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2 hours ago, Super Duper Negatron said:

Can anybody name one thing that is better now than when Randy took over?

I mean to be fair, ownership in B.C., Edmonton, and Montreal have all been stabilized. Don’t really think Randy has a lot to do with that though. 

 I think reffing, CC, and supplemental punishment are what sunk his boat. (Deservedly so) 

 he put a notable stamp on the league, but I don’t think most of it was good improvements. 

6 minutes ago, Bigblue204 said:

Someone on Twitter mentioned the current commish for the CEBL. That would be someone I'd be on board with.

that’s a real interesting pick. I don’t follow the cebl, but its growth has been exceptional. My question would be, will he leave that job? He has strong cfl ties, but basketball is a growing sport and the cfl is not in a tremendous position. Would the board give him the power to actually be effective as well? 

3 hours ago, Bigblue204 said:

Found some owners...outside of that didn't really accomplish anything of note.

I dunno, that's a pretty remarkable sell job.  I love this league like a three-legged dog but I wonder if I had the millions, would I love the league enough to buy into it?

It's like the old joke: how do you make a small fortune in the CFL?  Start with a large one.

Sig Gutsche somehow turned a profit on his sale of the Stamps back in the day.  I want that guy back in the league too.

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