iso_55 Posted May 13, 2014 Report Posted May 13, 2014 Is it just me or does the quote function no longer work? It works on my phone but not at home. Quote function does not work for me on IE but does on Google Chrome. Go figure?
iso_55 Posted May 13, 2014 Report Posted May 13, 2014 If you read Price's tweet correctly, you'd know that his comment was not homophobic. He's stating that his faith doesn't allow him to accept what happened. He himself has nothing against the guy. If you read both tweets you'd know. Now why he decided to post that at all, I have no idea. Most of those guys are just loud mouths that like to blab a lot. Good God. Come on. You're smarter than that. "I dont hate you, just the way you were born". Its like KKK who now like the "We don't hate black people, we just love white people" BS. Price is the worst kind of coward. He's just religious enough to know his hick opinion is in the bible but too stupid to realise the bible is the worst source for supporting an opinion like this. And, worst kind of coward because he cant even own his opinion fully. Imagine if, in 2014, he tweeted "nothing personal. I like you as a person but my faith doesn't allow me to support black people (or women, or whatever)". Its the same thing. This is the human rights cause of our time like equal rights for minorities and women were previously. Should have cut him. I think Stamps cutting him is a little extreme. Especially when another team would pick him up in 5 minutes. He's been fined by the CFL. End of story.
Noeller Posted May 13, 2014 Report Posted May 13, 2014 The problem in our society today is: each has their OWN STANDARD of what is RIGHT and what is WRONG. What is RIGHT to one person might be WRONG to others. What is WRONG to one person might be RIGHT to others. In some cases, WRONG will be RIGHT, IF MAJORITY of people does agrees with it. In some cases, RIGHT will be WRONG, IF MAJORITY of people are offended by it. Not everything is open to interpretation. Some rights and wrongs are black and 2014, we know people dont choose to be gay. And thats still the basis for a lot of the religious buffonery. A moderator of another forum I argued with about this actually professed his believe that being gay is a choice. I assume thats how he reconciles that being gay is against God but God made people gay...well, in his mind God made everyone straight and the evil gay people choose that orientation. We know thats not the case. So its black and white. Sounds like Colin....or at least someone from Southern MB anyhow...
Tracker Posted May 13, 2014 Report Posted May 13, 2014 The problem in our society today is: each has their OWN STANDARD of what is RIGHT and what is WRONG. What is RIGHT to one person might be WRONG to others. What is WRONG to one person might be RIGHT to others. In some cases, WRONG will be RIGHT, IF MAJORITY of people does agrees with it. In some cases, RIGHT will be WRONG, IF MAJORITY of people are offended by it. Not everything is open to interpretation. Some rights and wrongs are black and white. in 2014, we know people dont choose to be gay. And thats still the basis for a lot of the religious buffonery. A moderator of another forum I argued with about this actually professed his believe that being gay is a choice. I assume thats how he reconciles that being gay is against God but God made people gay...well, in his mind God made everyone straight and the evil gay people choose that orientation. We know thats not the case. So its black and white. There's a fair bit of irony in all this. Fundamentalists typically use the King James Version of the Bible as a reference but King James II who ordered the translation of the Bible from Latin to archaic English was openly homosexual. And that doesn't even mention the several popes, at least two Canadian PMs and USA presidents as well as J.Edgar Hoover.
The Unknown Poster Posted May 13, 2014 Report Posted May 13, 2014 The problem in our society today is: each has their OWN STANDARD of what is RIGHT and what is WRONG. What is RIGHT to one person might be WRONG to others. What is WRONG to one person might be RIGHT to others. In some cases, WRONG will be RIGHT, IF MAJORITY of people does agrees with it. In some cases, RIGHT will be WRONG, IF MAJORITY of people are offended by it. Not everything is open to interpretation. Some rights and wrongs are black and 2014, we know people dont choose to be gay. And thats still the basis for a lot of the religious buffonery. A moderator of another forum I argued with about this actually professed his believe that being gay is a choice. I assume thats how he reconciles that being gay is against God but God made people gay...well, in his mind God made everyone straight and the evil gay people choose that orientation. We know thats not the case. So its black and white. Sounds like Colin....or at least someone from Southern MB anyhow... No, it was a Jets forum. Place just went down hill fast. I much prefer this place. Noeller 1
Fatty Liver Posted May 13, 2014 Report Posted May 13, 2014 I can't even cut and paste in the reply box. Do the moderators know about this problem?
