The Unknown Poster Posted June 6, 2014 Report Posted June 6, 2014 (edited) Second season of Orange is the New Black launched today. Anyone else into this? I have to admit to being a bit of a TV/movie-phile. I generally buy Blu-Rays when there's a movie I want to see rather than just watching it on PPV or In-demand (I like to collect). Premium TV has really been leading a creative resurgence in recent years, probably dating back to The Sopranos. Its nice that Netflix has become a legitimate competitor for HBO (which puts out some really great shows like Sopranos, Deadwood, Boardwalk Empire, True Blood etc). House of Cards was tremendous. While cable channels like AMC are getting in on the act, I annoys me a bit. The Walking Dead would be so much better on Netflix or HBO where they could truly appeal to adults (HBO passed on The Walking Dead when Thomas Jane was attached). As for Orange, it took me a few episodes to get into last season but Im looking forward to banging out a few episodes tonight. As an aside, for you Trekies, it was recently the 20th anniversary of the finale of TNG, one of the best Series' Finales in TV history. Edited February 5, 2018 by The Unknown Poster Angelkoran 1
The Unknown Poster Posted June 8, 2014 Author Report Posted June 8, 2014 Hmmmm no fans eh? Half way through the new season of Orange and it's better than last season.
TBURGESS Posted June 8, 2014 Report Posted June 8, 2014 I'm an Orange is the new black fan and I've watched the first 2 of season 2. Good stuff so far.
The Unknown Poster Posted June 9, 2014 Author Report Posted June 9, 2014 Im through Episode 10 of Season Two and it doesnt disappoint. As funny as it can be, it ramps up the drama at the right points. I think my only negative so far was a couple of the flashbacks where you have to suspend disbelief a bit to accept the actors as they are today portraying themselves from years ago. In some cases (like Rosa who has been in jail a very long time), they recast the younger selves. I also like that they are cognizent to show subtle thing about characters that arent part of a major storyline in that episode. For example, on visit day, they will drop in for a few seconds on a character visiting (or talking on the phone) and it doesnt mean anything to the larger story but provides a sense of on-going interest and realism in the characters. Im actually surprised I like this show as much as I do. And two huge thumbs up to Netflix for maintaining their policy of releasing the entire season at once. Netflix has been on the cutting edge of a TV revolution and they continue to do so. I saw an interview with their Programming Director and he said while some people will binge watch all 13 episodes immediately most people just "watch at their own pace" which might be one episode per week but probably means a couple episodes here and there. Its the way it should be. I recall reading years ago that HBO was determined to create programs like The Sopranos because they found subscriptions jumped for that show and then people cancelled. So HBO makes sure to have at least one popular show per quarter. Netflix doesnt seem to have that problem, but is priced so competitively its prbably something people dont think of cancelling. It pains me to have to wait a week to watch the next epsisode of Game of Thrones. When True Blood returns next week, same thing. Netflix has made that passe. I think PVR's have contributed to that viewing habit too. How many shows do you watch live? I rarely, if ever, watch live programming.
17to85 Posted June 9, 2014 Report Posted June 9, 2014 It pains me to have to wait a week to watch the next epsisode of Game of Thrones. try being a reader of the books that series is based on. Waiting a week for new episodes is nothing compared to waiting 6 years for a new book to come out. but you are quite right, we are living in an on demand world these days. People want what they want on their own terms and don't want to follow someone elses schedule.
