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Blue Bombers - 2024 Regular Season - Discussion Thread

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2 minutes ago, Goalie said:

Maier McCheese is good. As was Oscar Maier Weiner. Lord Keric tho Is pretty legendary 

Etait@bluebombers.com ?? 

Lord Keric is superior for sure.  It’s  clever without being mean. 

4 minutes ago, Mike said:

It’s an interesting email that was used to register, actually 


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17 minutes ago, Mike said:

Shows how much you know, I personally think Kramdi is way better than “Booch” gives him credit for.

My personal crutch is blaming Bighill for everything.



It’s all Matt Nichols fault 😇

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24 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

The difference between people who know how to watch a game to understand what’s happening, and regular viewing is gigantic. Most people try to follow the ball and miss 90% of the play. Even if you know the X’s and O’s, relative position play etc if you’ve never been taught how to watch film you see a different game. 

I’ve been coaching football since 2017, but my team’s never been better than .500 and we’ve never won a playoff game. I’m not sure what category to put myself in lol

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1 minute ago, sweep the leg said:

I’ve been coaching football since 2017, but my team’s never been better than .500 and we’ve never won a playoff game. I’m not sure what category to put myself in lol

If you feel better the last year and a half I played junior we won 1 game. When I started ast coaching I went to a ton of high end programs and coaching clinics in the us. We won 5 games that year and people acted like we were the pats lol. 
 My last year the qbing was the worst at that level ever. Most hs juniors would’ve been an upgrade. 

5 minutes ago, Goalie said:

Tinalapolice@gmail.com  but it’s actually Paul 


Winner here 

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5 minutes ago, bigg jay said:

So you're pretty much on par with Craig Dickenson? 

Hey now, show some respect. That man’s a great snowboarder

Slightly off topic but from their body language and brief postgame interactions, I don’t think MOS and the Dickinson brothers like each other all that much. 
Maybe if we get shitpumped by the Stamps, MOS will make some of the changes we need? 

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3 minutes ago, JohnnyAbonny said:

Hey now, show some respect. That man’s a great snowboarder

Slightly off topic but from their body language and brief postgame interactions, I don’t think MOS and the Dickinson brothers like each other all that much. 
Maybe if we get shitpumped by the Stamps, MOS will make some of the changes we need? 

Dickydoo hates the mafia. 

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6 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

Dickydoo hates the mafia. 

Yeah there was that whole thing.
MOS would always seem more pissed on the radio after losing to Calgary too, but maybe just because they were the ones we could never get past at the time. 
Idk, I just realized we haven’t lost a meaningful game to them in like 5 years, pretty awsome actually. 


3 minutes ago, Noeller said:

There has never been a better nickname than Maier McCheese around these parts. Unfortunate that he got himself together and looks like an athlete this year. 

Nah, he’s playing well but he still looks like Fat Mac from Sunny. 

Bombers are 0-2, I need to at least be able to mock Calgary’s rotund quarterback tandem. 


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16 minutes ago, JohnnyAbonny said:

Yeah there was that whole thing.
MOS would always seem more pissed on the radio after losing to Calgary too, but maybe just because they were the ones we could never get past at the time. 
Idk, I just realized we haven’t lost a meaningful game to them in like 5 years, pretty awsome actually. 


Nah, he’s playing well but he still looks like Fat Mac from Sunny. 

Bombers are 0-2, I need to at least be able to mock Calgary’s rotund quarterback tandem. 


The stamps used to slap us around like younger brothers for a good chunk of mos early term. Even after we got decent. 

20 minutes ago, Noeller said:

There has never been a better nickname than Maier McCheese around these parts. Unfortunate that he got himself together and looks like an athlete this year. 

I’m fond of Scott cloman hands of stone feel like we’ve had a few great ones like that. Incompleterson is the goat imo 

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19 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

The stamps used to slap us around like younger brothers for a good chunk of mos early term. Even after we got decent. 

I’m fond of Scott cloman hands of stone feel like we’ve had a few great ones like that. Incompleterson is the goat imo 

Incompleterson transcended. My Dad even called him that. 


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4 hours ago, Mike said:

Why did you put my name in quotations? That’s literally my name.

More generous review than my wife would give 

It's literally mine too lol

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5 hours ago, 17to85 said:

Lapo totally seems like the kind of guy that would have a shared email with his wife.

Idk. I always thought he was kind of milquetoast, then I’ve heard him in more informal interviews/stories from others. Lapo’s f’n hilarious. 
Even last week on CJOB “Well, Derek Taylor’s  taking about hookers on the golf course” 

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