17to85 Posted May 13, 2014 Report Posted May 13, 2014 i dunno, sure what he said was pretty homophobic but you guys are being pretty naive if you can't admit that none of you have ever said or done something stupid. I mean really, maybe its just me and my friends but i doubt it, but... calling each other "gay" has been going on for years, man thats "so gay". whats the difference? the difference is we dont have thousands of followers on twitter or facebook or whatever else. I have a hard time black balling a guy for having an opinion, is this what the world has come too? You can't have a different opinion than someone else? And again in the dont want to say it category, not saying i agree with what he said but you can bet your butt that lots of people do. I just dont like the idea of not brining in a talented player because he said something silly on twitter, even though lots of people im sure agree with him. Again, not saying i agree with what he said, but... he has the right to say it. the difference is when I say **** like that with my friends they know it's just jokes made in bad taste. When you put it out there for the world to see it no longer falls in that being classless amongst friends and becomes "this is what I actually believe" with as many people as you can reach through twitter it just floors me that people say some of the stupid **** they do.
Tracker Posted May 13, 2014 Report Posted May 13, 2014 i dunno, sure what he said was pretty homophobic but you guys are being pretty naive if you can't admit that none of you have ever said or done something stupid. I mean really, maybe its just me and my friends but i doubt it, but... calling each other "gay" has been going on for years, man thats "so gay". whats the difference? the difference is we dont have thousands of followers on twitter or facebook or whatever else. I have a hard time black balling a guy for having an opinion, is this what the world has come too? You can't have a different opinion than someone else? And again in the dont want to say it category, not saying i agree with what he said but you can bet your butt that lots of people do. I just dont like the idea of not brining in a talented player because he said something silly on twitter, even though lots of people im sure agree with him. Again, not saying i agree with what he said, but... he has the right to say it. the difference is when I say **** like that with my friends they know it's just jokes made in bad taste. When you put it out there for the world to see it no longer falls in that being classless amongst friends and becomes "this is what I actually believe" with as many people as you can reach through twitter it just floors me that people say some of the stupid **** they do. Some of us have been infected in childhood with racism and intolerance. Some of us have such low confidence in ourselves that we need to create a class of people we can pretend are below us.
max power Posted May 13, 2014 Report Posted May 13, 2014 It's frustrating to read this stuff when it appears most of you have no idea what the actual Christian position on homosexuality is. You seem to all have a warped view that lets you paint anyone who disagrees with you as a hateful bigot. blueingreenland 1
The Unknown Poster Posted May 13, 2014 Report Posted May 13, 2014 My best friend is gay and he dislikes when people use "thats gay" as an insult. But to his credit he uses it once in awhile to make a joke. So at least he has a sense of humour about it. Those Duck Dynasty dicks should have been cancelled too. The problem with allowing "a little bit" of hatred and intolerance is, it never stops. Zero tolerance is the only way to go in these cases. Which is why Price should be cut. I understand the business aspect of it so I wont eat the Stamps' lunch if they dont cut him. But if they are allowed to, under the CBA, to suspend him for X number of games, I'd love to see that.
