Fraser Posted October 16, 2014 Report Posted October 16, 2014 Anyone but judy Blueandgold and The Unknown Poster 2
The Unknown Poster Posted October 16, 2014 Author Report Posted October 16, 2014 On 2014-10-15 at 9:42 PM, Goalie said: Went to vote at the advanced poles about an hour and a half ago, Bowman it is and judging by the chatter of most the people at the poles, i'd say bowman has a pretty good chance to take it. Not sure if people want Judy in there, Funny cuz this area is filled with NDP signs for city councilor but more bowman than judy mayor sign tho. I find that interesting, tons upon tons of ndp city councillor signs but way more bowman for mayor signs than Judy signs. Same houses too, you see a bowman sign and the NDP city councillor sign on the same yard. It's interesting. Think what it's saying to me is most people in this area want change. Bowman will be very hard-pressed to defeat Judy but he's got momentum right now. The polling means very little. I'd suspect the polls are probably a fairly good indication of the strength of the candidates but I wouldnt trust the actual numbers. If you remember last election it had Sammy and Judy neck and neck "too close to call" and Sammy trounced her. So its possible, if unlikely, that Bowman is closer to Judy than the polls indicate. On the other hand, Judy could steamroll to victory. I think the key thing will be if the right-of-judy voters come together behind Bowman. I've had a few friends say to me that they dont know who to vote for but dont want Judy. My reply is always well, if you believe that Bowman is in second place and you're strongly opposed to Judy, then you have to vote for Bowman. Steeves continues to strike as a guy who has no real political will. His platform seems designed to be opposite of the leaders. If Judy came out and said she was against BRT, Steeves would support it. He tweeted yesterday that his plan to sell of golf courses would create X amount of park space...though if he sells them, isnt it up to the new owners to decide? I just dont feel great about the idea to sell off assets especially as a means to finance infrastructure improvements and keep a tax freeze because you cant sell assets every year forever. Seems like a short term gain.
Goalie Posted October 16, 2014 Report Posted October 16, 2014 The key thing for Bowman is for the young people to actually go out and vote for him, if they do, bowman has a very good chance at winning. Bowman is quite popular with the students and these people, big time popular at RRC and even the Universities. If those people actually go out and vote, i could see bowman taking it. Judy is a 65 year old career politician, I don't think that's what most people want. I don't really care what anyone says but Judy has shown that she is a little out of touch with reality. If the young people actually vote, bowman will win easily.
Mark H. Posted October 17, 2014 Report Posted October 17, 2014 Bowman might win, but not easily. Name recognition and incumbency are #1 in Municipal politics. Judy is not an incumbent but she is very well known. She wouldn't get my vote, but I my prediction is she'll win.
The Unknown Poster Posted October 17, 2014 Author Report Posted October 17, 2014 Judy will win. She automatically gets the NDP vote and though they are not as popular, she makes up for it from the segment of the population that will vote for the name they recognize. But last election her popularity was overblown. We can only hope it still is. Good point about Bowman. A lot of times a person that appeals to young voters seems to have momentum...until election day and they dont vote. Hopefully that is not the case. Steeves has actually been pretty well treated by local media who seem to not make much of his repeated no-shows at forums (he missed another one last night). Bowman declined (or ignored) one interview request and has been terribly dogged on social media for it. Steeves rountinely misses forums and gets a pass. He's done well the past week as his campaign is more focused in attacking Bowman and Judy. But Steeves is the "Opposite Candidate". His image is simply the guy opposing whatever the frontrunners pledge. Empty suit candidate.
The Unknown Poster Posted October 20, 2014 Author Report Posted October 20, 2014 So the latest polling shows Bowman a smidge ahead of Judy and Steeves falling fast, now behind The Falcon. If Bowman upsets Judy, it will be one of the great political stories of our time in Winnipeg. I dont feel bad for Gord. He had the chance to bow out graciously a few weeks ago and couldnt read the tea leaves (or the polling).
