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Goltz Named Starter For Rest Of Season


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Buck's demotion isnt about injuries.  Sure, he had that abdomen injury but he dressed the following week.  Goltz got hurt his first start.  This about playing ability and I agree Buck has not played up to snuff but this team has been flat lousy around him too.


What was that stat with Buck before this season, team was 13-3 with him finishing a game.  He was a winner.  And when they lost it wasnt because he crapped the bed, its because they're a bad team.


This might provide some consistency but we still have a bad O line, bad OC, bad DB's, lack of maturity and leadership, a rookie head coach, a rookie CEO and a GM that knows he's gone by the end of the season if not next week.




If anything, it's the other way around.

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I find this very interesting.


If he knew about the decision ... why didn't he understand what the role was? Is he clueless? Does he not understand the duties of a veteran third-string quarterback?


He clearly wasn't told that he;d be a Player-Coach and working with Crowton to develop the other QB's.  So why wasn't that explained to him?  Sounds to me like a cop out to soften the blow in the media.  If the Bombers were serious about Buck transitioning to a coach role, they would have told him, fully explained and encouraged his feedback.


So who told Buck about the demotion and who told Burke about the player-coach role?  Because it cant be that Burke told Buck and didnt tell him about the coaching aspect or why would he say that today?  Did Joe Mack sit Buck down and then relay the conversation to Burke and exaggerte what happened?  If he did, he hung his Head Coach out to dry.  If Burke and Buck sat down to have that conversation, one of them is an idiot, either maliciously or through plain old stupidity.

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Mr. Perfect, the Bombers have given Buck every chance to be the long term starter. Too many injuries. Like I said before, how could he not see this coming? Only he didn't see the writing on the wall, it seems which tells me he's out of touch with reality. His comments about being upset didn't help. No one says he is now a cancer. But he should keep his true feelings out of the media out of respect to the Bombers & the loyalty shown to him by the team since he first arrived here.

But what do people expect him to say, it feels great to be demoted? How do you think it feels? He's said that he wants the team to win, and will help the team win in his current capacity. What more do people want? That's all you can ask of someone that's just been asked to take a seat. Just because he says that he was not approached about helping mentor Goltz and Hall, doesn't mean he won't do it, and he never says that he won't do it either. He's a competitor just like the other 41 guys who lace up every game, and I guarantee you if you were to take any starter and bench them, and ask how they feel, they wouldn't be singing sunshine and rainbows. They are competitive, professional athletes.

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What was that stat with Buck before this season, team was 13-3 with him finishing a game.  He was a winner.  And when they lost it wasnt because he crapped the bed, its because they're a bad team.


When you finish slightly more games than you start... that statistic loses its significance.  What's the Bombers' record in games he starts? 


3+ years is plenty of sample size to start measuring Buck's success on basis of his entire body of work; rather than just the games he finishes.  That's like measuring a boxer's success in matches that he doesn't get KO'd in. 

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Holy Negatron... you dug deep and found something to ***** about with this news. 


I really wouldn't care if we have to pay Buck MORE to be a 3rd stringer/QB coach.  This is a landmark day for the Bombers... the day we unhitched our wagon from Buck, and looked to trying to find a starting QB that can help us be successful.  Heck, I wouldn't care if we paid him like he started.  Addition by subtraction...


C'mon man, the move itself is way overdue I agree with that but everyone has also been screaming about the need for a QB coach/assistant OC of some sort too, and this is their solution, instead of just hiring one to begin with....

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But what do people expect him to say, it feels great to be demoted? How do you think it feels? He's said that he wants the team to win, and will help the team win in his current capacity. What more do people want? That's all you can ask of someone that's just been asked to take a seat. Just because he says that he was not approached about helping mentor Goltz and Hall, doesn't mean he won't do it, and he never says that he won't do it either. He's a competitor just like the other 41 guys who lace up every game, and I guarantee you if you were to take any starter and bench them, and ask how they feel, they wouldn't be singing sunshine and rainbows. They are competitive, professional athletes.

