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1 minute ago, Captain Blue said:

I still think LaPo, for all his many faults, did a much better job with Collaros than Buck has. LaPo's conservative nature seemed to cancel out Colllaros' ultra-aggressive mentality.

Only 4 games but yeah. At the very least they hit the deep ball regularly. 

Edited by JohnnyAbonny
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1 minute ago, JohnnyAbonny said:


I feel like Brown would at least attempt the quick game to counter, but I mean it’s a moot point now

agreed on the moot- but it lands at Bucks feet, he cannot seem to have a short game... he hasnt shown an ability to deal with pressure defences

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3 minutes ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

Remember road losses in our nearly undefeated years in Toronto and Hamilton?

Same issue.  The blitzed and got pressure....not popping down to anything hot.  A lot of it is the QB.  He's always looking for that downfield shot and being lazy pre-snap with his reads.  Wants that shot.  Not taking they 5-6-7 yard play and living for the next one.

Compared to a lot of the late Nichols era, I often though Zach had a real knack for when to deliver a kill shot td pass… but the teams in 21-22 were so much better then… it’s all looking rather exposed now.

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3 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

You can. You drop deeper move your feet and the progression starts with the post snap read. If you have time to force deep shots like he has you have time to progress a read 

we’ve seen guys play better behind worse over the last few years in this league. 

I dont know about that- this oline IS that bad.

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3 minutes ago, JohnnyAbonny said:

Only 4 games but yeah. At the very least they hit the deep ball regularly. 

Very short overlap, but also feel like the more impact Buck has had on the offense that more hit and miss its become. Obviously not all on him as the personnel has changed (and fallen off) too but it feels like we have no intermediate pass game.  

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