The Unknown Poster Posted October 20, 2014 Author Report Posted October 20, 2014 Interesting debate on CJOB. Feedback seems to be that judy did herself no favours. She was evasive, defensive and badgered Bowman repeatedly. She did what she often does by talking in circles rather than answering a direct question to the extent that Cloutier even tried to pin her down to a yes/no answer about the PST. She refused, then claimed she answered the questioned and tried to badger Bowman to answer,. She said Bowman promised to cut the budget by 10% which she then had to admit was untrue and apologied. She accused Bowman of hiding his conservative support, specifically stating he was endorsed by Filmon and "met with Peter McKay". This was moments after Bowman himself said he was proud to have the support of the Filmon's and glad to meet with McKay. It sounded like she had a pre-determined shot to make about the conservative support but Bowman beat her to it so she simply stuck to the script and looked pretty stupid. Adler doing the hard push for Bowman now. Made a good point. Do you want a Mayor that works for Winnipeggers or a Mayor that works for the NDP? There will be many people who will be fine with her working for the NDP. But many who wont be. Another good point Adler made was how Bowman didnt hesitate when being asked who he'd vote for if he couldnt vote for himself. he said he'd vote for Falcon. Many Falcon supporters will be considering their options on Wednesday and might switch to Bowman. blitzmore 1
Brandon Posted October 20, 2014 Report Posted October 20, 2014 Judy is a moron and has done nothing to get anyone to win her vote. Aside from a sign and a pamphlet of the sign Steeves has really not reached out. I saw Bowman at Disraeli and main this morning with his crew and our house was invited to his conference call last night and I've seen quite a bit of Bowman on social media as of late. Falcon I also tip my cap to him, I got a proper pamphlet, a robocall, and also social media that pointed out exactly this his ideas were. Judy purely is hedging her bets by being NDP...
The Unknown Poster Posted October 20, 2014 Author Report Posted October 20, 2014 On 2014-10-20 at 6:27 PM, Brandon said: Judy is a moron and has done nothing to get anyone to win her vote. Aside from a sign and a pamphlet of the sign Steeves has really not reached out. I saw Bowman at Disraeli and main this morning with his crew and our house was invited to his conference call last night and I've seen quite a bit of Bowman on social media as of late. Falcon I also tip my cap to him, I got a proper pamphlet, a robocall, and also social media that pointed out exactly this his ideas were. Judy purely is hedging her bets by being NDP... Absolutely. She ran a very *ahem* conservative campaign. Hilarious presser today at her "North End home" (why does she always remind people she lives in the North End when her home is not what most people would think of when they think north end home?). She claims she's been running the entire campaign like she was two votes behind. Even if I didnt like Bowman, I'd be supporting him if for no other reason than to upset the NDP apple-cart. I still think she will win but no one can deny the #Bowmentum. Actually, many people were denying his momentum, saying Steeves had the momentum the last couple of weeks. But his fierce attacks were the last gasp of a desperate man. He was an empty suit from day one. Will the rise of the Falcon steal a few feel-good votes from Bowman though? Will this poll entrench Judy supporters? Will it cause some anti-Judy voters to switch to Bowman to put him over the top?
Brandon Posted October 20, 2014 Report Posted October 20, 2014 If anything the last few weeks Steeves has been grilled continually in both papers for being invisible and doing nothing. I'm pretty sure the Steeves votes are going to straight to Bowman.
Goalie Posted October 20, 2014 Report Posted October 20, 2014 It's gonna be close. That's for sure. But i truly do feel Bowman will pull it off. Honestly, i don't talk to lots of people, but the people i do talk too and they range anywhere from 18 to even 65 or older (uncles aunts, co workers etc) , They all can't stand judy and the funny thing about it is, most these people are very pro NDP but anti Judy. That's why i mentioned all the NDP councilor signs and the Bowman signs in the same yard. It's interesting, never seen that before round these parts.. Ton upon tons of NDP councilor signs but in the same yards, Bowman for mayor signs. It's shocking to see actually. Turns out people may end up voting for the best person and not the party, i hope they do. Like i said, Voted bowman and voted the NDP councilor. Why? because i actually agree with both of them, fresh new ideas instead of the same old. I'm starting to truly believe that most people are seeing it this way too. Just cuz you vote for the NDP councilor, don't mean you need to vote for Judy. Honestly, in these elections, i wish more people would actually vote for the person they actually agree with and not the party they represent. What party they represent to me is irrelevant, i could honestly care less and it seems like lots of people are thinking the same right now. Hey you know what, i can agree with bowman and i can also agree with the NDP councilor, i can vote for both. Judy is so out of touch, nothing against older people, but a 65 year old should not be mayor. It's just not cool. I don't care that JUdy represents the NDP, i don't care that Bowman is sort of conservative, it's irrelevant, I voted for the people i agreed with more. Gonna say this, if this was a provincial election, i think i would have voted NDP or Independent because as much as i really don't like Sellinger,Pallister is every bit of a goof as sellinger is, if not more. Honestly, the way i look at it, if these people weren't affiliated with a party, who would i vote for... I think most people should think that way. Just cuz you vote for the NDP, don't mean you should vote for Judy, you need to vote for the person you feel is best for the city of winnipeg. I hope people see it that way. Vote for the person you feel is best for the city. Don't vote for the party they represent, vote for the person they are.