You know, lots of players have to hang their helmets up before they're ready. Not may pro athletes walk away under on own terms. I was lucky enough to get to know Khari Jones when he lived here in Calgary. I can tell you he was so upset about having to retire because of his shoulder injury that he deliberately stayed away from football for 3 years until he felt he was ready to start a career as a coach. He needed to get the notion of still wanting to be a player totally out of his head before he could start a coaching career, he told me.  Buck is constantly hurt. He can't finish one game, let alone a season. The Bombers more than held up their end of the bargain for Buck. He can think what he wants but if he is to still be a part of the team then he has to STHU & get on with it or leave & come to terms that his playing days are essentially over. That simple. Maybe Buck needs to do what KJ did, leave the team, step back completely out of football for a time come to terms with things.

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But what do people expect him to say, it feels great to be demoted? How do you think it feels? He's said that he wants the team to win, and will help the team win in his current capacity. What more do people want? That's all you can ask of someone that's just been asked to take a seat. Just because he says that he was not approached about helping mentor Goltz and Hall, doesn't mean he won't do it, and he never says that he won't do it either. He's a competitor just like the other 41 guys who lace up every game, and I guarantee you if you were to take any starter and bench them, and ask how they feel, they wouldn't be singing sunshine and rainbows. They are competitive, professional athletes.


But the stance he's taking on it is just not professional.


I don't expect him to be happy.


I do expect him to take it like a professional, not like an entitled brat who doesn't realize he doesn't have it anymore.

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You know, lots of players have to hang their helmets up before they're ready. Not may pro athletes walk away under their own terms. Buck is constantly hurt. He can't finish one game, let alone a season. The Bombers more than held up their end of the bargain. He can think what he wants but if he is to still be a part of the team then he has to STHU & get on with it or leave. That simple.

Fair enough, maybe his time has come, that's not what I'm arguing. My point is this, and it's a simple one: Anyone expecting a different answer from an athlete on how it feels to be demoted, or taken out of a starters role, is simply kidding themselves. To criticize him for having the same answer that any other athlete would is beyond stupid.

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But the stance he's taking on it is just not professional.


I don't expect him to be happy.


I do expect him to take it like a professional, not like an entitled brat who doesn't realize he doesn't have it anymore.

How is he not being professional? Did he say he won't mentor Goltz or Hall? No. He just said he wasn't informed of that he would be mentoring them when it was brought up by reporters. Not a difficult concept to understand. He said quite clearly in the quote I provided that he wants the team to win, and help the guys along.


Once again....


"It’s my job to stay positive with the guys and help and I’ve always done that in my career and I’ve always been positive in adverse situations. It doesn’t mean that I agree with the decision, because I don’t. But I want this team to win and I want to help these guys along."

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Mr. Perfect, the Bombers have given Buck every chance to be the long term starter. Too many injuries. Like I said before, how could he not see this coming? Only he didn't see the writing on the wall, it seems which tells me he's out of touch with reality. His comments about being upset didn't help. No one says he is now a cancer. But he should keep his true feelings out of the media out of respect to the Bombers & the loyalty shown to him by the team since he first arrived here.

he's a professional athlete, those guys always have the ego going thinking they can play. Very few of them leave on their own terms, most of them need it pointed out to them that they're done and even then they don't accept it. 

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How is he not being professional? Did he say he won't mentor Goltz or Hall? No. He just said he wasn't informed of that he would be mentoring them when it was brought up by reporters. Not a difficult concept to understand. He said quite clearly in the quote I provided that he wants the team to win, and help the guys along.


Once again....


"It’s my job to stay positive with the guys and help and I’ve always done that in my career and I’ve always been positive in adverse situations. It doesn’t mean that I agree with the decision, because I don’t. But I want this team to win and I want to help these guys along."


That part is professional.