The Unknown Poster Posted May 13, 2014 Report Posted May 13, 2014 It's frustrating to read this stuff when it appears most of you have no idea what the actual Christian position on homosexuality is. You seem to all have a warped view that lets you paint anyone who disagrees with you as a hateful bigot. Why dont you enlighten everyone then? I think people are being pretty clear here. No one is attacking Christianity (many of us are chuch goers). But people like Price use Christianity to fan the flames of intolerance. And please done give us the "we love all humans. We just dont love gay acts". Because thats a cop out and bullshit. B-F-F-C 1
The Unknown Poster Posted May 13, 2014 Report Posted May 13, 2014 Baptist position: The Southern Baptist Convention, the largest of the Baptist denominations and the single largest Protestant group in the U.S., considers same-gender sexual behavior to be sinful, stating clearly that its members "affirm God's plan for marriage and sexual intimacy – one man, and one woman, for life. Homosexuality is not a 'valid alternative lifestyle.' The Bible condemns it as sin. It is not, however, an unforgivable sin. The same redemption available to all sinners is available to homosexuals. They, too, may become new creations in Christ."[6] The American Baptist Churches USA (ABCUSA) officially regards homosexual conduct "as incompatible with Biblical teaching";[7] however, there are a number of Baptist churches in the ABCUSA and the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship that have more inclusive views.[8] The Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists, a group of some 50 churches and organizations, is committed to the "full inclusion" of gay and lesbian persons in their churches.[9] The historically African-American denominations of the National Baptist Convention have issued no public statements on homosexuality; however, the National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. does not allow its clergy to officiate at ceremonies for same-sex unions.[10][11]
Tracker Posted May 13, 2014 Report Posted May 13, 2014 It's frustrating to read this stuff when it appears most of you have no idea what the actual Christian position on homosexuality is. You seem to all have a warped view that lets you paint anyone who disagrees with you as a hateful bigot. There is no "Christian" position on homosexuality because of the vast diversity of beliefs with that group which calls itself "Christian". The same holds true for Judaism, Islam and other faiths. Those within the Christian faith who condemn homosexuality do so on the basis of the old testament, and in the new testament, Jesus says categorically that He came to supercede all prior laws with one commandment: Love one another as I have loved you. The Unknown Poster 1
Jimmy Pop Posted May 13, 2014 Report Posted May 13, 2014 It's frustrating to read this stuff when it appears most of you have no idea what the actual Christian position on homosexuality is. You seem to all have a warped view that lets you paint anyone who disagrees with you as a hateful bigot. You, like Price, are confusing the issue to benefit your opinion. The only reason Christianity is being brought up at all is because that was his excuse for hateful speech. See, I can't get away with saying "I like punk music, and therefore I don't associate with blacks" or "I'm a golfer, so screw the gays!" Being part of a religion, like any other group, doesn't give one the right to look down upon others and treat them differently. Price knew if he had tweeted STRICTLY his opinion he would be condemned as a bigot, and he thought the "out" was using religion as an excuse. Thankfully, in 2014 most people see right through it. The Unknown Poster 1
voodoochylde Posted May 13, 2014 Report Posted May 13, 2014 I can't even cut and paste in the reply box. Do the moderators know about this problem? Quote works just fine for me .. cut and paste no issue either .. appears to be limited to IE .. will raise the issue with upper management. /carry on
M.O.A.B. Posted May 13, 2014 Report Posted May 13, 2014 I assume Price is a Christian and obviously he believes in the Bible and may have read something in the Bible about homosexuality. He might have read or heard about this particular verse: 9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Since he believes in what the Bible says, is it WRONG for him to claim what his beliefs is teaching him ? Don't get me wrong: I'm not defending Price here.
