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So, let me get this straight, the coach just suffered his 5th loss in 6 games and his priority is to 'get to the bottom' of a tweet????


No wonder the ship is sinking.

Nailed it. How can we win when this fool spends 20 seconds on the post game show not taking about watching the film?


The tweet was in the first post of this thread:


"O'Shea puts blame on Hajrullahu on blocked punt. Tell him he has to get rid of it quickly on low snap."


He was mad because a reporter was putting words in his mouth and presumingly something he didn't do and he wouldn't do publicly.


And it wasn't his biggest complaint of the game.  It was what he said on air in the post game show.  He can't complain about the officiating, he won't throw his players under the bus.  So he complained about a reporter from CJOB putting words in his mouth.


I'm pretty sure this is the least of his worries behind closed doors....


An emotional and pissed off Mike O'Shea after a tough loss.....correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this the exact reason we hired him? Can't wait to see the week of practice our guys are going to have. I guarantee that MOS will leave his fingerprint on our preparation this week. This is a good thing people. I've been waiting a few weeks for this.


Watched some of Greenbay v. Chicago today.  


Officiating in that game anyway, is at least as bad as ours, and fan forum (vikings) is full of comments about it ruining the games, and driving people away from football.


Some of the NFL refs are just as bad as ours. I've watched some NFL games this year. slow, many flags, many bad calls, and boredom.



I've noticed some people on morningbigblue who have been, from the start, criticizing O'Shea.  Maybe  they have some personal agenda against the guy. Otherwise, hard to understand.



re O'Shea intensity, Don't know him except to watch as a player, but I'd be surprised if he wasn't extremely intense and driven to win. I think he'll get there for the bombers, but going to take more than 


one season. Nobody really thought it could be done that fast did they?



We were a play or two, some bad bounces, and a few bad calls away from winning at least half of the last games in our losing streak. 


After each of those losses, Osh's reply to press has always been, we need to do a better job coaching/teaching the players not to make those mistakes. Going on 8 weeks now, the media has the right to ask how long is this going to take to sink in.


After each of those losses, Osh's reply to press has always been, we need to do a better job coaching/teaching the players not to make those mistakes. Going on 8 weeks now, the media has the right to ask how long is this going to take to sink in.


But thats not what they asked or said that pissed him off, seriously dude,, the cjob reporter on the sidelines keith mccullough or whatever his name is tweeted something he thought o'shea said when o'shea actually didn't say it... Wouldn't that piss you off too? If not then you haven't been paying much attention to how O'shea operates. Wont throw players under the bus and the tweet the CJOB reporter sent out implied that Oshea threw Lirim under the bus when in fact he didn't. The tweet is gone now too so what does that tell you exactly? McCullough was dead wrong. Otherwise the tweet would still be there for all to see. Oshea spent 15 seconds talking about that tweet and hasn't since. Done and Done. 


And...then they want him to say he has a bad team?  Bad coaches?  Because then all they'll do is starting talking about how the Bombers are rebuilding again.


Team management that caves in to pressure from media and fans has been a chronic problem for about the past 10 years.  The Kevin Glenn release (with no real plan at QB) was a classic example.  Everyone made enough noise and management gave in.  It wasn't just Mike Kelly either; Brendan Taman made some rather telling comments shortly after the '08 season.  


And...then they want him to say he has a bad team? Bad coaches? Because then all they'll do is starting talking about how the Bombers are rebuilding again.

Team management that caves in to pressure from media and fans has been a chronic problem for about the past 10 years. The Kevin Glenn release (with no real plan at QB) was a classic example. Everyone made enough noise and management gave in. It wasn't just Mike Kelly either; Brendan Taman made some rather telling comments shortly after the '08 season.

