Noeller Posted May 8, 2014 Report Posted May 8, 2014 There are few things I dislike more than listening to pro-pot people......ugh. Yeah but you're a self-righteous ******. Be that as it may.........I'm still right. Logan007 1
road griller Posted May 8, 2014 Report Posted May 8, 2014 Well he is a pro with pot.... Reefer Nation!
bearpants Posted May 8, 2014 Report Posted May 8, 2014 There are few things I dislike more than listening to pro-pot people......ugh. Just like those damn hippies and all the kids with their "alcohol".... Bring back prohibition!!
17to85 Posted May 8, 2014 Report Posted May 8, 2014 How many times you heard "I was so stoned I couldn't drive right..." ? Hell, I'd even say a tired driver is a more scary driver then a one baked off some weed.. Impaired is impaired, I have absolutely 0 tolerance for people driving when they are not in the right mindset. Too many people can't drive properly at the best of times get the **** heads who take mind altering substances off the road entirely and we're all safer for it. It's this attitude that "pot is fine I can drive" that is the worst thing. If people want it leagalized going to have to be responsible about it. Yourface, tacklewasher, Jaxon and 2 others 5
Atomic Posted May 8, 2014 Report Posted May 8, 2014 There are few things I dislike more than listening to pro-pot people......ugh.Yeah but you're a self-righteous ******. Be that as it may.........I'm still right. I'm not sure what you're right about, but you are of course entitled to your opinion. Unfortunately for you, the pro-pot crowd is winning the battle. Weed will be legal as soon as the conservatives inevitably get knocked out of power. You will be surrounded by slow-moving, indifferent stoners before you know it.
SPuDS Posted May 8, 2014 Report Posted May 8, 2014 Stoned drivers think they are OK to drive, but driving stoned is no safer than driving drunk. And this is where your wrong..
SPuDS Posted May 8, 2014 Report Posted May 8, 2014 How many times you heard "I was so stoned I couldn't drive right..." ? Hell, I'd even say a tired driver is a more scary driver then a one baked off some weed..Impaired is impaired, I have absolutely 0 tolerance for people driving when they are not in the right mindset. Too many people can't drive properly at the best of times get the **** heads who take mind altering substances off the road entirely and we're all safer for it. It's this attitude that "pot is fine I can drive" that is the worst thing. If people want it leagalized going to have to be responsible about it. have you ever driven after a joint? Toke off a pipe? No?? Shocking that you still have an opinion about it tho..A drunk driver sees double, is slower then molasses and has a superman complex behind the wheel.. A stoned driver drives the speed limit (thinks hes speeding while doing so) is overly cautious and paranoid everyone is going to plow into them... Essentially an elderly driver.. This is from personal experience and from watching idiot friends... but i can guarentee you that a drunk driver is much MUCH more dangerous then a stoned one..
17to85 Posted May 8, 2014 Report Posted May 8, 2014 Stoned drivers think they are OK to drive, but driving stoned is no safer than driving drunk. And this is where your wrong.. the law has the limit for drunk driving set so low that I think you are wrong. I can drink 4 beers feel 100% fine but if I had to take a test I'd blow over, get someone baked you think they're ok to drive compared to having a couple beers? The people who go get themselves completely **** faced and drive are pretty much the biggest pieces of garbage on the planet, but impaired is impaired and if I'm too impaired to drive after a few beers then you better believe that people who drive stoned are too impaired to drive.
17to85 Posted May 8, 2014 Report Posted May 8, 2014 Essentially an elderly driver.. You know who are worse drivers than the elderly? no one. Atomic, Logan007 and SPuDS 3
Mr Dee Posted May 8, 2014 Report Posted May 8, 2014 All drivers who are impaired, in any manner, drunk, stoned, vision-impaired, texting, eating, sleeping, make up, shaving…the list goes on…are exactly that - impaired and endanger everyone else. But as far as the elderly go, (old-man-with-the-hat-syndrome) they are only frustrating, and if they give others road rage, then they themselves become impaired. Let's face it…bad drivers are just that…bad drivers, and they fall into all age categories. Accidents on the road are not accidents, they are collisions, and they happen all the time, and the vast majority of collisions are preventable. Some people are just incapable of driving..impaired or not.
SPuDS Posted May 8, 2014 Report Posted May 8, 2014 This debate could rage on for eons... In fact, i believe this is like version 5.0 if you include all the ones from The Place That Shall Not Be Named.. Agree to disagree and go back to sheet bashing lol
SPuDS Posted May 8, 2014 Report Posted May 8, 2014 Stoned drivers think they are OK to drive, but driving stoned is no safer than driving drunk. And this is where your wrong.. the law has the limit for drunk driving set so low that I think you are wrong. I can drink 4 beers feel 100% fine but if I had to take a test I'd blow over, get someone baked you think they're ok to drive compared to having a couple beers? The people who go get themselves completely **** faced and drive are pretty much the biggest pieces of garbage on the planet, but impaired is impaired and if I'm too impaired to drive after a few beers then you better believe that people who drive stoned are too impaired to drive. See, heres the thing.. Are we arguing a few drinks or hammer assed drunk? Cuz im looking at it as a drunk driver, not a wee bit buzzed driver and a totally baked driver as opposed to a guy who had a joint with 5 friends..
