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SNF Lions @ Argos GDT

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No Kelly, Picket, Ouelette, Hendrix, Peters, Stiggers, Bede, Leake, Gittens... and we beat the team that has been the fashionable pick to be in a home Grey Cup.

Dukes is a cool customer. It'll suck seeing him in Black and Yellow next year lol.

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12 hours ago, WinnipegGordo said:

Farhan wont be able to sleep tonight if VA needs to leave the game.


Sukh Chungh on one play looked like a pylon. The Bombers at least have a semblance of an OL. That Lions group just stinks. Great to see a team "with such high expectations" according to every panelist on TSN get knocked off its pedestal.

Speaking of TSN, Paul LaPolice has to be used way better than he is now on TSN. The guy is a walking football factory of knowledge & he engages with the camera so people will love him. What do the producers at TSN do? Hey, let's try him in the booth for a game. He excels. Check. Let's put him on the sidelines for a game. He excels. Check. Let's put him in a corner with but not with the other studio panelists because he shows them all up. He excels. Check.

The guy needs to be TSN's main talking head as he excels at whatever he does even if it bruises a few egos in the studio. The guy is a natural.

And I'll take Farhan Lalji over Kate Bierness as host anytime.

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22 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

Sukh Chungh on one play looked like a pylon. The Bombers at least have a semblance of an OL. That Lions group just stinks. Great to see a team "with such high expectations" according to every panelist on TSN get knocked off its pedestal.

Speaking of TSN, Paul LaPolice has to be used way better than he is now on TSN. The guy is a walking football factory of knowledge & he engages with the camera so people will love him. What do the producers at TSN do? Hey, let's try him in the booth for a game. He excels. Check. Let's put him on the sidelines for a game. He excels. Check. Let's put him in a corner with but not with the other studio panelists because he shows them all up. He excels. Check.

The guy needs to be TSN's main talking head as he excels at whatever he does even if it bruises a few egos in the studio. The guy is a natural.

And I'll take Farhan Lalji over Kate Bierness as host anytime.

Lapo is the man. You could even put him as the host to set the tone that needs some upgrading imho.

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11 minutes ago, HardCoreBlue said:

Lapo is the man. You could even put him as the host to set the tone that needs some upgrading imho.

Did you notice Dukes called LaPo "Sir", a couple of times during their halftime sideline interview. He must have known LaPo was a former CFL coach. Nice to see Dukes call him sir after the debacle that was Chad Kelly & his arrogance. I just can't see how Kelly can ever play another down for the Argos.

22 minutes ago, Mark H. said:

Football season hasn't started...until Speed mentions his favourite whipping boy.

Chungh only plays well if the guys around him do. If they don't, then he's lost. Yeah, I love to give it to Chungh because BC constantly makes him one of the highest paid guards in the CFL. He's not that good & he makes big time CFL money.

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20 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

Did you notice Dukes called LaPo "Sir", a couple of times during their halftime sideline interview. He must have known LaPo was a former CFL coach. Nice to see Dukes call him sir after the debacle that was Chad Kelly & his arrogance. I just can't see how Kelly can ever play another down for the Argos.

Chungh only plays well if the guys around him do. If they don't, then he's lost. Yeah, I love to give it to Chungh because BC constantly makes him one of the highest paid guards in the CFL. He's not that good & he makes big time CFL money.

Kelly will have the starting spot waiting for him in week 12 at home against the Riders.

(and in fairness to Chungh, he won't be against Ceresna/Brinkman/Flo/Smith every week... those guys + Oakman will likely make a few O-Lines have a rough night)

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1 hour ago, bluto said:

No Kelly, Picket, Ouelette, Hendrix, Peters, Stiggers, Bede, Leake, Gittens... and we beat the team that has been the fashionable pick to be in a home Grey Cup.

Dukes is a cool customer. It'll suck seeing him in Black and Yellow next year lol.

Toronto Dline sure looked in mid season form (or B.C. Oline looked in mid season form, lol).  If Dukes continues to look this good maybe Argos can cut Kelly and get rid of potential headaches for good.

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Don't get me wrong, young Mr. Dukes had a great night. He spread the ball around and got everyone involved. Looks dangerous doing option-y stuff. There's maybe only 1 or 2 throws that I haven't seen him make. And he seemed to stay composed after that attempt to break a tackle that caused a BC fumble/scoop/score. 21/27 with 3 through the air and 1 on the ground is a great night for anybody, let alone a kid who looks like he should be on an clearasil advert.

But Kelly is the MOP. He pushes the ball deep and accurate and has a fear-factor about him. Even if Dukes continues this form for a 9 game stint, you can't drop a star QB1 when you're trying to get back to BC in mid November. Quarterbacks get broken, and if we end up having the luxury of 2 starters on our gameday roster I can't see any decisions about that being made while the season is still going.

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1 minute ago, captaincanuck12 said:

Nice to see Sheed get that touchdown.  Dukes looked good, but like Bluto said he's no Chad Kelly.   Give Kelly 2-3 games and he'll be in game form just in time for playoffs.  

It was also satisfying to see the Lions blow that comfortable lead they had.

The comfortable lead they had was (imo) a mirage.

