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Personally I think the defence is a very weak link. They have trouble stopping the run and cannot cover in the secondary and that is two weeks in a row! The offensive line is nowhere near what it was last year and our running game is nowhere to be seen. I won’t talk about play calling as I have never been a Pierce fan from day one. He doesn’t challenge downfield and these Ricky dink passes are terrible. With that said it is a long season. I did see some improvement from last week but again what was the opposition? We will find out next week

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Just now, do or die said:

So, in the entire continent of North America.....we can't find a better kick returner than Mitchell?

I would like to know how they evaluate truly.  Mitchell didn't even return a punt in 2 preseason games.  What did they see in practice to hand him such a crucial role?

Certainly didn't look good as a receiver in preseason.

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2 minutes ago, Goalie said:

Oline a problem tho. Kolo and neufeld. Neufeld looks done. Completely done. If O’Shea won’t do it kyle needs to release neufeld. 

did he shoot your dog?...And u come at me for saying player X is not up to snuff....There no real issue with Nuef...if anything he trying to do/worry about too much playing between 2 slugs...

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Just now, Booch said:

yup...some injuries are hurting us big time....but the reluctance to roster our best roster is hurting us more....and the lack of actual coaching and getting the pulse of the room compounding it

If fox and haba are out next week that'll make it even worse.  Our dline is one of the few things I have hope for right now.

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2 minutes ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

I would like to know how they evaluate truly.  Mitchell didn't even return a punt in 2 preseason games.  What did they see in practice to hand him such a crucial role?

Certainly didn't look good as a receiver in preseason.

What did they see in Wilson/Mitchell? It obviously isn’t pedigree, they kicked guys that they had their eye on for YEARS like Barriere/Gemmel to the curb immediately.

That would suggest it’s something they’re seeing in camp so what the **** is it?

I’ve got a hunch that Mitchell must’ve held the door open for the cleaning staff one day. Sealed the deal.

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1 minute ago, Booch said:

did he shoot your dog?...And u come at me for saying player X is not up to snuff....There no real issue with Nuef...if anything he trying to do/worry about too much playing between 2 slugs...

He's getting beat physically repeatedly.  He's a part of the problem.  Maybe he'd look less shitty next to two all-stars, but he's not a good player at this point.

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13 minutes ago, Mike said:

For the same reason I’ve been singing his praises for a few years

He’s a great leader, he’s a solid contributor on special teams, he’s a capable home run hitter in a limited offensive role

None of those things make him an RB1

Fair. But, at his age/price(which im assuming isnt much but the point still stands)/tenure...and role they give him(starter when Brady goes down) you should trust him to get at least a few. The situation, the earlier runs...

It's frustrating watching a team built to pound the ball, move away from that for no real good reason. Bully ball is how you make Collaros great again.

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3 minutes ago, Mike said:

Sorry that you feel that way. I tend to not let my heart get in the way of facts and logic and as grossed out as I am that this is still happening, I’ll remind you that I took a lot of **** for my “snide condescending” take on things last year when it came to our team and our coach and we’re now a year further along and literally everything I was criticized for ended up being nearly bang on.

My assessment of individual players and what not is nowhere near up to par compared to some guys around here like JBR, Booch, wbbfan and others but I don’t think you’re going to find much evidence to suggest I wasn’t deadly accurate about the overall direction of our team

If you like feel good losing, good for you. I don’t.

And your point? None of the above applies to our recent exchanges.  

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1 minute ago, bigg jay said:

If fox and haba are out next week that'll make it even worse.  Our dline is one of the few things I have hope for right now.

considering we dont have another healthy end on the roster....anywhere.....and only 1 DL guy (Woods)....Thank christ for that

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Just now, Booch said:

yup....I also do Tanya Harding action too

Yup that's what I meant.  Osh and Walters are the first two options for removing deadweight, if they refuse, we get a gofundme going for your service. 😂

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5 minutes ago, Booch said:

did he shoot your dog?...And u come at me for saying player X is not up to snuff....There no real issue with Nuef...if anything he trying to do/worry about too much playing between 2 slugs...

Neufeld sucks. Accept it. Kramdi played well. Your opinion is great but you are not the be all and end all. 

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1 minute ago, Goalie said:

Neufeld sucks. Accept it. Kramdi played well. Your opinion is great but you are not the be all and end all. Quite frankly you start to come across as arrogant which is ironic since you talk of Osheas arrogance but fun fact. I don’t give a ****. 

u must...u keep engaging hahahahahah.....i'm arrogant...and you are iggnorant....used in the way it's intended...lacking knowledge...I have forgot more in my time than yu ever have known...sorry cupcake

1 minute ago, Super Duper Negatron said:

Phase 2 FIFO? Fix it, or...

eff it...fire Osh???...hahahaha

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2 minutes ago, Mike said:

What did they see in Wilson/Mitchell? It obviously isn’t pedigree, they kicked guys that they had their eye on for YEARS like Barriere/Gemmel to the curb immediately.

That would suggest it’s something they’re seeing in camp so what the **** is it?

I’ve got a hunch that Mitchell must’ve held the door open for the cleaning staff one day. Sealed the deal.

I have no idea how they'd evaluate returners in practice.  They can't really run special teams plays anywhere close to 100% in practice.

That's one spot as a coach you have to evaluate in live reps because a guy could look just great snapping down a punt with no pressure and jogging off while being useless in a real game.  Basically what we're seeing in real time with Mitchell.

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Just now, do or die said:

What if there are, say several? 

thats the question...is it 2...3.....replace the center...you see what it does....then maybe shift a guy from right to left....thats how you re-tool a line on the fly....piece by piece.....and 90 percent of the time....it starts at center....many here who have coached...played and know schemes will vouch and or agree regardless of what @Goalie thinks from his yrs playing Madden....maybe took a few snaps in Highschool??////Coached Pop Wrner?...I dunno

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A lot of holes on our team rn...

Secondary issues

Now d line issues

O line issues

Zach collaros issues

Reciecer issues

God is our special teams brutal

I am not as jumpy as a lot of this group, but if we want to be competitive for the cup this year its going to be more of a grind than it has been in recent years.

I wonder if Osh has the same fire he's had in the past years. The family atmosphere seems to have faded a little. When Osh started here he preached 1-0. One week at a time and the previously week was completely washed.

I sure hope some adversity early in the year wakes these guys up. Bombers again beat themselves tonight. No urgency and no passion. I don't know. Somethings missing 

Edited by CodyT
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4 minutes ago, Wanna-B-Fanboy said:

And your point? None of the above applies to our recent exchanges.  

I guess my point is I’m kind of tired of getting **** on for actually wanting to talk reality and having people whine at me because I’m too negative or I’m too critical or I’m too whatever and then I end up being right and they end up crying because they think that we are infallible just because we had one ridiculously awesome run of success.

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