Logan007 Posted May 13, 2014 Report Posted May 13, 2014 What gets me creeped out in all these types of statements how much people care what other people do within their own homes and their private lives. Do you need to care that much what people do or are that narcissistic. I agree with this statement!
The Unknown Poster Posted May 14, 2014 Report Posted May 14, 2014 I don't understand what all the fuss is about. Price has the right to express his religious freedom - freedom of religion is an inherent right in our charter - Sam has the right to do what he is doing. I didn't see anything hateful in what Price said - he simply disagreed with something (we aren't told what) - disagreeing with something is not necessarily hatred. Even calling something a sin is not hatred. Jesus affirmed marriage was between a man and a woman and he didn't hate anyone. So you're cool with the KKK too?
max power Posted May 14, 2014 Report Posted May 14, 2014 I don't understand what all the fuss is about. Price has the right to express his religious freedom - freedom of religion is an inherent right in our charter - Sam has the right to do what he is doing. I didn't see anything hateful in what Price said - he simply disagreed with something (we aren't told what) - disagreeing with something is not necessarily hatred. Even calling something a sin is not hatred. Jesus affirmed marriage was between a man and a woman and he didn't hate anyone. So you're cool with the KKK too? Give it a rest. You're clearly being more "hateful" than any of these football players tweets.
M.O.A.B. Posted May 14, 2014 Report Posted May 14, 2014 I assume Price is a Christian and obviously he believes in the Bible and may have read something in the Bible about homosexuality. He might have read or heard about this particular verse: 9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Since he believes in what the Bible says, is it WRONG for him to claim what his beliefs is teaching him ? Don't get me wrong: I'm not defending Price here. Price's jersey has gotta be a blend of fabrics right? Leviticus 19:19 "'Keep my decrees. "'Do not mate different kinds of animals. "'Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed. "'Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material. The Bible is a crock. He can believe what he wants, just don't pick and choose. You taken that verse out of context. Leviticus 19:19 was a part of the commandments given by God thru Moses specifically for the Levites - the Israelites clan assigned to minister in the temple (priests). The verse I quote is from the letter of Paul to the followers of Christs (Christians). max power 1
JuranBoldenRules Posted May 14, 2014 Report Posted May 14, 2014 I assume Price is a Christian and obviously he believes in the Bible and may have read something in the Bible about homosexuality. He might have read or heard about this particular verse: 9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 I'm looking forward to the tweets this season..."My faith won't let me accept my teammate doing immoral things with a girl who isn't his wife #adulterer" Jacquie and MOBomberFan 2
Goalie Posted May 14, 2014 Report Posted May 14, 2014 the only thing i dislike in this topic is the use of the word bigot, calling people bigots for having a different opinion than you on a subject is actually being a bigot yourself.
The Unknown Poster Posted May 14, 2014 Report Posted May 14, 2014 the only thing i dislike in this topic is the use of the word bigot, calling people bigots for having a different opinion than you on a subject is actually being a bigot yourself. Not really. Calling a bigot a bigot is just sort of accurate.
Brandon Posted May 14, 2014 Report Posted May 14, 2014 I just read the tweet I don't see why people are making a big deal? So he hates gays its his right to have an opinion. Free speech is a right it wasn't like he was spreading hate or trying to cause trouble. Guess what, I hate people who do drugs. Does that mean what I believe in is wrong or right and that I should be labelled a hater because some people don't think its wrong to get high? Yeesh people are such ******* these days its sad that players have to tip toe and can't express themselves. I have no problems about gay players or gay hater players... I watch football and its pretty sad if the general public have to take great concerns over what a guy who carries a ball down a field says. Now if it was the prime minister or mayor or someone who can actually influence the lives of the general public then at that point I can see why they would be scrutinized. I think most players who use twitter should be fined for bastardizing the English language. Just my two cents.
The Unknown Poster Posted May 14, 2014 Report Posted May 14, 2014 I just read the tweet I don't see why people are making a big deal? So he hates gays its his right to have an opinion. Free speech is a right it wasn't like he was spreading hate or trying to cause trouble. Guess what, I hate people who do drugs. Does that mean what I believe in is wrong or right and that I should be labelled a hater because some people don't think its wrong to get high? Yeesh people are such ******* these days its sad that players have to tip toe and can't express themselves. I have no problems about gay players or gay hater players... I watch football and its pretty sad if the general public have to take great concerns over what a guy who carries a ball down a field says. Now if it was the prime minister or mayor or someone who can actually influence the lives of the general public then at that point I can see why they would be scrutinized. I think most players who use twitter should be fined for bastardizing the English language. Just my two cents. Wow. Just....wow.
