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Blue Bombers - 2024 Regular Season - Discussion Thread

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It's not the roster I would have fielded but I do think the roster critique has become a meme at this point.

There are holes but, when you look back across O'Shea's tenure here, there have always been holes in the game day roster and there's always been a reliance on his guys.  This hasn't changed.  I've said it before and will say it again, it's his best and worst quality.

I think the real criticism is with the practice roster and Mike has already thrown out many of my own concerns there so I won't rehash them. 

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Chris Ike as our backup RB is absolutely hilarious.

46 minutes ago, JohnnyAbonny said:

Dru Brown is going to be tearing it up by the end of the 3rd against that gassed out DL. 

Aside from the awful roster building, I think it’s time to talk about how Collaros contract was the beginning of the end of our dominance.
You can’t keep a dynasty going paying half a mil to one player, especially one in their mid-30s. That’s why you develop the next one and move forward. 

I think it was the Lawler contract, in hindsight. 

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5 minutes ago, BomberBall. said:

Man, that roster is a gut punch.  It’s not like I was expecting any major moves, but it’s actually worse than last week’s.  Someone needs to tell O’Shea to give his head a shake…. He either simply can’t see the forest for the trees, or he’s just too stubborn to do so.

Like I said in another post, he comes across as someone who is very committed to an approach if he believes that’s the key to success and will embolden him even more to stay this course when others suggest it might not be the key to success and actually lead to failure. A definite quirk of his it seems.
Let’s see how all this rolls out. I hope he can say to all of us I told you so but I also hope if he can’t say I told you so he’ll swallow some of his pride and make the changes he needs to for the betterment of the club.

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1 minute ago, Super Duper Negatron said:

Chris Ike as our backup RB is absolutely hilarious.

I think it was the Lawler contract, in hindsight. 

I think that if Augustine went down in game we'd see a platoon of Demski, Mitchell and likely Streveler taking reps out of the backfield.

That's less than ideal and it's why we should have an American back active on our game day roster - have him there to acclimatize to the game, spell Brady and allow us to pivot effectively if our star NI goes down for a prolonged period of time.  

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7 minutes ago, voodoochylde said:

It's not the roster I would have fielded but I do think the roster critique has become a meme at this point.

There are holes but, when you look back across O'Shea's tenure here, there have always been holes in the game day roster and there's always been a reliance on his guys.  This hasn't changed.  I've said it before and will say it again, it's his best and worst quality.

I think the real criticism is with the practice roster and Mike has already thrown out many of my own concerns there so I won't rehash them. 

sure...but we won cups in spite of it then....2021 is a long time ago in football....we not winnig in spite of it now and the switch and lightbulb moment should have been after 2022 cup...and if not then midway of 2023 sesson when a lot of this complaining started...and now here we are in 2024...teetering on the edge if thigs dont change quickly

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3 minutes ago, Super Duper Negatron said:

Chris Ike as our backup RB is absolutely hilarious.

I think it was the Lawler contract, in hindsight. 

Lawler, the huge deals to biggie at times, wj, jj we’ve spent lots of premium 100-125k on fringe roster guys while going cheap on dbs. 
Qbs make that money for starting the cfl. 500k is NOT in the mike Reilly bc contract range hurting the team. 
 Like I said previously in the off season, the move to make was keep brown and bring stevy back while trading Zach away. 
 At some point you have to go young at qb. Better to get value, keep a home grown talent and have a change of pace valuable back up who can take over in case of failure, than riding a mid 30 qb into his careers grave. 
 We would’ve saved impactful money, moved on from more vets, and might’ve been better this year over all any way. 

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22 minutes ago, Blue28 said:

O'Shea has earned a chance to lead whatever team he wants on the field.

If we do poorly again (which is likely given the roster for this week), hopefully he will make adjustments.

Perhaps there is something going on behind the scenes that we are unaware. I agree with the previous post, which suggested a decline with the huge contract to Collaros. Tying up that much cap has partially hand-cuffed the team this year.

I can accept a re-set season, we were not going to be top of the league forever. I just want to see positive changes, and a willingness to do so.

I will just take a breath, and cheer for the guys, and hope to see a transition through the first third of the season to meet and exceed our expectations.

Your fourth paragraph first sentence I’m not understanding. :)

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Just now, Booch said:

sure...but we won cups in spite of it then....2021 is a long time ago in football....we not winnig in spite of it now and the switch and lightbulb moment should have been after 2022 cup...and if not then midway of 2023 sesson when a lot of this complaining started...and now here we are in 2024...teetering on the edge if thigs dont change quickly

All we have to do is wait for a generationally good roster to overcome his weaknesses! lol. this type of roster management/mediocre acceptance is a good way to build up another 20-30 year steak with out a ship. 

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3 minutes ago, Super Duper Negatron said:

I just looked at the lineup again. One injury on the DL tomorrow and we are absolutely screwed.

if there was any game...this was the one coming off a pathetic loss, that we loaded up our defensive front and used a masterful rotation with insane heat to not give Dru a chance to think...let alone be comfortable....coaching fail again....