They got 14 points in about 30 seconds from a ridiculous coverage bust where 3 Lions were behind our defence for the easiest TD of all time, then Dukes tried to free himself when he was wrapped up and it cost us 7 more.

Take those 2 TDs off BC's tally - which I don't, because that isn't how football works - and this was a blowout.

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Vaj looked like .....well... Vaj ....When it counts most he delivers for the other team....I said it before the season started, he's not a winner.......AND I think Kelly is going to have a helluva time getting his job back IF Dukes can continue playing like he is right now....Early days but Chadwick and his baggage may be leaving for the airport

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43 minutes ago, Stickem said:

Vaj looked like .....well... Vaj ....When it counts most he delivers for the other team....I said it before the season started, he's not a winner.......AND I think Kelly is going to have a helluva time getting his job back IF Dukes can continue playing like he is right now....Early days but Chadwick and his baggage may be leaving for the airport

It often looks like VA gets sacked when he could have escaped, he waits around until he's surrounded or steps up into  a collapsing pocket, whereas Zach sprints away at the first sign of trouble.

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17 hours ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

Wonder what it will take to get teams to go for 2 point conversions more regularly.

The conversion rate on 1 pt PAT's this week has been pretty bad.

3 Argos run at a guy on a 2 yard out and leave 3 Lions running GO routes all alone.

Janarion has no wheels.  Works hard for those last two yards though.

Move the Xpt back 5 more yards imo. 

3 hours ago, bluto said:

Don't get me wrong, young Mr. Dukes had a great night. He spread the ball around and got everyone involved. Looks dangerous doing option-y stuff. There's maybe only 1 or 2 throws that I haven't seen him make. And he seemed to stay composed after that attempt to break a tackle that caused a BC fumble/scoop/score. 21/27 with 3 through the air and 1 on the ground is a great night for anybody, let alone a kid who looks like he should be on an clearasil advert.

But Kelly is the MOP. He pushes the ball deep and accurate and has a fear-factor about him. Even if Dukes continues this form for a 9 game stint, you can't drop a star QB1 when you're trying to get back to BC in mid November. Quarterbacks get broken, and if we end up having the luxury of 2 starters on our gameday roster I can't see any decisions about that being made while the season is still going.

offensive familiarity aside, would you rather have dukes, brown, crumb, powell, or ford? 

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15 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

offensive familiarity aside, would you rather have dukes, brown, crumb, powell, or ford? 

Tangentially speaking, this question is precisely why I think that Dukes won't raise a fuss if he is shown the bench after The Chad returns. He and his agent know that they're auditioning for one of those big $400k+ starter QB deals when his current contract expires.

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19 minutes ago, Mike said:

Brown/Dukes/Powell in that order 

I think thats right on the money apples to apples. But it's going to be a very interesting, and important year to see how all those guys shake down in the CFL. The league really needs atleast one of those guys to step up to being a young star qb. 


4 minutes ago, bluto said:

Tangentially speaking, this question is precisely why I think that Dukes won't raise a fuss if he is shown the bench after The Chad returns. He and his agent know that they're auditioning for one of those big $400k+ starter QB deals when his current contract expires.

I'd say that's true. Just like brown last year. You seldom hear qualms from back ups on the verge of taking the next step though.

Is dukes a FA this off season or is he re upped for one more with the argos?

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14 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

I think thats right on the money apples to apples. But it's going to be a very interesting, and important year to see how all those guys shake down in the CFL. The league really needs atleast one of those guys to step up to being a young star qb. 


I'd say that's true. Just like brown last year. You seldom hear qualms from back ups on the verge of taking the next step though.

Is dukes a FA this off season or is he re upped for one more with the argos?

I was pretty sure that we brought him in last year before the season so that'd mean he was due for free agency after this year? (Hence my earlier comment about hating to see him in Black and Yellow next season)

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19 minutes ago, bluto said:

Tangentially speaking, this question is precisely why I think that Dukes won't raise a fuss if he is shown the bench after The Chad returns. He and his agent know that they're auditioning for one of those big $400k+ starter QB deals when his current contract expires.

The more he plays & proves himself, the bigger that pay day can be though.  Brown didn't get as many opportunities as he would have like & his lower-end starting QB salary reflects that.  He's still an unproven commodity outside the Bombers system and Dukes might have that same issue.

14 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

Is dukes a FA this off season or is he re upped for one more with the argos?

Unless his agent did something dumb & locked him into something longer than a standard contract, he should be scheduled for FA after this season.

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1 minute ago, bluto said:

I was pretty sure that we brought him in last year before the season so that'd mean he was due for free agency after this year? (Hence my earlier comment about hating to see him in Black and Yellow next season)

Yeah I was thinking he'd be a fa, but you never know when guys get re upped at qb for the 2nd year 2 year deals seem to be a way to keep them in house. 

Could be an interesting off season with a few of those guys hitting FA. 

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11 hours ago, captaincanuck12 said:

Nice to see Sheed get that touchdown.  Dukes looked good, but like Bluto said he's no Chad Kelly.   Give Kelly 2-3 games and he'll be in game form just in time for playoffs.  

It was also satisfying to see the Lions blow that comfortable lead they had.

If last year was any indication, I hope he’s in playoff form from the get-go..

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