Careful, your gonna rile up the pro-media fans here.. ;)


Those pro-media fans should go over to bluebombes.com and check out the o'shea post game press conference and try to decipher what most of those bumbling damn near drunk fools in the media are asking him. It's ridiculous, Lawless goes on and on and on, Friesen sounds like he's some creepy pervert all the time, wicek sounds clueless, Man I honestly don't know how O'shea and Maurice with the Jets for that matter deals with that crap, it's embarrassing to listen too as a fan actually. 


Double standard, he's offered the press next to nothing all year on the team and them get's upset when they interrupt something incorrectly. I like Osh and think he will be a good HC in the league but he may not last through the media storm if he keeps it up, they have chewed up and spit out better men than him in this town.


And...then they want him to say he has a bad team?  Bad coaches?  Because then all they'll do is starting talking about how the Bombers are rebuilding again.


Team management that caves in to pressure from media and fans has been a chronic problem for about the past 10 years.  The Kevin Glenn release (with no real plan at QB) was a classic example.  Everyone made enough noise and management gave in.  It wasn't just Mike Kelly either; Brendan Taman made some rather telling comments shortly after the '08 season.  


Very true but I just can't see Miller caving in to the pressure by the media.   :)  :)  :)



And...then they want him to say he has a bad team?  Bad coaches?  Because then all they'll do is starting talking about how the Bombers are rebuilding again.


Team management that caves in to pressure from media and fans has been a chronic problem for about the past 10 years.  The Kevin Glenn release (with no real plan at QB) was a classic example.  Everyone made enough noise and management gave in.  It wasn't just Mike Kelly either; Brendan Taman made some rather telling comments shortly after the '08 season.  


Very true but I just can't see Miller caving in to the pressure by the media.   :)  :)  :)



I tend to agree...but stranger things have happened.  This regime looks, feels, smells, and acts different...I hope that continues...


And...then they want him to say he has a bad team? Bad coaches? Because then all they'll do is starting talking about how the Bombers are rebuilding again.

Team management that caves in to pressure from media and fans has been a chronic problem for about the past 10 years. The Kevin Glenn release (with no real plan at QB) was a classic example. Everyone made enough noise and management gave in. It wasn't just Mike Kelly either; Brendan Taman made some rather telling comments shortly after the '08 season.

Very true but I just can't see Miller caving in to the pressure by the media. :):):)

I tend to agree...but stranger things have happened. This regime looks, feels, smells, and acts different...I hope that continues...

I think that O'shea dealing with toronto's media goombas and miller growing up professionally here gives them a distinct advantage when dealing with the assclowns that make up our local sports media.. I dont expect them to ever really bow down to their will to appease anyone..


And...then they want him to say he has a bad team? Bad coaches? Because then all they'll do is starting talking about how the Bombers are rebuilding again.

Team management that caves in to pressure from media and fans has been a chronic problem for about the past 10 years. The Kevin Glenn release (with no real plan at QB) was a classic example. Everyone made enough noise and management gave in. It wasn't just Mike Kelly either; Brendan Taman made some rather telling comments shortly after the '08 season.

Very true but I just can't see Miller caving in to the pressure by the media. :):):)

I think miller tells them where to go in a kind, politically correct manner as opposed to caving in lol


Double standard, he's offered the press next to nothing all year on the team and them get's upset when they interrupt something incorrectly. I like Osh and think he will be a good HC in the league but he may not last through the media storm if he keeps it up, they have chewed up and spit out better men than him in this town.

Honestly, not exactly sure what you are talking about here. Not exactly relevant to the original topic of a guy from CJOB tweeting o'shea saying something that he didn't actually say. 


Did you read the original post in this thread? Basically what happened was McCullough made something totally up and was called out on it. The guy completely made it up. Basically, McCullough went all national enquirer on twitter and instead of reporting the truth, made it up completely. 


Double standard, he's offered the press next to nothing all year on the team and them get's upset when they interrupt something incorrectly. I like Osh and think he will be a good HC in the league but he may not last through the media storm if he keeps it up, they have chewed up and spit out better men than him in this town.


So the press is oppressed?

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