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3 hours ago, Goalie said:

Jake should take a hint from BA and retire. Best result possible. 

Jake has a great gig here. Go out on the field, start, do nothing, suck, get paid for it, take away playing time from other players & then next game, repeat. 

13 hours ago, Noeller said:

As long as the younger kid doesn't get hurt again this year, I really think Jake will go back to the limited reps. He only played so much last year because the kid got hurt and they were absolutely committed to a NI DT for whatever reason. 

what about the yr before?...and why not give reps to a young guy with upside to develop....with future if reps should be limited...or give those reps last yr to one of Woods..Fox..Adama when a National on the dline wasnt required for ratio>,,,,Osh just thinks Jake is the cats vaginey for what ever reason and he is wrong about it...plain and simple....If Jake was an import...he's never get a sniff....


12 hours ago, wbbfan said:

Lawson yeah, as long as he’s 100% he should get the most reps. I just hope Thomas doesn’t eat up woods snaps. 

which happened way too much last yr.....wayyyy too much

Lawson at half of what he was gives more than Thomas....fact of the matter.....if we start Krma again...and run 6 on offence....we dont require a constant Natuional on the dline anyway....especially like last yr when we had 2 guys on roster who were prob 2 worst nationals in the league....and got way too many reps

If your gonna waste reps on guts, use it on young guys...Like Samson or any other guy you could have drafted...traded for or picked up off the scrap heap and see if they develop into a productive guy or a guy with upside

Heck...we scrap heaped with Kolo who absolutely nobody wanted for 2 yrs ...is undersized....has no exceptional skill to off-set it and just keeps playing and playing....I guess if you are an average at best Canadian who came from a Canadian school and are not highly touted....you have currency with Oshea


8 hours ago, SpeedFlex27 said:

Jake has a great gig here. Go out on the field, start, do nothing, suck, get paid for it, take away playing time from other players & then next game, repeat. 

just watch this yr again....you will see these options....him being washed out and or moved to a spot the oline wants....tippy toe jogging up to the play well after it's over and glad handing with who made the play....the play flying past him as he doesn't have the athleticism or aerobic capacity to get there" and rep after rep of him gasping for life as he gets to the line and has to use his free hand to prop up his head on his facemask in 3 poinbt stance so as not to topple over...and then being late off the snap....

1 hour ago, Pete said:

This Thomas obsession is really getting old.

You are Jake Thomas and I claim my $5.

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