"I’m not happy about it at all," said Pierce today after practice. "I don’t feel in my opinion it’s the right move. I feel that I can contribute and, obviously, they don’t feel the same.


This part is not. Neither was the quote I can't track down right now where he said last week that he "disagreed" with them not playing him vs. Calgary.

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What Buck should have done was keep his feelings to himself with the media, play the good soldier as he is still being paid by the Bombers as an employee & say he'll do whatever he can to help them win. Then, in private... storm into Burke's office demanding an explanation. And if the answer isn't what he liked... retire. Or get in line, do the job asked of him & forever be quiet. Like I said, this team has more than proven their loyalty to Buck. Other teams (like BC) would have sent him packing a year ago.

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What Buck doesn't realize right now because his judgement is clouded. In 20 years time, this may be the best thing that happened to him. Someday he may become a successful head coach somewhere. It could even be in Winnipeg. One door closes & another opens. He's being given a chance to start a football coaching career. In the CFL. Not high school in the States somewhere but in the CFL. Hopefully he embraces it.

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I had the chance to met Buck in 2010 when I won one of the locker room draws to pick up season tickets. Buck was a friendly, classy guy. Always liked him as a person since he's been there and liked him as a QB till it was clear his body had betrayed him. However his comments in this situation bother me and take some of my respect for him away.

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Agree with Mike. If I was Goltz I would be little pissed about that statement. You don't throw a teammate under the bus like that.




Like it or not, Pierce is basically telling people he thinks he is better than Goltz.

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But the stance he's taking on it is just not professional.


I don't expect him to be happy.


I do expect him to take it like a professional, not like an entitled brat who doesn't realize he doesn't have it anymore.


Like it or not, he is still a Bomber.  If he wasn't employed by the team, for sure go spout off whatever you want to the media.


The team pays you to be here, so shut your mouth until they aren't paying anymore.

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What was that stat with Buck before this season, team was 13-3 with him finishing a game.  He was a winner.  And when they lost it wasnt because he crapped the bed, its because they're a bad team.



that stat was bullshit to begin with because there were lots of games PIerce was playing like complete crap in and had the team in a losing position but then got hurt and didn't finish the game. It's not so much a when he played he was always good more of a when he played bad he also wound up getting hurt. PIerce has been a brutal qb for over a year now, probably closer to 2 years than anyone wants to admit. This move was a long time coming. 

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Agree with Mike. If I was Goltz I would be little pissed about that statement. You don't throw a teammate under the bus like that.

What's Goltz gonna do? Pick a fight with him? Buck said it, so what? Should be water off a duck's back if that's the worst thing anyone ever says about Goltz. But yeah, he should have kept his mouth shut.

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that stat was bullshit to begin with because there were lots of games PIerce was playing like complete crap in and had the team in a losing position but then got hurt and didn't finish the game. It's not so much a when he played he was always good more of a when he played bad he also wound up getting hurt. PIerce has been a brutal qb for over a year now, probably closer to 2 years than anyone wants to admit. This move was a long time coming. 


agreed. There were plenty of games that Buck got hurt in where you could have easily justified pulling him for not performing.

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What's Goltz gonna do? Pick a fight with him? Buck said it, so what? Should be water off a duck's back if that's the worst thing anyone ever says about Goltz.


I don't expect Goltz to do anything.


But he shouldn't have to. Buck should be a better teammate.


I'll be honest though ... the locker room is tired of this sideshow. The team as a whole has been ready to move on for a while.

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that stat was bullshit to begin with because there were lots of games PIerce was playing like complete crap in and had the team in a losing position but then got hurt and didn't finish the game. It's not so much a when he played he was always good more of a when he played bad he also wound up getting hurt. PIerce has been a brutal qb for over a year now, probably closer to 2 years than anyone wants to admit. This move was a long time coming.

Hell, we only won a few of those games because the defense put points on the board .. It's not all Pierce and his magical ability to finish a game.

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