The Unknown Poster Posted April 28, 2014 Report Posted April 28, 2014 I love mysteries and cospiracy theories and this disappearing jet is consuming me. Ill propose two theories (a mainstream one and a crazy one). What I think happened is: A catastrophic mechanical failure. It's an incredible coincedence that this occured at the exact moment of hand off between the two air traffic control points. This failure impacted communications and caused a loss of pressure. This would seem to indicate a fire and/or explosion. The pilot did exactly what he would do - he turned towards an area he knew had an airport he could land at. And he immediately dropped altitude to account for the lack of cabin pressure. (alternately, if there was a fire but no cabin breach, its possible the pilot would drop altitude with the idea he could vent the smoke). As the plane flew along, the pilots were unable to communicate due to the failure and were eventually overcome by either smoke or hypoxia. Another plane contacted MH370 to request they contact the Vietnam air traffic control aprox. ten minutes after the transponder signal was lost and received a reply that sounded like mumbling and static (indicating to me the pilots were suffering injury or hypoxia). The plane continued to fly as a "ghost plane" until running out of fuel and crashing in the Indian Ocean. My wild theory: "Something" happened involving the pilots. I generally reject the hijacking scenario because to take a plane without any communication from the pilots would mean it happened very, very quickly and I dont see that happening in this day and age with cockpit security etc. We do know these pilots were prone to having "guests" in the cockpit but for a hijacker to board the plane with that intent, he's hoping that the Pilots leave the cockpit unsecure and thats just a big chance to take for a hijacker. That would indicate the pilot was in on whatever happened. The points in favour of this being an intentional act: - The incredible timing of this happening at the moment after the pilots sign off from one air traffic control location and right before communicating with the next. This creates a scenario where both control areas assume the plane is talking to the other (apparently it does happen that a pilot 'forgets' to check in when he's supposed to) - The transponder was turned off. Either a mechanical failure did this or the pilot did it. - The plane apparently travelled a flightpath that indicated intelligent control for sometime after loss of contact - The plan flew in a manner to avoid radar and skirt between countries (this is important if you're trying to avoid being shot down or persued because if you're very close to a boarder and clearly a passenger jet, you might be forgiven for crossing into airspace if one country assumes you're from the other) - The has been zero debris. One could argue that area of the Indian Ocean could easily carry debris away quickly. But the fact they have seen so much junk and debris *not* connected to MH370 indicates that this area of the Ocean would be ideal for collecting debris and if the plane crashed *something* would be found. - If the plane is in the Indian Ocean, the lack of debris is indicative of a controlled ditching. Its virtually impossible (it would be a miracle) for the plane to ditch in one piece on it's own after running out of fuel. Pilots are trained for ocean ditching (how to time the ocean swells etc) and the plane was designed to be able to ditch. Even with training, its very difficult to successfully ditch in the Ocean without crashing. If the plane ditched successfully, it *had* to be done by the pilots. If so, why was no communication attempted? Why did no one escape in life rafts? If its a controlled ditch, that would explain the lack of debris (ie. the plan sunk and is sitting on the bottom of the ocean in one piece). - The co-pilots cell phone attempted to connect to a cell tower around the time of last contact. Was he trying to communicate due to a failure destroying on-board communications? Was he trying to report a hi-jacking? Was the attempt by the cell phone to make contact simply the result of a phone being left on and repeatedly seaching for a cell signal on it's own? We know cells are not allowed to be on in the cockpit but we also know these pilots have broken cockpit rules before (and could simply have forgotten). - The so-called "Pings" that were heard. None of the emergency locators seemed to function. There are 4 of them that are supposed to send a signal upon impact or water contact. However, they are not shielded and a particularly catastrophic crash could destroy them before they sent a signal. They are also not able to function under water and could have been destroyed by water before being able to send a signal (the 4 on the Air France flight also did not function). The Chinese indicated they heard a Ping. This story was later burried and apparently, the Chinese actually heard themselves. The two pings that were heard were reportedly 200-300 miles apart. This indicates a massive crash with debris spread about which belies the fact there has been no debris. The coincedence of these Pings is that it occured just as the life of the batteries was winding down and then stopped (which is the perfect "clue" if you're trying to convince the world the plane is in the Indian Ocean). - The fact NO military seems to have picked up this plane on radar is puzzling and alarming. If the plane suffered a mechanical failure and was a "ghost plane", how could it avoid radar contact? If the flight was intelligently operated with the intent to avoid radar, how is this still possible? It wasnt a stealth bomber. - 20+ people on board were future-tech weapons designers for an American firm that had recently completed a project. - One passenger reportedly sent a photo and text message a day after the plane went missing stating the plane had been hijacked by military and that he was being held captive on Diego Garcia, a US military base in the area. EDITED to add: - The Malaysian government told the Chinese they had communication between the pilots and Air Traffic Control that would never be allowed to go public. A week later, they released a transcript that showed nothing unusual. What are they hiding? Their preliminary report to the UN was sealed when no reports of that nature are ever sealed from the public. - If the plane was hijacked or taken for a ride by the pilots, why did none of the passengers call or message family? This lends credence to the massive mechnical failure likelyhood. I saw a cool story on CNN that showed it was possible to retrieve cell phone information after it had been under water for a period of time. This is important because if something happened on board and passengers were able to take pics/video or try to send messages but didnt have a signal, that information would be stored on their phones and could be retrieved later. Where the heck is MH370?
