sweep the leg Posted June 13, 2014 Report Posted June 13, 2014 Sounds like Hudak is out. I don't know that I've seen an election, in a truly democratic country, with worse candidates that what you had to choose from.
RagingIce Posted June 13, 2014 Report Posted June 13, 2014 Hudak is a complete tool. Not a surprising result considering the stigma the NDP has.
rebusrankin Posted June 13, 2014 Report Posted June 13, 2014 As bad as Hudak campaign, how the bleep do you reelect such a corrupt bunch of incompetants?
iso_55 Posted June 13, 2014 Report Posted June 13, 2014 As bad as Hudak campaign, how the bleep do you reelect such a corrupt bunch of incompetants? And in Alberta, the Tories are rejoicing.... rebusrankin 1
bluto Posted June 13, 2014 Author Report Posted June 13, 2014 my Facebook status for the next 24 hours... we'll see how many "friends" vanish off my list... they lied to you... then they lied about lying to you... they stole BILLIONS from you and then they stole BILLIONS more and they gave it to their friends... they mortgaged your children and grandchildren's futures with mounting debt and a cripplingly expensive government that we simply can't afford and they accuse you of being heartless when you suggest we find ways to save money... they were elected time and again by fatcat unions and special interests who now again are owed favours in the form of raises and benefits that private sector workers can't even dream of... you have access to the same information we all have and were gifted by nature with the wits to process that information and act responsibly based on it... AND YOU STILL VOTED FOR THEM AGAIN... i'm done pretending to respect your opinion. you're either just too blinded by your ideology to allow for critical thinking to overule your biases or too damn stupid to be allowed to vote. rebusrankin, iso_55, blitzmore and 1 other 4
The Unknown Poster Posted June 13, 2014 Report Posted June 13, 2014 As much as I love politics I have not followed this at all. Someone recap the key points for me please. One thing I do know is my union interjected last week and that's usually a bad sign
JuranBoldenRules Posted June 13, 2014 Report Posted June 13, 2014 As bad as Hudak campaign, how the bleep do you reelect such a corrupt bunch of incompetants? When the alternative is someone who is going to cut 100,000 jobs to create 1,000,000 jobs. The Ontario PC's are as incompetent as the PC's here in terms of putting together a legitimate platform and election strategy. You'd think some of these provincial parties would see Harper and the Federal Conservatives strategies and take some advice. Be the wolf, but at least put on sheep's clothing until you get power.
Mark H. Posted June 13, 2014 Report Posted June 13, 2014 The best of a shitty lot got re-elected. I have to agree with JBR. The PC's tried to run with an NDP lite campaign last election - it failed miserably. I for one will not be surprised if the NDP wins the next MB. election as well.
JuranBoldenRules Posted June 13, 2014 Report Posted June 13, 2014 The best of a shitty lot got re-elected. I have to agree with JBR. The PC's tried to run with an NDP lite campaign last election - it failed miserably. I for one will not be surprised if the NDP wins the next MB. election as well. Pallister is also the wrong guy to win them votes in Winnipeg, where they need to win votes, but they don't have a lot of options.
rebusrankin Posted June 13, 2014 Report Posted June 13, 2014 See I agree that Hudak ran a foolish campaign, disagree on Wynne being the best of a shitty lot. Ontario is screwed for the next five years. bluto 1
Mark H. Posted June 13, 2014 Report Posted June 13, 2014 The best of a shitty lot got re-elected. I have to agree with JBR. The PC's tried to run with an NDP lite campaign last election - it failed miserably. I for one will not be surprised if the NDP wins the next MB. election as well. Pallister is also the wrong guy to win them votes in Winnipeg, where they need to win votes, but they don't have a lot of options. He may swing some of the rural ridings that are currently NDP (Interlake, Gimli, et. al.) but Winnipeg will stay about the same. More votes from rural folk in Tory strongholds will not get them anywhere.
The Unknown Poster Posted June 13, 2014 Report Posted June 13, 2014 It will be difficult for the NDP to win here I think but nothing would surprise me. They have the advantage of being able to announce a ton of feel good goodies for people to try and buy votes whereas the PC's will be talking about cutting spending. Without knowing much I find it incredulous that Ontario re-elected a party that put them so far in debt. But when you talk about belt tightening in cocking public sector jobs you will make an enemy of the unions. The unions wouldn't care if the province went bankrupt as long as they protected their jobs. rebusrankin 1
Mark H. Posted June 13, 2014 Report Posted June 13, 2014 . But when you talk about belt tightening in cocking public sector jobs you will make an enemy of the unions. The unions wouldn't care if the province went bankrupt as long as they protected their jobs. Well, that would defeat the purpose of a union if they took any other approach. Let's not pretend governments wouldn't take full advantage of them if they did. If a government isn't happy with a contract, they shouldn't sign off on the bloody thing.