Brandon Posted May 14, 2014 Report Posted May 14, 2014 What I read said that his tweet said no Adam and Steve. What's the big deal with that? Being a wrestling guy why don't you criticize so many of the old WWE talent who did and said so many bad things. Forget not about the Warrior who really hated gays? What about all the wrestlers who did weird stuff (rape/molest) an under age Jason Sensation.... I think that stuff is light years worse then saying that you are religious and don't believe.
The Unknown Poster Posted May 14, 2014 Report Posted May 14, 2014 Are you really suggesting that I can't be a wrestling fan because some wrestlers have been bad people? There are felons throughout pro sports. Does that mean none of us can be fans of sports? I'm all for a debate on wrestling but there's a thread for that. By all means make this post there and I'll be happy to discuss it. The problem here is, change references to "gay" to references to "women" or "blacks" etc. Would that be okay because it's "just his opinion". I understand that some people haven't embraced equality for gays yet so too often tacit intolerance is tolerated. It shouldn't be. If price said "nothing person but blacks and whites shouldn't marry" would we all shrug? I guarantee he's be in even more trouble. We as a people need to snuff out this sort of intolerance whether it's blatant or subtle.
Brandon Posted May 14, 2014 Report Posted May 14, 2014 If you were to say that then at that point I can formulate my own opinion and think that you are a ding dong and then move on with life. I don't see why people take to heart what a football players opinion is. I wasn't aware that a receiver for a CFL team's opinion carries so much weight in the general public. Their are millions of twitter accounts and I can safely assume that many of those accounts of ******* spouting racist / homophobic / overall dumb opinions. You don't see a witch hunt going after each single person who says something stupid do you? I just don't see why Mo Price's opinion means anything at all? Let him make himself look like a moron , he's only hurting himself. If you don't like Mo Price's opinion then you know you can easily just ignore his twitter account. If you hate gay people... then you could easily ignore Michael Sam's twitter account.
The Unknown Poster Posted May 14, 2014 Report Posted May 14, 2014 Yes I understand that. But he represents the team and the league so they have a responsibility to act on behalf of everyone who doesn't share a backwards opinion.
Adrenaline_x Posted May 14, 2014 Report Posted May 14, 2014 If you are going to quote or disect the tweet, atleast quote it “My faith won’t allow me to ACCEPT what took place over the weekend! Sorry, NOT sorry! #AdamAndEve #NotAdamAndAdam.” http://www.calgaryherald.com/sports/football/calgary-stampeders/Canadian+Football+League+fines/9835757/story.html I agree with same sex marriage and gay (lesbian, transgendered etc) rights. But i don't see anything wrong with the tweet.. Maybe he should not have said anything at all, but really he didnt say anything derogatory or slanderous or try 'to create/spread hatred. His faith doesn't allow for same sex marriage. Believes in adam and eve and not adam and adam. Cool. he is welcome to his opinion and he wasn't attacking the dude.. Just doesn't agree in his life choices. If he was saying he doesn't believe he should have been drafted, then thats a different issue. The issue i have with religious people using the bible to denounce same sex marriage is that these same people believe God has a set path and uses divine intervention to cause all sorts of things. Children, who were baptized in their own church come out later as being gay.. Now.. see... if god made these people the way they are and has this plan for them, and could stop and change their sexuality, then why hasn't he (god)? People are blinded by their religion and look to it or hide behind it when things make them uncomfortable. Do i like watching two guys make out? no.. It kind of grossed me out .. But the thing is, that's MY Issue/ I need to deal with, not them and they should be free to be whoever they are.. that's the whole point of living in a free country where you are protected from being prosecuted. Brandon 1
Brandon Posted May 14, 2014 Report Posted May 14, 2014 Yes I understand that. But he represents the team and the league so they have a responsibility to act on behalf of everyone who doesn't share a backwards opinion. If the league is so picky on having a squeaky image then why don't they put larger fines/bans on people who get in trouble with the law and/or who do unethical things off the field? Kind of hypocritical in my books. And technically the sheer amount of Catholics around the world would suggest that your opinion would be the backward opinion. And trust me those crazy Catholics are quite convinced that they are right and that anyone else opinion means they are the devil. Who is to say who is right and wrong?
