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GDT Can the Bombers D shutdown the Als?

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49 minutes ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

Pretty damn windy last night.  ZC has regularly struggled with that playing with any ball and our offense has never really done a great job of making the adjustments for it.  Kind of downfield or nothing.

I was at the game and not once all night did I feel any wind in the stadium.

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11 minutes ago, kelownabomberfan said:

I was at the game and not once all night did I feel any wind in the stadium.

Died in the second half.  By 4th Q non-factor and Bombers had any wind advantage anyway.  At field level the uprights were going pretty significantly north to south in first half.

When Collaros dropped that bomb for Schoen that was picked he was into the wind.

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13 minutes ago, IC Khari said:

Was Lofton a detriment last night or was he OK? Never really noticed. I know there were a few coverage sacks but I thought overall Oline wasn’t as big of an issue as many had thought it might be. Montreal may be the best D in the league so that’s a positive …

Ask Brady I think. Didn’t do much did he. That’s prob partially play calling tho. Buck should really run the ball more altho when zach looks like a Usports QB, not much chance probably for Brady as the als likely know what’s coming. 

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1 minute ago, Goalie said:

Ask Brady I think. Didn’t do much did he. That’s prob partially play calling tho. Buck should really run the ball more altho when zach looks like a Usports QB, not much chance probably for Brady as the als likely know what’s coming. 

Can't run the ball when you can't stay on the field. 

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My 2 cents after sleeping on it and watching it again.


-Zach was bad...no sugar coating, he was bad

-Lawler injury appears to be his arm/hand getting caught under the defender and bending/rolling badly...he grabbed it and went off pretty quickly

-Say what you want but Oliveria is hurt, he didn't have burst...he is injured, and I will die on that hill

-Ford did not play good enough, perhaps Mc Ghee is better? But unless Ford really improves his starting days are numbered IMO

-It appears the "chip" affected Castillo

-Mitchel needs to show more on returns

-Another damn punt out of bounds.....not good enough

-Demski seemed off, I question if he is actually injured

-The ankle twist on Streveler should be a minimum 1 game suspension, the replay clearly showed intent to injure

-The face mask call on us was a bad call


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Just now, 17to85 said:

Can't run the ball when you can't stay on the field. 

Yup. When your QB is the worst player on the field, you ain’t got a chance. But all will be well if we beat the perennial league door mats next week 

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1 minute ago, JCon said:

Unfortunately, the Bombers played their last pre-season game in a game that actually mattered.


What is Buck trying to do out there? I am confused with this offense and have been for a couple of years. Why can't we take advantage of having such elite playmakers out there? 

Not to fully defend him, but Zach was so bad, we couldn't even hit the "easy" ones. Plus, I really do believe Brady is hurt and that affected us establishing the run game. I also think Demski is nursing something, he didn't look himself yesterday, add in Lawler out and our elite playmakers were kind of whittled down to one...

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2 minutes ago, 3rdand1.5 said:

Not to fully defend him, but Zach was so bad, we couldn't even hit the "easy" ones. Plus, I really do believe Brady is hurt and that affected us establishing the run game. I also think Demski is nursing something, he didn't look himself yesterday, add in Lawler out and our elite playmakers were kind of whittled down to one...

I totally get that. Totally. And, over the past couple of years we've gone to the GC, put up 1,000 yard receivers and BO has run up and down. But, I still wonder why we don't hang 40 to 50 points on our opponents each week? Why are we always (except last night) putting up 20 to 30. I'm not well versed enough in offensive design to understand what he's trying to do, so I am genuinely asking. 

It's too bad we don't have a backup QB that could come in when it's clear that Collaros is in February form. :35_thinking: 

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3 minutes ago, 3rdand1.5 said:

Not to fully defend him, but Zach was so bad, we couldn't even hit the "easy" ones. Plus, I really do believe Brady is hurt and that affected us establishing the run game. I also think Demski is nursing something, he didn't look himself yesterday, add in Lawler out and our elite playmakers were kind of whittled down to one...

You would think they would have learned from GC that trotting out banged up players is not a great idea.  And if that's the case, why would you risk further injury on the opening game of the season?   Losing Demski or Brady for an extended period because they felt like they could play a bit banged up would be a terrible roster management choice.

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50 minutes ago, Stickem said:

Rusty Collaros showed up.....and the rest of the gang didn't fare much better....Time to file this one and move on quick....We know this club is better than what was unvailed last night.....HOWEVER IF the game in Ottawa resembles this abysmal failure......houston we have a problem......I don't know who masterminded the 'come in cold and expect a miracle' trick.....that doesn't work......Everything was out of sync and apparently spread into Castillo's game.....A start at home to forget ...I hope Streve is okay to go next game ....that bull$hit of playing Mr. Twister with his leg by Stubblejumper should be a fine and a game suspension by the league and while they're at it enforce a suspension on the Bettenator for his illegal CFL habit of betting on games


37 minutes ago, kelownabomberfan said:


Had a good chat with Wade yesterday at the pre-game tail gate.  He's aware.