AtlanticRiderFan Posted May 8, 2014 Report Posted May 8, 2014 Essentially an elderly driver.. You know who are worse drivers than the elderly? no one. Stoned elderly drivers ?
robynjt Posted May 8, 2014 Report Posted May 8, 2014 #1 - Anyone who says driving stoned is completely fine is kidding themselves. I actually would probably liken it to driving very tired. Not to mention, like alcohol, it affects everyone differently. #2 - The states has always been hard on marijuana use in athletes, or drug testing for regular old joes as well. I know I wouldn't risk it... #3 - What you do in your own home, fine. It is much more common than people realize. #4 - After the DUI, and the assault charges... Sheets is just a shady character. Good riddance.
17to85 Posted May 8, 2014 Report Posted May 8, 2014 Stoned drivers think they are OK to drive, but driving stoned is no safer than driving drunk. And this is where your wrong.. the law has the limit for drunk driving set so low that I think you are wrong. I can drink 4 beers feel 100% fine but if I had to take a test I'd blow over, get someone baked you think they're ok to drive compared to having a couple beers? The people who go get themselves completely **** faced and drive are pretty much the biggest pieces of garbage on the planet, but impaired is impaired and if I'm too impaired to drive after a few beers then you better believe that people who drive stoned are too impaired to drive. See, heres the thing.. Are we arguing a few drinks or hammer assed drunk? Cuz im looking at it as a drunk driver, not a wee bit buzzed driver and a totally baked driver as opposed to a guy who had a joint with 5 friends.. I'm going by what the law calls impaired driving because obviously the guys who are driving while totally hammered the best we can hope for out of them is that they only kill themselves and not an innocent person.
17to85 Posted May 8, 2014 Report Posted May 8, 2014 But as far as the elderly go, (old-man-with-the-hat-syndrome) they are only frustrating, and if they give others road rage, then they themselves become impaired. Let's face it…bad drivers are just that…bad drivers, and they fall into all age categories. old people have slower reaction times and that makes them dangerous behind the wheel. It's not that they are driving slow (though in high speed traffic situations it's more dangerous to drive slower than it is the posted speed) Old people often have an over inflated self confidence as well "well I've been driving for 50 years I'm a good driver" plus their lowered reaction times they are a menace on the roads.
holoman Posted May 8, 2014 Report Posted May 8, 2014 How many times you heard "I was so stoned I couldn't drive right..." ? Hell, I'd even say a tired driver is a more scary driver then a one baked off some weed..Impaired is impaired, I have absolutely 0 tolerance for people driving when they are not in the right mindset. Too many people can't drive properly at the best of times get the **** heads who take mind altering substances off the road entirely and we're all safer for it. It's this attitude that "pot is fine I can drive" that is the worst thing. If people want it leagalized going to have to be responsible about it.have you ever driven after a joint? Toke off a pipe? No?? Shocking that you still have an opinion about it tho..A drunk driver sees double, is slower then molasses and has a superman complex behind the wheel.. A stoned driver drives the speed limit (thinks hes speeding while doing so) is overly cautious and paranoid everyone is going to plow into them... Essentially an elderly driver.. This is from personal experience and from watching idiot friends... but i can guarentee you that a drunk driver is much MUCH more dangerous then a stoned one.. Which is pretty much the point 17to85 was making. If you're going to consume any substance that will change your mindset, the last thing you should be is behind a wheel.
Mr Dee Posted May 8, 2014 Report Posted May 8, 2014 But as far as the elderly go, (old-man-with-the-hat-syndrome) they are only frustrating, and if they give others road rage, then they themselves become impaired. Let's face it…bad drivers are just that…bad drivers, and they fall into all age categories. old people have slower reaction times and that makes them dangerous behind the wheel. It's not that they are driving slow (though in high speed traffic situations it's more dangerous to drive slower than it is the posted speed) Old people often have an over inflated self confidence as well "well I've been driving for 50 years I'm a good driver" plus their lowered reaction times they are a menace on the roads. I'm going to fall back on the fact that a good driver is a good driver and a bad one..a bad one. Although you would assume old drivers have slower reaction times, recognizing collision situations, through experience, could mitigate that. You have to bear in mind it's certainly not only old people who have an over inflated self confidence in their ability to handle any bad driving situation that arise. Simple things like hydro-planing causes drivers to over react. I'm not excluding elderly drivers from the menace group but it is not an exclusive club…it certainly has a wide open membership that doesn't have age nor gender bias.
johnzo Posted May 8, 2014 Report Posted May 8, 2014 Totally don't care if a football player burns a J or ten especially during the season when they've gotta deal with pain and lingering injuries. Just don't get behind the wheel, fer chrissakes.