The Unknown Poster Posted October 20, 2014 Author Report Posted October 20, 2014 On 2014-10-20 at 8:01 PM, Brandon said: If anything the last few weeks Steeves has been grilled continually in both papers for being invisible and doing nothing. I'm pretty sure the Steeves votes are going to straight to Bowman. Steeves supporters have been going on about how he generated the momentum and won the debates the past two weeks. I didnt see it though. It could certainly be an "Anyone But Judy" wave that is switching support. Who knows how decisive those votes would be. Steeves released a statement a few minutes ago calling into question the poll and basically calling the media organizations into question. Desperate move. And pretty pathetic.
Goalie Posted October 20, 2014 Report Posted October 20, 2014 Steeves is irrelevant and just a huge joke, the fact that he has no platform at all, what is his platform exactly? Does anybody know cuz it seems to me his platform is, NO to everything. No to Growth, no to progress, Steeves i don't think was ever a realistic option. He is irrelevant. He just doesn't get it. Never has and never will. The nice thing about this, steeves will be gone in a couple days never to be heard from again. He has truly killed his political career.
The Unknown Poster Posted October 20, 2014 Author Report Posted October 20, 2014 On 2014-10-20 at 8:18 PM, Goalie said: It's gonna be close. That's for sure. But i truly do feel Bowman will pull it off. Honestly, i don't talk to lots of people, but the people i do talk too and they range anywhere from 18 to even 65 or older (uncles aunts, co workers etc) , They all can't stand judy and the funny thing about it is, most these people are very pro NDP but anti Judy. That's why i mentioned all the NDP councilor signs and the Bowman signs in the same yard. It's interesting, never seen that before round these parts.. Ton upon tons of NDP councilor signs but in the same yards, Bowman for mayor signs. It's shocking to see actually. Turns out people may end up voting for the best person and not the party, i hope they do. Like i said, Voted bowman and voted the NDP councilor. Why? because i actually agree with both of them, fresh new ideas instead of the same old. I'm starting to truly believe that most people are seeing it this way too. Just cuz you vote for the NDP councilor, don't mean you need to vote for Judy. Honestly, in these elections, i wish more people would actually vote for the person they actually agree with and not the party they represent. What party they represent to me is irrelevant, i could honestly care less and it seems like lots of people are thinking the same right now. Hey you know what, i can agree with bowman and i can also agree with the NDP councilor, i can vote for both. Judy is so out of touch, nothing against older people, but a 65 year old should not be mayor. It's just not cool. I don't care that JUdy represents the NDP, i don't care that Bowman is sort of conservative, it's irrelevant, I voted for the people i agreed with more. Gonna say this, if this was a provincial election, i think i would have voted NDP or Independent because as much as i really don't like Sellinger,Pallister is every bit of a goof as sellinger is, if not more. Honestly, the way i look at it, if these people weren't affiliated with a party, who would i vote for... I think most people should think that way. Just cuz you vote for the NDP, don't mean you should vote for Judy, you need to vote for the person you feel is best for the city of winnipeg. I hope people see it that way. Vote for the person you feel is best for the city. Don't vote for the party they represent, vote for the person they are. You make very valid points. Brian and judy are alike on some issues too. The Sun calling Brian more leftists than Judy is absurd though but whatever. Personally, I've voted NDP, Liberal and Conservative in my life. Generally my political leanings have shifted as I've gotten older and I identify with a party in a general sense. But I remember being a Manitoba PC supporter at the same time I voted for Cretien's Liberals. I didnt mind Doer's NDP as much as Selinger's for sure. People *do* get very defensive and personal about their choices. I understand that but I wouldnt call anyone an "idiot" for supporting the NDP. We just have different opinion. I might not understand why anyone would support Selinger or Trudeau but Im sure there are plenty of smart people that do. I wasnt sold on anyone initially. This has been a crazy campaign. Before the campaign began, i likes Paula, then I was intrigued with Bowman but certainly not sold. i like The Falcon. But ultimately it comes down to this. I dont like everything about Bowman but I dont like anything about Judy. Oh and if this election if a referendum on BRT as Steeves tried to make it, I think the people have spoken.