iso_55 Posted April 28, 2014 Report Posted April 28, 2014 This explains it...
Goalie Posted April 28, 2014 Report Posted April 28, 2014 was into this big time the first couple weeks but then it became pretty apparent that something was being covered up, the malaysians werent and i dont think still are telling the whole truth on what happened. Heres my theory, i got 2, one was already explained, the massive mechanical failure. The other... it was shot down by the us military base at diego garcia. I heard theories and i suppose conspiracies that the plane was carrying some interesting cargo, something to do with military stuff, there were a few guys from that freescale semiconductors group on there, specializing in military stuff. so its possible the plane was indeed shot down. I dunno and to be honest, i dont care anymore as much because its just been going on and on and on for too long. CNN ruined it for me, too much "breaking news" "developing news". I do tho find it odd that the plane apparently wasnt tracked by anyone. Its all so suspicious. it makes you wonder if the plane ever actually existed even lol (obviously it did)
iso_55 Posted April 28, 2014 Report Posted April 28, 2014 Well, like everything else it's the Conspiracy Theorists & especially the ones that love to blame America for everything will come out of the woodwork now. Mr Dee 1
road griller Posted April 29, 2014 Report Posted April 29, 2014 I blame South America for almost everything as well.
The Unknown Poster Posted April 29, 2014 Author Report Posted April 29, 2014 I dismiss the shoot down theory. Most people who think it was shot down theorize that there is a cover-up because whomever shot it down, doesnt want to admit it. The most likely country responsible for the shoot down would be Malaysia or the U.S. Problem is, we've shot down commercial passenger jets before. The Soviets did it (and yeah, they liked about it for awhile) and the U.S. did it not that long ago and admitted they did it in error. It was a grevious error. In this case, if a mechanical failure resulted in an incommunicative passenger plane invading U.S. airspace, I dont think the U.S. would cover up a "justified" shoot down. If the plane was shot down, I would say it had to be the Chinese. And even then, I'm not convinced they'd do it, lie about it and actually put so much heat on the Malaysians for how they've handled the investigation. If anything, I'd sit back and breath a sigh of relief that everyone blames the Malaysians as I quietly go about my business not admitting I shot the plane down. The Hijack theory has to be considered unlikely because in almost every case, a group responsible would want to take credit. The exception might be a hijacking for some nefarious later purpose but that just seems to fantastic of an idea at this point. Another theory is that the pilots *did* take the aircraft. This dove-tails to how the investigation has been handled. The early rampant speculation was on the pilots, including their homes being searched. The fact the Captain had a pretty sophisticated flight simulator in his home was either nefarious or normal depending on who you asked. Reports were info from the flight simulator was being analyzed but I dont believe anything more has come about that. The Malaysians told the Chinese they had communication between the Pilots and Air Traffic Control that they would never release, then a week later released innocent sounding communication. Are they holding something back? Some people think the Captain was a radical. Alledgedly he supported an anti-government leader who was jailed for several years shortly before this flight. He apparently attended that "trial". Some speculate that he informed Malaysian officials of his plan while in the cock pit. This would explain his odd flight path that seemed to purposely try to avoid radar detection. The problem with this is, if the Captain was suicidal, why flight all that way to simply ditch in the ocean when he could have done so at any point earlier in the flight? And again, the lack of debris would indicate that the plane is NOT where they think it is or it was ditched by intelligent design and sunk in one piece. Personally I come back to one piece of "confirmed" info that doesnt get much play - that a second plane contacted MH370 after it lost contact and received a response. I recall that info being that they were not able to make out the initial response. That has since been altered to state they heard "mumbling and static". To me thats the key. It means one of two things: 1) a fight in the cockpit (unlikely) 2) a massive mechanical failure that incapacitated the pilots. That would not account for an intelligently inputed flight path but Im not sure that really happened anyway. if the pilots had alternative flight paths pre-programmed (in the event of emergencies), they might have triggered the flight path in the immediate aftermath of an onboard incident or the damage was so massive it caused the computer to trigger an alternative flight path.
