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34 minutes ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

Congrats to Mike. Winning one hundred plus games & counting is a real milestone. The Bombers having two head coaches with over a hundred wins each is really something.

There’s also Jauch and Ritchie that did a spell here.

Grant, O Shea and Hufnagel are the only ones in the top tier that head coached for only one team.

The Don didn’t stick around any team long enough with any team to get a hundred wins with a franchise.

Oh sorry, Frank Clair (116) and Wally (twice - 153 and 159) have a hundred wins with one franchise. Their total wins came with two teams. That leaves only 5 coaches that have a hundred or more with one team. 

Edited by Rod Black
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14 minutes ago, Rod Black said:

There’s also Jauch and Ritchie that did a spell here. Grant, O Shea and Hufnagel are the only ones in the top tier that coached (Head) for only one team. 

Jauch was a spectacular CFL head coach but he never stayed with one team long enough to get the rankings the guys who coached long term with one team. Like, Grant, Wally, Frank Clair & Osh.

I never understood why Jauch bugged out so fast to go coach the Washington Federals in the USFL when he had such a great team here. He was like Chris Jones. He couldn't wait to leave. The Bombers had a news conference in August of 1982 to announce he was leaving. They were being productive as the news would have broke he was leaving & become a distraction. Unfortunately, Jauch became a lame duck head coach.

I'll never forget Jauch & Earl Lunsford at that news conference. Neither looked at each other & they sat 10 feet apart. Pretty awkward atmoshere. Obvious to me that they had a shouting match once Lunsford found out as Jauch was still under contract. I'm sure Lunsford wanted to fire him but realized the team was as good as Edmonton that year so he kept him around. So, they compromised by announcing his departure.

Coaching in the USFL was a disaster for Jauch. He had a last place team & fired after his first loss in his second year

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The elders I know say grant was better. Some even think old Cal was. (Cuz he’d never kneel the ball down with time remaining).  

I don’t think I put him in the Grant category like overall just yet because the GC losses but in my time, he’s by far the best bomber coach maybe besides Cal who had to have been around when I was the baby. In my actually experience watching blue bomber football. It’s really like Dave Ritchie probably. Lapo. Reinbold. So yeah, MOS the best. Still strange roster decisions but he’s the best since I became a legit fan.  He has the most wins but he’s probably not the goat. 

Edited by Goalie
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59 minutes ago, Goalie said:

The elders I know say grant was better. Some even think old Cal was. (Cuz he’d never kneel the ball down with time remaining).  

I don’t think I put him in the Grant category like overall just yet because the GC losses but in my time, he’s by far the best bomber coach maybe besides Cal who had to have been around when I was the baby. In my actually experience watching blue bomber football. It’s really like Dave Ritchie probably. Lapo. Reinbold. So yeah, MOS the best. Still strange roster decisions but he’s the best since I became a legit fan.  He has the most wins but he’s probably not the goat. 

I think a lot of players feared Cal. They were prepared to play because they were afraid not to be. Whereas, O'Shea is a players coach who sticks with his players through good & bad. With Cal, if someone made a mistake that cost them a game the chances are they'd be gone. Both coaching styles win. Just different philosophies.

2 hours ago, Deiter Fan said:


I never said that but carry on.

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Not to take away from the accomplishments...but tenure over time gets u wins...you have to earn tenure for sure...but every instance is different.

Osh is up there in wins...can't deny...Grant also over the 10 yrs also had 2 less games per yr too..so 20 games and likely based on his team's records probably 10 more wins minimum

Grant was before my time...but Murphy...Riley...Ritchie I think were better "coaches" and had minimal bad traits that have probably cost Osh at least 10 wins over his career...and 2 cups

Murphy was sure maybe more a hard ass...but also smart and would make decisions based on play...talent and in teams best interest...not his bias...Riley too...and tho he came across as affable and super nice...was also a players coach too ...but had no issues making the right moves when required

Coach Ritchie was the ultimate coach...players would not only run thru a wall for but take a bullet for...and was like a father to many....to a fault...but he also didn't have support of management here having his back like VERY  luckily Oshea got...or he would have had many more wins

