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1 hour ago, Mark H. said:

Did some pruning...valuable insight may have been lost in the process.  It is what it is...be better. 

This forum has deteriorated badly. Calling it a "fan" forum is a stretch. There are people posting who are clearly  happy when the Bombers lose.  More than a few.

any attempt to find something positive is drowned out, shouted down, sneered at, ignored.

too bad, I used to really enjoy coming here. 


Edited by Mark F
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8 minutes ago, Mark F said:

This forum has deteriorated badly. Calling it a "fan" forum is a stretch. There are people posting who are clearly  happy when the Bombers lose.  More than a few.

too bad, I used to really enjoy coming here. 


I enjoy your posts, but this simply isn’t true. 

Speaking for myself, I’d love it if the team went on a huge heater and everyone mocked me for being overly critical. For real, I genuinely want to be wrong about this. 

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14 minutes ago, JohnnyAbonny said:

With everything else going on with the team, please don’t make us think about 2001. 

Thinking about Fleming driving Khari into the turf still hurts all these years later 

I'm just saying, after living through that, it feels like we're headed the same way, albeit with having seen a bit more extended winning period than we did back then.... And it feels like we're on our way to Jim Daley Pt 2...

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13 minutes ago, rebusrankin said:

2001 was such a fun year.

The home game against Edmonton on a Monday night after 9/11 was one of the best I’ve seen in my lifetime. Iirc it wasn’t even televised. 

13 minutes ago, Noeller said:

I'm just saying, after living through that, it feels like we're headed the same way, albeit with having seen a bit more extended winning period than we did back then.... And it feels like we're on our way to Jim Daley Pt 2...

It does feel that way, with a little 95/96 mixed in. 

I have a vivid memory of going to the ‘95 home opener and my Dad telling me “Look, I don’t want you to get upset but the Bombers aren’t going to be very good this year, and the games are going to be very different” 

Edited by JohnnyAbonny
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12 minutes ago, Noeller said:

I'm just saying, after living through that, it feels like we're headed the same way, albeit with having seen a bit more extended winning period than we did back then.... And it feels like we're on our way to Jim Daley Pt 2...

We have a much more stable group running the team now.  Not likely to slide in that direction IMO.

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12 minutes ago, sweep the leg said:

You need to stop whatever you’re doing right now and apologize to Osh. 

You misunderstand... In this quasi analogy, Osh is Dave The Bear.... And whatever comes next after this extended period of winning is the next Daley....

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1 hour ago, Mark F said:

This forum has deteriorated badly. Calling it a "fan" forum is a stretch. There are people posting who are clearly  happy when the Bombers lose.  More than a few.

any attempt to find something positive is drowned out, shouted down, sneered at, ignored.

too bad, I used to really enjoy coming here. 


I don’t think anyone is happy about this. I also don’t know what has been posted that would ever give you an inkling anyone feels this way.

It’s funny you say that though, because I view it as quite the opposite. The warning signs for this were present long before this season and anyone who suggested that in the past couple years was made fun of, told they didn’t know what they were talking about, shouted down (“3 in a row! 4 in a row!”) and told they were too negative. Now look.

I’m clearly one of the more outspoken people who has frustrations with what’s going on right now and if you think I’m happy about it, you’re dead wrong. Past two games have ruined my weekends.

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I not happy about losing either...im not happy as to how and why...and been sounding the alarm since late 2022....and as @Mike said was mocked...said was arrogant...mr knows it all...yadda yadda yadda ...when all I was saying from being in the room...playing thru this kind of stuff...experience in the game a Lil more involved than John Q Public....that if you didn't look at the forest thru the trees...and if things weren't changed and addressed...in a yr or so we are gonna be scuffling and in a serious situation of implosion...and it was easily avoidable...and here we are just over a yr later...2 failed ends of the season, a pretty concerning start to season with serious roster issues...etc etc...hate to say I told you so...but I told you so

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10 minutes ago, Mike said:

I don’t think anyone is happy about this. I also don’t know what has been posted that would ever give you an inkling anyone feels this way.

It’s funny you say that though, because I view it as quite the opposite. The warning signs for this were present long before this season and anyone who suggested that in the past couple years was made fun of, told they didn’t know what they were talking about, shouted down (“3 in a row! 4 in a row!”) and told they were too negative. Now look.

I’m clearly one of the more outspoken people who has frustrations with what’s going on right now and if you think I’m happy about it, you’re dead wrong. Past two games have ruined my weekends.

If it weren’t for my kid, me too. 

I’ve gotten better but my weekends (and more) went as the Bombers did for much longer than I’d care to admit. 

Even then, dammed if 22 and 23 didn’t hurt just as much as 2001 and 2007 did. 

Quite honestly lot of the mean stuff I say about the team in-game is just residual heartbreak from us getting robbed of the true dynasty I’d been waiting and hoping my entire life for. 


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35 minutes ago, Mike said:

I don’t think anyone is happy about this. I also don’t know what has been posted that would ever give you an inkling anyone feels this way.

It’s funny you say that though, because I view it as quite the opposite. The warning signs for this were present long before this season and anyone who suggested that in the past couple years was made fun of, told they didn’t know what they were talking about, shouted down (“3 in a row! 4 in a row!”) and told they were too negative. Now look.

