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3 stars plus hh 700th win kid cant-ada bc sucks

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35 minutes ago, Brandon said:

Didn't Printers have gaudy numbers and then never came close to playing at the same level again?

Maybe Rourke does the same?

Now that there’s recent film on O’Rourkes play, why not. Beating him in the playoffs again would be an epic 2024 moment.

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1 hour ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

Rourke is kind of robotic though.  He’s going to have to come up with a 2.0 version of his game because if you move him off the first read mostly by not giving him a true read pre-snap he’s done.


Agreed, but his first read is usually pretty good.....except when he plays us. Guy is reading the sky most of the time.

Edited by Nolby
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13 minutes ago, IC Khari said:

Really Rusty Rourke? Perhaps by then we’ll see the Valiant Vigorous Victorious Versatile Vernon? 😉

or otherwise known as VAJ........Said he was ready to go in the last game but he didnt get a sniff and IF he was healthy he should have replaced Rusty in that one, as his game was in the shitter

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1 hour ago, TBURGESS said:

Everyone who is bashing Rusty Rourke... We'll see the real Rourke in 2 to 3 weeks. 

The "real" Rourke in 2022 was 0-3 against us with some very pedestrian stats (43 of 73 or 59% with 4 TD's and 4 INT's).  Until he proves he can beat us, rust is just an easy out.

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Just now, bigg jay said:

The "real" Rourke in 2022 was 0-3 against us with some very pedestrian stats (43 of 73 or 59% with 4 TD's and 4 INT's).  Until he proves he can beat us, rust is just an easy out.

did he no also lose to the other team that was above and beyond the pack that yr too?...I'm not sold on him as this great QB hope until he strings together game after game.....for a solid yr....he also was left in in some games thatyr to pad his stats too...and all they did was pass pass pass....so undoubtably he will have nice bloated numbers

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3 minutes ago, Booch said:

did he no also lose to the other team that was above and beyond the pack that yr too?...I'm not sold on him as this great QB hope until he strings together game after game.....for a solid yr....he also was left in in some games thatyr to pad his stats too...and all they did was pass pass pass....so undoubtably he will have nice bloated numbers

Get real he's going to be very good, he completed 78.7% of his passes in 2022 along with the longest avg. completion, compared to Collaros and every other QB below 70% that year.  You don't enhance your credibility as some kind of expert when you can't pick up on the obvious.

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3 minutes ago, Booch said:

did he no also lose to the other team that was above and beyond the pack that yr too?...I'm not sold on him as this great QB hope until he strings together game after game.....for a solid yr....he also was left in in some games thatyr to pad his stats too...and all they did was pass pass pass....so undoubtably he will have nice bloated numbers

Calgary & Toronto were the only other clubs with decent records that year (everyone else was .500 or below) and the Lions beat both teams with big stats when he played.  BC crushed Toronto early in week 3 (blowout game & padded stats as he kept airing it out against a clearly beaten team).  He beat Calgary in week 10 (huge numbers, huge 4th quarter comeback so full marks for that one). He didn't suit up in either rematch (Calgary in week 15 & Toronto in week 18) but came back in time to beat Calgary in the West SF.

He definitely had a number of games where he stayed in well past the point a team would normally keep their starter in there.  


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11 minutes ago, blue85gold said:

I think Rouke will be a good QB (especially with the state of QBing in the CFL) but it remains to be seen whether he can be elite.  He had a real hot 9 games in 2022.  That's it

That about sums it up. He’s young enough that he could take another 5 years to mature and still do very well. 

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28 minutes ago, Fatty Liver said:

Get real he's going to be very good, he completed 78.7% of his passes in 2022 along with the longest avg. completion, compared to Collaros and every other QB below 70% that year.  You don't enhance your credibility as some kind of expert when you can't pick up on the obvious.

well...that was 3 yrs ago...he has to re-establish all that again....I dont care how you perceive me or things I say either btw...We have seen many a QB light it up...only to fade away into pedestrian...some obscurity

Never said he wasnt going to be good either....just not this great QB ...Generational one...he had a lot going on for him that helped early on in 2022

I also dont buy this "rusty" crap...the dude has been training...practicing and in camps for 2 yrs now....South of the border where the training and coaching is better....injury free...not like he was on his couch for 2+ yrs...sure floating a guy in with 1 week of prep isn't Ideal....but he also landed in a system that for most part is the exact same as when he left....except he has a legit run threat/game now....so the "learning curve" was minimal at most

And like mentioned before....Masoli was out 2 yrs...injured and rehabbing so not even able to practice and get rep after rep...He looked a hell of a lot better Than Kid Canada....explain that wise one?

nd how is credibility lost saying a guy has to prove it over a course of a yr...or more to establish his spot as legit?...that goes for any player.....and also never said I was an expert....just offering opinion....insight and some insider info from playing in the game...coaching and training now for better part of 30+ yrs

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There’s a very real possibility that Rourke was a flash in the pan a few years ago and will never put up those numbers again. CFL has seen its fair share of QBs who look like they could be a big deal and then they are figured out and fizzle away. With all the hype he’s getting, I think it’s very possible he never lives up to it. Honestly when you got a guy saying he’s a top 20 QB in the world, you are setting him up to fail. Cuz he’s not a top 20 QB. He’s a top 41 QB in the world and not even the best QB currently in the cfl. If he’s top 20 then what the heck is Streveler cuz he actually dressed games in the nfl. I mean Chad Kelly and Streveler both dressed for nfl games. Are they top 20? 