JuranBoldenRules Posted June 13, 2014 Report Posted June 13, 2014 It will be difficult for the NDP to win here I think but nothing would surprise me. They have the advantage of being able to announce a ton of feel good goodies for people to try and buy votes whereas the PC's will be talking about cutting spending. Without knowing much I find it incredulous that Ontario re-elected a party that put them so far in debt. But when you talk about belt tightening in cocking public sector jobs you will make an enemy of the unions. The unions wouldn't care if the province went bankrupt as long as they protected their jobs. The unions would care if the government went bankrupt because the first creditor that would get screwed in bankruptcy are the pension funds, that goes for public and private sector when it comes to companies/governments going bankrupt. The logic and reality behind Hudak's jobs campaign were both hugely lacking, and he didn't present it in a palatable way either. How can you cut 100,000 well paying jobs and not sink your economy? Not your provincial government budget, but the actual economy? blueandgoldguy 1
iso_55 Posted June 13, 2014 Report Posted June 13, 2014 Talk about public unions, the BC Teachers Federation is on strike again. They are always on strike. That is one union that needs to have legislation so they can't strike because they abuse the collective bargaining process everytime & walk.
Zontar Posted June 13, 2014 Report Posted June 13, 2014 Summertime and the livin is easy. A message of fiscal sanity is never a winner when people think things are just fine. Fat, rotten union salaries create that illusion and sense of entitlement. Liberals think they've won . When the bill comes in they'll soon wish they were in oppositon.
RagingIce Posted June 13, 2014 Report Posted June 13, 2014 Talk about public unions, the BC Teachers Federation is on strike again. They are always on strike. That is one union that needs to have legislation so they can't strike because they abuse the collective bargaining process everytime & walk. That's not really true. They've been without a contract for over a year while the BC government has been yanking them around. The BC supreme court even ruled that the government's negotiation tactics were unconstitutional. Mr Dee 1
sweep the leg Posted June 13, 2014 Report Posted June 13, 2014 All you guys & your rants against unions, specifically government unions. I'm with the Feds & I haven't had a raise in years. The government re-opened our collective agreement & changed the terms in the middle of contract. I'll never argue that we don't have good pensions, but it's not exactly like we're all living the high life on our current salaries. In all of Winnipeg you could probably count the number of employees making over $100k with just your fingers & a couple of toes. An accounting designation is required for my job & I have nine years of experience, yet I make quite a bit less than that. There are people in my office who have worked most of their life in government and are making >60k, and that's with university degrees.
Nasty Nate Posted June 13, 2014 Report Posted June 13, 2014 Fire away. We frickin' deserve it. Not a very attractive slate of leaders if I must say. Jane Lynch, Jr. knocked out The Hood (Hudak). The most attractive candidate (Andrea Horvath, NDP) sounds like tweety-bird with a bar of soap stuck in her larnyx. Keeps repeating the same statement.
Nasty Nate Posted June 13, 2014 Report Posted June 13, 2014 Other thing about polls. Sounds like many parties are telling their volunteers and campaign grunts to mislead the pollsters when getting polled. Tell them you're voting for the other party. Whichever one makes more sense to create over-confidence and changing campaign stragegies. Probably will happen in Manitoba as Pallister thinks he's so far ahead of Greg Selinger that he assumes he'll take office in 18 months to two years. I think his lead will close rapidly, particularly on election day as "Polling Liars" suddenly go against their declarations.
The Unknown Poster Posted June 13, 2014 Report Posted June 13, 2014 I cant speak to Federal unions but I used to work for the Provincial government and I currently work for a company that used to be a crown corporation. In the former, we were well paid but not out of this world. Working conditions were okay but not luxurious. There was a ton of OT whereas they could have run the operation more efficiently but so be it. The benefit was a really good full pension for most people at 45 years old (if I recall correctly). Thats the real benefit to a government job. In my current position, we can likely thank our former status as a crown corp for good wages (I find that the entry level wages are very good to the extent that anyone who is 18, 19, 20 years old looking for work should be looking to work here as it's almost double minimum wage and then that evens out as you get to my level). We have a good pension though they changed the pension for new hires a few years ago to the more common private sector type. I think i can retire when Im 56. So its decent but nothing outrageous. As far as Unions go, I believe they have a place. But I believe many of them (mine included) are stuck in the past. They dont want to change. I dont want my union influences political outcomes because the union (as they keep telling us) is OURS and influencing political outcomes is not representative of US. Leadership might argue it benefits the union as a whole to have an NDP (or Liberal) government rather than PC one but thats a personal decision for every voter. Nothing annoys me more than UNINFORMED voters and what unions do is influence a lot of people who either had no intention of voting or have no real clue as to the major issues to vote the way they want. I'd be happy if my union stayed out of politics and simply worked in the best interests of the membership.
sweep the leg Posted June 13, 2014 Report Posted June 13, 2014 I'd be happy if my union stayed out of politics and simply worked in the best interests of the membership. I couldn't agree more with this. It drives me nuts when I get NDP propaganda from our union.
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