition through the first third of the season to meet and exceed our expectations.

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20 minutes ago, Mike said:

For any team to pretend that Johnny Augustine or Jake Thomas are the best options you can put on the field regardless of passport is insulting to its fans, quite frankly.

This is exactly why I take pause now when people say O’Shea is still the best coach in the league. I’m not really sure how much evidence there is to point to of him coaching much of anything.

I also think if MOS was told directly he favors some vets a bit too much to the detriment of the club and could improve on his roster management I think it would embolden him even more to stay his course. MOS seems like a genuinely nice guy, knows football, is a great player coach but like every last one of us has his quirks that seem to be showing.

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Man, that roster is a gut punch.  It’s not like I was expecting any major moves, but it’s actually worse than last week’s.  Someone needs to tell O’Shea to give his head a shake…. He either simply can’t see the forest for the trees, or he’s just too stubborn to do so.

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wow....all I can say.....

Thats just sad....and I am sure his reasonings when asked after will be a utter joke

We know all week...actually even before last weeks game that BO is a huge question mark...and this is what we come up with at RB??....along with 3 complete newbie recievers to compliment and take the load off....

made our front 7 weaker big time...then add a likely out of game shape Biggie in to compliment it and who's to say he even remotely 100 percent...the fact he was put on the 6 immediately and not just 1 gamed tells me all I need to know there and Papi Oshea just took his que froma loved vet that "i good to go" just like in Grey Cup.

I always want us to win, but don't get me wrong here as I hope we get spanked so this bucket of puke isn't justified and glossed over by a win over the perenial sad sack redblack's...and we get all the "see Osh is a genius...he knows what he doing"

We win it's because some guys have game of their season and go right off...or a couple guys who are unknowns take Ottawa by surprise...or Dru just stinks and we know how to negate him from 3 yrs of grooming him.....or a combo of the 3....a win in spite of everything that will just justify this stupidity right thru the seson

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1 minute ago, Bubba Zanetti said:

I know its only week 2 but man this is damn near a must win game. Lose tomorrow and then youve got BC coming to town. Starting 0-3 would be an absolute disaster and a massive hole to try and climb out of.

And losing to Ottawa is reserved for bottom-feeding teams.  It will tell us a lot about where we stand.

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2 minutes ago, BomberBall. said:

Man, that roster is a gut punch.  It’s not like I was expecting any major moves, but it’s actually worse than last week’s.  Someone needs to tell O’Shea to give his head a shake…. He either simply can’t see the forest for the trees, or he’s just too stubborn to do so.

he's stubborn....smug...and arrogant....blatantly obvious....he needs to start coaching like he played....like a real prick and bordering on the bounderies of the rules.....this schtick now has got old and ran it's course sadly when you refuse to repopulate with talented youth and let go of your pet's

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1 hour ago, Atomic said:

I suspect we finish somewhere in the range of 8-10 to 11-7, then lose some bodies to retirement in the offseason which will be easily replaced through the massive CFL free agent market. It's a transitional year, not a year of falling off a cliff. In my opinion, of course...

I wouldn’t be that down on the team yet. Week 1 of the regular season is an extension of the preseason especially for a Mike O’Shea coached team.  I also don’t know who’s going to want to retire the year we host the grey cup. 

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