Goalie Posted April 29, 2014 Report Posted April 29, 2014 that shot down theory might gain some ground if that plane is found in the bay of bengal tho. I dunno, i hope we get some answers here. It is a huge mystery and interesting. I hope in my lifetime i find out what happened but i get the feeling that it might take a while.
The Unknown Poster Posted April 30, 2014 Author Report Posted April 30, 2014 Yes. This Bay of Bengal thing is interesting. You've got the official search team dismissing it. Yet the company claiming to have found something says the Malaysians are very interested in their findings. Could just be an attempt at PR for their firm. Who knows.
The Unknown Poster Posted May 27, 2014 Author Report Posted May 27, 2014 Doesnt seem that anything came of the secondary search site. The satellite company released the data today but it was not the RAW data. They say no one would understand it. If so, why not release it then? If it's a bunch of 1's and 0's on paper, so be it. At least you can then say you released the raw data. It makes me wonder if the data is open to other interpretation? It might be that they feel very confident in their findings and want to dissuade any other conclusion. Two possibilities: 1) the plane is right where they say it is but the enormity of this search is such that it will take a considerable time to locate wreckage or 2) they are very, very wrong.
Goalie Posted May 28, 2014 Report Posted May 28, 2014 I still feel the whole truth isn't coming out there, It's odd to me, there is an aussie radar detection system called J.O.R.N. and it reaches all the way out to where they say the plane was flying, however the interesting part is, that radar detection system didn't see anything. I'm still on the massive cover up thing and i think it is likely it could be at diego garcia military base. or its on the bottom of the indian ocean somewhere. I'm just not sure any more. And have officially lost interest. Once everyone loses interest the truth will come out.
The Unknown Poster Posted May 29, 2014 Author Report Posted May 29, 2014 Big development today as they admit the pings that "guaranteed" the plane was where they were searching turns out not to have been the black boxes after all. What a **** show While it's possible the plane is lost in the Indian Ocean I just have a feeling they are way off base. I love a good conspiracy story but I generally don't "go there". The problem with conspiracies that suggest the big bad US did it is, we have to believe they orchestrate these elaborate plots but then get found out by some guy in a tin foil hat in his moms basement because they miss something simple For example the invasion of Iraq. The US orchestrates this thing, falsifies evidence of WMD's and then finds nothing. If they were making it all up surely they'd plant some weapons. Therefor I find it difficult to believe the US abducted this plane. It's just a very brazen way to kidnap some weapons designers who already worked for a US company. I do believe the data that suggests the plane flew for six plus hours. I doubt how accurate they are as far as pin pointing it's location. It's certainly curious that the plane seemed to skirt air traffic control zones. That's a huge coincidence if it wasn't being intelligently piloted. What bugs me is the fact they have to stop and figure out who's going to pay for the continued search. This is the greatest aviation mystery in the history of manned flight. I don't care what it costs.
Goalie Posted May 29, 2014 Report Posted May 29, 2014 heard a rumor that it was actually israeli intelligence that picked up on the fact that the plane might have been carrying some suspicious (military based) cargo. I dont know any more though, i really don't have a clue. I generally try to stay away from conspiracy theories too but... the fact that the facts in this story seem to be so just i dunno... not there i guess is the word? just really makes me wonder. The other thing is, apparently a lot of the Chinese passengers on the flight (most of them were indeed Chinese) were part of technology firms too, read something about a microchip being developed by china that is unhackable. I dunno tho, who knows what is true, who knows what isn't.. all i know is there are 239 people missing and it seems that lots of people could care less right now. That's the sad part, 239 human beings are missing or dead or who knows what and facts aren't being reported. The fact that the MS media (mainstream) seems to completely ignore diego garcia as well makes you wonder too. I heard them mention DG once and that was basically to say it was impossible but the one thing we need to remember with the MS media is they are basically telling us what the people in charge want us to believe. Oh and again not into the conspiracy stuff but, this philip wood character.. have you seen any pics of him? you know why i mention this, cuz in every pic, except one, he is wearing the same exact shirt.. That just seems very very odd to me.
