gbill2004 Posted April 30, 2014 Report Posted April 30, 2014 I can't believe some don't understand what Katz the sleazebag is trying to do here. The BOD have every right to reject this joke of a nominee from Katz. Bombers need a rep from the City of Winnipeg. This nominee Katz gets isn't intended as a patronage appointment for his friends, even though that's how Katz runs his day-to-day political life. It doesn't surprise me he tried to get away with this...guy is a criminal and should be in prison with the BS he has pulled while in office.
Nasty Nate Posted April 30, 2014 Author Report Posted April 30, 2014 I can't believe some don't understand what Katz the sleazebag is trying to do here. The BOD have every right to reject this joke of a nominee from Katz. Bombers need a rep from the City of Winnipeg. This nominee Katz gets isn't intended as a patronage appointment for his friends, even though that's how Katz runs his day-to-day political life. It doesn't surprise me he tried to get away with this...guy is a criminal and should be in prison with the BS he has pulled while in office. I agree with all you say about Katz. That notwithstanding Jeffrey Rabb is still a good nominee. Like another poster said, the bombers need a liason for their Grey Cup. That person doesn't have to sit on the board of directors. But at this point I suspect the board played Lawless like a cello - and Rabb has been sufficiently dis-credited to withdraw his nomination.
Mike Posted April 30, 2014 Report Posted April 30, 2014 I can't believe some don't understand what Katz the sleazebag is trying to do here. The BOD have every right to reject this joke of a nominee from Katz. Bombers need a rep from the City of Winnipeg. This nominee Katz gets isn't intended as a patronage appointment for his friends, even though that's how Katz runs his day-to-day political life. It doesn't surprise me he tried to get away with this...guy is a criminal and should be in prison with the BS he has pulled while in office. I agree with all you say about Katz. That notwithstanding Jeffrey Rabb is still a good nominee. Like another poster said, the bombers need a liason for their Grey Cup. That person doesn't have to sit on the board of directors. But at this point I suspect the board played Lawless like a cello - and Rabb has been sufficiently dis-credited to withdraw his nomination. If Rabb is a good nominee, and I'll take your word for it on that one, then why doesn't he just apply when there's an opening for a spot on the board that doesn't have a prerequisite he doesn't meet?
Nasty Nate Posted April 30, 2014 Author Report Posted April 30, 2014 I can't believe some don't understand what Katz the sleazebag is trying to do here. The BOD have every right to reject this joke of a nominee from Katz. Bombers need a rep from the City of Winnipeg. This nominee Katz gets isn't intended as a patronage appointment for his friends, even though that's how Katz runs his day-to-day political life. It doesn't surprise me he tried to get away with this...guy is a criminal and should be in prison with the BS he has pulled while in office. I agree with all you say about Katz. That notwithstanding Jeffrey Rabb is still a good nominee. Like another poster said, the bombers need a liason for their Grey Cup. That person doesn't have to sit on the board of directors. But at this point I suspect the board played Lawless like a cello - and Rabb has been sufficiently dis-credited to withdraw his nomination. If Rabb is a good nominee, and I'll take your word for it on that one, then why doesn't he just apply when there's an opening for a spot on the board that doesn't have a prerequisite he doesn't meet? Good point. Are we sure he hasn't? (ever) Your point brings up the possibility Rabb is being discredited for reasons other than NOT being a senior employee with CoW....
The Unknown Poster Posted April 30, 2014 Report Posted April 30, 2014 Exactly. I have no opinion on Rabb as far as whether he'd make a good board member. But this particular seat is for a CoW representative, of which he isn't. I cant believe Sammy continued to try and push it after he got pushback from Asper and the Chairman. He must see how it looks. Another point against Sammy running again I guess. He doesnt care how it looks. Rabb can apply for a regular board seat if he wants and Im sure he will be vetted and if he's a good applicant, the board will welcome him. Maybe Sammy is hoping to get himself on the board at a later date and trying to create votes for himself.... As for Lyle, this is a 'what have you done for me lately' business but he did a lot of good for the Bombers. And if I'm the PC's, hiring him is a good move. He's good at fundriasing and obviously he's a taskmaster when it comes to managing a team. The PC's will have a very knowledgable point-man when it comes to their dealings with the Bombers. Once the NDP are booted, dealing with the Stadium/Bombers issues are going to be front and centre for the new government. They have to be smart about it because its something they can hang around the NDP's neck but its not like they are going to do much differently when they're in power. If anything, they might quickly forgive the Bombers' debt, so they need to really strategize their position on IGF and the Bombers' loans.