Blitzy Posted May 13, 2014 Report Posted May 13, 2014 I assume Price is a Christian and obviously he believes in the Bible and may have read something in the Bible about homosexuality. He might have read or heard about this particular verse: 9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Since he believes in what the Bible says, is it WRONG for him to claim what his beliefs is teaching him ? Don't get me wrong: I'm not defending Price here. Price's jersey has gotta be a blend of fabrics right? Leviticus 19:19 "'Keep my decrees. "'Do not mate different kinds of animals. "'Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed. "'Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material. The Bible is a crock. He can believe what he wants, just don't pick and choose. MOBomberFan 1
The Unknown Poster Posted May 13, 2014 Report Posted May 13, 2014 I assume Price is a Christian and obviously he believes in the Bible and may have read something in the Bible about homosexuality. He might have read or heard about this particular verse: 9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Since he believes in what the Bible says, is it WRONG for him to claim what his beliefs is teaching him ? Don't get me wrong: I'm not defending Price here. It's wrong because it's archaic. And the vast majority of the people who condemn gays and hide behind religion are raging hypocrites. His religious freedom allows him to believe what he wants, go to church be intolerant. It even allows him to publicly express his opinion. But it doesn't supersede Sam's right to his freedom. And it doesn't over ride the fact of homosexuality which also supersedes an ancient book written by man with all their biases. And it doesn't preclude the cfl from expressing their opinion and backing up their rules by fining him.
17to85 Posted May 13, 2014 Report Posted May 13, 2014 I assume Price is a Christian and obviously he believes in the Bible and may have read something in the Bible about homosexuality. He might have read or heard about this particular verse: 9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Since he believes in what the Bible says, is it WRONG for him to claim what his beliefs is teaching him ? Don't get me wrong: I'm not defending Price here. Trouble is the bible is full of contradictions which is why any reasonable Christian will remember one simple thing about their religion... they are followers of Christs teachings so if there's a contradiction in the Bible then the default question should be what would Jesus do? The answer to that of course is to love everyone and judge no one. B-F-F-C and Mark H. 2
blueingreenland Posted May 13, 2014 Report Posted May 13, 2014 I don't understand what all the fuss is about. Price has the right to express his religious freedom - freedom of religion is an inherent right in our charter - Sam has the right to do what he is doing. I didn't see anything hateful in what Price said - he simply disagreed with something (we aren't told what) - disagreeing with something is not necessarily hatred. Even calling something a sin is not hatred. Jesus affirmed marriage was between a man and a woman and he didn't hate anyone.
M.O.A.B. Posted May 13, 2014 Report Posted May 13, 2014 I don't understand what all the fuss is about. Price has the right to express his religious freedom - freedom of religion is an inherent right in our charter - Sam has the right to do what he is doing. I didn't see anything hateful in what Price said - he simply disagreed with something (we aren't told what) - disagreeing with something is not necessarily hatred. Even calling something a sin is not hatred. Jesus affirmed marriage was between a man and a woman and he didn't hate anyone. The reality is not all people believe in Jesus and the Bible.
Logan007 Posted May 13, 2014 Report Posted May 13, 2014 I assume Price is a Christian and obviously he believes in the Bible and may have read something in the Bible about homosexuality. He might have read or heard about this particular verse: 9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Since he believes in what the Bible says, is it WRONG for him to claim what his beliefs is teaching him ? Don't get me wrong: I'm not defending Price here. Price's jersey has gotta be a blend of fabrics right? Leviticus 19:19 "'Keep my decrees. "'Do not mate different kinds of animals. "'Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed. "'Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material. The Bible is a crock. He can believe what he wants, just don't pick and choose. See, now what you just said can be taken as ignorant and hateful. Why is it ok for you to say that about the bible, something billions of people believe in and feel is sacred to them, but it's not ok for Price to say what he did? FYI I have gay friends too, but I find it funny that people get so freaked out when someone says anything against homosexuality, but it's ok to go around blasting people's religions and spiritual beliefs. Mark H. and M.O.A.B. 2
17to85 Posted May 13, 2014 Report Posted May 13, 2014 I don't understand what all the fuss is about. Price has the right to express his religious freedom - freedom of religion is an inherent right in our charter - Freedoms do not work that way.
Jpan85 Posted May 13, 2014 Report Posted May 13, 2014 What gets me creeped out in all these types of statements how much people care what other people do within their own homes and their private lives. Do you need to care that much what people do or are that narcissistic. Logan007, Goalie and Jacquie 3
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