The Unknown Poster Posted May 29, 2014 Author Report Posted May 29, 2014 I believe Philip Wood is also the centre of the "iphone message" theory. A couple of days after the plane went missing, someone claiming to be him sent a message and picture to a message forum (I believe). His message claimed the plane was hijacked by military and he was able to hide his phone on his person. He said the passengers were separated and he was being held. The pic was just complete blackness (he claimed to be blindfolded). The interesting thing is, people who analysed the message said the metadata contains GPS information putting the phone at Diego Garcia. The GPS coordinates were slightly "off" which lends credence to it as anyone faking the message would use the public coordinates from google etc. I think the MS media has ignored the idea of the plane landing at Diego Garcia because on its face its absurd. it means the US hijacked a plane and abducted X amount of people with very bad intentions (no point establishing the theory that the plane crashed if you intended to release the prisoners). I want to believe aliens were involved, but we have to look at the most likely scenario and move outward from there. We've already passed a few "most likely" scenarios since the plane flew for hours, skirted radar detection etc. So we're at two reasonable possibilities: 1) moments after the 'goodnight' message, there was a catastrophic mechanical incident that immediately (or very quickly) incapacitated the crew and passengers but the plane continued to fly on auto pilot and the course corrections and skirting of radar was a coincedence or 2) the plane was "taken" either by the crew or hijackers. A non-crew hijacking seems unlikely. Some will point to the fact this crew was known to be lax about rules, ie. they invited people into the cockpit. But if you plan a hijacking, you cant have it all rest on whether the Captain will leave the flight deck unsecured when he's most likely not going to. That means it was a crew member. That also works when one considered the timing - immediately following the good night message. Thats the idea time to hijack since its not totally uncommon for a flight crew to "forget" or otherwise be late in contacting the next air traffic control station. It would allow X amount of "missing time" before anyone would suspect the plane was missing. This is also somewhat the reason why the plane *could* fly without any of the numerous countries or military stations confronting it - if the plane was flown close enough to borders where country X assumed it was a passenger jet from a neighbouring country that was flying just a bit offcourse. Everyone would think it was the other countries Jet and not worry about it. Thats also why I think there is some info being kept from us. If you're a country that is being asked to provide your military defense radar information and explain how/why an uncommunicative jet flew through your air space, you might prefer to say "nope, never came this way" rather than "ooops, we allowed an invasion of our airspace without doing anything about it". I still sunscribe to the mundane - mechanical failure creating a ghost ship scenario and it flew on until it crashed. There likely is a debris field but just not anywhere they've been looking. The fact they now say the search area is not accurate...blows my mind. I know nothing and I had a hard time swallowing this search area. The "pings" made no sense. At the time I said to a co-worker - it makes no sense. You pick up a couple of pings, 200 miles apart, the pings come and go, disappear, reappear and then fade away forever? Makes no sense whatsoever.
The Unknown Poster Posted June 18, 2014 Author Report Posted June 18, 2014 New update. A group of independant experts have concluded the search area is way off-base. The plane crashed into the Indian Ocean from South West of where they have been searching. This is what I suspected all along (and posted above), that this was a Ghost Plane scenario and it flew until it ran out of gas and ditched. They've simply been looking in the wrong place. If any evidence ever comes to light that any passengers were alive when the plane ditched and were able to escape the plane, there's going to be a lot of egg on a lot of faces. This is doubtful though. Hopefully they can agree on the new search area quickly.
The Unknown Poster Posted June 26, 2014 Author Report Posted June 26, 2014 Austrailia announces they have a new search area further south. They added they believe the plane was on auto-pilot and that the crew was unconscious. This is exactly what I stated in the first post that I believed to have happened. Hopefully they find the plane quickly.
iso_55 Posted June 26, 2014 Report Posted June 26, 2014 It's at the bottom of the ocean somewhere. What a waste of resources. It's lost forever, sorry to say. Move on.
The Unknown Poster Posted June 26, 2014 Author Report Posted June 26, 2014 On 2014-06-26 at 7:26 PM, iso_55 said: It's at the bottom of the ocean somewhere. What a waste of resources. It's lost forever, sorry to say. Move on. Are you friggen kidding me??? Good God I dont know where to begin. For starters, you dont think the 200+ dead deserve to be recovered? You dont think their families deserve to recover their loved ones? You dont believe a definitive cause should be found? You dont think foul play needs to be ruled out? You dont think we need to determine what the cause of the malfunction, if thats what it was, needs to be determined to prevent 200+ deaths in the future?
iso_55 Posted June 26, 2014 Report Posted June 26, 2014 One problem, the Pacific Ocean. Should we still be looking for Amelia Earhart? I mean, c'mon... It's been 4 months. Maybe you think it's cruel but life isn't always fair. The families may never have closure, we may never know what happened but at some point the search has to end. It is what it is. Nothing can be done.