Nasty Nate Posted April 30, 2014 Author Report Posted April 30, 2014 I agree with U. Poster that Bauer gives the PCs a big edge in dealings with the Bombers. However, Pallister is gonna get a ton of questions about whether he'd totally forgive the bomber debt, further IGF subsidies, Grey Cup grants, etc. Personally, I think most of the bomber board and even Wadzilla hate the NDP vermin on principle but right now they've hooked a big fat live one - Selinger. And nobody, I say nobody in business looks a gift horse in the mouth and Selinger is certainly that. Miller and the board have done a magnificent job having the big boy spread his cheeks with Greg's only question being - how wide? Don't know if the PCs will have the big open cheque-book when Selinger is exterminated in 15 months. (actually, the smart money says Selinger resigns in the next 3 to 5 months, allowing time for an NDP leadership convention so that Oswald, Howard or Andy leads them to their next slaughter!
The Unknown Poster Posted April 30, 2014 Report Posted April 30, 2014 Very true. The PCs have to play this smart. Well I guess they don;t have to. They could be very anti-bail out, make all sorts of proclamations about how they will make the Bombers pay their way and then a year later quietly forgive the loans. Personally, as much as I am a Conservative, I'd be fine seeing the loan altered in some form (not sure how exactly) to end the debate for good and set the Bombers up for decades of success. It *is* the responsibility of the public to provide a home for the team since its owned by the public. Once you factor in other matters such as the Stadium serving the University etc, it *does* serve the public interest. Events like the Grey Cup and NHL hockey also inject a significant amount of direct and indirect profit to the city and province which shouldnt go unappreciated.
JuranBoldenRules Posted April 30, 2014 Report Posted April 30, 2014 See, this is why having a shareholder vote could work. City nominates someone new for their seat, shareholders vote to confirm or deny candidate, rather than a handful of board members filibustering for whatever reason they choose. Their reasoning doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. They will have to work with operations people from a bunch of city departments for special events, don't really think having the CAO or CFO sitting on the Bomber board does a lot to streamline that process. Working directly with operations people and Sam's friends is precisely what got them into trouble over the fire halls. It is much better for them to deal with someone who is in a position to make decisions, and be able to deal with the Managers of the various departments They actually didn't involve the operations people, which caused the problem, just Sheegl and the leadership of the fire department, who had no clue about land development and building and unsurprisingly they got scammed by a land developer.
blitzmore Posted April 30, 2014 Report Posted April 30, 2014 See, this is why having a shareholder vote could work. City nominates someone new for their seat, shareholders vote to confirm or deny candidate, rather than a handful of board members filibustering for whatever reason they choose. Their reasoning doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. They will have to work with operations people from a bunch of city departments for special events, don't really think having the CAO or CFO sitting on the Bomber board does a lot to streamline that process. Working directly with operations people and Sam's friends is precisely what got them into trouble over the fire halls. It is much better for them to deal with someone who is in a position to make decisions, and be able to deal with the Managers of the various departments They actually didn't involve the operations people, which caused the problem, just Sheegl and the leadership of the fire department, who had no clue about land development and building and unsurprisingly they got scammed by a land developer. I call the leadership of the fire department operations them what you will...but that just makes the point that Sam's buddy should not be appointed to the Board, or there is likely to be all sorts of back room deals going on, that other members of the Board may not even know about, just like certain members of City Council and certain departments were unaware in the Fire Dept Scandal.