The Unknown Poster Posted June 9, 2014 Author Report Posted June 9, 2014 I actually hate Fantasy. i thought the Lord of the Rings films were terribly boring. I saw The Hobbit (mostly because they were playing a preview for Star Trek Into Darkness) and as beautiful as it looked, it was just ridiculous and boring. its just non-sensical kids babbling turned into big budget movies. But Game of Thrones I *do* like. Its more adult with contemporary influences. It's far more relatable. If anyone is interested in the business of Netflix, I highly recommend the book Netflixed. Tells the story of the rise of Netflix AND the fall of Blockbuster (the two were very closely related). Also touches on Redbox (which was originally conceived as a spin-off of Netflix). I was never interested in Netflix as a DVD rental service, only as a streaming service. But the story is remarkable. Eventually everything is going to be over-the-top (ie. internet delivered) and Netflix is on the cutting edge of that. Networks need to figure it out. HBO, like Netflix, does not reply on advertising revenue so they have no excuse for maintaining their old-school thinking (other than not wanting to "follow" netflix). HBO is somewhat different in that they deliver content mostly in the traditional sense. But they have an in-demand service also. If I'm them, I'm taking a program (like True Blood or Boardwalk Empire) and I'm experimenting with a new delivery model. Debut the series in the traditional sense and as soon as the first episode is over, have the rest of the season on the in-demand service. See what that does to subscribers. Im willing to bet it wont impact them in a negative way and that viewership numbers for the traditional weekly episode will still be "strong". Either way, it doesnt matter. As long as people dont cancel, which they wont because most people dont binge watch.
Mike Posted June 9, 2014 Report Posted June 9, 2014 My girlfriend has been watching Orange is the New Black and I've been thinking about getting into it. Seems like my kind of show. Last couple of series I watched were Sons of Anarchy (twice) and I actually went and downloaded Oz too, even though it's old. Stuff like Game of Thrones isn't for me, I'm not a big fantasy fan.
The Unknown Poster Posted June 9, 2014 Author Report Posted June 9, 2014 My girlfriend has been watching Orange is the New Black and I've been thinking about getting into it. Seems like my kind of show. Last couple of series I watched were Sons of Anarchy (twice) and I actually went and downloaded Oz too, even though it's old. Stuff like Game of Thrones isn't for me, I'm not a big fantasy fan. Im very interested in trying Ozz. How is it? Orange's viewership skews younger and more female than House of Cards for obvious reasons. But Orange isn't *just* for women though it deals with Women in prison and problems women face. Its actually remarkable to have a series with virtually all the leads and supporting characters are women and most of them are non-white. Tell me what traditional network would ever have taken a chance on a show like that? It's worth checking out. But give it three of four episodes before you decide either way. It took me three episodes to decide I liked it. Now I love it.
Brandon Posted June 9, 2014 Report Posted June 9, 2014 Silicon Valley.. A great show for computer nerds like myself. kelownabomberfan, jetsbruinsbomberspats and Chaosmonkey 3
Mike Posted June 9, 2014 Report Posted June 9, 2014 Oz was really interesting. Very good cast. For a series as old as it is, I'd say it was ahead of its time a bit. I'll let you decide for yourself as far as the storyline goes, but they did a good job with that IMO.
The Unknown Poster Posted June 9, 2014 Author Report Posted June 9, 2014 Im still in the corner of The Sopranos as the best dramatic TV series of all time, even though the creater got too cute at times and fumbled the ending. But from a pure storytelling perspective, Boardwalk Empire is better. The creator of BE is Terence Winters, one of the main writers/producers of The Sopranos and you can certainly see a lot of familar stories and themes. But whereas The Sopranos would set things up and then swerve you, BW 'goes there'. Its fantastic. Winters admitted he had a guest role for James Gandolfini had he lived which would have been the best stunt casting in a long time, made only better if he actually played Tony Sopranos' great grandfather or something. Californication is a Showtime series which is currently in its final season and experiencing a bit of a revival from a couple of lackluster seasons. I always found the loss of Mia as a regular character hurt the show (though Im in the minority among my friends) as I thought she was the most layered character and the engine that drove the main plots. But I suggest watching the series if you like adult comedies (past seasons are on Netflix). David Duchovny is tremendous and seemingly ageless. As an aside, both Duchovny and Gillian Anderson both look so good, its a travesty we havent got another X-Files film. Forget the last one, make a GOOD one. In fact, with the recent revival of sci-fi, Im surprised Fox hasnt revived the entire series. Enough time has passed to make it make sense that a young FBI agent who idolized Muldur comes along to re-open the X-files. Anderson is on Hannibal (I think) as a guest star so she could surely be had. Duchovny would surely do it, especially if its a smaller committment. Skinner is a regular on Dallas so his schedule would likely allow. Dallas is actually a really good show too. But I digress...