The Unknown Poster Posted October 20, 2014 Author Report Posted October 20, 2014 On 2014-10-20 at 8:32 PM, Goalie said: Steeves is irrelevant and just a huge joke, the fact that he has no platform at all, what is his platform exactly? Does anybody know cuz it seems to me his platform is, NO to everything. No to Growth, no to progress, Steeves i don't think was ever a realistic option. He is irrelevant. He just doesn't get it. Never has and never will. The nice thing about this, steeves will be gone in a couple days never to be heard from again. He has truly killed his political career. I think his platform was the opposite of what Judy and Brian had for platforms. He seemed very disjointed, flip flopping on BRT. I think he saw Judy and Bowman both supporting BRT and he had an "aha" moment - make this election all about BRT, let Bowman and Judy splt the pro-BRT vote and he'd cash in. Wrong again Cecil. His response to HoboGate was awful. His presser was a joke and disrespectful to the media present and the people who were watching and willing to hear his explanation. Had he bowed out gracefully a month ago, he'd be primed to fight another day. He's killed his political career.
Mark H. Posted October 20, 2014 Report Posted October 20, 2014 If I've learned anything about elections the last few years, it's that talk radio hype and debate means very little. Guys like Charles Adler are usually preaching to the choir. Do you really think anyone who listens to Chuck Adler ever had any intention of voting for Judy W in the first place?
Brandon Posted October 20, 2014 Report Posted October 20, 2014 I just don't see Steeves fans anywhere... my work is nearly all pro Bowman with a few older guys Pro Sanders... just driving around I have only seen a handful of Steeves supporting signs. Plenty more for Bowman and Judy (near Elmwood). And on my Facebook it's nearly 100% Bowman stuff....
Mark H. Posted October 20, 2014 Report Posted October 20, 2014 Sign don't mean a whole lot. In one federal election out here in the Interlake, you would've thought Ed Schreyer would win for the NDP based on signs and hype. The election wasn't even close.
The Unknown Poster Posted October 21, 2014 Author Report Posted October 21, 2014 The polls were way out last election. And this latest poll is a shocking turn of events. So you never know. The fact the pollster was even surprised and did another round of polling to confirm their results is interesting. My concern would be that Bowman has a lot of 'brand value' right now but will that translate into people on the street voting? I dont know... I think Judy supporters are Judy supporters. Period. When right-of-Judy voters get into the booth, will they all be drawn to Bowman? Im not so sure. The other thing to consider is the huge number of undecided. That's the game-changer. So far I'd say the undecided will likely swing towards Bowman as Judy hasnt done anything to help her cause this week, though it's only Tuesday. She was trounced on CJOB.
Atomic Posted October 21, 2014 Report Posted October 21, 2014 I'm having trouble understanding why Bowman is any better than Judy. He is making even more outlandish promises and the municipal sales tax?!? No thanks...
Jpan85 Posted October 21, 2014 Report Posted October 21, 2014 Based on everything I have read the best candidate is Falcon but not likely to win.
Goalie Posted October 21, 2014 Report Posted October 21, 2014 the reality is if people want roads to be fixed, you need to pay for them and the way to pay for them is through tax money. If you don't want to pay taxes to fix things, things will never be fixed.
RagingIce Posted October 21, 2014 Report Posted October 21, 2014 On 2014-10-21 at 10:17 PM, Jpan85 said: Based on everything I have read the best candidate is Falcon but not likely to win. This is my PoV as well, but I can't really vote for him if it means a Bowman win. Bowman's business connections have me leery of a second coming of Katz.
FrostyWinnipeg Posted October 22, 2014 Report Posted October 22, 2014 Several good candidates this time around. No Ron Pollock! If you believe the last poll(which i found a lil strange) the undecided will decide this. I'll be working way out west side of the city this time. Should be a decent October day to get out n vote.
The Unknown Poster Posted October 22, 2014 Author Report Posted October 22, 2014 I find it amusing when people question Bowman's business connections or his conservative support. Judy is a covered in selingers pocket lint. A strong and positive business community is a good thing. I think generally people are okay paying taxes of they feel they get a return on their investment. I don't believe anything about Judy or the NDP indicate they'd be fiscally responsible with our money. There has always been a desire to believe a good businessman who manage city finances better. We wanted Sammy to be that guy but quite frankly the stench of back room deals and corruption permeate him. You can say bowman is same old but that's a pessimistic view. He could be the right guy. I'd vote for bowman for two reasons. 1) I believe in his vision and I trust him. 2) I don't want Judy to win and bowman is the only alternative.
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