Atomic Posted May 8, 2014 Report Posted May 8, 2014 Totally don't care if a football player burns a J or ten especially during the season when they've gotta deal with pain and lingering injuries. Just don't get behind the wheel, fer chrissakes. Keep in mind that there is no proof that he smoked and got behind the wheel, there is only proof that he had the marijuana in his possession.
iso_55 Posted May 8, 2014 Report Posted May 8, 2014 Marijuana possession laws in Canada are ridiculous. I have 3 friends, 2 lawyers and a judge that get together with our wives every 2 - 3 months for dinner at one our houses. Usually after supper the men and sometimes women head to the garage and smoke a couple of joints. A friend of mine who took many of the same classes as I did would often share a joint just before our exams. It would settle us down and open up the mind. But remember, pot was a lot less potent in the 70's as it is today. I hate Sheets but I feel he was unnecessarily punished. The laws may be silly, but this is not about the law. It is about an athlete who has a chance to make a major career advancement and threw it away. His agent and common sense would have told Sheets that he should be on his best behaviour, but his arrogance and/or stupidity overruled that.And your assertion that pot opens up the mind is very questionable. It produces a perception that competence is enhanced but it is actually the opposite. How many times have you heard someone say that a few drinks makes him a better driver? How many times you heard "I was so stoned I couldn't drive right..." ? Hell, I'd even say a tired driver is a more scary driver then a one baked off some weed.. So, you condone a driver who is impaired using weed but not one who had too much to drink? What's the diff? They both are stupid to get behind the wheel. Sheets was puffing away behind the wheel which to me is like someone drinking an open bottle of beer while driving. Both deserve to be behind bars.
Mike Posted May 8, 2014 Report Posted May 8, 2014 I don't know why you are all so hard on Kory Sheets, how could anyone with this smile be anything less than an incredibly reputable gentleman?
17to85 Posted May 8, 2014 Report Posted May 8, 2014 But as far as the elderly go, (old-man-with-the-hat-syndrome) they are only frustrating, and if they give others road rage, then they themselves become impaired. Let's face it…bad drivers are just that…bad drivers, and they fall into all age categories. old people have slower reaction times and that makes them dangerous behind the wheel. It's not that they are driving slow (though in high speed traffic situations it's more dangerous to drive slower than it is the posted speed) Old people often have an over inflated self confidence as well "well I've been driving for 50 years I'm a good driver" plus their lowered reaction times they are a menace on the roads. I'm going to fall back on the fact that a good driver is a good driver and a bad one..a bad one. Although you would assume old drivers have slower reaction times, recognizing collision situations, through experience, could mitigate that. You have to bear in mind it's certainly not only old people who have an over inflated self confidence in their ability to handle any bad driving situation that arise. Simple things like hydro-planing causes drivers to over react. I'm not excluding elderly drivers from the menace group but it is not an exclusive club…it certainly has a wide open membership that doesn't have age nor gender bias. I don't know what the current numbers look like, but it's very interesting to see how many accidents are caused by various demographics. One thing that always stands out to me is that women cause more accidents than men do, but do you know why it's under 25 males that have to pay higher insurance rates regardless of driving record? It's because when under 25s get into an accident it is a severe one whereas the more numerous ones women cause are minor. There are very good scientific reasons that men are better drivers than women when they have that right mix of youth and experience... the problem is that they're also more prone to driving recklessly so the natural advantages can get thrown right out the window.
iso_55 Posted May 8, 2014 Report Posted May 8, 2014 I don't know why you are all so hard on Kory Sheets, how could anyone with this smile be anything less than an incredibly reputable gentleman? Nice.
Stickem Posted May 8, 2014 Report Posted May 8, 2014 In the bad old days, or good ol days, as some would like to say, a player by the name of Mack Herron had a party at his apartment on Henderson Highway. Marijuana was found at his place by the police and he was summarily charged and booted out of the CFL. Herron was at that time, every bit as good, and high profile as Sheets was/is at this time. Bombers were a very good team, when he was released, and it definitely hurt the club. GM Lunsford of the day wouldn't relent and mini-Mack was sent packing. My how times have changed with the way officials and teams management looks at the use of marijuana. Don't know how it will work out for Sheets. It certainly has tainted his career but definitely won't end it in the CFL as happened to Herron. We'll see how this all plays out.
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