17to85 Posted June 9, 2014 Report Posted June 9, 2014 I actually hate Fantasy. i thought the Lord of the Rings films were terribly boring. I saw The Hobbit (mostly because they were playing a preview for Star Trek Into Darkness) and as beautiful as it looked, it was just ridiculous and boring. its just non-sensical kids babbling turned into big budget movies. But Game of Thrones I *do* like. Its more adult with contemporary influences. It's far more relatable. Judging all fantasy based on Tolkien is a horrible idea. Tolkien wrote boring as hell stories with flat one dimensional characters. Seriously I have tried 3 times to read the lord of the rings and the hobbit but I can't get through them because the guy just wrote terribly boring ****. Game of Thrones represents the direction the genre has taken in recent times though. Yeah there's still the classic fantasy elements but they are a far cry from the stereotypical juvenile stuff of yesteryear. The Unknown Poster 1
sweep the leg Posted June 9, 2014 Report Posted June 9, 2014 Oz was really interesting. Very good cast. For a series as old as it is, I'd say it was ahead of its time a bit. I'll let you decide for yourself as far as the storyline goes, but they did a good job with that IMO. Oz was really good, or at least I thought it was when I watched it back then. I'd be interested in watching it again to see how well it's held up over time.
Mr Dee Posted June 9, 2014 Report Posted June 9, 2014 Oz, back then, was easily, one of the best shows on TV. Solid acting and scripts that weren't afraid to push the storyline. But, be advised, it may not be for everyone. One of my all time favourites, it was so engaging.
Mark F Posted June 9, 2014 Report Posted June 9, 2014 If you are a fan of the stones, sting, and Phil Spectre's sixties music, you will enjoy "twenty feet from stardom" which is a documentary about the singers that backed up the stars in those days. like Merry Clayton, who sang the female vocal part in gimme shelter. also, George Gently, British crime tv series is really good. is there anywhere where a listing of all available netflix shows is published? for those that like science fiction "prometheus", prequel to Alien, (director ridley scott, ) is outstanding.
Brandon Posted June 9, 2014 Report Posted June 9, 2014 Prometheus was a bit to dull and dry and predictable. The short bits they had filmed and released before the movies release were much much more interesting then the final product.
robynjt Posted June 9, 2014 Report Posted June 9, 2014 I have to get around to watching Orange is the new Black, the SO watched s01 in a day and I haven't had the time to watch the first season without him. Still haven't really watched the second season of House of Cards either, just too busy to marathon that ****. I remember Oz, seems like that was ages ago... I do love that Netflix gives me the opportunity to watch seasons of old shows that I love (X Files, Buffy, Angel) - although it makes me bitter than I now have useless DVD's sitting on my shelf. See, I can't read fantasy at all, but recently started listening to GoT on audiobook at work. Much easier to listen to and I can tune out the.. less than exciting parts. I got impatient waiting for the show each week. I haven't gotten around to Sopranos either, something I want to do eventually...
OldSchoolBlue Posted June 9, 2014 Report Posted June 9, 2014 I know it gets lots of hype on most 'best of tv' type threads but I haven't seen it mentioned here yet, The Wire is bloody outstanding. Blue-urns and blitzmore 2
robynjt Posted June 9, 2014 Report Posted June 9, 2014 Hannibal is pretty fantastic. It will be interesting to see what they do next season now. I do watch a lot of TV, not a lot of is amazing and worth recommending these days.
johnzo Posted June 9, 2014 Report Posted June 9, 2014 HBO, like Netflix, does not reply on advertising revenue so they have no excuse for maintaining their old-school thinking HBO is owned by Time Warner Cable, which is not exactly a forward-thinking organization.
