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First post in the first thread of the new Jets/NHL forum! ;-)


I hate to admit I didnt know much about this until the Big Show this morning.  Ladd missed last nights game due to the birth of his second child and apparently some people on twitter were critical of this decision.


Quite the debate raged on TSN1290 this morning.




I don't remember players ever missing games for the birth of their kids in the past, but we are now in the touch-feely 21st century so whatever. It sucks because the Jets really needed him but on the other hand they probably aren't going to make the playoffs anyway so who cares.

  On 2014-03-25 at 7:10 PM, bigg jay said:

Given the recent loss Matt Stajan suffered with his newborn, I can't see how anyone could blame Ladd for wanting to be there.


Could players and their wives also not time these things a bit better - ie use birth control so that your kid is born during the off season? If you play for Winnipeg, you know you are free from mid-April until September so that's a prime time to target for kids to be born.

  On 2014-03-25 at 7:08 PM, Mike said:

Are they critical because he missed it or are they critical because he missed it and we're in a "playoff race"?


because the game was "too important to miss".


There were hints (but again I havent been in depth enough to know for sure) about potential complications.  I also heard something about the baby having been born a few days ago and he took 3 days off rather than one and done.  But Im not entirely sure.


Personally, I blame the rest of the team for letting down their Captain rather than their Captain letting down the team.  Thats his wife and baby.  That comes first.

  On 2014-03-25 at 7:14 PM, kelownabomberfan said:


  On 2014-03-25 at 7:10 PM, bigg jay said:

Given the recent loss Matt Stajan suffered with his newborn, I can't see how anyone could blame Ladd for wanting to be there.


Could players and their wives also not time these things a bit better - ie use birth control so that your kid is born during the off season? If you play for Winnipeg, you know you are free from mid-April until September so that's a prime time to target for kids to be born.



HAHAHA I was thinking the same thing!  Like why wouldnt you plan births for August? lol

  On 2014-03-25 at 7:14 PM, The Unknown Poster said:


  On 2014-03-25 at 7:08 PM, Mike said:

Are they critical because he missed it or are they critical because he missed it and we're in a "playoff race"?


because the game was "too important to miss".


There were hints (but again I havent been in depth enough to know for sure) about potential complications.  I also heard something about the baby having been born a few days ago and he took 3 days off rather than one and done.  But Im not entirely sure.


Personally, I blame the rest of the team for letting down their Captain rather than their Captain letting down the team.  Thats his wife and baby.  That comes first.



The baby was born on Sunday night.  Having said that, I for one wouldn't fault him at all for his decision.  He has every right to be there.


Congrats to the Ladd family.


Family issues should never be questioned. I would love to see Westwood back in day try to question a player for missing a game in this type of situation.

  On 2014-03-25 at 7:15 PM, The Unknown Poster said:


  On 2014-03-25 at 7:14 PM, kelownabomberfan said:


  On 2014-03-25 at 7:10 PM, bigg jay said:

Given the recent loss Matt Stajan suffered with his newborn, I can't see how anyone could blame Ladd for wanting to be there.


Could players and their wives also not time these things a bit better - ie use birth control so that your kid is born during the off season? If you play for Winnipeg, you know you are free from mid-April until September so that's a prime time to target for kids to be born.



HAHAHA I was thinking the same thing!  Like why wouldnt you plan births for August? lol

In the past i would of agreed with you until my wife and I started having kids. We are very fortunate and it was easy for us to get pregnant (knock on wood). What we quickly found out from many of our friends is that we were very lucky. A lot of our friends have had a difficulties getting pregnant. In some cases it has taken months and in some cases it has taken multiple years. We also learned that this is not that uncommon from our doctor.


So there is a chance that Ladd family might of tried to plan having the baby during the summer but it just didn't work out that way.


Having a child really changes your life for the better imho. I'm happy to hear the Ladds added a new baby to the clan and I wish them all the best!


Go Jets Go!


Who the F cares....   it's not like Andrew Ladd was lighting it up for us.        I think it's pretty excusable for a guy to be present for his new born and missing a game or two from that rather then missing a huge chunk of the season because one of your own team mates knocked you out for being a d-bag. 


I can see both sides of the argument. If you're making millions, it's probably fair to expect you to make some personal sacrifices for your job. He'll be giving his family a pretty good life thanks to his choosen profession.


On the other hand, if he wants to go and the team's ok with, why should I care?

  On 2014-03-26 at 2:50 AM, Brandon said:

Who the F cares.... it's not like Andrew Ladd was lighting it up for us. I think it's pretty excusable for a guy to be present for his new born and missing a game or two from that rather then missing a huge chunk of the season because one of your own team mates knocked you out for being a d-bag.

You believe way too much of what you read on the internet.


While I heard that same rumour from different sources, who knows.  There was certainly a time this season when Kane and Wheeler were in the penalty box together and looked like two guys who couldnt wait to get away from each other...lol


I agree with most of you.  Family first.  If the baby was born Sunday, I'd have preferred he come back.  But thats assuming all things are equal, which we have no idea if they were.  Either way, it should be a point of pride for the rest of the team to rally around and pick up the slack.  They didnt.  And thats not Andrew Ladd's fault.


Well, he probably did not get much sleep so to say he should just jump on a plane and go play is dumb.  Ya, stay up for 24+ hours then go travel a bunch then play a NHL game.  He could get seriously hurt.


Its not like he just trots himself out, kicks a football wide then sits around for another half hour until its maybe time to shank a punt.......

  On 2014-03-26 at 2:08 PM, Atomic said:


  On 2014-03-26 at 2:50 AM, Brandon said:

Who the F cares.... it's not like Andrew Ladd was lighting it up for us. I think it's pretty excusable for a guy to be present for his new born and missing a game or two from that rather then missing a huge chunk of the season because one of your own team mates knocked you out for being a d-bag.

You believe way too much of what you read on the internet.



Lol my source is not the internet....  my source would be someone I know who was at the scene of the *crime* and who had to later make a report on it all.  


Kane is not well liked by his team mates or by really anyone....


My thoughts fwiw - the Jets are admitting they're not playoff bound so giving Captain Ladd the night off was no big deal. Lots of guys have been getting nights off, including those who play! If Jets were 1 pt. behind the last playoff spot its a slightly different matter. Season is now another write-off so dropping down actually gives us a slightly higher draft pick. If we lose out we could conceivably get the 3rd or 4th pick overall but once they're officially eliminated and the pressure is off they'll win a few, probably meaning drafting 6th to 8th overall.


Personally, I look at like this.  If its the Playoffs and a player misses a game to be with his wife during the birth of their child, I'm "even" on that decision because I think thats the expectation and what you *should* do.  If a player races back or plays because he wants to help his team win, then I consider that a pretty heroic sacrifice for the team and fans.  But absolutely no negative feelings for a guy that goes.


This wouldn't even be an issue if the Jets had won that game, guaranteed.  


Not only that, but I doubt there's a single guy in that entire locker room that would fault Ladd for putting...you know...the birth of his child above ONE REGULAR SEASON GAME.


There are sports and then there are real life.  Hunter Mahan dropped out of the RBC Canadian Open while leading by two strokes to be with his wife...

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