Lot of times it's timing...and timing definitely helped with Osh...don't get me wrong I appluad what he had done and is remarkable and he is the best of this era for sure (2010ish to now)

But in my lifetime...and experience with all mentioned I rank them Cal..Ritchie..Riley even tho he was brief...but for a reason as he went elsewhere and was successful and reveared where he went..then Osh...when all said and done I sure he will be talked of as one of if not the best...but being a players coach...creating a great culture...and a family atmosphere wasn't a Oshea invention...if anyone can be credited with that here first it be Ritchie...and his wife...that's from first hand experience too


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1 hour ago, Booch said:

Not to take away from the accomplishments...but tenure over time gets u wins...you have to earn tenure for sure...but every instance is different.

Osh is up there in wins...can't deny...Grant also over the 10 yrs also had 2 less games per yr too..so 20 games and likely based on his team's records probably 10 more wins minimum

Grant was before my time...but Murphy...Riley...Ritchie I think were better "coaches" and had minimal bad traits that have probably cost Osh at least 10 wins over his career...and 2 cups

Murphy was sure maybe more a hard ass...but also smart and would make decisions based on play...talent and in teams best interest...not his bias...Riley too...and tho he came across as affable and super nice...was also a players coach too ...but had no issues making the right moves when required

Coach Ritchie was the ultimate coach...players would not only run thru a wall for but take a bullet for...and was like a father to many....to a fault...but he also didn't have support of management here having his back like VERY  luckily Oshea got...or he would have had many more wins

Lot of times it's timing...and timing definitely helped with Osh...don't get me wrong I appluad what he had done and is remarkable and he is the best of this era for sure (2010ish to now)

But in my lifetime...and experience with all mentioned I rank them Cal..Ritchie..Riley even tho he was brief...but for a reason as he went elsewhere and was successful and reveared where he went..then Osh...when all said and done I sure he will be talked of as one of if not the best...but being a players coach...creating a great culture...and a family atmosphere wasn't a Oshea invention...if anyone can be credited with that here first it be Ritchie...and his wife...that's from first hand experience too


The greatest Bomber Head Coaches in my lifetime.

1. Grant

2. Osh

3. Murphy

4. Mike Riley

5. Jauch

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2 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

I never said that but carry on.

Did I say you did? Did I quote you? 

I looked for a "congratulations coach" gif...but this is the only one I could find. 

F me. I'll just keep my thoughts to myself lest I accidentally offend you...yet again. 

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30 minutes ago, Deiter Fan said:

Did I say you did? Did I quote you? 

I looked for a "congratulations coach" gif...but this is the only one I could find. 

F me. I'll just keep my thoughts to myself lest I accidentally offend you...yet again. 

I didn't know what your point was. I was left a bit confused by why you would post that after my comments about Jauch. Some of the older fans here would have remembered him leaving the Bombers & being replaced by cal Murphy. The younger fans here probably never knew. So, i thought I'd tell that story. If you meant no insult then I'm not offended.

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Congrats Mike. The only other Bomber coach to be around as long as you was Cal Murphy, who brought us 3 Cups (but only one as coach). Murphy wasn’t coach for as long as you Mike however. Grant was around late 50’s to mid 60’s and Mike Reilly only had about a 3 or 4 year span before he left to coach in the US. This has been an amazing time to be a Bomber fan and you should be proud you had such a big part in that 👍🏻😁

Edited by IC Khari
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21 hours ago, rebusrankin said:

Congrats coach on winning your 102 game and tying the Blue Bomber record. There has been a lot of good moments the past ten years.

@DTonOB, don't tell MOS about this or he'll likely ask the site to take it down. 😉

LOL...in the post-game I even prefaced it with "Mike, I know you don't want to hear this but it's for Bombers fans..."