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6 minutes ago, Super Duper Negatron said:

I just looked at the lineup again. One injury on the DL tomorrow and we are absolutely screwed.

I think they'll be in 30 fronts a lot.  They were last week.

Major disappointment is the lack of edge guys.  We will likely have very little in the way of pass rush which makes the entire defense weaker.

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Just now, JuranBoldenRules said:

I think they'll be in 30 fronts a lot.  They were last week.

Major disappointment is the lack of edge guys.  We will likely have very little in the way of pass rush which makes the entire defense weaker.

we will have gassed out a couple guys from over-use....and having to give an interior guy extra reps outside...won't help in keeping them overly fresh either....the ol rob Peter to pay Paul scenario....and this falls smack dab at the feet of having a poor PR and selection of guys you kept for injury issues.....apparent at RB too.....KR...even receiver...Josh Johnson is probably the best guy ready to make a impact...but he behind 2 other guys that obviously have some trait...or said or did something that has a coach all giddy....I havn't seen it....and know others havnt either...

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3 minutes ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

I think they'll be in 30 fronts a lot.  They were last week.

Major disappointment is the lack of edge guys.  We will likely have very little in the way of pass rush which makes the entire defense weaker.

This is 100% true. I’d bet we were in 30 fronts more than 40 last week. 

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If anyone watched that O’Shea interview up there, I’m curious … was anyone else extremely bothered when his assessment of Zach was “he’s the best and I’ll always feel that way and nothing will ever change my mind”

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On 2024-06-10 at 2:22 PM, Fatty Liver said:

Here's a list of vets who lost their spots in the off-season.







Funny thing is with the exception of Rose none lost their jobs directly to better players.

Bailey was a money issue....not because of competition for his spot....Could've been the same thing with Janarion....Rose and Jeffcoat were done.....Gray is still hanging around

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1 minute ago, Mike said:

If anyone watched that O’Shea interview up there, I’m curious … was anyone else extremely bothered when his assessment of Zach was “he’s the best and I’ll always feel that way and nothing will ever change my mind”

oh yeah....I meant to watch that crap....thanks for reminding me...

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Just now, Mike said:

If anyone watched that O’Shea interview up there, I’m curious … was anyone else extremely bothered when his assessment of Zach was “he’s the best and I’ll always feel that way and nothing will ever change my mind”

That was a big part of what made me sick about it. Basically, no matter the reality of the situation, mos will think Zachs the best. 
 Another guy who will have to be carried off the field and roster. 

A big part of the job of a HC, is making the hard decisions with players. 

1 minute ago, Booch said:

oh yeah....I meant to watch that crap....thanks for reminding me...

Do not recommend lol 

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Rose isn't done....and would look pretty good on the corner here right now

Money was there for Bailey and Grant....we chose tho to put it on Thomas...Biggie....Gauthier...crazy amount for Kramdi...BA....Kolo....snip just 3 of those guys....and the difference from replacing them with first yr talent easily would have covered Sheed and Grant.

I not losing sleep over Yosh...as he is in decline and wouldnt have wanted him here...and especially not in 2025

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16 minutes ago, Mike said:

If anyone watched that O’Shea interview up there, I’m curious … was anyone else extremely bothered when his assessment of Zach was “he’s the best and I’ll always feel that way and nothing will ever change my mind”

Why would I be upset about a coach who thinks highly of a quarterback that helped him win back to back Grey Cups, helped lead a team to 4 in a row and will be an integral reason why O'Shea will cement himself as the all time leader in wins by a Bomber coach?

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5 minutes ago, voodoochylde said:

Why would I be upset about a coach who thinks highly of a quarterback that helped him win back to back Grey Cups?  Helped lead a team to 4 in a row and helped a coach all but cement himself as the all time leader in wins by a Bomber coach?

It's a sign to me that O'Shea is going to go down with this crew and won't be able to reset here.  Kind of disappointing.  Maybe they squeeze out another cup, but I don't think he'll win anything here with another QB.  He'll be long gone.

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10 minutes ago, Stickem said:


Injuries are starting to mount and costing this club big time....IF Ottawa lays a beating on us it's time to press the panic button ....The team looks like it's losing it's way and I hope I'm wrong but the coach also looks like he's lost....

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5 minutes ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

It's a sign to me that O'Shea is going to go down with this crew and won't be able to reset here.  Kind of disappointing.  Maybe they squeeze out another cup, but I don't think he'll win anything here with another QB.  He'll be long gone.

Don't get me wrong, I do think he's going to ride Collaros until the wheels completely fall off and, as a fan that just wants to see us remain dominant, that's disheartening but am I "extremely bothered" that O'Shea feels the way he does about Zach?  Not at all.  It doesn't surprise me in the least especially when you consider  the success the two have enjoyed together.

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