Jacquie Posted May 14, 2014 Report Posted May 14, 2014 If the league is so picky on having a squeaky image then why don't they put larger fines/bans on people who get in trouble with the law and/or who do unethical things off the field? Kind of hypocritical in my books. As I'm sure you know the CBA limits amounts of fines and what actions can result in fines and/or suspensions. And there have been many times when players have been released due to off field trouble. There is only so much the League can do.
iso_55 Posted May 14, 2014 Report Posted May 14, 2014 I assume Price is a Christian and obviously he believes in the Bible and may have read something in the Bible about homosexuality. He might have read or heard about this particular verse: 9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Since he believes in what the Bible says, is it WRONG for him to claim what his beliefs is teaching him ? Don't get me wrong: I'm not defending Price here. Trouble is the bible is full of contradictions which is why any reasonable Christian will remember one simple thing about their religion... they are followers of Christs teachings so if there's a contradiction in the Bible then the default question should be what would Jesus do? The answer to that of course is to love everyone and judge no one. That's probably the best answer I have read on any website in years. Well done, 17.
The Unknown Poster Posted May 14, 2014 Report Posted May 14, 2014 Defending his tweet as "his opinion" or "defending his faith" or "not that bad" is subtle acceptance of intolerance. You simply cant do that. If his faith didnt accept people of ethnic minorities would be okay? I really question the internal beliefs of people who make excuses for people or behaviour like this. If you "understand" why Price cant "accept" a gay player or a gay person kissing his boyfriend, then I can only shake my head. It isnt religious freedom to be intolerant of others. As for why the league doesnt crack down on others for bad behavious, hey take it up with the league. Its not reasonable to excuse Price because there are other bad guys in the league. Unfortunately, thugs and criminals are somewhat accepted in pro sports. But spreading this sort of anti-gay nonsense is not and should not be accepted. Sam coming out is a brave thing. He's a guy people might look back on as a pioneer for gay rights, a guy who put himself out there. When we look at what people have said in public about him, imagine the crap he's been subjected to privately. He's standing up for his rights and taking lumps so that others might not have to. We should celebrate that and stand up for him. This isnt a battle between religious freedom and individual freedom. But it's interesting how the religious people that speak out against gays get their backs up about their religion coming under "attack" when people speak out against them. Can't have it both ways. Heard a great video on the radio last night. it was a mock discussion between a father and son where the father was sitting his son down to talk about the uproar over Sam. Father says some people are very upset with this NFL player. Son says why, did he beat his wife? Father says no that was so-so who plays for X team. Conversation goes on like that as the son mentions every felon in the NFL and when the father says no its because he's gay, son says so? Sums it up nicely.
Brandon Posted May 14, 2014 Report Posted May 14, 2014 And I agree, but on the same note is Mo Price a bad guy for not having your beliefs? Do you consider Mo a felon??
MOBomberFan Posted May 14, 2014 Report Posted May 14, 2014 I don't see anyone calling Mo Price criminal, just an ignorant *******. Mo Price is being skewered for being intolerant towards homosexuality, nothing more. It's okay to be gay. Well, Mo disagrees, and he's prepared to let everyone know. Mo is wrong, and deserves the flak he receives. It's a shame to boil a persons character down to 140 characters or less, but it's even more shameful to use what little fame he has to spread negativity towards homosexuals, and even more-so to do it in the name of Christianity. That's exactly what happened here, intentional or not. Every morning on Twitter, Alex Suber thanks god for another day, so I'll go out on a limb and say he's a practicing Christian. I don't know how he feels about the whole situation, but I do know he somehow managed to refrain from publicly expressing his disgust at a dude kissing another dude, and then try to justify his position by hiding behind his bible. Mo should take note. blitzmore, SPuDS and The Unknown Poster 3
TBURGESS Posted May 14, 2014 Report Posted May 14, 2014 I'll never understand why it's anyone else's business where two consenting adults find love. It's really simple, if you don't want to see 2 men or 2 women kissing, then look away. The Unknown Poster, holoman and robynjt 3
The Unknown Poster Posted May 14, 2014 Report Posted May 14, 2014 And I agree, but on the same note is Mo Price a bad guy for not having your beliefs? Do you consider Mo a felon?? No. Mo Price isnt a bad guy for not sharing my beliefs. Mo is a bad guy for being against gay rights and for publicly expressing an opinion that spreads hate towards gays. And Im not even saying he;s a bad guy. But he is an ignorant guy. Hopefully the reaction towards him and whatever his team and team mates do results in him reconsidering his position, opening his eyes and changing his view.
Brandon Posted May 14, 2014 Report Posted May 14, 2014 The ones who claim others are ignorant are even more ignorant and close minded.... Its like the inception of ignorance lol! max power and Adrenaline_x 2
MOBomberFan Posted May 14, 2014 Report Posted May 14, 2014 The ones who claim others are ignorant are even more ignorant and close minded.... Its like the inception of ignorance lol! Yes, my posts have been full of closed-minded bigotry. I should be ashamed of my actions. The Unknown Poster and SPuDS 2
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