The Unknown Poster Posted June 9, 2014 Author Report Posted June 9, 2014 I've heard great things about The Wire. Will have to eventually check it out. The GF loves Hannibal, but I never got into it. The lead actor is suitably creepy though. I wasnt a fan of Prometheus. Loved the concept but I thought it was dull and needlessly "mysterious". its one thing to be thought provoking and leave some things unanswered, but it was confusing when it didnt need to be. I will point out that I believe it was written by Damon Lindelof, the guy many fans accuse of ruining Star Trek Into Darkness and Lost. Lost is on NEtflix. I watched it a couple of years ago for the first time. What a complete clusterf*ck of epic proportions. It actually insults me that the writers cared so little that they didnt bother to know where they were going. They've admitted as such. And one can certainly see it in the quality of the show as it progressed. The only thing keeping Lost going was the actors. Though I will say I found the finale very satsifying in how it ended (not so much the Island stuff).
The Unknown Poster Posted June 9, 2014 Author Report Posted June 9, 2014 HBO, like Netflix, does not reply on advertising revenue so they have no excuse for maintaining their old-school thinking HBO is owned by Time Warner Cable, which is not exactly a forward-thinking organization. The funny thing is, you could make the case that HBO revolutionized TV viewing to a degree with shows like The Sopranos. It made quality adult dramas cool. It made premium TV more than just sports events and old movies. But Netflix is taking the HBO model and totally turning it on it's head. if Im HBO, im launching an App (if they dont have one...I watch it traditionally) and make it in the mold of Netflix. What does HBO cost in the US, $16/month? Something like that? I think it's $18 or so here but you get three channels, no? Anyway, charge $8 for an over-the-top delivery of everything you see on the traditional channel with the added hook that if you subscribe to OTT, you get their original TV shows fully released on day one of launch. if they did that it *might* convince to actually drop my movie channel subscription and subscribe directly. Cut out the middle man = probably more profit in their pockets. At worse, it might make be subscribe to both, at least for those months when they have a show I dont want to wait for (like Boardwalk, True Blood, Game of Thrones etc).
MOBomberFan Posted June 9, 2014 Report Posted June 9, 2014 Hannibal is pretty fantastic. It will be interesting to see what they do next season now. I do watch a lot of TV, not a lot of is amazing and worth recommending these days. I haven't even finished season 1 and I'm sure hooked. I had seen Mads Mikkelsen in Casino Royale and Valhalla Rising and thought he was great, and he really holds up as a spooky Hannibal. I don't watch TV often, but when I do I usually binge out on a few seasons of something. For things you can get on Netlfix right now... if you somehow haven't seen Archer and like rapid fire witty-yet-crude comedy you should definitely see it. Firefly is an excellent western-flavored Sci-Fi from by Joss Whedon (Buffy, Avengers, etc.) Newer Netflix stuff... my wife really likes 'The 100', sort of a post apocalyptic drama where 100 survivors orbiting Earth are sent back to see if the world is habitable after however many hundreds of years following a nuke war (I assume). The new From Dusk Til Dawn puts a lot of effort into telling a bigger better story than the Clooney/Tarantino movie ever did, but it still retains all of the cheesiness somehow. Wilmer Valderama and Jake Busey (!!!) are in it so you know it's really good,
robynjt Posted June 9, 2014 Report Posted June 9, 2014 See, I'm a Buffy/Angel fangirl. I liked Firefly, but definitely wasn't obsessed with it like many, and Dollhouse was super meh. Archer was one of the ones where our DVD's now sit collecting dust. The bf loves the Xbox's option to buy tv series so we bought the latest one of that which was an epic disappointment. For a light hearted comedy, I recommend Psych (dvds collecting dust again...) which is now on Netflix save for the last season or two again. I really wish Pushing Daisies was on Netflix, that was a short lived series I wouldn't mind seeing again. I tried to get into From Dusk til Dawn but the first couple episodes didn't really get me hooked. I love anything horror related though, so maybe over the summer I'll get more into it. Haven't heard anyone raving about 100 so haven't watched it, but maybe I will.
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