USABomberfan Posted July 12, 2014 Report Posted July 12, 2014 I say yes, and I say that because of this. Now I was happy amidst all of the penalties that the bombers came out on top, who wouldn't be. But these officials have gotta be held accountable for that inexcusable and excessive drag they put on that game with ridiculous flags, half of which had no legitimacy to them. I mean, some games I know the players out there will commit more penalties than others, but I have never in all my time of watching the CFL, seen a game where you could just about color the whole field red with how many times that flag was dropped, and I have come to hate those kind of games where you nearly come to anticipate a flag on almost every play, and last night became one of them. I am personally blaming the officials and Mark Cohon for this, and Chris Schultz was right for calling out this game for going too slow paced. I've come to expect football games to be right about 3 hours long, give or take a serious situation such as an injury or an act of God on the stadium, last night's game, those idiot referees took that 20 second play clock and stretched it into 3 minutes between plays about. That should never happen in football. I say solve that problem with one of two ways. First, put a limit on how many flags the officials collectively are allowed to throw. If they exceed that, the whole crew gets slapped with a million dollar fine for obstructing the game progress. That way they learn to only call blatant penalties, and cannot call tacky ones. Or second, if it happens again, have the league commission review all the penalties in the game, and start fining them individually for every tacky call they make, so that way they get a message sent that these so-called roughing penalties that happen are not to be flagged and players are not to be punished for tough hits they make. NFL fans have been seeing this happen in their league and getting upset at flags and fines on players for doing this, and I think the CFL needs to make sure they don't go that route either. And finally, get rid of that stupid pass interference challenge rule, it does nothing to make sure the call gets right, it's a disgrace to football, makes for lazy or disgruntled officials, and ruins the pace of the game. ****** sick of it already.
gbill2004 Posted July 12, 2014 Report Posted July 12, 2014 I'm sure Glenn Johnson, head of officiating will discuss with his staff and it will improve. No need for any drastic changes.
Rich Posted July 12, 2014 Report Posted July 12, 2014 Absolutely no to both. What happens when the cap is hit, it is open season on all players to do whatever they want? Thats ridiculous. If players can't play a clean game, they deserve the penalty. They shouldn't be fined either. Reffing is one of the toughest and thankless jobs out there. Their performance should definitely be measured, assessed and graded. And if they are found wanting, then demoted / fired. And that should be done behind the scenes and not made public. HardCoreBlue, Mr Dee, AtlanticRiderFan and 3 others 6
USABomberfan Posted July 12, 2014 Author Report Posted July 12, 2014 gbill2004, on 12 Jul 2014 - 7:14 PM, said:I'm sure Glenn Johnson, head of officiating will discuss with his staff and it will improve. No need for any drastic changes. No I say these refs need to be sent a message that the fans are there to watch the game, not watch the refs litter red on the field and run their ****** mouths almost the whole time. That's money wasted on their part, and these refs need to learn they are not above the law. In the words of Kavis Reed, "There Must Be Consequences".
JuranBoldenRules Posted July 12, 2014 Report Posted July 12, 2014 Million dollar fine Thought you were serious till that part.
gbill2004 Posted July 12, 2014 Report Posted July 12, 2014 gbill2004, on 12 Jul 2014 - 7:14 PM, said: I'm sure Glenn Johnson, head of officiating will discuss with his staff and it will improve. No need for any drastic changes. No I say these refs need to be sent a message that the fans are there to watch the game, not watch the refs litter red on the field and run their ****** mouths almost the whole time. That's money wasted on their part, and these refs need to learn they are not above the law. In the words of Kavis Reed, "There Must Be Consequences". We'll agree to disagree then. Your proposals are way over the top. Johnson will discuss with the refs, the players will clean things up and this will be a non-issue in a week or two.
Fraser Posted July 12, 2014 Report Posted July 12, 2014 Imagine what would happen once they hit the cap. AtlanticRiderFan 1
17to85 Posted July 12, 2014 Report Posted July 12, 2014 AtlanticRiderFan, bigg jay, raklar and 1 other 4
Floyd Posted July 12, 2014 Report Posted July 12, 2014 CFL might want to invest in some decent mics for the refs...
Bomber Diehard Posted July 12, 2014 Report Posted July 12, 2014 Far-Far too many flags, please don't ruin a great game.