I didn't get much past "...tying Bud..." before he took the headset off joking "Oh, can't hear you...static" 🤣

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9 hours ago, IC Khari said:

Congrats Mike. The only other Bomber coach to be around as long as you was Cal Murphy, who brought us 3 Cups (but only one as coach). Murphy wasn’t coach for as long as you Mike however. Grant was around late 50’s to mid 60’s and Mike Reilly only had about a 3 or 4 year span before he left to coach in the US. This has been an amazing time to be a Bomber fan and you should be proud you had such a big part in that 👍🏻😁

Grant had 10 as a coach I believe

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Bud Grant has to be in the top rung BUT Osh is working on it....I was a kid when Grant was winning and  in the days he had the respect of the whole league ...He was an innovator for his time, and the guy just had a cool calculating demeanor unmatched by any others in the league...He was just a 'winner' and that's why the nfl (vikes) came knocking and he left....casting a dark pall on the Bomber faithful and the city in general.....Mike O Shea has a comparable demeanor and who knows he could reach the pinnacle that Bud did, IF he remains in Bomber colours...I believe he will and reach that top rung

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6 hours ago, Booch said:

Grant had 10 as a coach I believe

So roughly the same as Osh now 2014 -2024 👍


4 hours ago, JohnnyAbonny said:

It’s wild how successful Mile Reilly was in his short time as HC, and he’s barely mentioned with the other great coaches. 
I think we would have won at least one more cup had he stuck around, his departure really hurt the club. 

One of my favorite coaches in any sport ever. KOC in Minnesota sort of reminds me of him although Mike was more of a defensive coach. Used to love his coaches show on the old CKND with Joe P. He was a natural and would have been great on TV as a CFL broadcaster. I guess he had some success down south so I can't hold it against him. Stupid start up leagues at that time though 😡 Just think how good our team in the 90's could have been and the league in general if we hadn't have lost all of those great players and coaches to the stupid US expansion period of 1993 - 1995 🤑

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1 hour ago, IC Khari said:

So roughly the same as Osh now 2014 -2024 👍


One of my favorite coaches in any sport ever. KOC in Minnesota sort of reminds me of him although Mike was more of a defensive coach. Used to love his coaches show on the old CKND with Joe P. He was a natural and would have been great on TV as a CFL broadcaster. I guess he had some success down south so I can't hold it against him. Stupid start up leagues at that time though 😡 Just think how good our team in the 90's could have been and the league in general if we hadn't have lost all of those great players and coaches to the stupid US expansion period of 1993 - 1995 🤑

Sad thing is, he left for an expansion team that never played a game. The original San Antonio Texans, not the version the Gold Miners turned into in 1995. 

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3 hours ago, IC Khari said:

So roughly the same as Osh now 2014 -2024 👍


One of my favorite coaches in any sport ever. KOC in Minnesota sort of reminds me of him although Mike was more of a defensive coach. Used to love his coaches show on the old CKND with Joe P. He was a natural and would have been great on TV as a CFL broadcaster. I guess he had some success down south so I can't hold it against him. Stupid start up leagues at that time though 😡 Just think how good our team in the 90's could have been and the league in general if we hadn't have lost all of those great players and coaches to the stupid US expansion period of 1993 - 1995 🤑

Less games tho...as was only 16 game seasons

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Just now, Jpan85 said:

Grant did have a few things in his favour the club he inherited was not a total dumpster file plus there was no free agency back then he basically had the same stars all 10 years.

Ya the full body off restoration Osh had to go through can't be overstated...

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12 hours ago, Jpan85 said:

10 less games


12 hours ago, Jpan85 said:

Grant did have a few things in his favour the club he inherited was not a total dumpster file plus there was no free agency back then he basically had the same stars all 10 years.

Exactly right. Part of the reason that Grant was hired as coach is because the Bombers felt they massively underachieved the year before and that they had a contender on the field.

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On 2024-09-03 at 12:16 AM, SpeedFlex27 said:

I didn't know what your point was. I was left a bit confused by why you would post that after my comments about Jauch. Some of the older fans here would have remembered him leaving the Bombers & being replaced by cal Murphy. The younger fans here probably never knew. So, i thought I'd tell that story. If you meant no insult then I'm not offended.

he didn't quote you... which means his gif had literally nothing to do with your post... it was just a coincidence that it was the next post... I think you're the only one who thought it was a response to you

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