I’m clearly one of the more outspoken people who has frustrations with what’s going on right now and if you think I’m happy about it, you’re dead wrong. Past two games have ruined my weekends.

Been watching a car crash in slow motion saying it’s coming and being told LOL 14-4, 4 straight gcs! 
  Now many of the same people are either saying they were in agreement all along or that the people who saw it coming hate the bombers. We win the next game they’ll say it was wrong all along, we lose it every one will claim to have been saying it all along. 

3 minutes ago, kelownabomberfan said:

What happened in late 2022?

Never replacing stove, the massive shut down late in the year before the playoffs, using di on wrs for no snaps, some terrible pr use was a bunch of red flags. 

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Its fair to call most of us diehards. 19 and 21 were great. 22 and 23 hurt because we were so close to getting another cup or two. Many of us remember most if not all of the 29 year drought and 01 and 07 still hurt. To me that's where the frustrating we're expressing is coming from. At least that's how I feel and I imagine many of you feel the same.

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22 minutes ago, JohnnyAbonny said:

If it weren’t for my kid, me too. 

I’ve gotten better but my weekends (and more) went as the Bombers did for much longer than I’d care to admit. 

Even then, dammed if 22 and 23 didn’t hurt just as much as 2001 and 2007 did. 

Quite honestly lot of the mean stuff I say about the team in-game is just residual heartbreak from us getting robbed of the true dynasty I’d been waiting and hoping my entire life for. 


A lot of that is true for me too. 01 is the hardest, honestly though the last two are the next worst. We should be a true dynasty the likes of which you don’t see these days. 

2 minutes ago, rebusrankin said:

Its fair to call most of us diehards. 19 and 21 were great. 22 and 23 hurt because we were so close to getting another cup or two. Many of us remember most if not all of the 29 year drought and 01 and 07 still hurt. To me that's where the frustrating we're expressing is coming from. At least that's how I feel and I imagine many of you feel the same.

Every one here is die hard compared to the fb troglodytes. 

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8 minutes ago, kelownabomberfan said:

What happened in late 2022?

The roster issues started...the questionable personelle decisions...osh and his biases and stubbornness...and it kept manifesting...till now


7 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

Been watching a car crash in slow motion saying it’s coming and being told LOL 14-4, 4 straight gcs! 
  Now many of the same people are either saying they were in agreement all along or that the people who saw it coming hate the bombers. We win the next game they’ll say it was wrong all along, we lose it every one will claim to have been saying it all along. 

Never replacing stove, the massive shut down late in the year before the playoffs, using di on wrs for no snaps, some terrible pr use was a bunch of red flags. 

And all this explains it further

Just look at Hamilton...they were in several cups in a row...best record in league...what did they reverse course and become? 

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12 minutes ago, Booch said:

The roster issues started...the questionable personelle decisions...osh and his biases and stubbornness...and it kept manifesting...till now

Ok that's definitely something. I just have watched Zach basically regress horribly since 2022. To me that's the biggest issue.

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16 minutes ago, rebusrankin said:

Its fair to call most of us diehards. 19 and 21 were great. 22 and 23 hurt because we were so close to getting another cup or two. Many of us remember most if not all of the 29 year drought and 01 and 07 still hurt. To me that's where the frustrating we're expressing is coming from. At least that's how I feel and I imagine many of you feel the same.


I’m gonna go the rest of my life pissed about them not getting 4 straight and it sucks. 

I don’t wanna say it, but part of 21 hurts too in that there’s always gonna be that asterisk for the Covid year.

As it all ages, the 2019 playoff run was the really special one for me, the one I’ll tell my grandchildren about. The one I’ll talk about the way my Dad talks about 1984. 


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45 minutes ago, wbbfan said:

Been watching a car crash in slow motion saying it’s coming and being told LOL 14-4, 4 straight gcs! 
  Now many of the same people are either saying they were in agreement all along or that the people who saw it coming hate the bombers. We win the next game they’ll say it was wrong all along, we lose it every one will claim to have been saying it all along. 

Never replacing stove, the massive shut down late in the year before the playoffs, using di on wrs for no snaps, some terrible pr use was a bunch of red flags. 

I would say I started to see the cracks in Sept/22. Stayed in denial for about another year. 
The Crumback was the game where my eyes really opened to “they could be really screwed here if they let the whole team age out at once” 

The Calgary game on the road, again with Brown starting and a bunch of young guys on D flying around and making plays, only to all sit for the playoffs and GC when they really needed some youth/intensity and freshness. 
That’s where I fully saw the mistakes that were being made.

8 minutes ago, Noeller said:

I just don't want to go back to being anything but the top of the mountain... I am not ready to go back to 2004.... 2013...... 😭

My only hope left (and it’s a slim one) is that they figure it out and reload for next year, giving us more of a 1989 deal than a 2004 one. 

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If if if they airlift some younger talent in and make those shouldn’t be hard to make decisions on a few vets, I think the season is salvageable. If not, i think we could be picking 1st overall so might take a look at the top prospects soon. 

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