Mr Dee Posted July 13, 2014 Report Posted July 13, 2014 …..Throwing the flag on that idea. And like gbill2004 says, it's early and things will be talked over and they will settle down. And like Rich says, reffing is a thankless, poorly paid job. They need to do their best but they still have to do their job. There's not a coach in the league that wants to see so many infractions and I certainly wouldn't want to be the guy who has to explain to Mr. O'Shea why I took needless penalties.
JuranBoldenRules Posted July 13, 2014 Report Posted July 13, 2014 …..Throwing the flag on that idea. And like gbill2004 says, it's early and things will be talked over and they will settle down. And like Rich says, reffing is a thankless, poorly paid job. They need to do their best but they still have to do their job. There's not a coach in the league that wants to see so many infractions and I certainly wouldn't want to be the guy who has to explain to Mr. O'Shea why I took needless penalties. And they have a hard time already attracting anyone to do it, I'm sure a million dollar fine would help recruiting.
blueingreenland Posted July 13, 2014 Report Posted July 13, 2014 I've got a solution for the CFL in regards to protecting the Quarterback. How about we put Velcro flags on the QB's and when the defense gets to the QB instead of tackling they could just pull their flag? On second thought the defensive player might actually bump the QB in his attempt to get to the flag and we wouldn't want that, after all we do have to protect our QB's!!
USABomberfan Posted July 13, 2014 Author Report Posted July 13, 2014 blueingreenland, on 12 Jul 2014 - 8:31 PM, said:I've got a solution for the CFL in regards to protecting the Quarterback. How about we put Velcro flags on the QB's and when the defense gets to the QB instead of tackling they could just pull their flag? On second thought the defensive player might actually bump the QB in his attempt to get to the flag and we wouldn't want that, after all we do have to protect our QB's!! Pretty much the feeling I had for that one guy who got tagged for sacking Reilly last night. I mean, jeezes what the hell was he supposed to do? He catches a hold of his jersey, from the bottom side I might add. The official who threw the flag on that one oughtta be fined and told he doesn't work for that lunatic Roger Goodell down south.
kelownabomberfan Posted July 13, 2014 Report Posted July 13, 2014 I liked how Bryant Turner just pushed Troy Smith down last night with one hand. That was funny. And about the only legal way to do it these days. SPuDS and robynjt 2
road griller Posted July 13, 2014 Report Posted July 13, 2014 I would just like a crew that did not suck. Looks like we are both out of luck.
GCJenks Posted July 13, 2014 Report Posted July 13, 2014 The refs don't create the penalties the players do. They have the hardest job on the field and are the lowest paid ones out there. Anyone hear how the Ump that got taken out last night is doing? Would really suck to not be able to work at your real job Monday after getting hurt doing your part time job. You want better refs? Find the money so these guys can train and do this full time not part time.
gbill2004 Posted July 13, 2014 Report Posted July 13, 2014 How much does a CFL ref get paid per game?
Mr Dee Posted July 13, 2014 Report Posted July 13, 2014 The refs don't create the penalties the players do. They have the hardest job on the field and are the lowest paid ones out there. Anyone hear how the Ump that got taken out last night is doing? Would really suck to not be able to work at your real job Monday after getting hurt doing your part time job. You want better refs? Find the money so these guys can train and do this full time not part time. I took your comment for video review and after a full and careful two minute reading, I heartily agree with you. It did take two minutes because there were words and stuff, but my decision stands, and…it cannot be challenged.
road griller Posted July 13, 2014 Report Posted July 13, 2014 How much does a CFL ref get paid per game? Not sure , judging by their performance I would say they were volunteers. At least I hope so.
bigg jay Posted July 13, 2014 Report Posted July 13, 2014 A few years ago officials made between $550-850 per game. Bud Steen said the most he ever made in a season was 15k.
USABomberfan Posted July 13, 2014 Author Report Posted July 13, 2014 I don't care how much these clowns are paid, someone needs to tell them this isn't the ****** lingerie football league. Those flags defenders get thrown at them for hitting a QB, any QB, are unacceptable and don't belong here. You'd think Cohon was stuffin extra bonuses in their pockets for every late hit on the QB call they make. I have never in all my years of watching the CFL seen a weekend of phantom roughing the passer calls as bad as I've seen this. I can only imagine Buck Pierce must be wondering why Jamal Johnson, Craig Butler. or Brandon Isaac didn't get these back in the day.
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