DR. CFL Posted April 30, 2014 Report Posted April 30, 2014 The hypocrisy of the BoD appointment rejection isn't so much about Rabb not being directly connected to the governance of the City or his perceived relationship with Sammy. The irony is that the BoD is already a product of the Old Boys network and that networks desire to protect their little club knowing Rabb may bring a greater element of accountability to the BoD. Atomic 1
Mr Dee Posted April 30, 2014 Report Posted April 30, 2014 The hypocrisy of the BoD appointment rejection isn't so much about Rabb not being directly connected to the governance of the City or his perceived relationship with Sammy. The irony is that the BoD is already a product of the Old Boys network and that networks desire to protect their little club knowing Rabb may bring a greater element of accountability to the BoD. And just who has this evidence that the BoD is in fact "an Old Boys Network" and that they discounted Rabb as 'a rouser' while simultaneously twisting their mustaches? blitzmore 1
Goalie Posted April 30, 2014 Report Posted April 30, 2014 old boys network? tell that to marnie strath, jeff thompson,brock bullbuck and the other guys they have on their. This idea that its an old buys club is ridiculous. It might have been a while back but... things have changed. Their are limits on how long a member can serve now. Arent there 2 or 3 openings coming up very soon? Oh and one more thing, if you think its an old boys club, heres an idea, get off your ass, get off the computer, go out there and become a succesful business person and then you too can get on the board one day too probably. And the idea that fans should have a say in who is running the team is a joke and the day that happens is officially the day the bombers die. Ive never understood why people want to have a say, it makes no sense. we arent qualified to have a say. Good god, wouldnt that be wonderful, all those idiots that call in to the post game shows or call in shows deciding the fate of people who are more qualified then any of them. blitzmore 1
Atomic Posted April 30, 2014 Report Posted April 30, 2014 This idea that its an old buys club is ridiculous. It might have been a while back but... things have changed. Their are limits on how long a member can serve now. Limits which can be up to 12 years long depending on the member. Not surprisingly, Asper qualifies for this upper limit and will be on the Board long after the rest of the members' terms have ended. And the guy with the second-most pull, Gene Dunn, is next up to retire (wow what a coincidence), leaving the Board fully under Asper's control. Rabb would be a good thing for the Board, the reason they are giving for rejecting him is a total red herring. It is 100% political. Asper doesn't like Rabb, so he doesn't get on the board. It really is that simple.
blitzmore Posted April 30, 2014 Report Posted April 30, 2014 This idea that its an old buys club is ridiculous. It might have been a while back but... things have changed. Their are limits on how long a member can serve now. Limits which can be up to 12 years long depending on the member. Not surprisingly, Asper qualifies for this upper limit and will be on the Board long after the rest of the members' terms have ended. And the guy with the second-most pull, Gene Dunn, is next up to retire (wow what a coincidence), leaving the Board fully under Asper's control. Rabb would be a good thing for the Board, the reason they are giving for rejecting him is a total red herring. It is 100% political. Asper doesn't like Rabb, so he doesn't get on the board. It really is that simple. And where is your evidence to support what you state as a fact?
Atomic Posted April 30, 2014 Report Posted April 30, 2014 This idea that its an old buys club is ridiculous. It might have been a while back but... things have changed. Their are limits on how long a member can serve now. Limits which can be up to 12 years long depending on the member. Not surprisingly, Asper qualifies for this upper limit and will be on the Board long after the rest of the members' terms have ended. And the guy with the second-most pull, Gene Dunn, is next up to retire (wow what a coincidence), leaving the Board fully under Asper's control. Rabb would be a good thing for the Board, the reason they are giving for rejecting him is a total red herring. It is 100% political. Asper doesn't like Rabb, so he doesn't get on the board. It really is that simple. And where is your evidence to support what you state as a fact? What do you want, an audio recording of Asper saying he doesn't like the guy? Obviously I do not have such a thing.
blitzmore Posted April 30, 2014 Report Posted April 30, 2014 This idea that its an old buys club is ridiculous. It might have been a while back but... things have changed. Their are limits on how long a member can serve now. Limits which can be up to 12 years long depending on the member. Not surprisingly, Asper qualifies for this upper limit and will be on the Board long after the rest of the members' terms have ended. And the guy with the second-most pull, Gene Dunn, is next up to retire (wow what a coincidence), leaving the Board fully under Asper's control. Rabb would be a good thing for the Board, the reason they are giving for rejecting him is a total red herring. It is 100% political. Asper doesn't like Rabb, so he doesn't get on the board. It really is that simple. And where is your evidence to support what you state as a fact? What do you want, an audio recording of Asper saying he doesn't like the guy? Obviously I do not have such a thing. Then perhaps you shouldn't post things like they are fact, when in fact they are not!