Edited by Goalie
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34 minutes ago, Nolby said:

Kids got many years ahead of him, being Canadian will extend his career up in Canada.

Obviously I get the lure of the NFL ($, prestige etc.) but one can carve out a pretty nice career here with our great game.

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49 minutes ago, Nolby said:

Kids got many years ahead of him, being Canadian will extend his career up in Canada.

He's young yes, but being Canadian, particularly at QB has NEVER been a consistent marker of longevity at the position in this league, particularly when the QB position has always been penciled in as an import in the minds of almost every coach who has ever been a part of this league. Sure there's Russ Jackson in the 60's, Gerry Datillio for a short period with the Als in the 80's, ummm ... I know there are more but the names don't easily roll off the tongue. There's just too big of a QB factory in the US for coaches to waste time on developing a Canadian. I know Rourke played in the US college system but there truely are many more like him down there whether we want to accept that or not. You can believe his recent two year fail tour of the NFL was prejudiced by his nationality alone if you want, but that's not the whole story. There is simply more talent down there and  after what, 4 teams, he wasn't deemed up to snuff. If Rourke returns to his 2022 form he will definitely be a factor in the CFL, but ... if he's just middle of the road or worse he'll be out of there quicker than a Riderfan turns poopy on a kicker ...

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14 hours ago, JuranBoldenRules said:

Rourke is kind of robotic though.  He’s going to have to come up with a 2.0 version of his game because if you move him off the first read mostly by not giving him a true read pre-snap he’s done.


Not really robotic.  2022 Rourke had no problem finding his third and fourth reads.

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On 2024-08-18 at 8:30 PM, K-Shack said:


Observation of the game -- one main thing I miss about Winnipeg is home games at Fort Hew. Doman has gone incredible things to turn the Lions around and make football into accessible and affordable entertainment here in BC. But while it's great entertainment, a football atmosphere it is not. The lack of timely replays and down and distance, and inaccurate / unconfident stadium announcing were very noticeable. BC is on the right track in building the Lions up as a franchise, but it's got a ways to go in making it feel more like a football game.


I've been going to games at BC Place for 25 years now (missed this one due to prior commitments, unfortunately) and if you are expecting a game-day experience like Winnipeg you're going to be sorely disappointed.  Yeah the announcer is part of it, yeah they aren't good on the replays etc but having been to so many games there I have to boil it down to one big element - the fans.  The fans in BC aren't die hards like they are in Winnipeg, so they're not as invested in the game.  A lot of times I've been to games there, even when Winnipeg isn't playing, and it will be 3rd down and one and the D is trying to make a stand.  In Winnipeg everyone would be up and cheering to throw off the Offence, in BC no one even gets it that they should be cheering.  I was at the 2022 West Final where we, the fans, ended up destroying Rourke at the end because he couldn't hear or be heard by his offense.  That's because we have knowledgeable passionate fans, who add a ton to the game day experience.  Especially when we are winning.

BC place back in the day was super loud, like I'm talking back in the 1980's.  I don't think they've ever gotten that back.

4 hours ago, HardCoreBlue said:

Obviously I get the lure of the NFL ($, prestige etc.) but one can carve out a pretty nice career here with our great game.

I personally think that he jumped to the NFL too early.  Should have spent another year or two here honing his skills.  Instead he went at the first opportunity and flamed out.  Just my opinion.

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8 hours ago, TBURGESS said:

Everyone who is bashing Rusty Rourke... We'll see the real Rourke in 2 to 3 weeks. 

I for one was more bashing TSN’s idea of Rourke than the player himself. 

4 hours ago, IC Khari said:

He's young yes, but being Canadian, particularly at QB has NEVER been a consistent marker of longevity at the position in this league, particularly when the QB position has always been penciled in as an import in the minds of almost every coach who has ever been a part of this league. Sure there's Russ Jackson in the 60's, Gerry Datillio for a short period with the Als in the 80's, ummm ... I know there are more but the names don't easily roll off the tongue. There's just too big of a QB factory in the US for coaches to waste time on developing a Canadian. I know Rourke played in the US college system but there truely are many more like him down there whether we want to accept that or not. You can believe his recent two year fail tour of the NFL was prejudiced by his nationality alone if you want, but that's not the whole story. There is simply more talent down there and  after what, 4 teams, he wasn't deemed up to snuff. If Rourke returns to his 2022 form he will definitely be a factor in the CFL, but ... if he's just middle of the road or worse he'll be out of there quicker than a Riderfan turns poopy on a kicker ...

I’m not sure one way or the other but does anyone know if Rourke is Ben Cahoon Canadian or actual Canadian? 

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