Honestly, I don't think they should move on quickly from this one. They normally do, but in this case, I think they should stew in it. Because it is an embarrassment, at home, in the home and league opener, in a grey cup rematch where we did the same thing. We have to get back to the point that if a team punches us in the mouth during a game, we answer right away. Not the following week. 

33 minutes ago, IC Khari said:

Was Lofton a detriment last night or was he OK? Never really noticed. I know there were a few coverage sacks but I thought overall Oline wasn’t as big of an issue as many had thought it might be. Montreal may be the best D in the league so that’s a positive …

He gave up a bad pressure. He struggled with the overload, and with pick ups. He wasn't terrible. He wasn't tipping the play again. He can keep his man in front of him, if the guy tries to bull rush him. He is not much better than yoshi last year at dealing with speed off the edge. He doesn't have a big push in the run game either. He's a guard, playing tackle. It's a decent downgrade in the run game. Kola was worse, neuf had 2 whiffs but both were more about assignment pick ups. One with Kola one with Lofton. The one with kola though, was more on kola than him. But normally neuf picks those up in that situation. Dobson was good, couple nice run plays, did his job in pass pro. Big stan was big stan. 

The asymmetrical overloads, with drops and delays was really effective from montreal. They have been good at creating pressure and disguising looks for a while now. Though all through the pre season we struggled when teams sent extra men to one side or the other. We did have a lot of guys subbing and dumpsterfire quality QBing mostly. But the pattern continues. We saw similar last year that we struggled to deal with speed off the edge. We've gotten away from having Wrs chip, moving the pocket and using roll outs to counter the D.


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7 minutes ago, JCon said:

I totally get that. Totally. And, over the past couple of years we've gone to the GC, put up 1,000 yard receivers and BO has run up and down. But, I still wonder why we don't hang 40 to 50 points on our opponents each week? Why are we always (except last night) putting up 20 to 30. I'm not well versed enough in offensive design to understand what he's trying to do, so I am genuinely asking. 

It's too bad we don't have a backup QB that could come in when it's clear that Collaros is in February form. :35_thinking: 

Buck. This is the reason I was hoping he got the head coaching job last year.

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24 minutes ago, 3rdand1.5 said:

My 2 cents after sleeping on it and watching it again.


-Zach was bad...no sugar coating, he was bad

-Lawler injury appears to be his arm/hand getting caught under the defender and bending/rolling badly...he grabbed it and went off pretty quickly

-Say what you want but Oliveria is hurt, he didn't have burst...he is injured, and I will die on that hill

-Ford did not play good enough, perhaps Mc Ghee is better? But unless Ford really improves his starting days are numbered IMO

-It appears the "chip" affected Castillo

-Mitchel needs to show more on returns

-Another damn punt out of bounds.....not good enough

-Demski seemed off, I question if he is actually injured

-The ankle twist on Streveler should be a minimum 1 game suspension, the replay clearly showed intent to injure

-The face mask call on us was a bad call


You poor soul, The only people who should be subjected to re watching that mess are the coaches and players involved. 

I don't think brady is hurt, might've had to get used to game speed. What I saw was our OL not creating gaps. He wasn't decisive enough early, but did just start taking it and mashing a read after a quarter or so. 

Much of that side struggled with executing the coverage. Not a ford issue. He can play. Needs some coaching and more experience. Remember that was his 2nd ever start at db as a pro. The first was in the last game of a season.

I agree that stupidfield should get suspended for intent to injure. any where 1-4 games would be good. Personally, I would go 3-4 on any attempt to injure. I doubt itll happen though. He will likely get a fine. I think Habba might get one for thumping cody in the head. the ball was out quick, but still you cant do that. 

Agree on the facemask. Cody dipped his chin with contact and it made it look like it was grabbed. It wasn't. 

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Last time we beat Montreal the score was like 47 17. The last 2 times we played them the combined bombers scored in 2 games is 36. Perhaps Montreal has figured us out. Thorpe has figured out buck and our O. Prior to that i see a 17 to 3 win also. Since then tho. It’s 2 0 Montreal. 

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2 minutes ago, 17to85 said:

If you are going to lose it's better to completely crap your pants because there's nowhere to hide and no excuses. You got beaten and embarrassed,  need to be better top down

yup...I kinda glad we lost, and things didnt get glossed over cause we "won" there no hiding from things now

1 minute ago, JohnnyAbonny said:

On top of everything else, the team is handicapped on ST with a crappy gimmick punter, and currently zero ability to flip thee field on returns.  They’re going to be in a field position hole all year. 

I seriously doubt if he had to boom one and kick us out from shadow of the goal line he can..

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This is a very small part of the game last night, and there are many more important things to complain about, but on a couple of runs by Streveler he faked the pitch to Brady before taking off.  Nothing against that play specifically, but shouldn’t we actually run a RB toss play during the game to make a fake toss more effective?  I might have missed it, but I don’t recall a single one.

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4 minutes ago, Booch said:

yup...I kinda glad we lost, and things didnt get glossed over cause we "won" there no hiding from things now

I seriously doubt if he had to boom one and kick us out from shadow of the goal line he can..

I don’t think he has the ability to do that no, everything’s spinny, end over end line drives, and zero chance he ever kicks them out of trouble in bad weather. 

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