The Unknown Poster Posted June 27, 2014 Author Report Posted June 27, 2014 People are still looking for ameila. I mean I assume you're being sarcastic. God forbid you ever have a family member in the same situation. Talk about callous. And not just that but really ludicrous. As I said the single biggest reason to find this plane is to determine what happened so as to prevent it from ever happening again.
iso_55 Posted June 27, 2014 Report Posted June 27, 2014 On 2014-06-27 at 4:40 AM, The Unknown Poster said: People are still looking for ameila. I mean I assume you're being sarcastic. God forbid you ever have a family member in the same situation. Talk about callous. And not just that but really ludicrous. As I said the single biggest reason to find this plane is to determine what happened so as to prevent it from ever happening again. More like realistic. They'll probably never find the plane. That's all I'm saying. At some point it has to end.
iso_55 Posted June 27, 2014 Report Posted June 27, 2014 On 2014-06-27 at 4:40 AM, The Unknown Poster said: People are still looking for ameila. I mean I assume you're being sarcastic. God forbid you ever have a family member in the same situation. Talk about callous. And not just that but really ludicrous. As I said the single biggest reason to find this plane is to determine what happened so as to prevent it from ever happening again. Wow, saying that a search should be called off 4 months after a crash is callous? Happens all the time in air & ground searches. God forbids those callous officials who make those decisions lose loved ones too.
Goalie Posted June 27, 2014 Report Posted June 27, 2014 I don't think they should call the search off, they need to know what happened so it doesn't happen in the future, the famillies deserve to know the answers, the truth, not bs baseless rumours and made up crap like we are and have been getting. I dunno anybody who honestly thought they would find a plane in 4 months, hell that air france flight they knew where it went down roughly and it took them a year to get it, this ones gonna be a while. It's a big mystery, You don't give up after 4 months. You can't give up even. robynjt 1
The Unknown Poster Posted June 27, 2014 Author Report Posted June 27, 2014 On 2014-06-27 at 5:16 AM, iso_55 said: On 2014-06-27 at 4:40 AM, The Unknown Poster said: People are still looking for ameila. I mean I assume you're being sarcastic. God forbid you ever have a family member in the same situation. Talk about callous. And not just that but really ludicrous. As I said the single biggest reason to find this plane is to determine what happened so as to prevent it from ever happening again. Wow, saying that a search should be called off 4 months after a crash is callous? Happens all the time in air & ground searches. God forbids those callous officials who make those decisions lose loved ones too. What are you even talking about?? Please state when a passenger jet crash had its search called off within four months without any clues being find. Ill help you: never. When Air France crashed under similar circumstances to MH370 in that it disappeared and no one knew why, they didnt stop. They had wreckage so they knew it had crashed. It took them two years to find the bulk of the plane. They kept looking because not only was it the right thing to do for the dead and their families, it was the ONLY thing they could do to confirm the cause and prevent it from happening. And guess what, thats exactly what happened. They determined the cause was Pitot Tube issues and changed the design, in addition to pilot error and they adjusted training. I mean really...
iso_55 Posted June 27, 2014 Report Posted June 27, 2014 It happened over water, not land. If it was on land, different story. Even then, searches are called off. The Pacific Ocean swallowed up the plane. It is probably on the ocean floor in 15,000 ft of water. Even if it is found, it won't change anything. The plane will be irretrievable & we still won't know what happened. The families deserve closure but sometimes that isn't possible. How much longer will governments or Malaysian Airlines want to fund an expensive search that may never amount to anything?
The Unknown Poster Posted June 27, 2014 Author Report Posted June 27, 2014 On 2014-06-27 at 6:32 PM, iso_55 said: It happened over water, not land. If it was on land, different story. Even then, searches are called off. The Pacific Ocean swallowed up the plane. It is probably on the ocean floor in 15,000 ft of water. Even if it is found, it won't change anything. The plane will be irretrievable & we still won't know what happened. The families deserve closure but sometimes that isn't possible. How much longer will governments or Malaysian Airlines want to fund an expensive search that may never amount to anything? Please stop. Just...stop. Ofcourse what you say is untrue. Air France sat at the bottom of the ocean for two years! Not only was the voice and data recorders retrievable but by studying the Pitot Tubes they were able to determine the cause. After two years. If they find MH370 next week, thats practically immediately. No reason why the data recorder wont provide evidence. The voice recorder will be useless other than to confirm there was no one conscious up to 90 minutes before the crash.
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