Atomic Posted April 30, 2014 Report Posted April 30, 2014 Maybe you're just upset because my facts don't line up with what you want to believe? Someone called Sam Katz a criminal earlier in the thread. What crime has he been convicted of? How come you didn't get upset about that one? DR. CFL 1
fan4life Posted April 30, 2014 Report Posted April 30, 2014 Given that 3 of the past 4 Chairs (Bulbuck, Watchorn, Dunn) all worked together at Federal Industries in the late 1980's, I would say it qualifies as an old boys club. Although Ms. Strath was the first director appointed under the public nomination process, the news release referenced her experience in event management and marketing despite these items not being part of the specific criteria established by the Board. I think she's fully capable but I think she was chosen to assist in Grey Cup Festival preparations more than provide governance. It worries me that the Bombers had an unexpectedly large $1.2M transit cost last year and that they haven't released 2013 financial results yet. In 2010 and 2011, results were released early April and last year it was April 23. IGF is hosting a major event next week with the vast majority of sections only having single tickets available at this point. Will they have secured a transit discount in time or will they repeat last year's errors already? I rode park and ride many times last year and would gladly pay for this service. A P7 seat last year was only $17.80 and they were chipping in $11 for my transportation. Makes me feel guilty but at least I supported the concessions and Bomber Store. If there's bad news to report, let's get it out of the way so that we can start focusing on the draft and generate a positive buzz to support season ticket sales. I sense the rejection of Rabb and the transit news are the tip of the iceberg and that more bad news is coming though. Atomic, Nasty Nate and DR. CFL 3
iso_55 Posted May 1, 2014 Report Posted May 1, 2014 I guess wanting True North to buy the team isn't wrong to wish for, is it? Put the BOD's out of their misery. I'm ******* tired of this team always being in some form of crisis. Bunch of ass clowns run this team. Westy Sucks and DR. CFL 2
Nasty Nate Posted May 1, 2014 Author Report Posted May 1, 2014 Given that 3 of the past 4 Chairs (Bulbuck, Watchorn, Dunn) all worked together at Federal Industries in the late 1980's, I would say it qualifies as an old boys club. Although Ms. Strath was the first director appointed under the public nomination process, the news release referenced her experience in event management and marketing despite these items not being part of the specific criteria established by the Board. I think she's fully capable but I think she was chosen to assist in Grey Cup Festival preparations more than provide governance. It worries me that the Bombers had an unexpectedly large $1.2M transit cost last year and that they haven't released 2013 financial results yet. In 2010 and 2011, results were released early April and last year it was April 23. IGF is hosting a major event next week with the vast majority of sections only having single tickets available at this point. Will they have secured a transit discount in time or will they repeat last year's errors already? I rode park and ride many times last year and would gladly pay for this service. A P7 seat last year was only $17.80 and they were chipping in $11 for my transportation. Makes me feel guilty but at least I supported the concessions and Bomber Store. If there's bad news to report, let's get it out of the way so that we can start focusing on the draft and generate a positive buzz to support season ticket sales. I sense the rejection of Rabb and the transit news are the tip of the iceberg and that more bad news is coming though. I seem to recall Miller stating the financial statements wouldn't be out 'til late April, first couple weeks of May (which means mid to late May in sales speak). The reason he gave, fwiw is he was new to the job. I didn't realize he was an accountant! Even if the bombers have a moderate loss I don't see why they delay announcing it. Season ticket holders don't give a crap about losses - they know Selinger will spread his cheeks if mo money is required! I sense the bombers are fighting too many internal battles (ex. the hidden costs of IGF flooding, transit arrangements, appointment of Rabb to board, IGF structural truths ready to emerge, who knows what else) DR. CFL 1
gbill2004 Posted May 1, 2014 Report Posted May 1, 2014 The delay in releasing financials is likely due to the current collective bargaining. B-F-F-C 1
B-F-F-C Posted May 1, 2014 Report Posted May 1, 2014 Ah a voice of reason...finally an explanation that doesn't wreak of conspiracy theories.
blueandgoldguy Posted May 1, 2014 Report Posted May 1, 2014 With regards to the $1.2 million in transit costs, I thought toward the end of last season it was announced that MPI would be paying for all gameday transit?
Jacquie Posted May 1, 2014 Report Posted May 1, 2014 With regards to the $1.2 million in transit costs, I thought toward the end of last season it was announced that MPI would be paying for all gameday transit? They have a sponsorship agreement with the Bombers for $330,000 over 3 years and part of the sponsorship money goes to game day transit.
The Unknown Poster Posted May 1, 2014 Report Posted May 1, 2014 The hypocrisy of the BoD appointment rejection isn't so much about Rabb not being directly connected to the governance of the City or his perceived relationship with Sammy. The irony is that the BoD is already a product of the Old Boys network and that networks desire to protect their little club knowing Rabb may bring a greater element of accountability to the BoD. Oh please. Thats why they have now built in term limits, because they are an old boys club who are protecting their own interests. Give me a break.
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